Attachment 20170613135005-777.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20070926-00390 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554
International Bureau
                                                                     E-mail: James.BaIi(á
                                                                       (202) 418-1462
                                                                       (202) 418-2824 (fax)
                                                                       July 31, 2007
                                                                       Ref: 2007-30
Hillary Morgan         (703) 607-6092            Steven W. Lett                (202) 647-5835
Stephen Heifetz        (202) 282-8973            Louis Brenner                 (202) 692-4235
Alex Daman             (202) 282-9940            Josephine Scarlett            (202) 482-5461
Edward T. Hand         (202) 514-2464            Kenneth Schagrin              (202) 395-5663
Myla S. Trotter        (202) 324-1730            Sigal Mandelker               (202) 616-0573
Jonathan Frenkel       (202) 282-8478            Sally Shipman                 (202) 456-6085
Dominic Pastore        (202) 514-5607
Re:    Inter-Tel NetSolutions/Inter-TeIJMitel
       WC Docket No. 07-158, DA 07-3488 (rel. July 31, 2007)
    -ITC-T/C-20070608-0022 1
          Comments Due: August 14, 2007
          Reply Comments Due: August 21, 2007
Dear Sir or Madam:
        We have received applications for authority to transfer control of Inter-Tel
NetSolutions, Inc. from Inter-Tel (Delaware), Inc. to Mitel Networks Corporation
(Mitel). Inter-Tel NetSolutions, Inc. holds domestic and international section 214
authorizations. Mitel is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. Mitel is 32.6% owned by a
citizen of U.K. and Canada, and 38% owned by a Luxembourg corporation.
       A copy of Public Notice DA 07-3488(rel. July 31, 2007) is attached. Should you
have any national security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns with this
proposed transaction, please file your comments by August 14, 2007, responses by
August 21, 2007. Please see the General Information section of the Public Notice for WC
Docket No. 07-158, DA 07-3488 (rel. July 31, 2007).
STA Request: (ITC-STA-20070730-00299 and WC Docket 07-1 58)
Applicants urgently require a Special Temporary Authority (STA) to consummate their
transfer transaction by August 6, 2007. Due to an error in Commission's Red Light
Display System, these applications have not been processed since June 8, 2007. Since the
applicants acknowledge that the grant of STA will not prejudice any action the

           Commission may take on the underlying applications, and the STA can be revoked by the
           Commission upon its own motion without a hearing, we request your consent to grant
           this STA request by noon of August 6, 2007.
                  For further information please contact, Tracy Wilson-Parker, at (202) 418-1394,
           Jodie May at (202) 418-0913, or Sumita Mukhoty, at (202) 418-7165.
                                                                            George Li, Deputy Chief
                                                                            Policy Division
                                                                                                                        Page 1 of 1
  George Li
   From:           Janeese Parker
   Sent:           Tuesday, July 31, 2007 4:48 PM
   To:              ''; 'paul.kozak©'; 'Amy.Jab         loner@u     ';
                    'Dominic.'; 'dklein I ©'; 'edward.
                    'hillary. Morgand isa. mit'; 'jscarlett@  ntia.doc.g ov '; 'kschagri n@ustr.g   ov';
                   ' ';      'tina.gabb rielli@dh';   'Brian.wil liams©as';
                   ' '; ' '; 'maydc@
                   ''; 'Denise.pontacoloni@associates.HQ              .DHS.GO    V ;
                   'alane.kochems@associates.HO.DHS.GOV '; 'sigal. mandelke                r@usdoj.  gov ';
                   'jonathan.frenkel©'; 'Stephen. '; 'Jennifer.
                   ''; 'jpifer©'; 'albert.';
                   ' '; 'Erica.'; 'Alex.
                                                                                                               '; 'Kishiyama,
  Cc:           George Li; Susan OConnell; David Krech; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Veronica Garcia-
                Ulloa; Imani Ellis; James Ball; Tracey Wilson-Parker; Jodie May; Sumita Mukhoty
  Subject:      Inter-Tel NetSoulutions/Inter-Tel/Mitel (U RGENT)
  Attachments: Executive Branch 2007-30.doc; Inter-Tel Mitel PN draft.doc; Application.pdf;
Good Afternoon,
Attached is the Public Notice DA 07-3488, T/C of Inter-Tel to Mitel.
Janeese Par/er
 'Federal Communications Commission
International(Bureau/cPolicy cDivision
 Pfione: (202) 418-0707
'F-maiC Jaieesearkçrfccgov

                                                                                                 1B2007001 810
                      AUG - 6 2flfl?                                     Inter-Tel Netsoluttons Inc.
         re            eit        Zc'
authoried by'.                                                                                             -e1'4 ^.4i
cc.      pfi7p,                   &                                t;   T/      oti   5fit&Le\
                                                                                                     f).    6    P*+
                 L                                                                         Attachment I
   nfture                                                        Request for Special Temporary Authority
                                   oc:2-2-.      Attachment 1
   t        7c_2Ltt'_
                                                     porary Authority
  Question 10 - Justification for Special Tem
                                                                Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.25, Inter-Tel
            Pursuant to Section 63.25 of the Commission's                                                   -
                                                   olutions, Inc. ("NetSolutions") (collectively Inter
  (Delaware), Inc.("Inter-Tel"), Inter-Tel NetS
                                                         pany") and Mitel Networks Corporation
  Tel and NetSolutions are referred to as the "Com
                                                   collectively referred to as "Applicants")
  ("Mite!"), (Inter-Tel, NetSolutions and Mitel                                                          of
                                                      ial temporary authority ("STA") for a period
  respectfully submit this urgent request for spec                                                      -Tel
                                                   , to transfer control of NetSolutions from Inter
  sixty (60) days, commencing August 6, 2007                                                       provide
                                               carrier authorized pursuant to Section 214 to
  to Mitel. NetSolutions is a nondominant
                                                      services. NetSolutions also provides domestic
   global resold and facilities-based international
   interstate service pursuant to Section 214.
                                                                   ate their transfer transaction on time and
             Applicants urgently require an STA to consumm                                                g of
                                                     e and unwarranted suspension of the processin
   without further delays resulting from extensiv
                                                          . With approval of this request by August 6,
   Applicants' application due to Commission error                                                          ng,
                                                         cing process and any other conditions to closi
    2007, the Applicants hope to complete the finan
                                                          ust 8, 2007. The facts of this extensive and
    and consummate the transaction as early as Aug
    unwarranted delay are as follows.
                                                                 international and domestic application for
             On June 8, 2007, Applicants filed a combined
                                                           ons Act, as amended, to transfer control of
    approval under Section 214 of the Communicati
                                                         ication contained all of the ownership,
    NetSolutions from Inter-Tel to Mitel. That appl                                                         r
                                                       this relatively straightforward transaction unde
     transaction and other information required for
                                                            mission staff advised Inter-Tel that the
     the Commission's Rules. On June 11, 2007, Com                                                              be
                                                           d on Comrriission debt records and would not
     application was subject to "red-light" status base                                                  staff
                                                      quent debts had been resolved.' Commission
      processed unless and until the apparent delin                                                        y
                                                      Commission $99,217 an amount that apparentl
      specifically stated that 1) Inter-Tel owed the                                                          ,
                                                       fine imposed on Inter-Tel on February 27, 2005
      reflected a short payment of a $3,336,488.12
                                                           721.88 for outstanding 2003 regulatory fees.
      and 2) NetSolutions owed the Commission $23,
                                                                 ed delinquent debts and determined that the
               Inter-Tel immediately investigated these alleg
                                                       inadvertently overlooked. NetSolutions
       2003 regulatory fee amount had in fact been
                                                        mission on June 15, 2007, at which time the
       immediately paid the $23, 721.88 to the Com
                                                       pertained to this debt. Inter-Tel, however, was
       Commission lifted the "red-light" status that
                                                        217.99 and first advised the Commission on June
       unable to confirm the delinquent debt of $99,
                                                        all payments with respect to USAC and FCC
        12, 2007, that Company records showed that                                                                ,
                                                             ly paid.2 Over the next approximately 45 days
        obligations in fact had been completely and time
                                                        A. Collins, Revenue and Receivables
            Notice of Withholding of Action from Cheryl
                                                      Commission to John Gardner, Esq., Inter-Tel
            Operations Group, Federal Communications
            (Delaware), Inc., dated June 11,2007.
                                                            n, Inter-Tel Compliance Officer, and Mary
       2 T.1ii1,rrne Cnnversation. Lisanne Cottingto

*****"********* -COMM. JOURNAL- **1<*l,**********<* DATE AIJO-05-211E1? *1<*** TI ME 12:20 ********
        MODE         MEMORY TRANSM I SB I ON                                                    STARTALIG-0E 12 18                           EHD=ALIG-0b 12:20
           FILE ND.=971
  5TH       COMM.              ONE-TDIJCH'               STAT I ON NAME/TEL Nil.                                                                 PAGES                 DURATION
  NO.                            ABBR ND.
  081           OK                                       94294625                                                                                002/002               00:01:04
                                                                                                               - I NTERNAT I ONAL BUREAU
                                                                       - I NIL BUREAU                    -              -                  202 418 2824-                   l,c4cl,,l,
                                   INTERNA TIONA L B UREA U
                                                            Policy Division
                                                             FAX SHEET
                                                      Fax Number; (202) 41S-2824
                                                                                           tiaiirsis ioform miss that ,3privrIg&. confidential or oeprrecte4
   Thlofaaeimlk t,-anap,ia,ion iii mended orniyfw tim addressee thaws below Jr may
                                                                             or ts contents  hyperasne    nthr than  the  oddrmmo   so ,u-imlyprliderad. Lf you have
  from d looore. Any rosier'. di.noon (salient or me thf this r000nnl$siQh
                                                                                                the original to Its a, the Federal Cov.munteaiIons CommisSIOn.
   i-tnt/end line traturmstjon In error p/case naili) u-n onisedlowly by Iclephane and snail
   lr,,rmntalioinaiBiimau iii 17" StreetS. W., Room '-Ati2i. lyooiustoh. DC 2O54                                         ---                         _____________
                                                                       1.5 /
                                        DATE:                  c9j/7                                     -
                                        FROM:                         cat                  LI
        TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202)418-                                              C 2.
                                              TO:                              42
                       FAX NUMBER: :;'7:'-                                           /
     TELEPHONE NUMBER:                                         73- t° 37
  SPECIAL INSTRUCTJONS                                      Ar/-lç           4             F-

                                                                          Non-Streamlined ITC-STA-20070926-00390
                                                                                                I B2007002353
                                                                          Inter-Tel Netsolutions Inc.
                                                                                   e1u                      93c-o1f'
                                                eca ' Erc-17p
                            LEVENTHALSENTER&LERMANPLLc                                              -
                                          September 26, 2007
(202) 4 6- 6742                                                                     Grait*o*                   OM
                                                                a                              -3   20117
    BY HAND AND ELECTRONIC FILING                                               4 p
    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
    Secretary                                                       .,     --.--
    Federal Communications Commission
    445 12th Street, S.W.                                                                                           ç
    Washington, D.C. 20554
                  Re:    Request of Inter-Tel (Delaware), Inc., Inter-Tel NelSolutions, Inc.,
                         and Mitel Networks Corporation for Extension of Special
                         Temporary Authority for the Transfer of Control of a Company
                         Holding Domestic and International Section 214 Authority
                         (WC Docket No. 07-158; FCC File No. ITC-STA-20070730-00299)
    Dear Ms. Dortch:
             Inter-Tel (Delaware), Inc. ("Inter-Tel"), Inter-Tel NetSolutions, Inc.
    ("NetSolutions") and Mite! Networks Corporation ("Mitel") (hereinafter, the
    "Applicants"), hereby request extension of the special temporary authority ("STA")
    initially granted on August 6, 2007. A copy of the grant-stamped STA is attached. Mitel
    assumed control of Inter-Tel and NetSolutions, effective August 16, 2007, under the
    authority of this STA.
            Full details of the underlying transaction are included in the pending applications,
    filed on July 25, 2007, and in the original STA application, filed on July 30, 2007. The
    underlying applications remain pending to allow for completion of national security
    review. See Letter from Stephen Heifetz, Director, Foreign Financial and Investment
    Issues, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC,
    dated August 15, 2007 (requesting removal of applications from streamlined processing to
    allow completion of review). Because the current STA expires on October 3, 2007, the
    Applicants require an additional sixty day period within which to maintain the status quo
    pending final action on the pending applications.
                            2000 K STREET NW, SUITE 600, WASHINGTON, DC 20006-1809
                          TELEPHONE 202.429-8970 FAX 202.293.7783        WWW.LSL-LAW.COM

************tsr** -COMM. JOURNAL- **************>I<**** DATE OCT-03-2007 ***1<* TIME 00:42 ****r1<***
        MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                            START=OCT-a3 08:41                         END=OCT-03 08:42
          FILE NO.=095
  5TH       COMM.            ONE-TOUCH/               STATION NAME/TEL NO.                                                                 PAGES              DURATION
  NO.                          ABOR NO.
                                                      9293?783t*4294525                                                                    002/002            00:00:40
                                                                                                          -INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
*********<*******K******'1°K**** -INTL BUREAU                                                        -              -                   202 418 2824- ******r1ol<*
                                                                                                                           r ID
                                    INTERNA TIONAL B UREA U
                                                            Policy Division
                                                            FAX SHEET
                                                     Fax Numben (202) 418-2824
    Thiefocsrmil trwrsnvssjan i.r encnded onlyfarrht addressee slreen beta',. Jr may co'itela thjernraifon that ft pd 'ileged. carfiderel aT ofhirtezaproeaeeal
   fran, rcs,,sre. Any NYtCW. d,r,emJtartos ne sea efthir frerarneaton or- Irs awl rote hypasmar othet than xh nldrersee L, sricffrpmhthlrid if ye Jar
    received this uusen, In/on In error-, please no.4 se mm.dip,. by aefrp'onr wi i.e/I the aflgtn&.a no at the Federal Cmnrnanicodora Commlexta,,
    lotO,Inef Bistros j5 j2M S:,etrR. W.. Rae,, .e125. Was/logier. DC 2I)a54.
                                       DATE:                  (D/ /ô                 7
        TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418- S
                                             TO:            c4d                      2
                      FAXNUMBER:                     _____________
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  SFEcL4L INSTRUCTIONS:                                                          '                 A/
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                                                                        Non-Streamlined ITC-STA-20071 129-00480
                                                                                              I B2007002 846
                                                   G                    Inter-Tel Netsolutions Inc.
                                                                                              so   -'ti
                           LEVENTHAL S ENTER & LERMAN PLLC
                                          November 29, 2007
 DA'ID S. KEIR                                                                                             E-MAIL
(202) 4 6-6742
                                                                 Graflte4 Division,                  DKEIR@LSL-LAW.COM
                                                                         Intamatlonel 8Uriu
                                                 datt.                     NOV !U 2flfl7
                                                              \p'                      try   jqO
    ___________________                         -
    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
    Secretary                                                            L
    Federal Communications Commission
                                :.                                             -d-e-
    445 12th Street, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554            -              -   L-^
                                                         G4                t
                                                                                1'.-   kt
                 Re:     Request of inter-Tel (Delaware), Inc., Inter-Tel NetSolutions, Inc.,
                         and Mitel Networks Corporation for Extension of Special
                         Temporary Authority for the Transfer of Control of a Company
                         Holding Domestic and International Section 214 Authority
                         (FCC File No. ITC-STA-2007t1730-00299)
    Dear Ms. Dortch:
             Inter-Tel (Delaware), Inc. ("Inter-Tel"), Inter-Tel NetSolutions, Inc.
    ("NetSolutions") and Mitel Networks Corporation ("Mitel") (hereinafter, the
    "Applicants"), hereby request extension of the special temporary authority ("STA")
    initially granted on August 6, 2007, and extended by the International Bureau on October 3,
    2007. A copy of the current grant-stamped STA is attached. Mitel assumed control of
    Inter-Tel and NetSolutions, effective August 16, 2007, under the authority of the original
            Full details of the underlying transaction are included in the pending applications,
    filed on July 25, 2007, and in the original STA application, filed on July 30, 2007. The
    underlying applications remain pending to allow for completion of national security
    review. See Letter from Stephen Heifetz, Director, Foreign Financial and Investment
    Issues, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, to Marlene H. Dortch. Secretary, FCC,
    dated August 15, 2007 (requesting removal of applications from streamlined processing to
    allow completion of review). Because the current STA expires on December 2, 2007, the
    Applicants require an additional sixty day period within which to maintain the status quo
    pending final action on the pending applications.
                             2000 K STREET, N'N, SUITE 600. WASHINGTON. DC 20006-809
                           TELEPHONE 202.429-2970 FAX 202.293.7783   WWW.LSL-LAW.COM

******K****** -COMM. JOURNAL- ***>4********(***** DATE NOU-30-2007 ****I< TIME 15:42 ********
        MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                               STARTNOU-30 j5:37                           END=NOL)-30 15:42
          FILE NO.=19?
  SIN       COMM.              ONE-TOUCH/                  STAT ION NAME/TEL NO.                                                                 PAGES                  DURATION
  NO.                            flDBR NO.
  001           OK                                         S42S4E25IS2S3?783M                                                                    002/002                00:00:56
                                                                                                                 - I NTERNATI ONAL BUREAU
                                                                        -INTL BUREAU                         -           -                 202 418 2824- *1<****)l<*
                                      INTERNA TIONAL B UREA U
                                                                Policy Division
                                                                FAX SHEET
                                                          Iax Number: (202) 4i8-2824
    ThJsfacsirni!e iv smistia,, in iaieodnd only/or the              slioi, b.slow. 1, n,ay 000ink, (vformthlaii thai ipiviIc god, conjdenthl a,' aihencse proreel id
   from dioclosore. Ally review, disse,r.inoiirn or pot pf ibis rrarlVllisS,00 Or Its coinNor., by perish gil,ø-than rJ cddre,s,ee srncllyprchibise4 i/you hire.
    received this Nonxmisslon Zr crro, plea,. noqfr pp riomndisely by telephone andmoll the arIROrel is etal the Frdc'ol CommunicarI oat
   Ilricrrpionci bore,,. -P15 17'   5reei S   Wi   pore   7-401/. Wok, rngron. DC' 2055.1.
                                         DATE:                    H3°I7
        TELEPHONE NUMBER.' (202) 418-                                                   2-
                                               TO:                   AVd                         /:i'I;M.                                                                6"
                       FAXJVUMBER:                                                           v17
     TEL EPIJONE NUMBER:                                                            3        v
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  THIS COVER SHEET1SPA GE I OF                                                    PA GES.

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