Attachment 20170720165620-630.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20090410-00154 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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                                  Cranted ipr16200                                                                   ITC—STA—20090410—00154
                                                    Policy Divieio                               THRANE & THRANE AIRTIME LTD.
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                                               &' '?l [   f 2.   przs c                              Thrane & Thr      : Airtime Ltd.
Rilenlk#. SESs—ZT, > ‘(ZO 3’. ; C 1#                                                equest for Renewal of ITC—STA—     16053 1—00299
                                                  qo ife .                               As Extended by IPC—STA—       190210—00091
                                                                                                                       ttachment A

                                                 DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST FOR RENEWAL
                                                  —OF SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY

                                  By thi       ipplication, Thrane & Thrane Airtime Ltd. ("T&T Airtim                  ) requests that
                           the Commiss|        . renew the special temporary authority ("STA") granted                 File No. ITC—
                           STA—200605:         00299, as extended by File No. ITC—STA—2009021(                         0091, for an
                           additional 60       ys to allow T&T Airtime to continue to provide Inmarsa                  rini—M, M4, B
                           and C servic         using the Inmarsat 4F3 satellite located at the 97.€                    W.L. orbital

                                  On Aj        l 13, 2006 T&T Airtime filed an application for Section                  4 authority to
                           provide glob:       acilities—based and resold international telecommunicati                ; service (File
                           No. ITC—214         1060413—00241) (the "Section 214 Application"). Subse                   »ntly, on May
                           22, 2006, T&        Airtime filed an application(the "T&T Airtime BGAN .                    plication") for
                            a blanket lice     3 to operate 20,000 MET‘s with Inmarsat‘s BGAN servic                   File No. SES—
                           LFS—2006052         00852). On May 26, 2006, T&T Airtime also amended it                    14 application
                           to clarify tha      he authority it seeks would include the authority to 0:                 c (a) Inmarsat
                           BGAN servic      ising the Inmarsat fourth generation satellite located at : 75° W.L.,; and
                            (b) existing Inmarsat services, including Inmarsat mini—M, M4, B and C services, also
                           using the fourth generation Inmarsat satellites.

                                      On May 31, 2006, T& T Airtime also filed an STA application under Title II of
                            the Act requesting authority to allow T&T Airtime to offer existing Inmarsat services,
                            including Inmarsat mini—M, M4, B and C services, using the Inmarsat fourth generation
                            satellite located at 52.75° W.L. ("the Inmarsat 4F2") while the International Bureau
                            considered T&T Airtime‘s underlying Section 214 application (File No. ITC—STA—
                            20060531—00299). The Commission granted this application on June 30, 2006. T&T
                            Airtime‘s authority to offer Inmarsat services utilizing the Inmarsat 4F2 under this STA
                            was set to expire on August 29, 2006, however, an extension of this STA was filed with
                            the Commission on August 22, 2006 (File No. ITC—STA—20060822—00401). Further
                            extensions of this STA were filed with the Commission on October 19, 2006 (File No.
                            ITC—STA—20061019—00481), December 19, 2006 (File No. ITC—STA—20061219—00573),
                            February 20, 2007 (File No. ITC—STA—20070220—00080), April 19, 2007 (File No. ITC—
                            STA—20070419—00150), June 19, 2007 (File No. ITC—20070619—00244), August 17, 2007

                            + On January 7, 2009, Inmarsat‘s BGAN service was relocated from the 4F2 satellite located at 52.75° W.L.
                            to the 4F3 satellite at 97.65° W.L. consistent with Inmarsat‘s application for authority to communicate with
                            the 4F3 from the Paumalu, Hawaii satellite access station (See FCC File No. SES—LIC—20080306—00242).

xololeleloleleteletataletetok —COMM.       JOURNAL— sotetolotetatotototolotototettetelok: DATE APR—16—2009                          seteteick. TIME 121 @9 seleiclatolsick
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Solololelolololalelelolelelslelelolelelelelslelelolelelelstetelatetetek —INTL BUREAU                    — solotolok —                  202 418 2824— scleioiolsisloick
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                                                             FAX SHEET
                                                      Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
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Document Created: 2019-05-28 12:40:59
Document Modified: 2019-05-28 12:40:59

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