Attachment 20170725090819-300.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20090410-00156 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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                  (al                               .        |                                                 ITC—STA—20090410—00156
                   ‘ranted                APR 162008                                                           1B2009000988
                                            .           —                                  THRANE & THRANE AIRTIME LTD.
                                            Roltay Divistpn         3
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                                                                                            hrane & Thrane Airtime Ltd.
  at‘m;                   L_2             Tsmnssrensicses
                                                                  Request for Re   sws       fITC—STA—20060526—00298
  d         momib orelop, .(               ,Q.Efl’PMeLe2                  As Exi    dec      y ITC—STA—20090210—00092
~Xymm 5’3'4 greatol /égr_r;(              3. za9,                                                         Attachment A
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                                          LSCRIPTION OF REQUEST                    OR       ENEWAL
                                          OF SPECIAL TEMPORARY                     U]       ORITY

                      By this ap|          sation, Thrane & Thrane Airtin          Ltd_     ‘T&T Airtime") requests that
               the Commission t           :sw the special temporary author         *("_     A") granted in File No. ITC—
               STA—20060526—0(            ~)8, as extended by File No.             C        "A—20090210—00092, for an
               additional 60 day          o allow T&T Airtime to conti             : t      rovide Inmarsat‘s Broadband
               Global Area Net            rk ("BGAN®") service using 1              to      000 mobile earth terminals
               ("MET‘s") operati          in the L—band in conjunction x           ith       nmarsat 4F3 satellite located
               at the 97.65° W.L.          bital location.‘


                       On April 1          2006 T&T Airtime filed an ap            cat      i for Section 214 authority to
               provide global fac         ties—based and resold internatic         1te      :sommunications service (File
               No. ITC—214—200            113—00241) (the "Section 214 .           pliu«    ion"). Subsequently, on May
               22, 2006, T&T A              mefiled an application (the "T         "A       ime BGAN Application") for
               a blanket license 1          aperate 20,000 METs with Inm           iat‘     :GAN service (File No. SES—
               LFS—20060522—0(             2). On May 26, 2006, T&T Air            ie:      > amended its 214 application
               to clarify that the        uthority it seeks would includ           he         thority to offer (a) Inmarsat
               BGANservice us             ; the Inmarsat fourth generatior         ate!     > located at 52.75° W.L., and
               (b) existing Inma          t services, including Inmarsat           ni—         M4, B and C services, also
               using the fourth generation Inmarsat satellites.

                        On May 26, 2006, T& T Airtime also filed an STA application under Title II of
               the Act to allow T&T Airtime to sell Inmarsat‘s BGAN service over the Inmarsat 4F2
               satellite while the International Bureau considered T&T Airtime‘s underlying Section 214
               application (File No. ITC—STA—20060526—00298). The Commission granted this
               application on June 30, 2006. T&T Airtime‘s authority to provide BGAN service under
               this STA was set to expire on August 29, 2006, however, an extension of this STA was
               filed with the Commission on August 22, 2006 (File No. ITC—STA—20060822—00402).
               Further extensions of this STA were filed with the Commission on October 19, 2006
               (File No. ITC—STA—20061019—00480), December 19, 2006 (File No. ITC—STA—
               20061219—00574), February 20, 2007 (File No. ITC—STA—20070220—00081), April 19,
               2007 (File No. ITC—STA—20070419—00151), June 19, 2007 (File No. ITC—STA—
               20070619—00243), August 17, 2007 (File No. ITC—STA—20070817—00338), October 18,
               2007 (File No. ITC—STA—20071018—00431), December 18, 2007 (File No. ITC—STA—
               20071218—00510), February 19, 2008 (File No. ITC—STA—20080219—00067), April 18,
               2008 (File No. ITC—STA—20080418—00188), June 23, 2008 (File No. ITC—STA—

                * On January 7, 2009, Inmarsat‘s BGAN service was relocated from the 4F2 satellite located at 52.75° W.L.
               to the 4F3 satellite at 97.65° W.L. consistent with Inmarsat‘s application for authority to communicate with
               the 4F3 from the Paumain Hawaii satellite access station (See FCC File No. SES—LIC—20080306—00242\.

»olotoleletetototetatotatetet —COMM.        JOURNAL— seletstatetelololotetetelatolateleick DATE APR—16—2009 selelcick TIME 12109 selefelololotok

           MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                           START=APR—16 12:07                          END=APR—16 12:09

             FILE NO.=082

   STN        COMM.             ONE—TOUCH~               STATION NAMEA/TEL NO.                                                                  PAGES                 DURATION
   NO.                            ABBR NO.

   DB1              OK          4                        912123859010                                                                           pa3/003               b0:01:00

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Document Created: 2019-05-01 08:19:29
Document Modified: 2019-05-01 08:19:29

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