Attachment 20170718130558-017.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20081209-00526 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                     L                       3 33‘;; ponsisos onees

BETHESDA, MARYLAND, 20814                                   RECEIVED — FCC
TEL: (301) 913—2948              fonga s n
EAX: (301) 951—0147              ULC 15 2008                   is
E—MAIL: JEFFREY@JDKATZ.COM                 |                       BEC —5 2008
December 5, 2008                                          Federat Comy:::    '_U CUmmission

Federal Communications Commussion
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

        Re:     Application for Extension of Special Temporary Authority,
                ITC—STA—20080401—00197, for Phonetime, Inc., regarding Section 214
                File No. ITC—214—20041201—00472 E. and Section 214 Application,
                Currently Pending, File No. ITC—T/C—20080206—00088.

To Whom It May Concern:

        n behalfof Phonetime, Inc. ("Phonetime") and Sympbony Telecommunications,
LLC ("Symphony‘), enclosed please find an original and six (6) copies of an
Application for Extension to a previouslyfiled and grantedapplication for Special
Temporary Authority regarding the transfer of control of international Section 214
authorization held by Symphonyto Phonetime.

       Please date—stamp the enclosed extra copy of this filing and return it in the
envelope provided. Please direct any questions regarding this filing to the undersigned.

                                    For the L [ fA                  y 1. Katz, P .A_,.

                                                                                                                RECEIVED — Feo
                                            Before the
                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                  BEC — 5 2008
                      4             Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                                              Fedaral Cm’r_zmumcaéion
                                                                                                                                      s Commission
In the Matter of                                                                                                        Bureau/ Office

                                                Nend! Srua! Nee Nuud Ne Ned Ned N/
Phonetime, Inc.
               f          :                                                                 File No, ITC—STA—20080401—00197/
Symphony Holdings, Inc.
       Transferor               é

Symphony Telecommunications, LLC

                                                Nue? Sn Nemet Nes DvwvetNuel! Sume! Pwuet
Application for authority pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended, for Special
Temporary Authority to operate as an
international facilities—based and resale


        Phonetime, Inc. ("Phonetime"), Symphony Holdings, Inc. ("SHI‘) and Symphony

Telecommunications, LLC ("Telecom") hereby request an Extension to their previously

filed and GRANTED application for Special Temporary Authority, File No. ITC—STA—

20080401—00197, pursuant to Section 214 of the Cf.;»m;i:(,i:unjcations Act of 1934, as

amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214 (the "Act‘), to continue operating under the authority granted

by the Commission under Seciion 214 of the Act in File No. ITC—214—20041201—00472

E.   The current Special Temporary Authority will expirse on December 6, 2008.                                                The

Applicants have previously submitted é Seétion 214 Application pursuant to Section

63.24(e) of the Commussion‘s Rules, 47 CFR. $ 53.24(6) in Filé No. JTC—T/C>

20080206—00088.           The reason for reque‘stihg this exténsién is to allow the parties to

continue to lawfully operzite »While t’fie S‘-ec‘a:(.)n 214 Application is reviewed by the



         Based 'on‘the forégoing‘, the Applicants respectfully submit that the public ipterest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by grant of this Extension to the

underlying Special Temporary Authority application. This request for Extension to the

Special Temporary Authority should be taken into consideration in conjunction with the

previousiy submitted 214 Transfer of Control Application, File No. ITC—T/C—20080206—


                                                J:a}fze{ Reeats/Eeq>
                                                For fhe Law (Jffléfié«)‘fféffiey D. Katz, P.C.
                                                4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 345
                                                Bethesda, Marvland 20814
                                                Telephone: {301) 913—2948
                                                Fax: {301) 951 —0147

                                                Counsel to Ph»ohetime,. Inc.,
                  ee                            Symphony Holdings, Inc., and      5
Drated: December S_ 2008                        Symphony Telecommunications, Inc.

Exhibit 1: FCC Form 159, Remittance

  READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                          .                                         Approved by OMB
  BEFORE PROCEEDING .                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                         :                     i          3040—0589
                               :                                   REMITTANCE ADVICE                                                                               Page No_| of2

(1) LOCKBOX #                                                                               '                                              SPECIAL USE ONLY *

                                                                                                                                           FCC USE ONLY

                                                                   SECTION A— PAYER INFORMATION
(2) PA YER NAME (if paying by credit card enter name exactly as it appears on the card)                      (3) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (U.S. Dollars andcents)
Jeffrey D. Katz, Esq.                                                                                         $965.00

4733 Bethesda Ave.. Ste 345
(5) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 2                  i                                                                                                  &

(6 CITY             Ts                                                    T                                         (7) STATE                (8) ZIP CODE
Bethesda                                                                                                '            MD                               20814
(9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)                                           (10) COUNTRY CODE (if notin U.S.A.)
                                                            FCC REGISTRATION NUMBER (FRN) REQUIRED
(11) PAYER (FRN)                                                                                (12) FCC USE ONLY
                                  IF MORE THAN ONE APPLICANT, USE CONTINUATION SHEETS (FORM159—C)

Symphony Telecommunications, LLC

11439 Stone Mill Court

(16) CIty                                                                                                           (17) STATE               (18) ZIP CODE
Oakton                                                                                                              VA                                22124
(19) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)                                          (20) COUNTRY CODE (if notin U.S.A.)
                                                            FCC REGISTRATION NUMBER (FRN) REQUIRED
(21) APPLICANT (FRN)                                                                            (22) FCC USE ONLY
(23A) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                             (24A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                                               (25A) QUANTITY
                                                       CUT                                                                 1
(26A) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                              (27A) TOTAL FEE                                                           FCC USE ONLY
(28A) FCC CODE I                                                                     (29A) FCC CODE 2

(23B) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                             (24B) PA YMENT TYPE CODE                                              (25B) QUANTITY

(26B) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                              (27B) TOTAL FEE                                                           FCC USE ONLY

(28B)FCC CODE I                                                                      (29B) FCC CODE 2

                                                                      SECTION D — CERTIFICATION

 ;                                             , certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting informationis true and correct to
the best of my knowTedge, information and belief.

SIGNATURE                                                            z:                                        DATE              R—! s [06
                         \_/                            SECTIONTE — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
                                                                                                amEex_ 2     piscover
                                                                                       fillmorg                                  ~0,
ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                           Miiexrprration paTE                   &9 ‘ 1 0

SIGNATURE                                                                                                      DATE ,2             >        0 6

                                                   SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                                     FCC FORM 159                                     JULY 2005

                                                                                                                                     App over by OV B
                                                                                                                                              3260—05t 9
                                                                                                           ~~ proug                      lua e
                               FEDER, .L CON MUNIC. .TIONS 20MM: SSION                                          SP ECIAL U SE
                         R MIT—ANC 3 AD‘VICE (CON® TNA" TON ! HEE" )
                                                  FORM 159—C                                                    on mssy emeee
                                                                                                                 FCC USE C NLY
                                                 Page No % of_g
                                            USE THIS SE TION : )NLY FOR EAC H ADD— FIONAL APPL CANT                              m       juaiat
                                               SECTION BB—A) DITIONAL AP ‘LICAN [ INFORMATICN                                    Satns
 (13) APPLL ‘ANT NAME                                                                                                                                  |
  Phonetime. nc.                                                                                                                                       |
 (14) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO.1                                                                                                                         I

  3035 Wharton Way                                                                                                                                     .
 (15) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 2                                                                                                                        ]

 (16) CITY                                                                                   (17) ST ATE       (18) ZIP CODE       E

  Mississauga Ontario, C anad i                                                                                       L4X 2B4
 (19) DAYTIN E TELE ‘HONE NUMBE ? (incluc : area code)                   (20) 2OUNT} Y CODE (if not n U.S.A.                       §                  ~

   1—905—629—26 )6
                                                    FCC R);GISTR .TION NUMBE ? (FRN) REQUIRED                                      T                  ~
 (21) APPLIC.ANT (FR 3                                                   22 rcc Us ; ONLY                                          g                  i3
                                                                                                                                   mm                 _
 (23A) CALL SIGN/O1 HER ID                  1 (24A) ‘AYMENT TYPE CODE                            (25A) QUANTITY

 (26A) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                      (27A) "OTAL FEE                                      FCC USE ONLY

 (28A) FCC CODE I                                                    (29A) FCC CODE 2

 (23B) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                     (24B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                            (25B) QUANTITY

 (26B) FEE DUE FOR (P °C)                     (27B) TOTAL FI E                                    FCC USEONLY

 (28B)FCC COD : 1                                                    (29B) FCC CODE 2

 (23C) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                     (24C) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                            (25C) QUANTITY

 (26C) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                      (27C) TOTAL FEE                                     FCC USE ONLY

 (28C) FCC CODE I                                                    (29C) FCC CODE 2

   (23D) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                   (24D) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                            (25D) QUANTITY

 (26D) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                      (27D) TOTAL FEE                                     FCC USE ONLY

 (28D)FCC CODE I                                                     (29D) FCC CODE 2

 (23E) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                     (24E) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                            (25E) QUANTITY

 (26E) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                      (27E) TOTAL FEE                                     ECC USE ONLY

 (28E) FCC CODE I                                                    (29E) FCC CODE 2

 (23F) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                     (24F) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                            (25F) QUANTITY

 (26F) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                      (27F) TOTAL FEE                                     ECC USE ONLY

 (28F)FCC CODE I                                                     (29F) FCC CODE 2

                                            SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                      FCC FORM 159—C                     JULY 2005

Exhibit 2: Granted, Previously Filed Special Temporary Authority

T.N—0%—2008    16:07                INTERNAT IONAL BurEAuU                                           207 418 2034       F.B2
                                                                                   Non—Streamlined     1TC—STA—28080401—00197

                                                                                     l’fl& C'
                                                Before the .     k2
                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                               VWashington, D.C. 2055

              In the Matter of
                                                                                                 Granted! 99209
                                                                                                               Polisy division

              Plionetime, Tiac.                                                                             internetional Bureau
                                                                                        %fi"’\"fi"‘DZ&« ,é,._z_.gwq
              S mphony Holdia :s, Inc.
                       Trangjeror                                                    *gfep
                                                                                        @(w/bf\"ig                                 F
              S mphoay Trelecoinmunicatl ns, L LC

              A splication for autionrity pursucrrt to ~                              t{|uw'1§         amctifowledgye. t+he
              Section 214 of the Communica ions . Act                               /:gfd Hon: «P gra               as stetreh
              o1 1934.. as arnended, for Special                                            2t afL ‘tie Mewdfifleaf +o
              7 mporsary Author ty to uperat : as ali
              in temat onal factiit es—based ar d ressle                             \u $A mwd‘ _Ze lacAk— m
              c:mer.                                                                 /V]Qy 29.       4« g


                       Phonectime, Inc. (‘Phon stime }, Sy xipho 1y Holdings, Inc. ("SHI‘) and Symphony

              T slecommunications, LLC ("Telecam") liereby request to amend their previously filed

              application for Svecial Temporan: Awbont, Fils No ITC STA—20080401—00197,                                            I

              parsuant to Gection 214 of thi: Con municsations Act of 1$34, as amended, 47 U.S.C. $                                J

              214 (the "Act‘?), to continue operating waider the authonty granted by the Commission

              nader Section 214 of the Act in Fils No. ITC—214—200412701—00472 E. The Applicants

              have previously submitted a Section 214 Application pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of the

               Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e) in File No. ITC—T/C—20080206—00088.

                    Clarification with Regard to Application for Special Temporary Authority

                       In accordance with Section 63.25, 47 C.F.R. § 63.25, the applicants request

               Special Temporary Authority for a period not to exceed six (6) months in order to

               continue providing service to customers while the Commission processes the underlying

                                                                                                                    TOTAL P.092

Exhibit 3: Date Stamped Amendment to STA, Filed on 5/29/2008


                     L AW

4733 BETHESDA AVE, SUITE 345                          RECEIVED — FCOCS
TEL: (301) 913—2948                                                ‘
FAX: (301) 951—0147                                         MAY 2 9 2008
E—MAIL: JEFFREY@JDKATZ.COM                          Federa) CommUnication
                                                                     c       $    0
                                                                         ,       Commisgio
May 28, 2008                                                  Bureau / Office         _‘
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

        Re:     Amendment to Special Temporary Authority Application for
                Symphony Telecommunications, LLC.

To Whom It May Concern:

        On behalf of Phonetime, Inc. ("Phonetime") and Symphony Telecommunications,
LLC ("Symphony‘"‘), enclosed please find anoriginal and six (6) copies of an Amendment
to a previously filed application for Special Temporary Authority regarding the transfer
of control of international Section 214 authorization held by Symphony to Phonetime.

       Please date—stamp the enclosed extra copy of this filing and return it in the
envelope provided. Please direct any questions regarding this filing to the undersigned.


                                  Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 7

In the Matter of

                                            No/ N2 N2 N2 N N N N N N Ne N N N N N/
Phonetime, Inc.
                                                                                     To. ITC—STA—20080401—00797/
Symphony Holdings, Inc.
     Transferor                                                                                 RECEIVED — FCC

Symphony Telecommunications, LLC
                                                                                                       MAY 29 2008
     Licensee                                                                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                                         Bureau / Office    .
Application for authority pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended, for Special
Temporary Authority to operate as an
international facilities—based and resale

   AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL TEMPORARY                                                    HORITY APPLICATION

       Phonetime, Inc. ("Phonetime"), Symphony IF                                    igs, Inc. ("SHI") and Symphony

Telecommunications, LLC ("Telecom") hereby rec                                       to amend their previously filed

application for Special Temporary Authority, F                                       [o. ITC—STA—20080401—00797,

pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications A                                      1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §

214 (the "Act‘), to continue operating under the :                                   ity granted by the Commission

under Section 214 of the Act in File No. ITC—214——,,—1201—00472 E. The Applicants

have previously submitted a Section 214 Application pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of the

Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e) in File No. ITC—T/C—20080206—00088.

     Clarification with Regard to Application for Special Temporary Authority

        In accordance with Section 63.25, 47 C.F.R. § 63.25, the applicants request

Special Temporary Authority for a period not to exceed six (6) months in order to

continue providing service to customers while the Commission processes the underlying

transfer application for the international Section 214 authority. The public interest would

be served by grant of the STA in order to        a discontinuanceof service to customers

while the Commission considers whether 1        iblic interest would be served by granting

the underlying Section 214 Transfer of Co1      ipplication.

       This request for Special Temporar        horityis required because the underlying

transfer described in the Section 214 Tran:      £f Control Application has closed, prior to

receipt of permission from the Commiss           Special Temporary Authority should be

granted because such a transfer will not 0c     rain without prior Commission authority.

           Explanation of the Circumsta         Leading to the Need for STA

       The Applicants did not request ;         sonsent from the Commission due to a

misinterpretation of the rules. The Canac       ‘arty, Phonetime, had no experience with

the FCC or its rules and procedures. The         Parties, Telecom and SHI, while having

had prior dealings with the FCC, were no        re of their obligations to notify and await

consent from the Commission. Both par           zere operating under the assumption that

they were entitled to automatic streamline       cedures under 47 C.F.R. § 63.01 because

both before and after the transaction, none     > parties were dominant or held more than

10% market share in the interstate, intere:     ge services market. The U.S. parties are

very small and handle a tiny fraction of the international resale telecommunications

market. The Canadian party is not a dominant player, as described in the Streamlining

Order, 47 C.F.R. 63.12 and 63.18. As such, they believed that following the transaction

the Commission merely needed to be notified within thirty—one (31) days of closing. It is

for this reason that the Applicants did not request and receive consent from the

Commission prior to closing the transfer of control.

 Steps and Measures Taken to Ensure Further Compliance with Commission Rules
       The Applicants are now informed of their responsibilities and commit themselves

to seeking prior consent before any future transfer of the 214 Authorization. Executives

and Counsel for Phonetime have been fully advised of the Commission‘s rules and

procedures regarding the Section 214 Authorization, and will seek advice from their

contact at the Commission‘s International Policy Division, Sumita Mukovy, before any

future actions are taken.

    Clarification With Regards to 10% Owners Under 47 C.F.R. 63.18(h) of The
                               Commission‘s Rules

       Creslin Limited, a Gibraltar company, owns 37.4% of PhoneTime, Inc. Creslinis

owned by a Gibraltar Trust created by the Yesil family for the benefit of Engin and Emil

Yesil. The Yesils are Turkish citizens. The Trust and Creslin are managed by directors

in Gibraltar.   Information, as requested by 47 C.F.R. 63.18(h), is as follows for the

directors of Creslin Limited:

Name: Robert Guest;
Citizenship: British;
Address: Residencial Panorama Bloque 3—3A, Avda. Principe de Asturias 41, 11300 La
Linea, Cadiz, Spain;
Principal Business: Chartered Certified Accountant

Name: Christopher Pitaluga;
Citizenship: British;
Address: Loquat House, 4 South Pavilion Road, Gibraltar;
Principal Business: Professional Trustee

        Information, as requested by 47 C.F.R. 63.18(h), is as follows for the Trustees of

the Yesil Family Trust:

Name: Abacus Trustees (Gibraltar) Limited,;
Citizenship: N/A;

Address: 10/8 International Commercial Centre, Casemates Square, Gibraltar
Principal Business: Limited Company

         There are no other 10% or greater owners of PhoneTime, Inc. For PhoneTime,

Inc., equity tracks voting rights. There are no special voting arrangements, preferred

stock, super voting stock, etc.

               Acknowledgement of the Comumission‘s STA Requirements

         The parties acknowledge that the grant of this STA \;vill not prejudice any action

the Commission may take on the underlying application seeking Commission consent to

the transfer/assignment. The parties further acknowledge that this STA can be revoked

by the Commission upon its own motion without a hearing.


         Based on the foregoing, the Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by grant of this Amendment to the

underlying Special Temporary Authority application.              This request for Special

Temporary Authority should be taken into consideration in conjunction with the

previously submitted 214 Transfer of Control Application, File No. ITC—T/C—20080206—


                                               For the Ltw O g        efffey D. Katz, P.C.
                                               4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 345
                                               Bethesda, Maryland 20814
                                               Telephone: (301) 913—2948
                                               Fax: (301) 951—0147

                                               Counsel to Phonetime, Inc.,
              2g                               Symphony Holdings, Inc., and
Dated: May         , 2008                      Symphony Telecommunications, Inc.

Exhibit 4: Copy of original STA Application

                                       Before the
                   FED      L COMMUNICATIO                ‘OMMISSION
                               Washington, D.C.           4

In the Matter of                               )
Phonetime, Inc.                                )
        Transferee                             )
                                               )          No. ITC—T/C—
Symphony Holdings,                             )
     Transferor                                )
Symphony Telecomm           itions, LLC        )
        Licensee                               )\

Application for authori     rsuant to          )
Section 214 of the Con      ications Act       )
of 1934, as amended, f      scial              )
Temporary Authority t       rate as an         )
international facilities—    and resale        )
carrier.                                       )
                            ~IAL TEMPORARY                HORITY

        Phonetime, Inc      onetime"), Symphony           ngs, Inc. ("SHI") and Symphony

Telecommunications,         ("‘Telecom") hereby 1         t Special Temporary Authority

pursuant to Section 21      the Communications 4           1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §

214 (the "Act‘), to co      s operating under the         rity granted by the Commission

under Section 214 of 1      ct in File No. ITC—214        11201—00472 E. The Applicants

have previously submitted a Section 214 Application pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of the

Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e) in File No. ITC—T/C—20080206—00088. This

request for Special Temporary Authority is required because the underlying transfer

described in the Section 214 Transfer of Control Application has closed, prior to receipt

of permission from the Commission.         Special Temporary Authority should be granted

because such a transfer will not occur again without prior Commission authority.       In

addition, the public interest is best served by authorizing the transfer and allowing the

Applicants to provide high—quality, low—cost and efficient service to its customers.


     A. Symphony Telecommunications, LLC (FRN: 0012237519) and Symphony
        Holdings, Inc. (FRN: 0017604133)

        Telecom was a privately—held Delaware Limited Liability Company ("LLC")

located at 11439 Stone Mill Court, Oakton, VA 22124. Founded in 2002, Telecom is a

leading provider of Global Resale Service. Telecom purchases excess international

bandwidth and resells to other telecommunications companies. Telecom‘s customers are

U.S. and international long—distance companies who purchase the bandwidth capacity

Telecom has to foreign markets.

        Telecom was authorized by the Commission under Section 214 of the Act in File

No. ITC—214—20041201—00472 E, granted December 3, 2004 to provide international

telecommunications services on a global or limited global facilities—based and resale

basis. Telecom continues to hold its Commission authorization to provide international

services following the transfer of control.

       Telecom is 100 percent wholly owned by SHI, a Virginia Corporation located at

the same address that functions as a holding company. Prior to the closing of the

transaction, the following groups owned 10 percent or more of the equity or voting

interests in SHI:

       Name: Torge Dennen
       Address: 83 Grove Street, Belmont, MA 02478
       Citizenship: United States
       Percentage Owned: 50%
       Principal Business: Dennen owned 50% of the common stock of Symphony
                           Holdings prior to the Acquisition.

          Name: Trevor Dearman
          Address: 11439 Stone Mill Court, Oakton, VA 22124
          Citizenship: United States
          Percentage Owned: 50%
          Principal Business: Dearman owned 50% of the common stock of Symphony
                              Holdings prior to the Acquisition.

       B. Phonetime, Inc. (FRN: 0017390402)

          Phonetime, a Canadian company, is located at 3035 Wharton Way Mississauga,

Ontario, Canada L4X 2B4. Phonetime is a leading provider of long—distance services in

Canada. Licensed as a Class A, International Carrier by the CRTC, Phonetime operates

one of the largest and most advanced private telecommunications networks in Canada

with 36 points—of—presence across the country, effectively offering on—net service

to approximately 85 percent of Canada‘s population plus off—net to the rest of Canada.

Phonetime‘s balanced portfolio ofservices includesretail products for individual

consumers and businesses as well as wholesale long distance call deliveryto large and

small domestic and international carriers, offering both pre—paid and post—paid services.

Phonetime has not previously filed or sought Section 214 approval as its operations are

based in Canada.


          The current transaction between Symphony Holdings, Inc. and Phonetime, Inc.

was completed on December 18, 2007. Trevor Dearman and Torge Dennen each held

five thousand (5000) shares of Symphony Holdings, Inc. They sold these to Phonetime,

Inc. for a total cash payment of $14,190,000. This was completed before the receipt of

permission from the Commission.


        The Applicants did not request prior consent from the Commission due to a

misinterpretation of the rules. The Canadian Party, Phonetime, had no experience with

the FCCor its rules and procedures. The U.S. Parties, Telecom and SHI, while having

had prior dealings with the FCC, were not aware of their obligations to notify and await

consent from the Commussion. Both parties were operating under the assumption that

they were entitled to automatic streamlined procedures under 47 C.F.R. § 63.01 because

both before and after the transaction, none of the parties were dominant or held more than

10% market share in the interstate, interexchange services market. The U.S. parties are

very small and handle a tiny fraction of the international resale telecommunications

market. The Canadian party is not a dominant player, as described in the Streamlining

Order, 47 C.F.R. 63.03 and 63.12. As such, they believed that following the transaction

the Commission merely neededto be notified within thirty—one (31) days of closing. It is

for this reason that the Applicants did not request and receive consent from the

Commussion prior to closing the transfer of control.


       The Applicants are nowinformed of their responsibilities and commit themselves

to seeking prior consent before any future transfer of the 214 Authorization. Executives

and Counsel for Phonetime have been fully advised of the Commission‘s rules and

procedures regarding the Section 214 Authorization, and will seek advice from their

contact at the Commission‘s International Policy Division, Sumita Mukovy, before any

future actions are taken.


          The transfer of contr~l described herein will serve the public interest.     Indeed.

Phonetime and Symphon:            be able to pool their resources and have access to larg«

quantities of bandwidth t«       11 to their customers, large long—distance providers. Th:

will allow for Phonetime          Symphony to continue to offer less expensive service

better enabling the busine       :o serve both international and domestic customers. Wit

the assistance and exper         )f Phonetime, Telecom will be better able to serve 1

domestic U.S. customers           their international communications needs at lower cost

Although Symphony will           rategically and operationally integrated within Phonetim!

the day—to—day manageme          Symphony will continue seamlessly.

          At the same time,      roposed transaction does not present any anti—competitiv

issues.    The transaction ©     1e completely transparent to customers.       Symphony wi

continue to provide hig!         lity communications services to its customers withot

interruption and without         nge in rates, terms or conditions.           Furthermore, th

transaction will not have        gative impact on competition.    No existing or potenti;

competitors will be elimt:        as a result of the proposed transaction. To the contrar

the proposed transaction         trengthen the ability of Symphony to compete in the U.§

market, and will further i       ommission‘s policies favoring increased competition an

greater diversity and quality of services. This will enable both Phonetime and Symphony

to be more effective competitors in the markets in which they operate, which will further

benefit customers by brining a diversity of services at competitive prices.


       In support of this Application, the Applicants submit the following information

pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of the Commuission‘s Rules, including the information

requested in Section 63.18, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.24(e), 63.18:

(a)    Name, address and telephone number of the Applicants:

       Symphony Telecommunications, LLC(licensee)
       11439 Stone Mill Court
       Oakton, VA 22124
       Tel: (703) 476—6044

       Symphony Holdings, Inc. (transferor)
       11439 Stone Mill Court
       Oakton, VA 22124
       Tel: (703) 476—6044

       Phonetime, Inc. (transferee)
       3035 Wharton Way
       Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4X 2B4
       Tel: (+1) 905—629—2606

(b)    SHI is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Virginia. Telecom is
       a limited liability company organized under the lawsofthe State of Delaware.
       Phonetime is a corporation organized under the laws of Canada.

(c)    Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

       For Symphony Telecommunications, LLC and Symphony Holdings, Inc.:

       Jeffrey D. Katz, Esq.
       Managing Attorney
       The Law Offices of Jeffrey D. Katz, P.C.
       4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 345
       Bethesda, MD 20814
       Telephone: (301) 913—2948
       Facsimile: (301) 951—0147

       For Phonetime:

       Jeffrey D. Katz, Esq.
       Managing Attorney
       The Law Offices of Jeffrey D. Katz, P.C.
       4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 345

        Bethesda, MD 20814
        Telephone: (301) 913—2948
        Facsimile: (301) 951—0147

(d)     Symphony is authorized by the Commission in File No. ITC—214—20041201—
        00472 E, granted December 3, 2004 to provide international telecommunications
        services on a global or limited global facilities—based and resale basis. Phonetime
        does not currently hold Section 214 authority.

(e)(3) N/A

(g)     N/A

(h)     Following the transaction described herein, SHI became a 100 percent wholly—
        owned subsidiary of Phonetime, a Canadian company located at 3035 Wharton
        Way Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4X 2B4. Phonetime‘s principal businessis
        telecommunications. SHI functions as a holding company for Telecom.

        The following entities and individuals own 10 percent or more of the equity or
        voting interest in Phonetime:

        Name: Creslin, Ltd.
        Address: 10/8 International Commercial Centre, Casemates Square, Gibraltar
        Citizenship: Gibraltar
        Principal Business: Investment
        Percentage ofEquity in Phonetime: 10%

No other person or entity holds 10 percent or more of the equity or voting interests in

Creslin, Ltd. is owned by the Yesil Trust, for the benefit of Emil and Engin Yesil. The
Trust is established under the laws of Gibraltar, and Emil and Engin Yesil are Turkish

i)      As evidenced by the signature to this Application, Phonetime certifies that it is not
        affiliated with foreign carriers, as that term is defined by Section 63.09 of the
        Commission‘s rules. Phonetime itself is a foreign carrier. Phonetime has a
        market share of less than 50 percent in the international transport and the local
        access markets in the markets in which they operate and therefore are
        presumptively non—dominant and lacking in market power.‘ The foreign carrier
        affiliates are set forth below:

        Destination Country                          Foreign Carrier Affiliate

! See 47 CFR. §§ 1.767(k)(2), 63.12(c)(1), 63.10(a)(3).

        None                                 None

0)     As evidenced by the signatures to this Application, the Applicants certify that (1)
       Phonetime is a foreign carrier; (ii) Phonetime does not control any other foreign
       carriers; (ii1) No entity that holds greater than 25 percent ownership interest in
       Phonetime controls any foreign carriers; and (iv) Phonetime does not seek to
       provide any international telecommunications services to any destination for
       which two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own,
       in the aggregate, more than 25 percent of Phonetime(except as disclosed herein)
       or are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the
       provisions or marketing or international basic telecommunications services in the
       United States.

(k)    All the countries listed in (j) above are members of the World Trade Organization.

(1)    Each of the foreign carrier affiliates post—close holds less than 50 percent market
       share in the international transport and local access markets in their respective
       countries. Accordingly, these foreign carrier affiliates lack market power, and
       Phonetime is entitled to a presumption of non—dominant treatment.

(m)    See response to (1) above.

(n)    As evidenced by the signatures to this Application, the Applicants certify that
       they have not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any
       foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign
       carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route, and that they will
       not enter into such agreements in the future.

(0)    As evidenced by the signatures to this Application, the Applicants certify,
       pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules, that they
       are not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the
       Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.


       Based on the foregoing, the Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by grant of this Special Temporary

Authority.     This request for Special Temporary Authority should be taken into

consideration in conjunction with the previously submitted 214 Transfer of Control

Application, File No. ITC—T/C—20080206—00088.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Jeffrey D. Katz, Esq.
                        For the Law Offices of Jeffrey D. Katz, P.C.
                        4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 345
                        Bethesda, Maryland 20814
                        Telephone: (301) 913—2948
                        Fax: (301) 951—0147

                        Counsel to Phonetime, Inc.,
                        Symphony Holdings, Inc., and
                        Symphony Telecommunications, Inc.

Dated: March __, 2008

Document Created: 2019-05-27 20:51:11
Document Modified: 2019-05-27 20:51:11

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