Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-STA-20091117-00490 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Attachment 1 to Request for Special Temporary Authority

Answer to Question 10: Justification of need for special temporary authority

        Phonetime, Inc. (“Phonetime”), Symphony Holdings, Inc. (“SHI”) and Symphony
Telecommunications, LLC (“Telecom”) hereby request to extend the Special Temporary
Authority pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47
U.S.C. § 214 (the “Act”), to continue operating under the authority granted by the
Commission under Section 214 of the Act in File No. ITC-214-20041201-00472 E. The
Applicants have previously submitted a Section 214 Application pursuant to Section
63.24(e) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e) in File No. ITC-T/C-
20080206-00088. This request for Special Temporary Authority is required because the
underlying transfer described in the Section 214 Transfer of Control Application has
closed, prior to receipt of permission from the Commission. Special Temporary
Authority should be granted because such a transfer will not occur again without prior
Commission authority. In addition, the public interest is best served by authorizing the
transfer and allowing the Applicants to provide high-quality, low-cost and efficient
service to its customers.
        The currently granted Special Temporary Authority expires on December 6, 2008.
This application for an extension to the Special Temporary Authority pending the review
of the underlying Section 214 application

Answer to Question 12:

(i)        As evidenced by the signature to this Application, Phonetime certifies that it is not
           affiliated with foreign carriers, as that term is defined by Section 63.09 of the
           Commission’s rules. Phonetime itself is a foreign carrier. Phonetime has a
           market share of less than 50 percent in the international transport and the local
           access markets in the markets in which they operate and therefore are
           presumptively non-dominant and lacking in market power.1 The foreign carrier
           affiliates are set forth below:

           Destination Country                          Foreign Carrier Affiliate

            None                                        None

(j)        As evidenced by the signatures to this Application, the Applicants certify that (i)
           Phonetime is a foreign carrier; (ii) Phonetime does not control any other foreign
           carriers; (iii) No entity that holds greater than 25 percent ownership interest in
           Phonetime controls any foreign carriers; and (iv) Phonetime does not seek to
           provide any international telecommunications services to any destination for
           which two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own,
           in the aggregate, more than 25 percent of Phonetime (except as disclosed herein)
           or are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the
    See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.767(k)(2), 63.12(c)(1), 63.10(a)(3).

      provisions or marketing or international basic telecommunications services in the
      United States.

(k)   All the countries listed in (j) above are members of the World Trade Organization.

(l)   Each of the foreign carrier affiliates post-close holds less than 50 percent market
      share in the international transport and local access markets in their respective
      countries. Accordingly, these foreign carrier affiliates lack market power, and
      Phonetime is entitled to a presumption of non-dominant treatment.

(m)   See response to (l) above.

Answer to Question 16:

(d)   Symphony Telecommunications, LLC is authorized by the Commission in File
      No. ITC-214-20041201-00472 E, granted December 3, 2004 to provide
      international telecommunications services on a global or limited global facilities-
      based and resale basis. Phonetime does not currently hold Section 214 authority.

(e)(3) N/A

(g)   N/A

Document Created: 2009-11-17 11:50:54
Document Modified: 2009-11-17 11:50:54

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