Attachment 20170831112349-717.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20060526-00298 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                     Non—Streamlined       ITC—STA—20060526—002938
                             Division                                      1B2006001391
        —   Gran         C         Bureau [          THRANE & THRANE AIRTIME LTD.

             A      JUN 3 0 2006                   éb:’\‘“{ thieus       G’nc‘éa-r;éoavaif}% B) Ve@rw&/
                                                     ""(im(“‘     STA         ‘jlfifif"}_fl}\ a—ww 20,20°42,
auth%;gcfgg;- CS . o
 Chief, Prlitypiv. TL                                G:leRNDo, S€S5— STA —~ 2.cof o5 22 /cvgfy'y .
              ‘-)_\. \\"’Kafip                                                    Thrane & TmranesflEitilrg;i,;csit
   _ agmes
signature                                                                                         Attachment 1

                                         DESCRIPTION OF STA REQUEST

                      By this applica1tiofi,"Thrane & Thrane Airtime, Ltd. ("T&T Airtime") seeks special

              terfiporztry authority (“S‘TAT’j for 60 days to allow T&T Airtime to sell Inmarsat‘s Broadband

              Global Area Network ("BGAN") service provided over the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite located at the

              52.75° W.L. orbital location.   Temporary authority to provide the BGAN service using this

              satellite will allow T&T Airtime to offer Inmarsat‘s BGAN service in the United States while the

              International Bureau ("‘Bureau") considers the umderlyfing BGAN Section 214 application

              previously filed by T&T Airtime.

              I. BACKGROUND

                      On April 13, 2006, T&T Airtimefiled an application ("T&T Airtime 214 Application")

              for Section 214 authority to provide global facilities—based and resold               international

              telecommunications servicis (File No. ITC—214—20060413—00241).‘ Subsequently, on May 26,

              2006, the T&T Airtime 21i_1 Application was amended to also request authority to offer BGAN

              service v{a the Inmarsat 4F2 satellité ("T&T Airtime BGAN 214 Amendment Application"; File

              No. to be determined). In the T&T Airtime BGAN 214 Amendment Application, T&T Airtime

              proposes to offer Inmarsat BGAN services originating and terminating in the United States and

              abroad. T&T Airtime hereby incorporates by reference these two applications'for purposes of

              this STA request.2

                      T&T Airtime expects to be able to provide the BGAN service over the Inmarsat 4F2 by

              June 2, 2006.A In the event that the Bureau is unable to complete its review of the T&T Airtime

              ‘ T&T Airtime has also filed an application for blanket license authority to operate 20,000
              mobile earth terminals ("METs") using Inmarsat‘s BGAN service. See File No. SES—LFS—
              20060522—00852. Additionally, T&T has filed an application for STA under title III to operate
              MET‘s with the BGAN service in the United States. See File No. SES—STA— 20060522—00857.

              > T&T Airtime also incorporates by reference all ownership information and certifications
              provided in the original T&T Airtime 214 Application.

Mikelle Morra
International Bureau
Policy Division                                        Communications
(202) 418—7151 (Phone)                                 commiss Fel1
(202) 418—2824 (Fax)

To:      Eric Fishman, Esq.                 From:   James Ball

Fax:     (202) 955—5564                     Pages: 2

Phone: (202) 828—1849                       Date:   6/30/2006

Re:      ITC—STA—20060531—00298             CC:

C Urgent          C For Review   C Please Comment   O Please Reply   C Please Recycle

e Comments:

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Document Created: 2019-06-03 17:36:23
Document Modified: 2019-06-03 17:36:23

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