Attachment 20170706143934-910.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20080718-00327 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.



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          Non—S treanilined       TC—STA—20080718—00327                                                i~.          L 22 2008
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                                          ATT.\CHMENT 1                              _Lamals
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Apjplication o1 E:asynet Gro ip Inc. for 18 0—day Extens or oi S Le ial 4# m 0
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        Easyret Sroup Lic. ("Las yact Inc.")        ;eeks an extensica cfi s {peci¢l T en            porary
Aut] or ty ("S T2.") for 130 da‘s 10 continue       »roviding inte ns tio 1a. te econ mini          :atior s ssrvices
purs iait to its S scion 2 14 au ho izition (Fi     e No. ITC—21.—1 39 /15 .1¢—0)71) pe             1id:ng th:
Con m:ssion‘s c »niidcra ion 0 " it ; a »plicatio   1 for the trans ‘er of soitrol of llas yn       :t Inc. to British
Sky Broadcastit g (3rouf Plc. Easynet Inc. f        led its applice tic a for he trans ‘er of       co itrol (File
No. TC—T/C—2(071220— 0051 ) n Decemb r 21, 2007. C athe saine day, : t a »p iec. for the STA
(File N>. ITC—S [A—2)0 1221 0( 527). The STA was grantec o1. Ji nuam; 2 }, 2 0( 8, inc e:pires
on Jily 21, 200(. Davic Krec icftie Intern itional Bureat it foomed iasyn t nc ir Fcbriary
200( tk at the Dpartmier ts of Jus :icc and Hc meland Secur ty were :sonductiag a 1 :view o1 the
tran: fer of contt ol applu ation. The Departn ents of Justice and To neland iiecur ty aave not
com »leted their reviev ; nd the C onimission has not appro ec. Easy ne : Inc.‘s a ap icitic n 1or the
tran: feir of control. Accordingly, Ei synet In :. requests tha : th e Co1an ission| e:te id the STA for
a pe io of 180 layvs.

        Answer to Qires tion 16

        Easynet Inc. submits the following i1 formation req 1e teclit S ctior s 63.. 8(d), (e)(3),
and (g) of the Commission‘s rules.

        63.18 (d):       Easynet Inc. holds global facilities—based and global resale authority
pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules. (File No. ITC—214—19971216—
00791). B Sky B holds no international Section 214 authorizations.

        63.18(e)(3):     Easynet Inc. seeks STA from the Commission to continue to provide
international telecommunications on a global facilities basis and resale basis pending the
approval of an application for transfer of control. It does not seek any other authorizations.
Easynet Inc. certifies that it will comply with applicable terms and conditions contained in
Sections 63.21, 63.22, and 63.23 of the Commission‘s rules.

        63.18(g):        Easynet Inc. certifies that an authorization of its facilities is categorically
excluded from environmental processing as defined by Section 1.1306 of the Commission‘s


        Easynet Inc. acknowledges that the grant of the STA will not prejudice any action the
Commission may take on the underlying application seeking consent to the transfer of control of
Easynet Inc. to B Sky B (File No. ITC—T/C—20071220—00517). Easynet Inc. also acknowledges

                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1

 George Li

  From:          Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
  Sent:          Wednesday, July 23, 2008 10:26 AM
  To:            ‘‘
  Co:            James Ball; David Krech; Sumita Mukhoty; George Li; Mikelle Morra; Susan OConnell
  Subject:       Extension of STA
  Attachments: Easynet Group Inc.pdf

Mr. Croft,

We were unable to fax this attachment to the number (44—20—7900—4701) that you provided in your application, so
we have attached a PDF copy to this email for your records.

Thank you,

Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Veronica. Garcia—
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/Policy Division
(202) 418—0481


Document Created: 2019-05-28 05:23:08
Document Modified: 2019-05-28 05:23:08

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