Attachment 20170720112401-203.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20090210-00092 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


|                       Granted rts 13 200
                                            Policy Division
     date:                               international Bureku                                            ITC—STA—20090210—00092
          faastmsy y sxs                                                                         1B2009000395
     autho   y CE
                .   *                                                             THRANE & THRANE AIRTIME LTD.
                TZQ—/    ?9[“"'}’ DY\V.      ’LB.

         _«   (\7“0@6 Y“’ Q’E’&Qe                                                             Thrane & Thrane Air          ie Ltd.
[ '»_,.,Qatlyi'e                                                     Request for      snewal of ITC—STA—200605;            00298
    Eendiftous          tncer vratec. "by          rBtep      o               As:     tended by ITC-—STA—20§§1 21          0052;)

    Kver 457 /} 6if‘t’m'fie,7|, Ceab, 1z, 2664,                                                                     fac    rent A
    Cileftb. 425—47p. 2099 6212. «o tbz
     |                                       DESCRIP          ONOFREQUE                FOR RENEWAL
                                               OFSPE          ‘ALTEMPORA              ‘AUTHORITY

                                By this application, T        ine & Thrane Ait        ie Ltd. ("T&T Airtime") req          its that
                        the Commission renew the st           ial temporary aut       rity ("STA") granted in File         ». ITC—
                        STA—20060526—00298, as e              mded by File              ITC—STA—20081202—0052(             for an
                        additional 60 days to allow           :T Airtime to co        nue to provide Inmarsat‘s B          idband
                        Global Area Network ("BC              N") service usin        up to 5,000 mobile earth             minals
                        ("MET‘s") operating in the L          nd in conjunctioo       ith the Inmarsat 4P3 satellin          ocated
                        at the 97.65° W.L. orbital loc         >n.‘

                                                                  BACKGRO!            D

                                On April 13, 2006 Te            Airtime filed an       iplication for Section 214 au         »rity to
                        provide global facilities—base        indresold interni       nal telecoramunications ser           e (File
                        No: ITC—214—20060413—002:                (the "Section 21     Application"). Subsequently          n May
                        22, 2006, T&T Airtimefiled            i application (the      ‘&T Airtime BGAN Applica             n") for
                        a blanket license to operate :        900 MET‘swith 1          iarsat‘s BGAN service (File         ». SES—
                        LFS—20060522—00852). On \             ,26,2006, T&T.          time also amended its 214 aq           ication
                        to clarify that the authority          seeks would inc        !e the authority to offer (a)          marsat
                        BGAN service using the Inn            sat fourth genera       n satellite located at 52.75°°       L., and
                        (b) existing Inmarsat service         including Inmar:         mini—M, M4, B and C serv            :s, also
                        using the fourth generation I1        arsat satellites.

                                On May 26, 2006, T& T Airtime also filed an STA application under Title II of
                        the Act to allow T&T Airtime to sell Inmarsat‘s BGAN service over the Inmarsat 4F2
                        satellite while the International Bureau.considered T&T Airtime‘s underlying Section 214
                        application (File No. ITC—STA—20060526—00298). The Commission granted this
                        application on June 30, 2006. T&T Airtime‘s authority to provide BGAN service under
                        this STA was set to expire on August 29, 2006, however, an extension of this STA was
                        filed with the Commission on August 22, 2006 (File No. ITC—STA—20060822—00402).
                        Further extensions of this STA were filed with the Commission on October 19, 2006
                        (File No. ITC—STA—20061019—00480), December 19, 2006 (File No. ITC—STA—
                        20061219—00574), February 20, 2007 (File No. ITC—STA—20070220—00081), April 19,
                        2007 (File No. ITC—STA—20070419—00151), June 19, 2007 (File No. ITC—STA—
                        20070619—00243), August 17, 2007 (File No. ITC—STA—20070817—00338), October 18,
                        2007 (File No. ITC—STA—20071018—00431), December 18, 2007 (File No. ITC—STA—
                        20071218—00510), February 19, 2008 (File No. ITC—STA—20080219—00067), April 18,
                        2008 (File No. ITC—STA—20080418—00188), June 23, 2008 (File No. ITC—STA—

                        1 On January 7, 2009, Inmarsat‘s BGAN service was relocated from the 4F2 satellite located at 52.75° W.L.
                        to the 4F3 satellite at 97.65° W.L. consistent with Inmarsat‘s application for authority to communicate with
                        the 4F3 from the Paumalu, Hawaii satellite access station (See FCC File No. SES—LIC—20080306—00242).

»oloteletotetaleletatetatetek —COMM. JOURNAL— stetataleteletetetoleleletelatatetelck DATE FEB—1 3—2009 selelelsk TIME 141 33. selelelolololok

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                           START=FEB—13 14:32                          END=FEB—13 14:33

             FILE NO.=363

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   NO.                            ABBR NO.

   Da1             OK           A                        912123859010                                                                         0a3—003              da:Ma:54

                                                                                                             —INTERNAT IONAL BUREAU                            —

"oldioioialololololetoloieleleielelalolelelcleletoleleletetatafeietatok —TNTL. BUREAU                  — SHolotolok —                   202 418 2824— solviotoiotistcick

                                    INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                            Policy Division

                                                             FAX SHEET
                                                      Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
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                                        DATE:                 > '3(“?
                l                       FROM_paviey T8
       TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418— ivbz—
                                              TO: yz Cishwer, 551.
                        FAXNUMBER: _ 212« 53— Aovo
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                                                      AMBrane 4 Tok tave Airt ime Lrot

                                 3 PAGES.

Document Created: 2019-06-03 15:52:50
Document Modified: 2019-06-03 15:52:50

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