Attachment STA Request

This document pretains to ITC-STA-20100129-00024 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.



                         Phone:         202.373.6000
                         Fax:           202.373.6001

                         January 29, 2010

                         BY ELECTRONIC FILING

                         Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
                         Federal Communications Commission
                         445 12th Street, S.W.
                         Washington, DC 20554

                         Re:   Request for Special Temporary Authority (International Section 214 Authorization)

                         Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                  FTTH Communications, LLC ("FTTH") and Everest FTTH Acquisition LLC
                         ("Everest" and together with FTTH, the "Applicants"), pursuant to Section 214 of the
                         Communications Act, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.24 of the
                         Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.FR. § 63.24, respectfully request expedited Special
                         Temporary Authority ("STA") for FTTH to provide international Section 214 services
                         pending the grant of such authority. FTTH is a non—dominant carrier that will be owned
                         by Everest upon completion of a transaction, a U.S. company that is not a foreign carrier
                         or affiliated with a foreign carrier, and does not have any direct or indirect foreign owners
                         holding an ownership interest of more than 10 percent. Applicants respectfully request
                         that the Commission grant this STA request as soon as possible, and not later than
                         February 1, 2010, so that disruption of services to FTTH customers can be avoided.
                         Concurrently herewith, FTTH and Everest are filing a transfer of control application and
                         a request for special temporary authority to transfer the domestic Section 214
                         authorization that FTTH holds.

                                 As detailed in the underlying international Section 214 application filed
                         concurrently herewith and attached hereto (the "Application"), FTTH will be a wholly—
           Hong Kong     owned subsidiary of Everest upon the completion of a transfer of control transaction.
              London     Everest and FTTH discovered during the acquisition process that FTTH does not hold
          Los Angeles    international Section 214 authority. Everest is prepared to continue offering services to
             New York    the FTTH customers and requests immediate authority so that FTTH may provide
       Orange County
                         international Section 214 services and disruption of services to FTTH‘s customers can be
        San Francisco
        Santa Monica
        Silicon Valley
                Tokyo            Accordingly, Applicants respectfully request grant of this STA request as soon as
          Washington     possible so that FTTH may provide international Section 214 services pending the grant
                         of such authority. Applicants acknowledge that grant of this request will not prejudice
                         action by the Commission on the underlying Application and that any authority granted
Bingham McCutchen LLP
                         pursuant to this request is subject to cancellation or modification upon notice but without
      2020 K Street NW   a hearing.
       Washington, DC

       T 202.373.6000
       F 202.373.6001     A/73281273.1

                        Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
                        January 29, 2010
                        Page 2

                                 Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not
                        hesitate to contact us.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Jean L. Kiddoo
                        Danielle Burt

                        Counsel for Everest FTTH Acquisition LLC

                        ce:      Jeffrey Feldman, Everest FTTH Acquisition LLC
                                 Patrick Engels, Rudder Capital Corporation
                                 Clyde C. Abhlquist, Esq.

Bingham McCutchen LLP

                        DECLARATION OF JEFFREY FEDLMAN

       I, Jeffrey Feldman, hereby declare that;

       1.     I am the founder of Everest FTTH Acquisition LLC.

       2.     I am authorized to make this Declaration on behalf of Everest FTTH Acquisition


       3.     The contents of the foregoing request for Special Temporary Authority are true

and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

       I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

2\ day of January, 2010.

                                                    Aulpy T    Féldman
                                                     F     e
                                                   \Everest FTTH Acquisition LLC


         I, Patrick J. Engels, hereby declare that the following is true and correct to the best of my

knowledge, information and belief:

         1.     I am President of FTTH Communications, LLC. My business address is 2980

Coramer Drive, Suite 300, Eagan, MN 55121.

         2.     I am authorized to make this Declaration on behalf of FTTH Comniunications,


         3.     FTTH Communications, LLC currently provides facilities—based and resold local

exchange and interexchange services in Minnesota and primarily in the Twin Cities metropolitan

area. It offers these services on both an interstate and intrastate basis.

         4.     FTTH Communications, LLC has approximately several hundred customers.

         5.     Everest FTTH Acquisition LLC entered into an agreement to acquire all of the

membership interests of FTTH Communications, LLC from Rudder Capital Corporation. Everest

FTTH Acquisition LLC is prepared to continue offering services to the customers of FTTH

Communications, LLC.

         6.       As of January 27, 2010, FTTH Communications, LLC has been advised by

Rudder Capital Corporation that Rudder Capital Corporation intends to liquidate the company‘s

assets, absent full payment for the company by February 1, 2010 for outstanding debt.

         7.     The contents of the foregoing filing are true and correct to the best of my

knowledge, information and belief.


         I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 28 +5

day of January, 2010.

                                                         313C L
                                                     Patrick J. Engels
                                                     FTTH Communications, LLC


                                  Before the
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                  )
FTTH Communications, LLC                          )
(FRN 0007719230)                                  )
                                                  )            .
Application for Global Authority                  )   File No. ITC—214—   —
Pursuant to Section 214 of the                    )
Communications Act of 1934;, as amended,          )
to Operate as an International Facilities—Based   )
and Resale Carrier Between the United States      )
and Various International Points                  )

       FTTH Communications, LLC ("FTTH" or "Applicant") hereby requests global facilities—

based authority and global resale authority, under Section 214 of the Communications Act of

1934, as amended (the "Act"), 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules,

47 C.F.R. §63.18, to provide international telecommunications services between the United

States and international points. Concurrently herewith, FTTH and Everest FTTH Acquisition

LLC (‘Everest") are filing a request for special temporary authority for FTTH to provide

international services pending the grant of such authority.‘

1       Everest had previously entered into a securities agreement to acquire all of the
membership interests of FTTH. As part of the acquisition process, Everest and FTTH discovered
that FTTH does not hold international Section 214 authority. Everest is prepared to continue
offering services to the FTTH customers and requests immediate authority so that FTTH may
provide international Section 214 services and disruption of services to FTTH‘s customers can
be avoided.


       FTTH is a Minnesota limited liability company with its principal offices located at 2980

Commers Drive, Suite 300, St. Paul, MN 55121.           FTTH provides intrastate and interstate

telecommunications services to approximately several hundred customers in Minnesota. FTTH

holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority and holds authority from the Minnesota Public

Utilities Commission to provide facilities—based and resold local exchange telecommunications

services in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and interexchange telecommunications services

throughout Minnesota.

       FTTH will be a wholly—owned subsidiary of Everest upon the completion of a transfer of

control transaction." Everest entered into a securities purchase agreement ("Agreement") with

Rudder Capital Corporation for Everest to acquire all of the membership interests of FTTH.

Immediately following the consummation of the proposed transaction, Everest will become the

new corporate parent of FTTH.

       FTTH has no affiliation with any foreign carrier in any of the destination countries for

which authority is requested nor is FTTH affiliated with any dominant U.S. carrier whose

services FTTH may resell. Thus, pursuant to Section 63.10 (a)(1) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47

C.FR. § 63.10 (a)(1), FTTH should be classified as a non—dominant carrier in its provision of

international service on all routes. Furthermore, as explained herein, this Application is entitled

to streamlined processing under Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.


       FTTH believes that the added competition it will bring to the market will benefit the

consumers of United States—international telecommunications services. These benefits include

2       FTTH and Everest are concurrently filing a transfer of control application and a request
for special temporary authority to transfer the domestic Section 214 authorization that FTTH

competitive pricing and increased availability of a variety of innovative service options.

Therefore, grant of this Application will further the public interest.


       FTTH submits the following information, as required by Section 63.18 of the

Commission‘s Rules, in support of this Application:

        (a)       Name, address and telephone number of Applicant:

                  FTTH Communications LLC
                  2980 Commers Drive, Suite 300
                  St. Paul, MN 55121
                  Tel: (651) 925—4222

        (b)       Applicant is organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota.

        (c)       Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

                  Jean L. Kiddoo
                  Danielle Burt
                  BINGHAM MCCUTCHEN LLP
                  2020 K Street, N.W.
                  Washington, DC 20006
                  Tel:    (202) 373—6000
                  Fax: (202) 373—6001

with a copy to:

                  Jeffrey Feldman
                  Everest FTTH Acquisition LLC
                  Suite L—10
                  1 Executive Drive
                  Fort Lee, NJ 07024
                  Tel: (201) 905—8309
                  Fax: (201) 944—7467 _

        (d)       FTTH currently holds domestic Section 214 authorization.

(e)   FTTH requests global Section 214 authority to operate as a facilities—based and
      resale international carrier pursuant to Sections 63.18(e)(1) and 63.18(e)(2),
      respectively, of the Commission‘s Rules. FTTH requests such authorization for
      all international routes authorized by the Commission.

8     FTTH seeks Section 214 authorization to provide only the services referenced
      under paragraph (e) of Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules.

(g)   FTTH will use previously authorized facilities to provide the services requested
      by the Application.     Consequently, FTTH is categorically excluded from
      environmental assessment pursuant to Section 1.1306 of the Commission‘s Rules.
      47 C.F.R. § 1.1306.

(h)   Following the completion of the transaction with Everest, information regarding
      the 10% or greater direct or indirect owners of Applicant will be as follows.

      (1)    The following entity will own or control ten percent (10%) or more of
             FTTH Communications, LLC:

             Name:                 Everest FTTH Communications LLC.
             Address:              1 Executive Drive, Suite L—10
                                   Fort Lee, NJ 07024
             Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware corporation)
             Percentage Owned:     100%
             Principal Business:   Holding Company

      (2)    The following entity owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of
             Everest FTTH Acquisition LLC:

             Name:                 EveresTV, Inc.
             Address:              1 Executive Drive, Suite L—10
                                   Fort Lee, NJ 07024
             Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware corporation)
             Percentage Owned:      81%
             Principal Business:   Holding Company

      (3)    The following entity owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of
             EverestTV, Inc.:

             Name:                 Primary Succession Capital, LLC
             Address:              1 Executive Drive, Suite L—10
                                   Fort Lee, NJ 07024
             Citizenship:          U.S. (New York limited liability company)
             Percentage Owned:     80%
             Principal Business:   Investment Company

      (4)    The following individual owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of
             Primary Succession Capital, LLC:

             Name:                    Jeffrey Feldman
             Address:                 1 Executive Drive, Suite L—10
                                      Fort Lee, NJ 07024
              Citizenship:            U.S.
              Percentage Owned:        100%
              Principal Business:     Individual

      (5)    No other entity will own or control more than 10% directly or indirectly of
             FTTH Communications, LLC. Applicant does not have any interlocking
             directorates with a foreign carrier.

(1)   FTTH certifies that it is not affiliated with a foreign carrier.

0)    FTTH certifies that it does not seek to provide international telecommunications
      services to any destination country for which any of the following is true:

      (1)     The Applicant is a foreign carrier in that country; or

      (2)     The Applicant controls a foreign carrier in that country; or

      (3)     Any entity that owns more than twenty—five percent (25%) of Applicant,
              or that controls the Applicant, controls a foreign carrier in that country.

      (4)     Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own,
              in the aggregate, more than twenty—five percent (25%) of Applicant and
              are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation (e.g., a joint
              venture or market alliance) affecting the provision or marketing of
              international basic telecommunications services in the United States.

(k)   Not applicable.

(1)   Not applicable. Applicant does not propose to resell the international switched
      services of an unaffiliated U.S. carrier for the purpose of providing international
      telecommunications services to a country where it is a foreign carrier or is
      affiliated with a foreign carrier.

(m)   Not applicable.

(n)   FTTH certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or
      indirectly from any foreign carrier where the foreign carrier possesses market
      power on the foreign end of the route and FTTH will not enter into such
      agreements in the future.

       (0)     FTTH certifies, pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s
               Rules (implementing the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862), it is not
               subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug
               Abuse Act of 1988.

       (p)     FTTH respectfully requests streamlined processing of this Application pursuant to
               Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 63.12. This Application
               qualifies for streamlined processing for the following reasons: (1) FTTH is not
               affiliated with a foreign carrier on any route for which authority is sought; (2)
               FTTH is not affiliated with any dominant U.S. carriee whose international
               switched or private lines services it seeks to resell; and (3) FTTH is not requesting
               authority to provide switched service over private lines to countries not previously
               authorized for service by the Commission.


       For the reasons stated above, FTTH Communications, LLC respectfully submits that the

public interest, convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                  @DM\IQQQQ BuN—
                                                 JeanL. Kiddoo
                                                 Danielle Burt
                                                  2020 K Street, N.W.
                                                  Washington, DC 20006
                                                  Tel:       (202) 373—6000
                                                  Fax:       (202) 373—6001

                                                  Counsel for Everest FTTH Acquisition LLC

Dated: January 29, 2010


        I, Jeffrey Feldman, state that I am the founder of Everest FTTH Acquisition LLC; that I

 am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of Everest FTTH Acquisition LLC; that the

 foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents are true

 and cortect to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

        I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

&_p\ day of January, 2010.

                                                  ul   s, THde..
                                               effr    eldpan
                                              E         TJTH Acquisition LLC

                               CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

       The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of FTTH Communications, LLC ("FTTH")
with respect to the foregoing application for section 214 authority to provide international
services, that:

      1.    FTTH is not affiliated with any foreign carrier in any of the countries to which
FTTH proposes to provide service in the foregoing application.

       2.     FTTH will comply with the terms and conditions contained in Section 63.21,
63.22 and 63.23 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. 63.21—.23

        3.      FTTH does not seek to provide international telecommunications service to any
destination where: (1) FTTHis a foreign carrtier in that country; (2) FTTH controls a foreign
carrier in that country; (3) any entity that owns more than a 25% interest in FTTH, or controls
FTTH, controls a foreign carrier in that country; or (4) two or more parties own, in the aggregate,
more than 25% of FTTH and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relationship that
affects that provision or marketing of international basic telecommunications services in the
United States.

        4.     FTTH has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any
foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses
sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the
U.S. market and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

       5.    FTTH is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 ofthe
Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

         6.       The contents of the Application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
information, and belief.

                                             FTTH Communications, LLC

                                                   Name:      Patrick Engels
                                                   Title:     President
                                                   Date:      January 29, 2010


Document Created: 2010-01-29 17:56:47
Document Modified: 2010-01-29 17:56:47

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