Attachment 20170831110750-080.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20060531-00295 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


     JUMN—@2—2006        @8: 37

          Sasklel                                     iEcaL DEPARTMENT
                                                 PANA|—ZAX COVER SHE /
          June 2 i ) E

          TO:                         deral Communications Commission                              RECEIVED
                                      ‘ention:       Secretary

                                      x #: (202) 418—2824                                             JU 4 —2 2005

                                          nf Munro                                            Federal Com wr cations Co im isic 1
          FRC U
                              u) uJ

                                      2                                                              Offic of he Seceta
                                      skatchewan Telecommunications                                               o       I
                                      gal Dept., 13th FI., 2121 Saskatchen ar D iv
                              id 1

                                      GINA, Saskatchewan S4P 3Y2
                                      : (306) 777—4648         Fax: (306) 569. 445

          Re:                         ‘C Submission Number: 1820060014 )9

                                      skatchewan Telecommunications Ap »liz ion

                                                                                  m wor   nednnisemarepmmmmm es omm um e

          Pleae i 3 ic 3 the enclosed letter with the STA applic atior that | have filed on
                           ) hulf on May 31%.                Since that applic ticn as filed econtained
         £ ttach! ie 1 s | ind 2, I would ask that the enclosed le ar b come Attac iment 3
         t> the i 3 vn c ed application.


         Brent Munito

         Message is intended only for the use of the Individual or entity to which it is addressed and may
         contain information that is privileged, confidentlal and exempt from disclosure under applicable
         law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
         dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have
         received this communication in error, please notify us immedlately by collect telephone call and
         return the original message to us by mail at our expense. Thank you.

          Original Dacument Will Be                                   Please call Sheri at (306) 777—2445 If
                  Sent by Mail                                        28      pages (including this cover
            V     Retained on our file                                sheet) were not received in good

JUN—B2—2006     10: 34                                                                98%                             P.01

      JUN—J2—<20db      UHB :3‘


                Legal Department
                    , 2121 Saskatchewan Drive
                Regma Sacskatchewan S4P 3Y2                                                        Our Ref.:CC—4465—266—4
                                                                        =14   f!—=}                Your Ref.:
                                                           Al O NV 210                             Fax No.:(306)569—84455

                June 2, . 17}06                                         ; nications Cmm
                                                        Fer gral   ::: .?’(he gucre V

                                                                                             Non—Streainlined         ITC—STA—20060531—00 295
                                                                   Ss1 in                    SaskTel
                Federal ammuinic               tions Somr
                Internati«        ial Bure:     Policy Divi        on                              (e
                445 — 12 Street, i             N.,                                             r        mm o arooorrrproppoorpvommmmommorsale
                                                                                                                                                Lng inampomee

                Washing mn, D. 3.
                                                                                                                    Grantedy Divison
                                                                                                   |                        International Bure i:
                ATTENT            JIN:    S    retan"                                            du]';      c                JUN    *~

                                                                                                              *pire ce                              eZ
                Dear Sir:                                                                       autho. 12 .:fby-              cwbw
                                                                                                                                 C, *
                                                                                                   Pics, Policy Piv, F B
                Re:       F       » Suk mi     ‘Jon Nuinb          :    182006001408
                          S;      ‘katchey     n Telecon           wunicatior s Appfication‘,                         M
                          fo      Seiction     14— {SSpaci          Te mpora y Aut orltyiiatl
                          O       ‘File: C     4465 —21 56—
                                               mnnnccmncom mm mm

                | write th         le‘ter a    a supplirm          it to the azsove noted application filed on May
                315, 200           | write l   sed cn aad\         e raceivec from Commission staff.

               On behe of Eas el, | ackn vleige thit any grant of Special Temporary
               Authority s with ou prejudic: t! Commission action on the underlying Section
               214 appli ation, as mended by itte r dated May 26, 2006 that has been filed by
               my client. My client, SaskTel, acknowledges that a grant of Special Temporary
               Authority can be revoked by the Commission at any time without a hearing.

               Without prejudice of any kind to the submissions made in the filed Section 214
               application and prior STA requests filed by Navigata Communications Ltd., my
               client commits to comply with the dominant carrier safeguards in 47 CFR
               63.10(c)(2 ), (c)(3), (c)(4) and (e). My client requests the instant STA to
               accommodate an internal restructuring resulting in SaskTel acquiring the former
               international facilities—based and resale operations of Navigata Communications

                                                                                                      —-   ZD'DL'L
                                                                                  QJL‘   t   l{CIZH‘f

JUIN—02—2006   10: 34

     wit   ue   auaus     w fa
                                                                                                          t   k en uns

                 Federal Communications Commission
                 June 2, 2006

                 heee?                                       RIECIEIVZD
                                                                    UN 3 2305
                                                                                    ons Co nmission
                                                                 ral Commut icat
                                                                                the Sec reta ry
                                                            hi       C ffige of

                 Thank you for your consideration of our supalemanation communication
                 regarding this matter.


                 B.W. (Brent) Munro
                 SaskTel Corporate Counsel
                 13" Floor, 2121 Saskatchewan Drive
                 Regina, Saskatchewan,
                 Canada, S4P 3Y2
                 Telephone: (308) 777—4648
                 Facsimile: (306) 569—8445
                 Counsel for Navigata Communications Ltd.



JUN—@2—2006                                                                                           TOTAL P.03
                 10: 34                                                     PBX                           P.083

Document Created: 2019-06-03 14:46:02
Document Modified: 2019-06-03 14:46:02

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