Attachment 20170718130501-870.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20081209-00526 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                                             Grantedec 102003
                                                                                                                                Policy Division
                                                                                                                            international Wfi
                       Phonetime                                                             date:    ze
                       ""®     « ufae— T/.     _    2208     0246     —060 &                          xpire *Qune 2, 2629
                       es vie— Th 2 sg e2s 6 «000                              §8            authorized Db
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                                                                                           tEERo Comcocogcoofoal —
                                                                           Bef re the                     "4501‘?7
                                            FEDER AL C OMT [UNICZATIONS CONMN ISSION
                                                                  Was! ingtc n, D.C. 20554

                  In t ie M;i tter c /                                          )
                   Ph netinie, In :. _                                          )
                            T ‘ansfieree >                                      )                                     >
                                                                                )       File No, ITC—STA—20080401—00197/
                   Syt ipho 1y Hcildings, Im.                                   )
                          T ‘ansferor                                           )
                                                                                )                           RECEIVED — Foeo
                   Syi ipho ry Te econimun icatic as, L _C                      ) .
                              L censee                                          )                             DEC — 5 2008
                   Ap Jlicat    on fo    : auth ority    wursu    nt to         )                     Fedaral Communications Comt ifesion
                   Secion 2     14 of    the C omm       inica    ions . ict    ) _                              Bureau / Office
                   of — 934,    is am    »ndec., for     speci    I             )
                   Ter ipora    :y Au    :hority to c    perat«     as al       )
                   inte matic   nal f;   ciliti :s—ba:   ed an    i resz e      Y
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                              P 10net me, : nc. (° Phon :fime . Sy npho! ).y Héldmgs, Inc. ("SHI") and Symphotiy

>     ‘            Tel :communications, LL 2 ("I sleco n") h weby request an Extension to their previously

                   filed and GRANTED application for Special Temporary Authority, File No. ITC—STA—

                   20080401—00197, pursuant to Section 314 of the Communications Act of 1934. as

                   amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214 (the "Act‘), to continue operating under the alithority granted

                   by the Commission under Section 214 ofthe Act in File No. ITC—214—20041201—00472

                   E. The current Special Temporary Authority will expire: on December 6, 2008. The

                   Applicants have previously submitted 'al Seélion 214 Application pursuant to Section

                   63.24(e) of the Commussion‘s Rules, 47 CF.R. § 63.24(6) in File No. JTC—T/C>

                   20080206—00088.              | The reason for mque’stifig this extension is to allow the parties to

                   continue to lawfully operate while the Secuuon 214 Application is reviewed by the

                   Commission. ~

selotoletoleistetetatotatatok —COMM.. JOURNAL— solcteletetefototetetotoletateteteick DATE DEC—11—2008 stetelclek TIME @81 47. steletelelololok"

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                          sTART—DEC—11 ga:46                          END=DEC—11 @8:47
            FILE NO. =892
   STN        COMM. ONE—TOUCKZ                          STATION NAME/TEL No.                                                                pacEesSs              DURATION
   No.          LC_ ABBR No.
   gai            OK           a                        93019510147                                                                         gaz002                ga:ea:2i
                                                                                                             —INTERNATIONAL BUREAU                            —

»ololololelelolololaleleleteleletelellelelelelelateletetateloteietetek —INTL.. BUREAU                 — solotolok ——                  202 418 2824— solcicieictoiciok

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                                    INTERNATIONAL  ;   .
                                                  BUREAU                                                                                                               |
                                                                                                                                                                       c lanA—
                                                                                                                                                                      «* [m{ra.
                                                           Policy Division

                                                            FAX SHEET
                                                     Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
    Thisfacsimile ronsmission is intended onlyfor the addresse¢ shown below. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected
   from disclosure, Any review, disscmination or use ofthis transmission or it3 contenis by persons other than the addrestes is striealy prohibited. Ifyou have
   received this sransmission in error, please hotlfy us immediciely bytelephone and mail the original 10 us at the Fedaral Communications:Commission,
   Internatisnal Bureon. 445 12"" Street S. W., Room 7—4625, Washingtan, DC 20554.

                                                              )}2./      +6 ,f"Y    &
                                        DATE:                      /          ‘        5

                s                       rrom:;__George. { 1i
       TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418— /tPéZ-—.                                                             .
                                              10: ZeFrey I>. Kabz (355 K
          _ FAXNUMBER: Bol— P<) _ oux.'? '
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Document Created: 2019-05-28 05:13:12
Document Modified: 2019-05-28 05:13:12

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