Attachment Taino-Carib Section

This document pretains to ITC-MOD-20191025-00173 for Modification on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                 Before the

In the Matter of                                 )
Telefonica Larga Distancia de Puerto Rico, et    )   File No. ITC-214-19920103-00125
al.,                                             )   (Old File No. ITC-92-106)
The Taino-Carib Submarine Cable System           )


       The Taino Carib Consortium, pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3) of the Commission’s Rules,

hereby requests the Commission to modify the Section 214 authority previously granted to

construct and operate the Taino Carib Cable System to include Antelecom N.V., Cable and

Wireless (BVI) Limited, and Prepa Networks, LLC as licensees. 1 This application is submitted

in connection with the previously filed cable landing license application to authorize the

continued operation of the Taino Carib Cable System after the existing landing license for the

cable expired on January 1, 2018. 2 Antelecom N.V., Cable and Wireless (BVI) Limited, and

Prepa Networks, LLC are applicants for the renewed cable landing license for Taino Carib.

Antelecom N.V., Cable and Wireless (BVI) Limited, and Prepa Networks, LLC seek Section

63.18(e)(3) authority to own and operate this common carrier facility.

 The Taino Carib Cable System commenced operation as a common carrier cable on January 1,
1992, pursuant to the cable landing license granted on July 13, 1992 and Section 214
authorization granted on June 25, 1992. See Telefonica Larga Distancia de Puerto Rico, et al., 7
FCC. Rcd. 4275 (1992) (Cable Landing License) & id., 7 FCC Rcd. 4266 (1992) (Section 214
authorization). The cable continues in operation pursuant to Special Temporary Authority. Id.
 See The Taino Carib Cable System Operating between the Puerto Rico and St. Thomas in the
U.S. Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands, File No. SCL-LIC-2018-0702-00019, filed on
June 29, 2018.

        The continued operation of the Taino Carib Cable System will serve customers in the

United States by providing bandwidth capacity for broadband traffic between the Puerto Rico,

the U.S. Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands, with connections to international routes

serving the Caribbean and Central and South America. As stated in the application for the

renewed cable landing license, the continued operation of this cable is overwhelmingly in the

public interest by continuing to help meet the demand for voice, data and Internet traffic, provide

important facilities-based competition, and enhance service quality, increase resiliency, and

decrease latency on the above routes. The same reasons support the grant of this application.

        Information requested by 47 C.F.R. § 63.18. The information requested by 47 C.F.R. §

63.18 of the Commission’s rules for each applicant can be found in the attached appendices as


                 APPENDIX A: Antelecom N.V.

                 APPENDIX B: Cable and Wireless (BVI) Limited

                 APPENDIX C: Prepa Networks, LLC

        U.S. Departments of State, Commerce, and Defense. A complete copy of this application

has been sent to the U.S. Departments of State, Commerce, and Defense. Such service is

certified   in      the   certificate    of     service    attached     to    this     application.


       For the reasons stated above, the Taino Carib Consortium respectfully requests that the

Commission grant this application to modify the Section 214 authority previously granted to

construct and operate the Taino Carib Cable System to include Antelecom N.V., Cable and

Wireless (BVI) Limited, and Prepa Networks, LLC as licensees.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

Of Counsel:                                   ________________________
                                              James Talbot
Mark D. Schneider                             AVP – Senior Legal Counsel
Sidley Austin LLP                             AT&T Services, Inc.
1501 K Street, NW                             1120 20th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005                          Suite 1000
(202) 736-8058                                Washington, D.C. 20036                         (202) 457-3048

Dated: October 25, 2019


                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that the foregoing application was served on the following by first-class

mail on October 25, 2019:

U.S. Coordinator, EB/CIP
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520-5818

Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th St., NW and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20230

Defense Information Systems Agency
6910 Cooper Avenue
Fort Meade, MD 20755-7088

                                                                 Gabrielle Whitehall


                             APPENDIX A — ANTELECOM N.V.

     Antelecom N.V. ("Antelecom") is a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of United
     Telecommunication Services N.V. United Telecommunication Services N.V. is a limited
     liability corporation organized and existing under the laws of Curacao and and having its
     head office at Berg Ararratl, Willemstad, Curacao. Antelecom N.V. provides long
     distance and international telecommunication. services, wholesale and retail, directly to
     the public and to othercarriers and or operators through the use of wireline, wireless and
     satellite technologies, including VoIP. These services are mostly provided through the
     parent company, United Telecommunication Services N.V.

INFORMATION REQUIRED BYV 47 C.F.R. §63.18, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18

4)      Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

        The name, address and telephone nunmiber of the applicant:

        Antelecom N.V.
        Berg Arrarat # 1
        Telephone: +5999 777 0101

@       Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

        The Government, State, or Territory under the laws of which each corporate or
        partnership applicantis organized:
        Antelecom N.V. is organized under the laws of Curagao.

9       Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

        The name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer and any other
        contact point, such as legal counsel, to whom correspondence concerning the
        application is to be addressed:
        Journeth Matthecuw
        Manager, Submarine Cables & International Network Wholesale
        Antelecom N.V.
        Berg Arrarat # 1
        Telephone: +5999 777 1225
        Email: {.mattecuw@uts.ow

        With a copy to:

        The Legal and Regulatory Department

      Antelecom N.V.
       Berg Arrarat # 1
      Telephone: +5999 777 0101
      Email: legal@uts:ow

@®    Information requested by Section 63.18(e)(3)

      A statement as to whether the applicant has previously received authority under
      Section 214 of the Act and, if so, a general description ofthe categories of facilities
      and services authorized:
       Antelecom has:not previously received Section 214 authority.

®     Certification and Information requested by Section 63.18(c)(3)

      A description of the facilities for which the applicant seeks authorization:

      Antelécom requests Section 214—authority to construct, own, and operale capacity in
      the Taino Carib Cable System and to exercise all other authority granted to the Joint
      Applicants in Telefonica Larga Distancia de Puerto Rico. et al., 7 FCC Red. 4266
      (1992), and subsequent orders.

      Antelegom certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(¢)(3), 47 C.F—R. § 63.18(c)(3), that it
      will comply with the terms and conditions contained in Sections 63.21 and 63.22 of
      the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.21 & 63.22.

(6)   Information Requested by Section 63.18(h)

      Each person or entity that directly or indireetly owns 10%or more of the equity of the

      Are listed in Tab 1 attached hereto.

      United Telecommunication Services N.V. holds a 100% direct ownership interest in
      Antelecom N.V.

      The ultimate beneficial owner is Liberty Latin America Ltd., which is a Bermuda
      incorporated entity that is publicly listed on the NASDAQ.

      Except as stated above, no person or entity holds a 10% or greater ownership or
      voting interest in Antelecom N.V. or United Telecommunication Services N.V.

      Interlocking directorates: Mr. P.T. de Geus, Chief Executive Officer of Antelecom
      N.V., is also the Chief Executive Officer of United Telecommunication Services N.V.

                                              2 of 4

(7)    Certification Requested by Section 63.18(i)

       Antelecom certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(i), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(i), that it is
       affiliated with the following foreign carriers
       Antelecom N.V. is a subsidiary of United. Telecommunication Services N.V. United
       Telecommunication Services N.V. provides telecommunications services in Curacao.
       As the result of the recent acquisition of United Telecommunications Services N.V.
       Liberty Latin America Ltd.Antelecom N.V. is also affiliated with Cable and Wireless
       (BV1) Limited, which is a carrier in the British Virgin Islands, and with the affiliates
       of Cable and Wireless (BVI) Limited listed in Tab 2.

(8)    Certification Requested by Section 63.18(J)

       Antelecom N.V. certifies that it seeks to land and operate a submarine cable
       cvonnecting the United States to a country for which the statement listed in 47 C.F.R. §
       63.18(j}(3) is true. Specifically, an entity that indirectly controls the applicant
       controls a foreign carrier in the British Vitgin Islands. Antelecom certifies that it does
       not seek to land or operate a submarine cable connécting the United States to any
       country for whichthestatements listed in 47 C.F.R. § 63.18() (1).(2) or (4) is true.

(9)    Certification requested in Section 63.18(n)

       Antelecom certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(n), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(n), that it has not
       agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from ‘any foreign cartier
       with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses market
       power on the foreign end of the route and will not eater into such agreements in the

(10)   Certification requested by Section 63.18(0)

       Antelecom certifies pursuant to seetions 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s
       rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003, that it is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits
       pursuant to Section 5301 ofthe Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

                                               3 of 4


I am authorized to enterthis certification on behalf of Antelecom N.V..

All of the information contained in this application and Appendix A is true and

correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated: October 5, 2019                              P.T. de Geus
                                                    Chief Executive Officer
                                                    Antelecom N.V.
                                                    Berg Arrarat # 1

                                      4 of 4

                 TAB 1


        Public Listing
                                                  As at 4 Oct 2019
 Liberty Latin Amer i ca Ltd.

              I       100%

    UIAC S enilces Lt d.

              I       100%

  Li berty ewe Holdings

             I       100%

I.GE Coral Holdco Limited

    Cable & Wi reless

Cornrru nlcatlons limited

             I        100%

Cable & Wireless limi ted

             I        100%

  Sabl e Holdlrw Limi t ed


Columbus International,

            Inc.                    Operating Entity

             I       100%

   Col umbus Curacao
     ( Barbados} Inc.
        (llrbados>                  Holding Company

             I       100%

Cable & Wireless Cura cao
       Holcl,w B.V.



 Umled Te lecomrncn "ations
       Services NV

      Anteleoon NV


                        TAB 2


Set forth below is a list of countries where Affilates of Cable & Wireless (BYVI} Ltd. also provide telecommunications
services and are duly licensed carriers.

1.       Anguilla

2.       Antigua

3.       Bahamas

4.       Barbados

5.       British Virgin Islands (BVI)

6.      Cayman Islands

7.      Commonwealth of Dominica

8.      Curacao

9.      Grenada

10.     Jamaica

11.      Montserrat

12.     St. Kitts & Nevis

13.     St, Lucla

14.     St. Vincent & the Grenadines

15.     Trinidad & Tobago

16.     Turks & Calcos tslands (TCH)

17.     Dominican Republic

18      USA

19.     Mexico

20.     Guatemala

21.     El Salvador

22.     Honduras

23.     Nicaragua

24.     Costa Rica

25.     Panama

26.     Peru

27.     Colombia

28.     Venezuela

29.   Chile

 1. North Miami Beach, FLUSA                Columbus Networks, Limited
 2. _Nassau, Cahamas                        Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 3. Catislands, Bahamas                     Bahamas Telecommunications Company.
 4. Crooked Island, Bahamas                 Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 5. Providenciales, Turks & Caicos          Cable & Wireless (TGl) Limited
 6. Ustupo, Panamé                          Cable & Wiretess Panamd S.A.
 7.      Marla Chiquita, Panamé             Cable & Wiretess Panamd S.A.
 8._     Blueflelds, Nicaragua              Columbus Networks de Hicaragua SRL                    .
| 9. PuertoCaberas,Nicaragua                Columbus Networks de Nicaragua SRL
 10. Puerto Barrlos, Guatemala              Columbus Networks de Guatemala $.A.
 1. Tulum 8, México                         Columbus Networks de México S.R.L.

 2. Maya—P
 1. Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands            Cable and Wireless (CaymanIslands} Umited
 2. Maria Chiquita, Panamd        _      _|_Cable & Wireless PanamdS.A.

 3. CEX—F
 1. Boca Raton, Florida                     Columbus Networks USA,Inc.
 2. Bull Gay, Jamalca                       Columbus Networks Jamaica, Limited
3. Cartagena, Colombia                      Columbus Networks de Colombla Ltda.

 4. Fibralinks
[_l._ BullBay, Jamalca                     ]Cg!pmbusflelwmks Jamalca, Ltd..                    |

 5.    ECFSI
 1.     Tortola    ____               _ Cable & Wiretess (Barbados) timited
 2.    St. Kitts                        Cable & Wretess St. Kitts & Nevis Limited
 3.    Angullta                         Cable and Wiretess (Anguilla) Limited
 4.    Antigua                          Cable & Wireless Antigua & Barbuda Limited
5. Dominica                                 Cable & Wireless Dominica Lmited
 6. St. luda                                Cable & Wireless{St. Lucia) Limited
 7. Barbados                                Cable & Wireless (Barbados} Limited
 8. St. Vincent                             Cable & Wireless St. Vincent and The Grenadings
 9. Grenada _                               Cable & Wireless Grenada Limited

 6 East West Cable
 1. Nanny Coy, Tortola BVI                  Cable and Wireless (EV) Limited
2. Horbour View, Jamaica                    Cable & Wirelass Jamatca Limited
3. Sento Domingo, OR                        CWC Cable & Wireless Communications
                                            Dominican Republic SA

  7. _PAN AM!
  1.    Battery Pratt, Panamg       Cable & Wireless Panamd 5.A.
  2.    Balboa, Panamé              Cable & Wireless Panamé $.A.

 8. JSCFS:
  1.    Black River, Jamaica        Cable & Wireless Jamalca   Limited
  2, Negrll Jamakca                 Cable & Wireless Jamaica   Limited
  3.    Montego Bay, Jamalca        Cable & Wireless Jamalca   Limited
 4.     Ocho Rlos, Jamaica          Cable & Wireless Jamalca   Limited
 5.     Port Antonio, Jamaica       Cable & Wirelass Jamaica   Umited
 6.     Harbour View, Jamaica       Cable & Wireless Jamalca timited
 7.     Old Harbour, Iamalca        Coble & Wireless Jamalca timited

 9.     CBUS!
[ 1.     BrewersBay, Tortola       | Cable and Wireless (BV]) Limited

  10, CJFS®
 1. Grand Cayman                    Cable and Wireless (Cayman Islands) Limited
 2. Cayman Brac                     Cable and Wireless (Cayman Istands) Limited
 3. Montego Bay, Jamalca            Cable & Wireless Jamalca Umited
 4._Harbour View, Jamaica           Cable & Wireless Jamalca tmited

  H1, Gemint Bermuda!
 1. Manasquan,New lersey            Verizon/Cable and Wiretess (Cayman Islands}

  12. Taino— Caribe
[ 1. Chalwell, Tortola BVI         [ Cable and Wireless (BVI) Umited

 13. BDSNi*
 1. Cat Island, Bahamas             Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 2, Clarence Town, Bahamas          Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 3. Crooked Islands, Bahamas        Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 4. Cockburn Town, Bahamas          Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 5. Duncan Town, Bahamas            Bahamas Telecommuntcations Company
 6.     Fresh Creek, Bahamas        Bahamas Telecommuntcations Company
 7.    George Town, Bahamas         Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 8.    Governors Harhor, Bahamas    Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 9.     Matthew Town, Bahamas       Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 10. Mayaguana, Bahamas             Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 11. Nassau, Bahamas                Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 12. Port Nelson, Bahamas           Bahamas Telecommunieations Company
 13. Sandy Polnt, Bahamas           Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 Contortion System
 2. Private Cable System
 * CWCalfilate onned cable

DocuSign Envelope ID: 29FA1912—405D—4091—A8D6—15E3A36946A6

                               APPENDIX B — CABLE AND WIRELESS (BVI) LIMITED

                   Cable and Wireless (BVI) Limited (CC&W BVI"), trading as Flow, is a company duly

                   incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands, with its registered office at

                   Craigmuir Chambers, P.O. Box 71, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands and having

                   a business office at Flemming Street, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.. C&W

                   BVI provides a full suite of telecommunications services to consumer and enterprise

                   markets in BVI including mobile telephony, fixed line telecom services, broadband data

                   and cable television services.

             INFORMATION REQUIRED BY 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18

            (1)      Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

                     The name, address and telephone number ofthe applicant:

                     Cable and Wireless (BVT) Limited

                     Craigmuir Chambers
                     P.0. Box 71
                     Road Town, Tortola
                     British Virgin Islands
                     Telephone: (284) 494—4444

             (2)     Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

                     The Government, State, or Territory underthe laws of which each corporate or

            partnership applicant is organized:

                     C&W BVI is a company duly incorporated underthe laws ofthe British Virgin Islands.

             (3)     Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

                     The name, title, post office address, and telephone numberof the officer and any other

            contact point, such as legal counsel, to whom correspondence concerning the application is to be


DocuSign Envelope ID: 29FA1912—405D—4001—A8D6—15E3A36946A6

                      Estibaliz Diez
                      Director Legal Affairs — Wholesale
                      15950 West Dixie Highway
                      North Miami Beach, FL 33162—786
                      Telephone: 786—274—7226

             (4)      Information requested by Section 63.18(e)(3)

                      A statement as to whetherthe applicant has previously received authority under Section

            214 of the Act and, if so, a general description of the categories offacilities and services


                      C&W BVI has not previously received Section 214 authority.

                      (5)     Certification and Information requested by Section 63.18(e)(3)

                      A description of the facilities for which the applicant seeks authorization:

                      C&W BVI requests Section 214 authority to construct, own, and operate capacity in the

            Taino Carib Cable System and to exercise all other authority granted to the Joint Applicants in

             Telefonica Larga Distancia de Puerto Rico. et al., 7 FCC Red. 4266 (1992), and subsequent


                      C&W BVI certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3), that it will

            comply with the terms and conditions contained in Sections 63.21 and 63.22 ofthe

            Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.21 & 63.22.

             (6)      Information Requested by Section 63.18(h)

                      Each person orentity that directly orindirectly owns 10% or more of the equity of the


                      The 10% and greater owners of C&W BVI are listed in Tab 1 and below.

                      The ultimate beneficial owner is Liberty Latin America Ltd., which is a Bermuda

            incorporated entity that is publicly listed on the NASDAQ. The following persons and/orentities

DocuSign Envelope ID; 29FA1912—405D—4091—A8D6—15E3A36946A6

             hold 10% or greater ownership interests in Liberty Latin America Ltd. by way of its public

             listing, which as stated in Tab 1 owns 100% of Cable and Wireless (BVI) Limited through

            several intermediaries:

                     John C. Malone
                     clo 1550 Wewatta Street
                     Suite 710
                     Denver, Colorado 80202
                     Citizenship: United States                                 ‘
                     Business: Cable and telecommunications services
                     Ownership and Voting Interest: 25.5%

                     Genesis Asset Managers
                     Heritage Hall, Le Marchant Street
                     St. Peter Port
                     Guernsey GY1 4WY Channel Islands
                     Citizenship: Delaware
                     Business: Institutional investment manager
                     Ownership and Voting Interest: 11.5 %

                     Except as stated above, no individual or entity holds a 10 percent or greater voting or

            equity interest in Liberty Latin America Ltd.

                     Except as stated in Tab 1 and above, no individual or entity holds a 10 percent or

            greater voting or equity interest in Cable and Wireless (BV1) Limited,

                     Interlocking directorates: The following members of the Board of Directors of C&W

            BVI also serve on the Board of Directors of other C&W affiliate companies as listed in Tab 2:

            Alex Bremner, Christine Morris Gillespie and Ravindra Maywahlall.

             (7) Certification Requested by Section 63.18(i)

                     Information on affiliations with foreign carriers is provided at Tab 3.

             (8) Certification Requested by Section 63.18(j)

DocuSign Envelope ID: 29FA1912—405D—4001—A8D6—15E3A36946A6

                     C&W BVI certifies that it seeks to land or operate a submarine cable connecting the

             United States to a country for which the statements listed in 47 C.F.R. Sect. § 63.18(J) (1) and (3)

            are true. Specifically, C&W BVI is a carrierin the British Virgin Islands, and also is more than

            25% owned, or is controlled, by an entity that controls a carrierin the British Virgin Islands.

                     C&W BVI certifies that it does not seek to land or operate a submarine cable connecting

            the United States to any country for which the statements listed in 47 C.F.R. Sect. §63.18(j) (2)

            and (4) are true.

                     C&W BVI certifies that it will comply with the reporting requirements specified in

            Section 1.767(D), 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(1), of the Commission‘s rules with respect to its operation on

            the Taino Carib Cable System.

            (9)      Certification requested in Section 63.18(n)

                     C&W BVI certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(n), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(n), that it has not

            agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect

            to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign

            end of the route and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

            (10)     Certification requested by Section 63.18(0)

                     C&W BVI certifies pursuant to sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s

            rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1,.2003, thatit is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to

            Section 5301 ofthe Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 29FA 1912-4050-4091 -A8D6-15E3A36946A6


                      I am authorized to enter this certification on behalf of Cable and Wireless (BVI) Limited.

                      All of the information contained in this application and Appendix Bis true and correct to

             the best of my knowledge and belief.

                     Dated: October 22, 2019                              Christine Morris Gillespie
                                                                          Director of C& W BVI
                                                                          Windsor Lodge
                                                                          Government Hill
                                                                          St. Michael
                                                                          Telephone: 1-246-292-6232


               TAB 1


                                                As at 15 Mar 2018
                     Public Shareholding
                       {less than 10%)







Company                             100%

Holding          Cable and Wireless {8BV1)
Company / Head

                Company                   Jurisdiction                           Address
Uberty lalin America Umited               Bermuda 2 Church Street Clacendon House, Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda
UIAC Services Umited                      Bermuda      2 Church Street Clarendon Houte, Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda
Uberty CWC Holdings Umited                Barbados Windsor todge, Government Hill, 5t Michael, Bartados
LGE Coral Holdco Umited                   Ingland Griffin House, 161 Hammersmith Road, tondon, W6885, UK
Cable & Wiretess Communications Umited fngland       Griffin House, 161 Hammersmith Road, tandon, W68B5, UK
Cable & Wirefess timited                  England    Griffin House, 161 Hammersmith Raad, London, W68B5, UK
Sable Holding Umited                      England    Griffin House, 161 Hammersmith oad, London, W6885, UK
CWiGroup Umited                           England    Griffin House, 161 Hammersmith Road, London, W6885, UK
Cable and Wireless (West Indies} Umited   England    Griffin House, 161 Hammersmith Raad, London, W68BS, UK
Cable and Wireless {BV1) Umited           BVI        PO Box 440, Road Town, Tortola, BVI
Cable & Wirefess (Barbados) Umited        Barbados   Windsor ladge, Govenment Hill, 5t Michael, Harbados

               TAB 2


               Christine Morris Gillespie                Alex Bremner                                                    Ravindra Maywahiall
                                                         Cable and Wireless (Anguilla) limited                           Cableand Wireless (BVI) Limited
Cable and Wireless (Anguilla) Limited
Cable & Wireless Antigua & Barbuda Limited               Cable & Wireless Antigua & Barbuda limited
Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited                      Cable and Wireless (BV1) Limited
Columbus International Inc.                              Cable & Wireless Dominica limited
CWI Caribbean Limited                                    Cable and Wireless Grenada Limited
Cable and Wireless (BV1) Limited                         Cable & Wireless St Kitts & Nevis limited
Cable and Wireless Grenada Limited                       Cable and Wireless (St Lucia) Limited
                                                         Cable & Wireless St Vincent and the Grenadines Limited
Cable & Wireless St Kitts & Nevis Limited
                                                         Cable and Wireless (TCI) Limited
Cable and Wireless (St Lucia) Limited
Cable & Wireless St Vincent and the Grenadines Limited
                                                         Columbus Communications St Lucia Limited
Cable and Wireless (TC1) limited                         Tele (St Lucia) Inc.
Kelcom International(Antigua & Barbuda) Limited          Columbus Communications St Vincent and the Grenadines Limited
Columbus Telecommunications (Barbados) Limited           Marpin 2K4 Limited
Karib Cable Inc.
Columbus Networks de Colombia Limitada
Columbus Networks de Costa Rica S.R.L.
Columbus Networks Dominicana, S.A.
Columbus Networks de Guatemala, Limitada
Columbus Networks de Honduras S.R.L.
Columbus Networks de México S.R.L. de C.V.
Columbus Networks Nicaragua y Compaiifa, Limitada
Columbus Networks de Panamd R.L.
Columbus Networks Centroamerica, S. de R.L.
Columbus Networks Maritima S. de R.L.
Columbus Networks Puerto Rico, Inc.
Columbus Networks El Salvador, S.A. de C.V.
Columbus Networks Venezuela, S.A.
Lazus Colombia, $.A.S.
Lazus Perd, SA.C.
Columbus Networks, Limited
CWC Cable & Wireless Communications Dominican
Republic SA
Columbus Networks Antilles Offshore, N.V
Columbus Networks Netherlands Antilles N.V.
Columbus Networks Curacao, N.V.
Marpin 2K4 Limited

                 TAB 3


Set forth below is a list of countries where Affilates of Cable & Wireless (BYVI} Ltd. also provide telecommunications
services and are duly licensed carriers.

1.       Anguilla

2.       Antigua

3.       Bahamas

4.       Barbados

5.       British Virgin Islands (BVI)

6.      Cayman Islands

7.      Commonwealth of Dominica

8.      Curacao

9.      Grenada

10.     Jamaica

11.      Montserrat

12.     St. Kitts & Nevis

13.     St, Lucla

14.     St. Vincent & the Grenadines

15.     Trinidad & Tobago

16.     Turks & Calcos tslands (TCH)

17.     Dominican Republic

18      USA

19.     Mexico

20.     Guatemala

21.     El Salvador

22.     Honduras

23.     Nicaragua

24.     Costa Rica

25.     Panama

26.     Peru

27.     Colombia

28.     Venezuela

29.   Chile

 1. North Miami Beach, FLUSA                Columbus Networks, Limited
 2. _Nassau, Cahamas                        Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 3. Catislands, Bahamas                     Bahamas Telecommunications Company.
 4. Crooked Island, Bahamas                 Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 5. Providenciales, Turks & Caicos          Cable & Wireless (TGl) Limited
 6. Ustupo, Panamé                          Cable & Wiretess Panamd S.A.
 7.      Marla Chiquita, Panamé             Cable & Wiretess Panamd S.A.
 8._     Blueflelds, Nicaragua              Columbus Networks de Hicaragua SRL                    .
| 9. PuertoCaberas,Nicaragua                Columbus Networks de Nicaragua SRL
 10. Puerto Barrlos, Guatemala              Columbus Networks de Guatemala $.A.
 1. Tulum 8, México                         Columbus Networks de México S.R.L.

 2. Maya—P
 1. Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands            Cable and Wireless (CaymanIslands} Umited
 2. Maria Chiquita, Panamd        _      _|_Cable & Wireless PanamdS.A.

 3. CEX—F
 1. Boca Raton, Florida                     Columbus Networks USA,Inc.
 2. Bull Gay, Jamalca                       Columbus Networks Jamaica, Limited
3. Cartagena, Colombia                      Columbus Networks de Colombla Ltda.

 4. Fibralinks
[_l._ BullBay, Jamalca                     ]Cg!pmbusflelwmks Jamalca, Ltd..                    |

 5.    ECFSI
 1.     Tortola    ____               _ Cable & Wiretess (Barbados) timited
 2.    St. Kitts                        Cable & Wretess St. Kitts & Nevis Limited
 3.    Angullta                         Cable and Wiretess (Anguilla) Limited
 4.    Antigua                          Cable & Wireless Antigua & Barbuda Limited
5. Dominica                                 Cable & Wireless Dominica Lmited
 6. St. luda                                Cable & Wireless{St. Lucia) Limited
 7. Barbados                                Cable & Wireless (Barbados} Limited
 8. St. Vincent                             Cable & Wireless St. Vincent and The Grenadings
 9. Grenada _                               Cable & Wireless Grenada Limited

 6 East West Cable
 1. Nanny Coy, Tortola BVI                  Cable and Wireless (EV) Limited
2. Horbour View, Jamaica                    Cable & Wirelass Jamatca Limited
3. Sento Domingo, OR                        CWC Cable & Wireless Communications
                                            Dominican Republic SA

  7. _PAN AM!
  1.    Battery Pratt, Panamg       Cable & Wireless Panamd 5.A.
  2.    Balboa, Panamé              Cable & Wireless Panamé $.A.

 8. JSCFS:
  1.    Black River, Jamaica        Cable & Wireless Jamalca   Limited
  2, Negrll Jamakca                 Cable & Wireless Jamaica   Limited
  3.    Montego Bay, Jamalca        Cable & Wireless Jamalca   Limited
 4.     Ocho Rlos, Jamaica          Cable & Wireless Jamalca   Limited
 5.     Port Antonio, Jamaica       Cable & Wirelass Jamaica   Umited
 6.     Harbour View, Jamaica       Cable & Wireless Jamalca timited
 7.     Old Harbour, Iamalca        Coble & Wireless Jamalca timited

 9.     CBUS!
[ 1.     BrewersBay, Tortola       | Cable and Wireless (BV]) Limited

  10, CJFS®
 1. Grand Cayman                    Cable and Wireless (Cayman Islands) Limited
 2. Cayman Brac                     Cable and Wireless (Cayman Istands) Limited
 3. Montego Bay, Jamalca            Cable & Wireless Jamalca Umited
 4._Harbour View, Jamaica           Cable & Wireless Jamalca tmited

  H1, Gemint Bermuda!
 1. Manasquan,New lersey            Verizon/Cable and Wiretess (Cayman Islands}

  12. Taino— Caribe
[ 1. Chalwell, Tortola BVI         [ Cable and Wireless (BVI) Umited

 13. BDSNi*
 1. Cat Island, Bahamas             Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 2, Clarence Town, Bahamas          Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 3. Crooked Islands, Bahamas        Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 4. Cockburn Town, Bahamas          Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 5. Duncan Town, Bahamas            Bahamas Telecommuntcations Company
 6.     Fresh Creek, Bahamas        Bahamas Telecommuntcations Company
 7.    George Town, Bahamas         Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 8.    Governors Harhor, Bahamas    Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 9.     Matthew Town, Bahamas       Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 10. Mayaguana, Bahamas             Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 11. Nassau, Bahamas                Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 12. Port Nelson, Bahamas           Bahamas Telecommunieations Company
 13. Sandy Polnt, Bahamas           Bahamas Telecommunications Company
 Contortion System
 2. Private Cable System
 * CWCalfilate onned cable

                         APPENDIX C — PREPA NETWORKS, LLC

Prepa Networks, LLC, ("Prepa Networks") is the owner of the cable landing station in Isla

Verde, Puerto Rico and provides services in Puerto Rico and the Mainland United States.

INFORMATION REQUIRED BY 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, 47 C.E.R. § 63.18

(1)    Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

       The name, address and telephone numberof the applicant:

       Prepa Networks, LLC
       Condominio AquaBlue at the Golden Mile
       Commercial Building
       4 Floor
       Mufioz Rivera Avenue
       San Juan, PR 00918
       Telephone: (787) 705—9950

(2)    Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

       The Government, State, or Territory under the laws of which each corporate or

partnership applicant is organized:

       Prepa Networks is a Delaware corporation.

(3)    Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

       The name, title, post office address, and telephone numberof the officer and any other

contact point, such as legal counsel, to whom correspondence concerning the application is to be


       José D. Casillas
       Managing Director Prepa Networks, LLC
       PO Box 195600
       San Juan, PR 00919
       Telephone: (787) 705—9950

       With a copy to:

       Leda. Margarita Medero Rodriguez

        Each person or entity that directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the equity of the


        The 10% or greater ownership interests held by persons or entities in the ownership chain

of Prepa Networks, LLC are as follows: Prepa Networks LLC is wholly owned by Prepa

Holdings, LLC., which is wholly owned by the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA).

 Further details of these entities are provided below.

Name                 Address             Citizenship or       Principal            Percentage of
                                         Countrv              Business             EauitvHeld
Prepa Holdings,      Condominium         Delaware, USA        Holding              100%
LLC                  AquaBlue at the                          company
                     Golden Mile,
                     Building, 4 th
                     floor, Mufi.oz
                     Rivera Avenue,
                     San Juan, PR
Puerto Rico          1110 Ave. Ponce Commonwealth             Public electric     100% of PREPA
Electric Power       de Leon, Edificio of Puerto Rico         utility             Holdings, LLC,
Authority            Neos Piso 8,                                                 indirectly holds
                     Santurce, PR                                                 100% of PREPA
                     00907                                                        Networks, LLC.

        Except as stated above, no person or entity holds a ten percent or greater direct or indirect

ownership and voting interest in Prepa Networks, LLC.

        No person or entity holds a ten percent or greater direct or indirect ownership and voting

interest in the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA).

        Interlocking directorates: Prepa Networks has no interlocking directorates with any

foreign catTier.

        (7) Certification Requested by Section 63.18(i)


         Prepa Networks is not a foreign carrier and is not affiliated with any foreign carrier

authorized to provide telecommunications services to the public in any country.

(8) Certification Requested by Section 63.18(j)

         Prepa Networks certifies that it does not seek to land or operate a submarine cable

connecting the United States to any country for which any of the statements listed in 47 C.F.R. §

63. l 8(j) (1 )-(4) is true.

(9)      Certification requested in Section 63.18(n)

         Prepa Networks certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(n), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(n), that it has

not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with

respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the

foreign end of the route and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

(10)     Certification requested by Section 63.18(o)

         Prepa Networks certifies pursuant to sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the

Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001-1.2003, that it is not subject to a denial of Federal

benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.


       I am authorized to enter this certification on behalf of Prepa Networks LLC.

       All of the information contained in this application and Appendix C is true and conect to

the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated: October 22, 2019                            Jose D. Casillas
                                                   Managing Director Prepa Networks, LLC
                                                   PO Box 195600
                                                   San Juan, PR 00919
                                                   Telephone: (787) 705-9950


Document Created: 2019-10-25 11:44:36
Document Modified: 2019-10-25 11:44:36

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