Attachment 20170831112731-047.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20060531-00299 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                  To                  *                         Streamlined    ITC—STA—20060531—00299
                  ~.Jran§edicy Divisions—                                      1B2006001413
             ‘       ,   mmu&ua,u                               THRANE & THRANE AIRTIME LTD.
     d             s   _      ___JUN 3 0 2006
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                                                                                             Tarane % Th ine 2 rtime Ltd.
                                                                                                                   A Ri:quest

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                            By t is af plica on, Thrar : & Thra : Ai ime, Ltd. ("T&T A rtime ) se ks special

                  temporary ai thoril ; ((°"‘ [A") for    0 diys tc allo ‘ T& [ Ai time to o fer e istin            Inn arsal

                  services, incl iding [nma sat fi ini—\   M4 B a1 LC s rvice ;, usi g the Inm irsat rurth zeneiation

                  satellite loca »d at 52.7 *W,.L. ; ie Irt mars:       4F: .        CTemp »rary auth »rity   > pr vide these

                 _ services usin ; this satel te will all w T&T 4 rtim to c fer I marsat‘s ervic s sel ‘ice in the

                  United State whil : the intenatior 1 Bi reau         ;‘BU.]
                                                                                au") csons: lers the u iderh ng & ‘ction 214

                  application, & : ame ided, yevic usly   iled ty T.   T Ai time.

                  I. BACKGR )UN: )

                           _ On 4 pril 13, 20 6, T&€T A time filec an a plica on ( T&T Airtime 2 4 Aj »licat on")

                  for Section 214 auth nrityv to          rovid: g jbal facil ies—k sed and resc 1 i1 ernat onal

                  telecommunications sem ces (File        To. IMM1‘C—2 1—20 6041 —002 ‘1).‘ Subsequer ly, c          Ma 26,

                  2006, the T&T Airtime 14 Applic tion ‘vas            nem( :d to also squest authority to 0. er B(PAN

                  service via the Inmsarsat F2 sitellit and sxist ig Ir narss serv ves, insiluuing i man taiskt i—M,

                  M4, B and C services, also using the fourth generation Inmarsat satellites ("T&T Airtime 214

                  AmendmehtApplication"; File No. to be determined). By application filed May 22, 2006, T&T

                  Airtime has also sought special temporary authority to provide BGAN services over these‘

                  satellites. File No. SES—STA—20060522—00857
                                         ‘                    (Call Sign EO60179).                    T&T Airtime hereby

                  incorporates by reference these appliéations for purposes of this STA request."

                  ‘ T&T Airtime has also filed an application for blanket license authority to operate 20,000 mobile
                  earth terminals ("METs") using Inmarsat‘s BGAN service. See File No. SES—LFS—20060522—
                  00852. Additionally, T&T has filed an application for STA under Title III to operate MET‘s with
                  the BGAN service in the United States. See File No. SES—STA— 20060522—00857.

                  °> T&T Airtime also incorporates by reference all ownership information and certifications
                  provided in the original T&T Airtime 214 Application.

                              Thrane & Thrane Airtime LTD.
                           IBFS File No. ITC—STA—20060531—00299

The request of Thrane & Thrane Airtime LTD. (T&T Airtime) for special temporary authority
(STA) IS GRANTED. Accordingly, T&T Airtime is granted global or limited global resale
authority for a period ending August 29, 2006, to offer the Inmarsat B, C, M, mini—M and M4
services using the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite at 52.75 W.L. in accordance with the terms, conditions,
and technical specifications set forth in the Commuission‘s rules and this document.

1: Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this special
   temporary authority is solely at T&T Airtime‘s own risk.

   The grant of this STA is not based on a finding that Inmarsat‘s L—band operations are
   consistent with operation on a non—interference basis.

   The grant of this STA is without prejudice to anyfuture determination that the Commission
   may make as to whether Inmarsat‘s L—bandoperations are consistent with operation on a
   non—interference basis.

   This STA may be terminated or modified at the International Bureau‘s discretion, without a
   hearing, if conditions warrant.

   Authority granted in this STA is without prejudice to the disposition of any related
   applications for regular authority.

   This grant is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
   authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective immediately.

    T&T Airtime is afforded thirty days from the date of release of this action to decline this
    special temporary authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within this period will
    constitute formal acceptance of the special temporary authorization as conditioned.

Mikelle Morra
International Bureau
Policy Division                                        Communications
(202) 418—7151 (Phone)                                 commiss on
(202) 418—2824 (Fax)

To:      Eric Fishman, Esq.                 From:   James Ball

Fax:      (202) 955—5564                    Pages: 3

Phone: (202) 828—1849                       Date:   6/30/2006

Re:      ITC—STA—20060531—00299             CC:

C Urgent          C For Review   D Please Comment   O Please Reply   C Please Recycle

® Comments:

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Document Created: 2019-05-28 00:51:20
Document Modified: 2019-05-28 00:51:20

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