Attachment DA-18-1047A1.pdf

This document pretains to ITC-MSC-20181015-00182 for Miscellaneous on a International Telecommunications filing.


Federal Communications Commission
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                                                                                                   DA 18-1047
                                                                                              October 15, 2018



Initial Lists Must be Filed by: November 14, 2018

         This public notice establishes the process for filing and maintaining the lists of routes required by
Section 63.22(h) of the Commission’s rules, which the Commission adopted when it eliminated the
requirement to file annual Traffic and Revenue Reports in favor of relying on targeted data collections
when necessary.1 International facilities-based service providers must file and maintain a list of U.S.-
international routes on which they have direct termination arrangements with a foreign carrier.2 This
requirement provides the Commission with the basic information that will allow it to tailor requests for
information to only those providers having direct termination arrangements on particular routes, for
example, for merger review and investigations of possible anticompetitive conduct on U.S.-international

         Pursuant to Section 0.457(d)(xi), we will treat the lists as not routinely available for public
inspection.3 The international facilities-based service provider may choose to file the route list on a
confidential basis during the filing process. If a service provider requests confidential treatment of its
filing, such a request should be made in accordance with Section 0.459 of the Commission’s rules.4

1Section 43.62 Reporting Requirements for U.S. Providers of International Services; 2016 Biennial Review of
Telecommunications Regulations, IB Docket Nos. 17-55 and 16-131, Report and Order, 32 FCC Rcd 8115, 8124-26,
paras. 19-22 (2017) (Section 43.62 Report and Order).
2 47 CFR § 63.22(h) (“A carrier shall file with the Commission a list of U.S.-international routes for which it has an
arrangement with a foreign carrier for direct termination in the foreign destination. The carrier shall notify the
Commission within 30 days after it adds a termination arrangement for a new foreign destination or discontinues
arrangements with a previously listed destination. The list shall be filed electronically in accordance with
instructions from the International Bureau.”).
3   47 CFR § 0.457(d)(xi).
4   47 CFR § 0.459.

Filing Procedures

           1. Process to File and Maintain Route List

        Initial Route List. International facilities-based service providers with existing arrangements
with a foreign carrier for direct termination in the foreign destination must submit their lists of all routes
where they have such arrangements within thirty (30) days after the release of this public notice –
November 14, 2018.5

        A new international facilities-based service provider or one without existing direct termination
arrangements must file its list within thirty (30) days of entering into a direct termination arrangement(s)
with a foreign carrier(s).6

         Maintaining the Route List. Thereafter, international facilities-based service providers must
update their lists within thirty (30) days after adding a termination arrangement for a new foreign
destination or discontinuing an arrangement with a previously listed destination.7

           2. Content of Filing

           International facilities-based service providers must file a document that includes:

           •   The name of the international facilities-based service provider (company name);
           •   A list of all international Section 214 authorizations held by the service provider (e.g., ITC-
               214-20010101-00001, ITC-MOD-20020202-00002);
           •   A list of all U.S.-international routes on which the service provider has a direct termination
               arrangement with a foreign carrier;
           •   If the filing is an update, a summary of the changes to the previously-reported routes; and
           •   A certification as to the completeness and accuracy of the information submitted by an officer
               of the international facilities-based service provider.8 The certification must contain:
                    o the signature, name, and title of the certifying official;
                    o the physical address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the certifying official;
                    o the service provider’s official contact or attorney of record, including physical
                         address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
           •   The Commission will not accept the route list unless it is accompanied by the requisite

5   47 CFR § 63.22(h).
6   Id.
7   Id.; see Section 43.62 Report and Order, 32 FCC Rcd at 8121, para. 21.
8 For the purposes of this certification, an officer is a person who occupies a position specified in the corporate by-
laws (or partnership agreement, certificate creating a limited liability company, or comparable document) and is
typically the president, vice president for operations, vice president for finance, comptroller, treasurer, or someone
in a comparable position. If the service provider is a sole proprietorship, the owner must certify the accuracy and
completeness of the route list.

        3. Electronic Filing

         Initial and updated route lists must be submitted to the Commission electronically via the
International Bureau Filing System (IBFS), following the instructions below.

        •   Submit document in PDF format in IBFS at the following link:
        •   Click on “Pleadings and Comments,” which appears on the left side of the screen under
            “Quick Search.” This will bring you to a page for filing non-docketed pleadings that asks for
            the information of the person or company making the submission.
        •   The first drop-down box asks what kind of submission is being filed.
                 o Select “Letter”
        •   The second question asks if the filer is requesting confidential treatment.
                 o Select the radial button next to “Yes” if you would like to request confidential
        •   The third section on this page allows you to enter an FCC Registration Number (FRN) that
            would import the filer’s identifying information and the information for the filer’s contact
            from the Commission’s Registration System (CORES). You are not required to enter an FRN
            but may do so. Every other field must be completed before proceeding.
        •   Once the filer/contact information has been completed, click “Next Step.”
                 o On this screen, enter the file number – ITC-MSC-20181015-00182 – to ensure your
                     submission gets uploaded into the correct file.
                 o Click “Add File Numbers to Pleading List” and “Next Step” to continue until all file
                     numbers have been entered.
        •   On the final page, upload the route list document. Use the “Replace/Attach” button in the
            right-hand column to add or edit any of the attachments and the “Delete Attachment” button
            at the bottom of the list to remove any of your attachments.

         Filers are also encouraged to email a courtesy copy of the route list filing to However, note that submitting a courtesy copy via email does not satisfy
the Section 63.22(h) filing requirement.

       For any questions on the route list requirements, please contact Kimberly Cook,
Telecommunications and Analysis Division, International Bureau, (202) 418-7532 or For any questions on filing via IBFS, please contact Adrienne McNeil,
Telecommunications and Analysis Division, International Bureau, (202) 418-0412 or



Document Created: 2019-05-02 13:41:11
Document Modified: 2019-05-02 13:41:11

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