Attachment SatCom Global Potent

SatCom Global Potent

LETTER submitted by Federal Communications Commission

Potential Dismissal Letter


This document pretains to ITC-MOD-20190307-00089 for Modification on a International Telecommunications filing.


                               Federal Communications Commission
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                 May 16, 2019

Mr. Steven Griffin
SatCom Global, Inc.
1 Tara Blvd., Suite 301
Nashua, NH 03062


RE:      SatCom Global, Inc Delinquent Debt and Potential Dismissal of Modification of

         International Section 214 Authority; File No.: ITC-MOD-20190307-00089

Dear Mr. Griffin:

         On March 7, 2019, SatCom Global, Inc. (SatCom) filed the above referenced application with
the Commission for the modification of its international Section 214 authorization, File No. ITC-214-
20000803-00478. SatCom has a delinquent debt and the Commission cannot act on the application at
this time. If the payment is not made within 30 days, we will dismiss the application without prejudice
pursuant to Section 1.19 10(b)(3) of the Commission’s rules.1

         Section 1.1910(a)(1) of the Commission’s rules requires the Commission to examine each
application to determine whether the applicant is delinquent in any non-tax debt owed to the
Commission.2 Section 1 .1910(b)(2) of the Commission’s rules requires the Commission to withhold
action on applications, including requests for authorization by any entity found to be delinquent in its
debt to the Commission.3 Section 1.19 10(b)(3) of the Commission’s rules states that “[i]f a delinquency
has not been paid or the debtor has not made other satisfactory arrangements within 30 days of the date
of the notice provided pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the application or request for
authorization will be dismissed.”4

‘47 CFR § 1.1910(b)(3). In that case, SatCom may re-file its application with certification that the debt has been
2 47 CFR § 1.191 O(a)( 1); see also Important Reminder about DCIA Red Light Rule Implementation, Public Notice,

(2004), public/attachmatchfDOC-253577A 1 .pdf.
347 CFR § 1.1910(b)(2).

447CFR~ l.1910(b)(3).

        Accordingly, pursuant to Section 1.1910 of the Commission’s rules,5 we hereby provide notice
that SatCom’s application will be dismissed without prejudice on Monday, June 17, 2019 if the non-
tax debt is not paid. Please visit the Red Light Display System’s website for information on this debt
and how to pay it.6 We look forward to your prompt attention to this matter.


                                                  Denise Coca, Chief
                                                  Telecommunications & Analysis Division
                                                  International Bureau


Stephen E. Coran
Lerman Senter PLLC
2001 L Street NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036

David S. Keir
Lerman Senter PLLC
2001 L Street NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
dkeir@lermansenter corn

547CFR~ 1.1910.
6 Access to the Red Light Display System requires your FCC Registration Number (FRN), and an established

password, The Red Light Display System help line is 1-877-480-3201, Option 4.

Document Created: 2019-05-16 09:40:31
Document Modified: 2019-05-16 09:40:31

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