Attachment STA Request

This document pretains to ITC-STA-20100402-00147 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

                                                     Newsr Nes Nnsr! Soaet Somet! Soust Suue! Suur! Suvs! Sugd!
Aries Network, Inc.                                                                                               WC Docket No.

Application for Consent to a Transfer                                                                             IB File No.
of Control of a Company Holding an
International Authorization and Blanket
Domestic Authorization Pursuant
to Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as Amended


        NobelTel, LLC ("NobelTel") {[FRN: 0008—7609—28) and Aries Network, Inc.

("Aries") (FRN: 0008—7410—27) hereby request special temporary authority (an "STA"),

pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.

§214 (the "Act‘), to transfer ownership and control of Aries from its current owner,

Kulait Khalaf ("Ms. Khalaf), to NobelTel as a result of the sale of all of the capital stock

in Aries to NobelTel (Aries, NobelTel, and Ms. Khalaf, collectively the "Parties").

Concurrent with the submission of this STA Request, NobelTel and Aries are filing an |

application for permanent authority to transfer control of Aries to NobelTel

("Application"). A copy of the Application is provided in Attachment 1. Because the

Parties will close on the sale of Aries to NobelTel on or about April 5, NobeltTel and

Aries respectfully request that this STA Request be granted immediately.

        As discussed in the Application, NobelTel, a Delaware limited liability company,

is a nondominant carrier that provides intrastate interexchange, interstéte, and

international telecommunications services, including prepaid and postpaid card services,


on a resale basis to residential and business end users in the U.S., and distributes prepaid

calling cards on a wholesate basis in the U.S. and other countries. Currently, Richard

Mahfouz ("Mr. Mahfouz"), a U.S. citizen, holds 100 percent of the stock of NobelTel‘s

parent company and thus, indirectly, 100 percent of NobelTel. Aries, a Nevada

corporation, is a nondominant carrier that provides local, long distance, international,

voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), pre—paid calling card, and post—paid calling card

services to residential and small business customers in California, as well as wholesale

services to other telecommunications and information service providers nationwide. At

this time, Aries is wholly owned by Ms. Khalaf, a U.S. citizen. Pursuant to a Stock

Purchase Agreement dated March 31, 2010 by and among Aries, NobelTel, and Ms.

Khalaf, NobelTel will acquire 100 percent of the capital stock of Aries on or about April

5, 2010.

         Grant of this STA Request will serve the public interest. The Parties only

recently came to agreement on this transaction. Upon reaching agreement, the Parties

moved quickly to prepare and file the necessary transfer of control applications.

However, because of concerns about the preservation of assets and the continued

availability of suitable financing, the Parties have determine that it is necessary to close

in advance of receipt of regulatory approvals. NobelTel and Aries note that the

transaction will be generally transparent to customers, as Aries will continue to provide to

its customers the same services at the same rates, terms and conditions pursuant to

existing authorizations, tariffs, contracts, and published rates and charges. Furthermore,

the transaction serves the public interest, as it significantly strengthen the ability of the

DCOV/GRIFK/411312.1                            2

combined organizations to compete effectively in the telecommunications and

information services market.

        NobelTel and Aries acknowledge that grant of this STA Request will not

prejudice any action the Commussion may take on therApplication and that, once granted,

the STA may be revoked on the Commission‘s own notice, without hearing. NobelTel

and Aries further acknowledge that grant of an STA and the Application will not preclude

enforcement action.

DCOV/GRIFJA11312.1                         3

        For these reasons, NobelTel and Aries ask that the Commission grant this STA

Request as quickly as possible.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                        NobelFel, LLC

Joan M. Griffin                        Rlchard  L. Mahfouz
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP               President
3050 K Street NW, Suite 400            5857 Owens Avenue, Su1te 202
Washington, D.C. 20007             —   Carlsbad, California 92008
Tel: (202) 342—8573                    Tel: (760) 405—0105
Fax: (202) 342—8451                    Fax: {760) 930—2592

Its Attorney

                                        Aries Network, Inc.

                                        Samir Khalaf
                                        2101 Empire Avenue
                                        Second Floor
                                        Burbank, CA 91504
                                        Tel: (800) 244—9669

Date: April _/, 2010


             For these reasons, NobelTel and Aries ask that the Commission grant this STA

     Request as quickly as possible.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                             NobeITél, LLC

     Toan M. Griffin                         Richard L. Makhfouz
     Kelley Dryé & Warren LLP                President
I    3050 K Street NW, Suite 400             5857 Owens Avenue, Suite 202
     "Washington, D.C, 20007                 Carlsbad, California 92008
     Tel: (202) 342—8573 _                  Tel: (760) 405—0105
     Fax (202) 342—8451                     Fax: (760) 930—2592

     Its Attorney

                                            Afies Network, Inc.

                                            o rbank,CA91504

    Bate: Aprit _3, 2010


                                 ATTACHMENT A

         Application of Aries Network, Inc. for Consent to a Transfer of Control
of a Company Holding an International Authorization and Blanket Domestic Authorization
        Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended

                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

Aries Network, Inc.                                     W C Docket No.

Application for Consent to a Transfer                   IB File No.
of Control of a Company Holding an
International Authorization and Blanket
Domestic Authorization Pursuant
to Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as Amended


        NobelTel, LLC ("NobelTel" or "Transferee") (FRN: 0008—7609—28) and Aries

Network, Inc. ("Aries" or "Licensee") (FRN: 0008—7410—27) hereby request authority

pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.

§214 (the "Act‘), and Sections 63.04 and 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§§ 63.04, 63.24(e), to transfer ownership and control of Aries from its current owner,

Kulait Khalaf ("Ms. Khalaf" or "Transferor"‘), to NobelTel as a result of the sale of all of

the capital stock in Aries to NobelTel (Aries, NobelTel, and Ms. Khalaf, collectively the

"Parties"). An'es»is a non—dominant carrier that provides telecommunications and

information services on a resale basis to residential and small business customers in

California as well as to other telecommunications and information service providers

nationwide. NobelTel is a non—dominant carrier that provides long distance

telecommunications services on a resale basis to customers across the country and

distributes prepaid calling cards on a wholesale basis around the world.


         The Parties will close on the sale of Aries to NobelTel on or about April 5, 2010.

As such, NobelTel and Artes are submitting, concurrent with the submission of this

Application, a request for special temporary authority ("STA") to transfer control of

Aries to NobelTel pending grant of the permanent authority requested in this Application.

Once the sale of Aries to NobelTel is consummated on or about April 5, Aries will

become a wholly—owned subsidiary of NobelTel.

         Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b),

NobelTel and Aries are filing a combined domestic and international application for the

transfer of control. NobelTel and Aries provide below the information required by

Section 63.24(e)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e)(2). Exhibit A

provides the additional information requested by Section 63.04(a)(6) through (a)(12) of

the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(a)(6)—(12).

         NobelTel and Aries respectfully request streamlined treatment of this Application

pursuant to Sections 63.03 and 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.03 and

63.12. This Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section

63.03(b)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.03(b)(2), because (1) the

transaction will result in Aries (including its affiliates, as that term is defined in Section

3{(1) of the Act) having a market share in the interstate, interexchange market of less than

10 percent; (2) Aries {including its affiliates) provides competitive telephone exchange

services or exchange access services exclusively in geographic areas served by a

dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party to the transaction; and (3) neither

Aries, NobelTel, nor any of their affiliates are regulated as dominant with respect to any

service. This Application also qualifies for streamlined treatment under Section 63.12

DCOL/GRIFLH411165.2                            2

because (1) neither NobelTel nor Aries is affiliated with a dominant foreign carrier, (2)

neither NobelTel nor Aries will become affiliated with any foreign carrier as a result of

the transaction, and (3) none of the other provisions contained in Section 63.12{c) of the

Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12, apply.


        A.       NobelITel

        NobelTel is a Delaware limited liability company located at 5857 Owens Avenue,

Suite 202, Carlsbad, CA 92008. NobelTel provides intrastate interexchange, interstate,

and international telecommunications services, including prepaid and postpaid card

services, on a resale basis to residential and business end users in the U.S., and distributes

prepaid calling cards on a wholesale basis in the U.S. and othergcountries. To provide its

services, NobelTel owns and operates its ownswitches and systems and leases capacity

from facilities—based providers. NobelTel provides service and holds state certifications

(as required) to provide intrastate interexchange service in all states and the District of

Columbia, except for Alaska. NobelTel also holds Section 214 authority to provide

facilities—based and resold international services as granted by the Commission in File No.

ITC—214—20011021—00532 on November 16, 2001. NobelTel will continue to hold its

FCC authorization to provide international services following consummation of its

purchase of Aries.

        NobelTel is a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of Nobel, Inc. {"Nobel"), a

privately held Delaware corporation locatedat 5857 Owens Avenue, Suite 202, Carlsbad,

1       The original Section 214 authorization was granted in the name Nobel Limited Company d/b/a
        NobelTel. By letter dated April 8, 2004, Nobel Limited Company notified the Commission of its
        name change to Nobel[Tel, LLC, as noted in a public notice released April 22, 2004.

DCO/GRIFJAM11165.2                                3

CA 92008. Nobel is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Nobel Holding, Inc. ("Nobel

Holding"), a Delaware corporation also located at 5857 Owens Avenue, Suite 202,

Carlsbad, CA 92008. Currently, Richard Mahfouz ("Mr. Mahfouz") holds 100 percent of

the stock of Nobel Holding and thus, indirectly, 100 percent of NobelTel. Mr. Mahfouz

is a U.S. citizen whose address is 5857 Owens Avenue, Suite 202, Carlsbad, CA 92008.

No other person or entity currently holds 10 percent or more of the outstanding stock of

Nobel Holding and thus, indirectly, of NobelTel. NobelTel currently has no affiliates that

offer domestic telecommunications services.

         B.       Aries and Ms. Khalaf
         Aries is a Nevada corporation located at 2101 Empire Avenue, Second Floor,

Burbank, CA 91504. Aries provides local, long distance, international, voice—over— _

Internet—protocol ("VoIP"), pre—paid calling card, and post~paid calling card services to

residential and smail business customers in California, as well as wholesale services to

other telecommunications and information service providers nationwide. To provide its

services, Aries owns and operates its own switches and systems and leases capacity from

facilities—based providers. Aries holds a certificate granted by the California Public

Utilities Commission to provide service in California, as well as Section 214 authority to

provide facilities—based and resold international services, granted by the Commissioh in

File No. ITC—214—20010409—00181 on May 2, 2001. Aries will continue to hold its FCC

authorization to provide international services following the acquisition of Aries by


         As of this date, Ms. Khalaf holds 100 percent of the stock of Aries. Ms. Khalaf is

a U.S. citizen whose address is c/o Aries Network, Inc., 2101 Empire Avenue, Second

BCOLVGRIFI/411165.2                           4

Floor, Burbank, CA 91504. No other person or entity holds 10 percent or more of the

outstanding stock of Aries at this time. Aries currently has no affiliates that offer

domestic telecommunications services.


         By this Application, NobelTel and Aries request approval for the transfer of

control of Aries from Ms. Khalaf to NobelTel. Pursuant to a Stock Purchase Agreement

dated March 31, 2010 by and among Aries, NobelTel, and Ms. Khalaf, NobelTel will

acquire 100 percent of the capital stock of Aries on or about April 5, 2010. Once the

transaction is consummated, Aries will be owned and controlled by NobelTel. Ms.

Khalaf will have no interest in either Aries, NobelTel, Nobel, or Nobel Holding. Mr.

Mahfouz will hold 100 percent of the ownership interest in Nobel Holding and thus,

indirectly, 100 percent of the ownership interests in NobelTel and Aries.

         There will be no transfer of any operating authority, assets, or customers as a

result of the transaction. Aries will continue to provide to its customers the same services

at the same rates, terms and conditions pursuant to existing authorizations, tariffs,

contracts, and published rates and charges. Accordingly, the transaction will be generally

transparent to customers. The only change will be that Aries will be under the control of



         Grant of this Application will serve the public interest, as the transfer of control of

Aries to NobelTel serves the public interest. NobelTel‘s acquisition of 100 percent of the

stock of Aries will significantly strengthen the ability of the combined organizations to

compete effectively in the telecommunications and information services market. The

DCOI/GRIFJ/A411165.2                           5

combined organizations will benefit from increased economies of scale that will permit

them to operate more efficiently and thus realize substantial financial synergies that

should enable the combined organizations to increase their operating income and free

cash flow. Given the difficulties with which the competitive telecommunications

industry continues to struggle, the enhancement of Aries in this manner should benefit


         At the same time, the transaction does not present any anti—competitive concerns

or issues for customers. The transaction does not entail the assignment of Aries‘ licenses

or customer base. Customers of Aries will continue to receive high—quality

telecommunications and information services from Aries without interruption and

without change in rates, terms or conditions. Any future changes in the rates, terms and

conditions of service wili be made pursuant to Commission requirements.

         Furthermore, NobelTel and Aries —— non—dominant carriers without foreign

ownership or foreign carrier affiliation — will continue to compete with at&t and Verizon

as well as other companies in the telecommunications and information services markets.

In the geographic markets in which the operations of the combined organizations overlap

(primarily California), the total market share of the combined organizations in each

sefiice market is less than ten (10) percent.


         In support of this Application, the Parties submit the following information

pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s Rules, including the information

requested in Section 63.18:

DCO/GRIFJ/A411165.2                            6

(a)      Name, address and telephone number of the Licensee:

         Aries Network, Inc. ("Aries")
         2101 Empire Avenue
         Second Floor
         Burbank, CA 91504
         Tel: (800) 244—9669

         Names, address and telephone number of the Transferor:

         Kulait Khalaf {("Ms. Khalaf )
         c/o Aries Network, Inc.
         2101 Empire Avenue
         Second Fioor
         Burbank, CA 91504
         Tel: (800) 244—9669

        Name, address and telephone number of the Transferee:

        NobelTel, LLC ("NobelTel")
        5857 Owens Avenue, Suite 202
        Carlsbad, California 92008
        Tel: (760) 405—0105

(b)     Aries is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Nevada. NobelTel
        is a limited Hability company organized under the laws of the state of Delaware.
        Ms. Khalaf is a U.S. citizen.

(c)      Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

        Thomas Kimura
        5857 Owens Avenue, Suite 202
        Carlsbad, California 92008
        Tel: (760) 405—0105
        Fax: {760) 930—2592

        With copy to:

        Joan M. Griffin
        Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
        3050 K Street NW, Suite 400
        Washington, D.C. 20007
        Tel: (202) 342—8573
        Fax: (202) 342—8451

DCOHGRIFJA411165.2                          7

(d)      NobelTel was authorized by the Commission in File No. ITC—214—20011021—
         00532, granted November 16, 2001, to provide international telecommunications
         services on a global or limited global facilities—based and resale basis.2 Aries was
         authorized by the Commission to provide international telecommunications
         services on a global or limited global facilities—based and resale basis in File No.
         ITC—214—200104098—00181 on May 2, 2001. Ms. Khalaf does not hold Section
         214 authority.

(b)      As noted previously, NobelTel will acquire 100 percent ofthe ownership interest in
         Aries on or about April 5, 2010. NobelTel is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Nobel,
         Inc.("Nobel"), a Delaware corporation and a holding company. Nobel Holding,
         Inc. ("Nobel Holding"), a Delaware corporation and a holding company, holds
         100 percent of the ownership interest in Nobel. Richard Mahfouz, a U.S. citizen,
         owns 100 percent of the ownership interests of Nobel Holding. Mr. Mahfouz‘s
         principal business is telecommunications investment. The address of NobelTel,
         Nobel, Nobel Holding, and Mr. Mahfouz is 5857 Owens Avenue, Suite 202,
         Carlsbad, CA 92008.

         There are no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier, either pre— or post—

i)       As evidenced by the signature to this Application, NobelTel certifies that (1)
         NobelTel is not a foreign carrier and is not affiliated with a foreign carrier, and (2)
         neither NobelTel nor Aries will be affiliated with a foreign carrier post—close.

§        As svidenced by the signature to this Application, NobelTel certifies that
         NobelTel does not seek to provide international telecommunications services to
         any destination country where (i) NobelTel is a foreign carrier; (ii) NobelTel
         controls a foreign carrier; {fi1) any entity that owns more than 25% of NobelTel,
         or that controls NobelTel, controls a foreign carrier in that country; or (iv) two or
         more foreign carriers {or parties that control foreign carriers}) own, in the
         aggregate, more than 25 percent of NobelTel and are parties to, or the
         beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing or
         international basic telecommunications services in the United States.

(k)      Not applicable.

D        Not applicable.

(m)      Not applicable.

         As noted previously, the original Section 214 authorization was granted in the name Nobel
         Limited Company d/b/a NobelTel. By letter dated April 8, 2004, Nobel Limited Company
         notified the Commission of its name change to NobelTel, LLC, as noted in a public notice
         released April 22, 2004.

DCOV/GRIFI/411165.2                                 8

(n)     As evidenced by the signature to this Application, NobelTel certifies that it has
        not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign
        carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier
        possesses market power on the foreign end of the route, and that it will not enter
        into such agreements in the future.

(0)     As evidenced by the signatures to this Application, NobelTel and Ariescertify,
        pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.
        §§ 1.2001—1.2003, that they are not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant
        to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

(P)     NobelTel and Aries request streamlined processing of this Application pursuant to
        Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12. This Application
        qualifies for streamlined treatment under Section 63.12 because, in accordance
        with Section 63.12(c), (i) neither NobelTel nor Aries is affiliated with a dominant
        foreign carrier, (11) neither NobelTel nor Aries will become affiliated with any
        foreign carrier as a result of the transaction, and (i11) none of the other provisions
        contained in Section 63.12(c) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12,


        In accordance with the requirements of Section 63.04(b) of the Commussion‘s

Rules, the additional information required for the domestic Section 214 transfer of

control application is provided in Exhibit A.

DCOWVGRIFJ411165.2                              Q


        Based on the foregoing, NobelTel and Aries respectfully submit that the public

interest, convenience, and necessity would be furthered by grant of this Application.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                        NobelTel, LLC

Joan M. Griffin                         Richard L. Mahfouz            /     —
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP                President
3050 K Street NW, Suite 400             5857 Owens Avenue, Suite 202
Washington, D.C. 20007                  Carlsbad, California 92008
Tel: (202) 342—8573                     Tel: {(760) 405—0105
Fax: (202) 342—8451                     Fax: (760) 930—2592

Its Attorney

                                        Aries Network, Inc.

                                        Samir Khalaf
                                        2101 Empire Avenue
                                        Second Floor
                                        Burbank, CA 91504
                                        Tel: (800) 244—9669

Date: April _/, 2010



        Based on the foregoing, NobelTel and Aries respectfully submit that the public

inferest, convenience, and necessity would be furthered by grant of this Application,

                                       Respectfiflfy submitted,

                                      _ NobelTel, LLC

Joar M. Griffin                         Richard L. Mahfouz
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP                President
3G50 K Street NW, Suite 400             5857 Owens Avenue, Suite 202
Washington, [}.C. 20007                —Carlsbad, California 92008
Tel: (202) 342—8573                     Tel: (760) 405—0105.
Fax: (202) 342—845 1                    Fax: (760) 930—2592

Its Attorney

                                        Aries Network, Enc.

                                       Samir Khalat
                                        2101 EmpireAvenue
                                        Second Floor
                                        Burbanik, CA91504
                                        Tel: (800)244—9669

Date: April Z 2010


                                          EXHIBIT A


           In accordance with the requirements of Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s

Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.04, the Applicant provides the following information in supioort of

their request.

63.04(b)(6):      Description of the Transaction

           The transaction is described in Section II of the Application.

63.04(b)(7):      Description of Geographic Service Area and Services in Each Area

           A description of the geographic service areas and services hrovided in each area is

described in Section I of the Application.

63.04(b)(8):      Presumption of Non—Dominance and Qualification for Streamlining

           This Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section

63.03(b)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.03(b)(2), because (1) the

transaction wili result in Aries (including its affiliates, as that term is defined in Section

3{1) of the Act) having a market share in the interstate, interexchange market of less than

10 percent; (2) Aries (including its affiliates) provides competitive telephone exchange

services or exchange access services exclusively in geographic areas served by a

dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party to the transaction; and (3) neither

Aries, NobeiTel, nor any of their affiliates are regulated as dominant with respect to any



63.04(b)(9):       Other Pending Commission Applications Concerning the Proposed

         Because the Parties will close on the sale of Aries to NobelTel on or about April 5,

NobelTel and Aries are submitting, concurrent with the submission of this Application, a

request for special temporary authority ("STA") to transfer control of Aries to NobelTel

pending grant of the permanent authority requested in this Application.

63.04(b)(10);: Special Considerations


63.04(b)(11); Waiver Requests (If Any)


63.04(b)(12): Public Interest Statement

         The proposed transaction is in the public interest for the reasons detailed in

Section III of the Application. .

DCQL/GRIFJ/AA11165.2                           2

Document Created: 2019-04-20 04:11:22
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 04:11:22

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