STA Supplement Attac


Supplement - Attachment A


This document pretains to ITC-STA-20081210-00527 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                          Thrane & Thrane Airtime Ltd.
                                                          Request for Special Temporary Authority
                                                          FCC File No. ITC-STA-20081210-00527
                                                          214 Inmarsat B, C, M, Mini-M and M4

                              Supplement - Attachment A
                              Section 214 Special Temporary Authority–
                             Inmarsat B, C, M, Mini-M and M4 Services

Thrane & Thrane Airtime Ltd. ("T&T Airtime") hereby submits this supplement to its request for
Special Temporary Authority ("STA") (See FCC File No. ITC-STA-20081210-00527, filed
December 10, 2008) to reflect the transitioning of the Inmarsat BGAN service from the 4F2
satellite to the 4F3 satellite.


On April 13, 2006, T&T Airtime filed an application for Section 214 authority to provide global
facilities-based and resold international telecommunications service (File No. ITC-214-
20060413-00241). Subsequently, on May 22, 2006 T&T Airtime filed an application for a
blanket license to operate 20,000 METs with Inmarsat's BGAN service (File No. SES-LFS-
20060522-00852) using up to 5,000 mobile earth terminals ("METs") operating in the L-band in
conjunction with the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite located at the 52.75º W.L. orbital location. On May
26, 2006, T&T Airtime also amended its 214 application to clarify that the authority it seeks
would include the authority to offer (a) Inmarsat BGAN service using the Inmarsat fourth
generation satellite located at 52.75º W.L., and (b) existing Inmarsat services, including Inmarsat
B, C, M, Mini-M and M4 services, also using the fourth generation Inmarsat satellites (File No.

On May 31, 2006, T&T Airtime also filed an STA application (See FCC File No. ITC-STA-
20060531-00299) requesting authority to allow it to offer existing Inmarsat services, including
Inmarsat B, C, M, Mini-M, and M4 services, using the Inmarsat fourth generation satellite
located at 52.75º W.L. while the International Bureau considered T&T Airtime's underlying
Section 214 application (File No. ITC-214-20060413-00241 as amended by File No. ITC-AMD-
20060526-00294). The Commission granted this application on June 30, 2006 and T&T Airtime
has been operating pursuant to extensions of this STA since June 2006.1

As referenced above, T&T Airtime filed an additional STA request on December 10, 2008. This
STA requested operations under a non-substantial, slightly revised ownership structure from that
originally reported under STA File No. ITC-STA-20060531-00299.

    See recent STA extensions under FCC File Nos. ITC-STA-20080819-00387, ITC-STA-20081017-00467.


On January 7, 2009, Inmarsat’s BGAN service will be relocated from the 4F2 satellite currently
located at 52.75º W.L. to the 4F3 satellite at 97.65º W.L. consistent with Inmarsat’s pending
application for authority to communicate with the 4F3 from the Paumalu, Hawaii satellite access
station (See FCC File No. SES-LIC-20080306-00242).

Pursuant to this transition, in conjunction with STA File No. ITC-STA-20081210-00527, T&T
Airtime hereby requests authority to continue offering existing Inmarsat services, including
Inmarsat B, C, M, Mini-M, and M4 services in conjunction with the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite
located at the 52.75º W.L. orbital location through January 6, 2009. Beginning on January 7,
2009 and thereafter, T&T Airtime hereby requests authority to offer Inmarsat services, including
Inmarsat B, C, M, Mini-M, and M4 services in conjunction with the Inmarsat 4F3 satellite
located at the 97.65º W.L. orbital location.

Document Created: 2008-12-16 15:35:12
Document Modified: 2008-12-16 15:35:12

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