Attachment 20170831094123-507.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20060508-00268 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                     G          t                                                Non—Streamlined        ITC—STA—20060508—00268

                         ran edbncy Division                                     Yestel, Inc
                                                                                                        IB 2006001196
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                          { l igs hm o es mewn~                           ===*~*~              ppl catioi for S pecial T :mpo: am Authority
                     _,_é cA         ;,( ),Q                                o Dpsrat            Pursuant to nternations l 214 Auhc rization

                     mumen mums moms more pees ol   . ... oonemeeng

                         THis :s a re juest for Spe                   al Cenmpcoray Auth       ity ("ST.A"), siibt 1it ed pursuant to Section
             6       25 oftie Conn ission‘s rule                      secekinrg tar povary     ithority to a lovy Uestel, Inc. ("Y sst :1"), the
                                               e    w   2                 3 ML    A            L220   Tnaul   4 Nh nz mm Mu1Z N     4R L   tmi A

             A       horizastio1‘) to operate as a                     aor zed it th: 214.     plisation pead: ng Com aission action, filed
                     curcen ly ieiewith, seeking                      omiaissioiampiove        of a 214 applicstion on t shalf f°(e:tel, Inc.

             ¥%      itel res sectfully reqquests 12(                 lay: te nporiry autl      fity while th2 214 Applisatior is pe iding.

                           Yistel, ‘nc, formerly 1                    owi as Foto Cell         ar, Inc. snd RobcTel, ‘nc, oltaine l a 214
                     horizs tioi it th:name Robc                      ‘ell ila~, hic. ""Fobe   Cellular") in IT 2—‘:14—10960422—00 .60 (the

             "       4 Autiior zaio1!") in 1996.                      ub: equaertly, Robc      Cellalar changed ts marae to ?o70 el, Inc:
                     oboTel") by le tes dated Ja                      iar 2., 19$8. In          arca of ©999, a isset purchase :ock plave

                     wveenFob>T:1, nc and Intee                         tional Ex chings>Co    im nicat ons, Iic. ("IEC "). Th:natueoftlhe

                     t purc has e vas ty rical for®                   : in lustry, aid it it   ud d the custo ne: base of RobcTe.. IEC‘s
                     nsel, p ars 1a1nt I 3C‘s instruc:                ns, recue tecl:withe     wa ofRoboTe ‘s 21—1 A uthori zatior in June

                     990. I ob oT sl i zas unaware                    ‘the witheraval ofi        aut roriz:tion, i nc supse quent yilile l atariff
            t w‘o

                     00( cl an ringitsnameto Y¥\                      el, nc. L1 2002, Y       :el Dbegan to obtair addit onal us on iers and
                     contit ue| to prov de long ¢                     tansetele:oiom uni        tions services to tie are sert.

                           A Gr: nt of Special Tem                    rar rAuttor ty Nil        emv s the ut lic In erest, This ST 4A l as becn
                 d at the directioio‘the Com ission sta ft>avcor an / the filingcftiie‘.14 Applcaior. Gra it

                 ae { T2 is needed to allow Y celt>cont inuveto op ate its telecomt m iiciticns net work »ending
            m A o0

                 nmiss: on actior or the 214 2¥ olication. Youstel‘s gir al Interniiticnal2: 41 cease d ito provide
                 ivicua Sv it he 1Resale Ser seb stveeith eUinit         St:tesand fore gr point i. Ves tel is : nactive
             i1 rational cairie;, presently| oviciny;retai telece munication:sserv:ces in 16 states. As such,
             the public interest will be served by granting this STA request to allow uninterrupted provision of
             Yestel‘s services. In further support of this request, the Commission is respectfully requested to
             consider that Yestel has acted in good faith to rectify its failure to file for a 214 Authorization after
             the IEC transaction, admitting its failure to comply with Commission rules, and seeking approval
             of the Application.

                     Steps Taken by Yestel to Ensure Future Compliance with FCC rules. Yestel has taken steps
             to ensure future compliance with Commission rules. Upon realizing, in April 2006, that a problem
             existed with their 214 Authorization, Yestel retained Nowalsky, Bronston & Gothard, APLLC, as
             communications counsel to assist in the immediate filing of the 214 Application and this STA
             request. To ensure future compliance with FCC rules, Yestel will consult with Communications
             counsel on a regular basis as necessary to remain advised and up to date on Commission regulatory
             requirements affecting its operations. In addition, Yestel will maintain a current copy ofPart 63 of
             the Commission‘s rules at its headquarters in California, and has appointed Robert Wu,its President,

#clololeietetetatalaletetetek —COMM.        JOURNAL— setatatatotefetetetetolalololetetetek DATE JUN—ee~etatiq mm o. 2l

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                                         INTER VATIONAL BUL .: 4U
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Document Created: 2019-05-28 12:06:57
Document Modified: 2019-05-28 12:06:57

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