Attachment 20170629095958-043.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20080307-00141 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                  Non—Streamlined W
           Granted ,,,, 12 208                                                                              .                519
                                                                                  Yukon—Waltz Communications, Inc.
                                Polic_y Divisibn
                                                                                  Rer |Te—Zib_20efare? i ¥e
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   &}eg, J#_{r&x3 DI‘V, 5r &5                      <he Goundrhtcrs REXp
                                                    f    C         5          P         Section 214 Ap "ication "or
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                                              vken— Wilt; Con min ca io 1s, Inc.

             Respons:: to Question 10

                   Y akon—Walts: Communicat ons, Jnc ("Y¥NVCI") re spe ctfully s 1b:nits tliat the              iblic
                   intersst woul 1 te serv ed by a ra it of this Special Temporary Aiithort y ("S‘              ) pending
                   gian:; of its ioi for Sectio a €3.18(:)(‘) ( global resale :uthority . filed
                   si ntItaneously aerewith. 4. gant o‘ tkis ST 4A wil allow YWCI to contitue                   provide
                   reso‘d interniticna leng distance service iniil uc it me as its ion fc               )ermaneiit
                   Sect on 62.16(e1(2) is grantsd. Thus, proinp: acticn jranting thi; STA w I1 :                Jw
                   YWITI‘s customer: to ccntiau: to wilize the interr ational lon ; d‘stanc> s srv              : offered by
                   Y WL

                   T ircugh an sppareat pversigh: as described jelow, Y CWI hai not obt ained                   : necess:ry
                   glob al resale au horitr w he:i it bega 1i opeiation ; ir 1097. YWVW‘C] regrets : ts |       »rsight aid
                   is nc w try ng to co Tectit. During tie im e rsquuired y YWCI to correct thi:                tuation,
                   Y WCI respectfilly st bmiits that its custoriers s a0ulld not be a Iversely aflect           . Although
                   the 1 :vel of billed interniiticna! Icng distaince triiffic for recent years hes t eer       »ss than
                   $ ,0 )0 on an annuil tias s, he public intees : wou d he servec. by; avoi lir g t!
                   ir corivenience t> NWCI‘s cus oriers that weuld re su t should th s ST+, not t               granted

                   As explained in for nally to the Commission Stiff, YCWI is a wh .olly—ow: ied ibsidiary of
                   Y ukon—Walt; T sle shone Company, Inc. (‘Y¥ uk m‘ ). Yukon Las ensered : ntc stock
                   purc aase agreeraer t vith Laurel Tighliainc T otal C on munications, nc ( LE 2") which,
                   whei1 consunimate 1, ‘vo ild resul: it Yuikon inc. Y WCI becoriing coniro.led y LHTC.
                   C n summati n of ‘he Yikn iin¢? LHTC trat sa :tion :s subjec : to the receipt all
                   nccessary apprceva‘s. A: part of the due diliger ce process arising fron . this 1 posed
                   transaction, it was discovered that YWCI did not havs the necessary C ommivs.on
                   authority to provide international resale long distance service. Prior to this discovery,
                   Yukon‘s current shareholders believed in good faith that YWCI was operating with all
                   necessary Commission authorizations. Complicating the ability of the shareholders of
                   Yukon (and thus YWCI) to uncover how this could have occurred is the fact that one of
                   its shareholders, John S. Rocker, has died. It was Mr. Rocker who, prior to his death,
                   oversaw the day—to—day operations of Yukon and of YCWI since its inception. Once the
                   lack of international Section 214 authority was uncovered and actions taken to verify the
                   fact that such authority did not exist, YWCI brought this matter to the Commission‘s
                   attention and proceeded to file the necessary applications to rectify this situation.

                    Under these circumstances and coupled with the consumer inconvenience that would
                    result absent a grant of this request, YCWI respectfully submits that the public interest
                    would be served by a prompt grant of this STA.

Selotololetetolalalatatalatok =—COMM.. TOURNAL— #olotoieteloieisleletatetetatetatetok DATE: MAR—1.2—2008 selictek T IME: 131 37. seletatoiotoiok
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Document Created: 2019-05-31 10:13:53
Document Modified: 2019-05-31 10:13:53

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