Attachment 20170718143142-857.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20081223-00545 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                           ITC—STA—20081223—00545 —                          -          "rantedr 3 0 2008
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                                           ATTACHMENT 1 *.*~

      Application for Special Temporary Authority to Transfer Control of BtN Acces
       Limited and Its Indirect Wholly—Owned Subsidiaries PCCW Global, Inc. and
         PCCW Global Limited to Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited

Pursuant to Section 63.25 of the Commission‘s rules,‘ PCCW Limited ("PCCW*)requests
special temporary authority ("STA") to transfer control of PCCW‘s wholly—owned indireci
subsidiaries BtN Access Limited ("BtN"), PCCW Global, Inc. ("PGI"), and PCCW Globa
Limited ("PGL"") (collectively, the "PCCW Subsidiaries"), and the international Section 2.
authorizations ("Section 214 Authorizations") under which they operate, from PCCW to P                fic
Century Regional Developments Limited ("PCRD").

The Commission has before it anapplication filed on November 24, 2008 that seeks Comt                 sion
consent for PCRD, anexisting shareholder of PCCW, to acquire control of the PCCW
Subsidiaries and theSection 214 Authorizations pursuant to the privatization of PCCW (tt
"Application")." The shareholders of PCCW are scheduled to vote on the proposed privat                tion
on December 30, 2008. If the privatization is approved, PCCW intends to effectuatethe
privatization shortly thereafter. In addition, the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") has
informed PCCW that1t and other Executive Branch Agencies are conducting a review oft
proposed transaction." Accordingly, PCCW requests that the Commission grant an STA a                  on
as possible, and no later than December 30, 2008, for a period of sixty (60) days. Grant oi           is
STA request wouldallow PCCWto effectuate the privatization while the Commission and                   e
Executive Branch Agencies continue to consider the Application and PCCWresponds to :
resolves any issues raised by the Executive Branch Agencies.

Answer to Question 10 (Justification of Need for STA)

As discussed in the Application, PCCW is listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
and is traded in the form of American Depositary Receipts on the Pink OTC Markets in the
United States. PCRD currently holds an approximate 22.68 percent direct ownership interestin
PCCW. China Netcom Corporation (BVT) Limited ("Netcom BVI") currently holds an
approximate 19.84 percent direct ownership interest in PCCW. On November 3, 2008, Starvest
Limited ("Starvest"), a wholly—owned direct subsidiary of PCRD, and Netcom BVI, requested
that the PCCW board of directors propose to the other shareholders the complete privatization of
PCCW. Under the privatization proposal, PCRD and other shareholders acting in concert with

! 47 C.F.R. § 63.25.
 See Application to Transfer Control of BtN Access Limited and Its Wholly—Owned Subsidiaries PCCW
Global, Inc. and PCCW Global Limited to Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited, File No. File
No. ITC—T/C—20081124—00512 (filed Nov. 24, 2008, supplemented December 9, 2008 and December 17,
2008) ("Application").
‘ PCCW notes that it is already party to an existing national security agreement with the Executive
Branch Agencies and that it informed the Executive Branch Agencies regarding the elements of the
transaction prior to the filing of the Application.

»olatcietotatatoleiatetatatek —COMM. TOURNAL— s#el@tatatetetletetetetalateieietetok DATE DEC—3@—2008 selsteiek TIME 16104 selstetolelslok

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             FILE NO.=912

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                                    INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                             Policy Division

                                                             FAX SHEET
                                                     Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
   ThisJeesimile transmissich is infended anlyforthe addressee thown below. It may contain information thatis privileged, confidensial or otherwise protected
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                                       DATE.'           §     /2—(/30/9?

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                                    Federal Communications Commission
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau

                                                                                   (202) 418—2824(fax)
                                                                                   December 23, 2008
                                                                                   Ref: 2008—56

Hillary Morgan          (703) 607—6092              Steven W. Lett                 (202) 647—5835
Stephen Heifetz         (202) 282—8973              Alex Daman                     (202) 282—9940
Josephine Arnold        (202) 482—5461              Edward T. Hand                 (202) 514—2464
Kenneth Schagrin        (202) 395—5663              Sally S. Wentworth             (202) 456—6085
John Connors            (202) 305—4218              Douglas A. Klein               (202) 324—0853

Re:        ITC—STA—20081223—00545
           STA Request/PCCWapplications

Dear Sir or Madam:

Today, PCCW Limited ("PCCW") requests special temporary authority ("STA") to transfer
control of PCCWs wholly—owned indirect subsidiaries BtN Access Limited ("BtN"), PCCW
Global, Inc. ("PGI"), and PCCW Global Limited ("PGL") (collectively, the "PCCW
Subsidiaries"), and the international Section 214 authorizations under which they operate, from
PCCW to Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited ("PCRD").

The shareholdérs of PCCW are scheduled to vote on the proposed privatization on Decernber 30,
2008. Accordingly, PCCW requests that the Commission grant an STAas soon as possible, and
no later than December 30, 2008, for a period of sixty (60) days.

PCCW acknowledges that the grant of this STA will not prejudice any action the Commission
may take onthe underlying Application. PCCW further acknowledges that this STA can be
revoked by the Commission upon its own motion without a hearing.

In addition, PCCW requests that the Commission condition the grant ofthis STA request on
compliance with the terms of the Agreement dated as of November 29, 2001, by and between
PCCW, Reach Ltd. and Telstra Corporation Limited, on the one hand, and the DOJ and Federal
Bureau of Investigation, on the other.

Per Richard Sofield‘s e—mail of December 17, 2008, the underlying application, ITC—T/C—
20081124—00512, is non—streamlined. The STA request is attached in PDF. Please comment on
this STA request by noon December 30, 2008.


                                                  osaze /._—"~z—__
                                                    George L1, Deputy Chief, Policy Division

                                                                                                      rage 1 of 1

 George Li

  From: _         Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
  Sent:           Tuesday, December 23, 2008 3:22 PM
  To:             ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘hillary.l\‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘maydc@state ov‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘Brian.williams@associates.dhs.goyv‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘Jennifer.‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
  Co:             George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; JoAnn Sutton; James Ball; Francis Gutierrez;
                  Howard Griboff; Janeese Parker; Sumita Mukhoty; Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
  Subject:        Attached are Cover Letter Reference 2008—56 (Comments due: noon December 30, 2008)
                  and STA Application.
  Attachments: Executive Branch 2008—56.doc; PCCW STA app.pdf; PCCW exhibit. pdf

Good Afternoon,
Attached are Cover Letter Reference 2008—56 (Comments due: noon December 30, 2008) and STA
Thank you,

Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Veronica. Garcia—Ulloa@®
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/Policy Division
(202) 418—0481


Document Created: 2019-06-03 17:13:14
Document Modified: 2019-06-03 17:13:14

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