Attachment 20170720104929-427.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20090209-00087 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                        08 !*
                                                                     fl"l C—ST K-ZDOQOZOQ-O                                                                               o_
                                                                       1B2009000387                                                                aA          ~<#
                                        Affinity Mobile, L.L.C.                                                                          -———L—-—-————%

                                                                                                                                     - Grantefi”_ 17 2008

                                                                                                                                    Policy Division
                                                                                M1ay 201, 2 308             di         __ _ y_ _ 77 w
                                                                                                                          Q,@reS pt.16,2009
Federal Communications Comtis: on                                                                           a1 thor iz                   by _ >                               e
                                                                                                                   ZFhieC . Iattcybz‘\/ TE,
Policy Division, Internationil B ire: u                                                                                              §                  <>—,     D

Attention: Sumita Mukhoty, Sr At orney                                                                      mm                   m% w L—: Jfié.—__ Wihihiihen sw
                                                                                                            si n                 }
445 12"" Street, SW                                                                                 f                                      wat m           neqmons smm            aoll,

Washington, DC 20552
                                                                                               |                                           Khncidkedge. *L‘ Zpndind
Re:      Attachment 2, Specia! Te nporery . wt wority {S7 4)}, Aff nity N ob le, LLC                           (qrout °C 4to 7 STA ¥£ wi *fi“"{;
                                                                                                                ?\',Q vdice {7 LLHY 2,“%1(2-(44
         File # ITC—STA—200302 39— 10087                                                                            oc       tyv 354      |>y     i he         ZLomm?t SSPM 8

         File # ITC—214—200 312 14— 10564                                                               [E Ke.— 4§6—22094 © bol—o9266
                                                                                                   o SeZ bime Inrostnmmeem moeh reum mm Whet

In reference to the Commis sio i ri les and 4 " C F.R. S scti on 33. i1, Af inity & ob le 1 LC is req iesting a S secial
Temporary Authority for a jer od of 60 day ; to complet : th e t ansac tio|| ar d t ) al ow time ‘or the co niv ission to
review our underlying appl cat on for Trans ‘er of Assign neiit c Comrol as aut ine l in 47 C. .R Sec ioi 6: .18 (e)
(3). Affinity Mobile LLC sol 1 it asets and cust amer bas a t Hll Ven‘ ures L _Ciso Decemb »ri1,;:.003. ‘he
transaction between Affint y \ lok le LLC an 4 K 4 Ver tur is L LC vas nut a api ove db / its boai 1 ir ebeis p or to
December 31, 2008.

Affinity Mobile LLC, "the ec mg   an\   ", necess    tat    as adilitic   na! op sratin    3 c pit      al to se   :isfy its c   irre nt inz    ncial
obligations. The company sou      sht   numerotw     s re   sources |     o a :qt ire ad   Iiti ani     } fu adi   ig to mai     ita n is b     isit ess
operations to support and aro     id     service i   ot     ie exictin    ; st bsriber     sass.        tw is c    ecided b      < the baar     i n embers of
Affinity Mobile LLC to seek the   m«    st feasib    as     jlution tc    satisfy its de   bt »bI       zat on:    . The pu      lic is t esi   se ved ky
the granting of the STA to avo d u interrug :ec prepiid vin less serv ce :o is e «st ng subsce iber bose

As per Section 63.25, Affinity I fol ile, LLC is re uesting : pei ial :empurai y a ith prit » to conti ue pr wwit inf service to
its customers while the Comur issi mm proce: ses the unde rly ag issignme it ; pp cal on for tt a ir ter 1at on i1 section
214 authority. Both parties, t H‘entures LC and Affinity Yosile LLC acersqu est ng the trans ‘er xf tae
international section 214 auth prit y to ensuce t ninterrupte: | se vice to t ie ‘xis :ing subscrib »rs.

Affinity Mobile LLC is no longer in the phone subscriber busine ss and HH V: ntures LLC is now familiar with the
commission‘s rules and regulations and will no longer allow any lapses and will request authorization for pre—
approval of any transactions that they may have in the future.

The parties acknowledge that the grant of the STA will not prejudice any action the Commission may take on the
 underlying application seeking Commission consent to the transfer/assignment. The parties further acknowledge
that this STA can be revoked by the Commission upon its own motion without a hearing. We seek Commission
 action on the applications referenced.


 Affinity Mobile, LLC
 Managing Director & CFO

  Foreieieiaieteteteiatetataisk —COMM . .TOURNAL— solctoeialoisiaistelaletololalotaiok DATE JUL—17—2009 sericek TIME 11145 solptatoicioick

                                                                                                 START=SJUL—17 11:44
                                                                                                                                              END=JUL—17 11:45
              FILE NO.=208

    STN         COMM.             ONE—TOUCH/               STATION NAME/TEL No.
    No.                             ABBR NO.                                                                                                     PaGES                  DURATION

    001             OK           a
                                                                                                                                                022202                  pp:pp:23

                                                                                                               —INTERNATIONAL                 BUrEAU                =
¥oleielaleteletatataletatalalotolok talototo sioloioicisletetetatatotek —INTL
                                                                              BUREALU                   = sololofofe —                    202 418 2824— solok stoofoiok

                                                                                                                           y| DC


                                     INTERNATIONAL BUREAU                                                                                            ‘Mf..

                                                           Policy Division

                                                    Fax Number: (202) 418—282«
                                                                                                               = &
    i         l ronsm                                      iss thowh below. 1t may contain informai
                                                  the adduss)e                             i          ton that .5 wriv leged, confidential or s
                                                                                                                                              otherwite protecsed
 }h"":f“lm # mfifi:‘«“fixfim’:{?m ofthis ransmizzion or its contems 7):h}:c;onl: o;h:ru!:::'nlz1‘1 g:l; r::/;gfl;:;.:fz';:g::,cem
      ived this ransmission in grror, please notify us imme
                                                       immediately by telephone and mall t   iginal t                                              _
 lnn:-:nym‘zonal Bureau, 445 12" Street S. W., Room 7—4628, Washingron. DC 20554,


                                      DATE:                  '7/ 19 [o 9
                                      rrom:                 &eorre__ZLs"
     TELEPHoNE NumMBER: 209 418. 1¥ 5'2-"'
                     rax mNumBER:                        21# —S%oo.—|/ &6t
   TELEPHRONE NUMBER:                                                        .___1P64                            ;           9
spEcCraL INsTRuerion‘s: Tte—§1A — ZW‘?ow. &st
                                            SQ .M

     Re . \‘l’cfifié 29 uko }— mléé


Document Created: 2019-05-25 13:48:16
Document Modified: 2019-05-25 13:48:16

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