Attachment Americas Section 214

This document pretains to ITC-MOD-20190306-00086 for Modification on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                 Before the

In the Matter of                                 )
American Telephone and Telegraph                 )    File No. ITC-214-19930103-00258
Company, et al.,                                 )    (Old File No. ITC-93-030)
The Americas I Submarine Cable System            )


       The Americas I Consortium, pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3) of the Commission’s Rules,

hereby requests the Commission to modify the Section 214 authority previously granted to

construct and operate the Americas I Cable System to include Atlantic Telecommunication

Operating Company Limited (“ATOC”) and TA Resources N.V. (“TA Resources”) as licensees.1

This application is submitted in connection with the concurrently filed cable landing license

application to authorize the continued operation of the Americas I Cable System after the existing

landing license for the cable expires on September 1, 2019.2 ATOC and Servicio di

Telecommunicacion di Aruba (SETAR) N.V., the 100% parent of TA Resources, are applicants

for the renewed cable landing license for Americas I. ATOC and TA Resources seek Section

63.18(e)(3) authority to own and operate this common carrier facility.

 The Americas I Cable System commenced operation as a common carrier cable on September 1,
1994, pursuant to the cable landing license and section 214 authorization granted on July 13, 1993.
See American Telephone & Telegraph Company, et al., 8 FCC. Rcd. 5041 (1993) (Cable Landing
License) & id., 8 FCC Rcd. 5287 (1993) (Section 214 authorization). The international segments
of Americas I were retired in June 2009. See Public Notice, Actions Taken Under the Cable
Landing License Act, 24 FCC Rcd. 7051 (2009). Since that time, only the domestic segment of
Americas I, linking the U.S. Mainland and St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands, has continued in
operation. Id.
 See The Americas I Submarine Cable System Operating between the United States Mainland
and St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands, File No. SCL-LIC-19921110-00002, filed March 6,

        The continued operation of the Americas I Cable System will serve customers in the United

States by providing bandwidth capacity for broadband traffic between the U.S. Mainland and the

U.S. Virgin Islands with connections to international routes serving the Caribbean and Central and

South America. As stated in the application for the renewed cable landing license, the continued

operation of this cable is overwhelmingly in the public interest by continuing to help meet the

demand for voice, data and Internet traffic, provide important facilities-based competition, and

enhance service quality, increase resiliency, and decrease latency on the above routes. The same

reasons support the grant of this application.

        Information requested by 47 C.F.R. § 63.18. The information requested by 47 C.F.R. §

63.18 of the Commission’s rules for each applicant can be found in the attached appendices as


                APPENDIX A: TA Resources N.V.

                APPENDIX B: Atlantic Telecommunication Operating Company Limited

        U.S. Departments of State, Commerce, and Defense. A complete copy of this application

has been sent to the U.S. Departments of State, Commerce, and Defense. Such service is certified

in the certificate of service attached to this application.


       For the reasons stated above, the Americas I Consortium respectfully requests that the

Commission grant this application to modify the Section 214 authority previously granted to

construct and operate the Americas I Cable System to include Atlantic Telecommunication

Operating Company Limited and TA Resources N.V. as licensees.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

Of Counsel:
                                              James Talbot
Mark D. Schneider                             AVP - Senior Legal Counsel
Sidley Austin LLP                             AT&T Services, Inc.
1501 K Street, NW                             1120 20th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005                          Suite 1000
(202) 736-8058                                Washington, D.C. 20036                         (202) 457-3048

Dated: March 6, 2019


                           APPENDIX A – TA RESOURCES N.V.

TA Resources N.V. (“TA Resources”) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Servicio di

Telecomunicacion di Aruba (SETAR) N.V. (“SETAR”), the incumbent local exchange carrier in

Aruba. In turn, SETAR is wholly-owned by the Government of Aruba and overseen by the

Ministry of Telecommunications. TA Resources and SETAR provide a wide array of facilities-

based wireline and wireless telecommunications services to end-users in Aruba, including

residential and business customers.

INFORMATION REQUIRED BY 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18

(1)    Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

       The name, address and telephone number of the applicant:

       TA Resources N.V.
       Seroe Blanco 29-A
       Oranjestad, Aruba
       Tel: +297 (525) 1000

(2)    Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

       The Government, State, or Territory under the laws of which each corporate or

partnership applicant is organized:

       TA Resources is organized under the laws of Aruba.

(3)    Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

       The name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer and any other

contact point, such as legal counsel, to whom correspondence concerning the application is to be


       Alvin Boekhoudt
       Legal Counselor
       TA Resources N.V.

       Seroe Blanco 29-A
       Oranjestad, Aruba
       Tel: +297 (525) 1405

       With a copy to:

       Ulises Pin
       Patricia Cave
       Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
       1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
       Washington, D.C. 20004
       Tel: (202) 739-3000
       Fax: (202) 739-3001

(4)    Information requested by Section 63.18(e)(3)

       A statement as to whether the applicant has previously received authority under Section

214 of the Act and, if so, a general description of the categories of facilities and services


       TA Resources holds international Section 214 authority to provide global facilities-based

and resale services, including services between the U.S. and Aruba. See TA Resources N.V., 26

FCC Rcd. 15978 (2011).

(5)    Certification and Information requested by Section 63.18(e)(3)

       A description of the facilities for which the applicant seeks authorization:

       TA Resources requests Section 214 authority to construct, own, and operate capacity in

the Americas I Cable System and to exercise all other authority granted to the Joint Applicants in

American Telephone and Telegraph Co. et al., 8 FCC Rcd. 5287 (1993), and subsequent orders.

       TA Resources certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3), that it

will comply with the terms and conditions contained in Sections 63.21 and 63.22 of the

Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.21 & 63.22.


    (6)      Information Requested by Section 63.18(h)

             Each person or entity that directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the equity of the


   Name                      Address               Citizenship    Principal Business Percentage of
                                                   or Country                        Equity Held
   Servicio di               Seroe Blanco 29-A     Aruba          Telecommunications 100%
   Telecomunicacion          Oranjestad, Aruba
   di Aruba (SETAR)
   Government of             Smith Boulevard       Kingdom     Government                 100% of
   Aruba                     72                    of the                                 SETAR
                             Oranjestad, Aruba     Netherlands

             Except as stated above, no other person or entity holds a 10% or greater ownership or

   voting interest in TA Resources.

             Interlocking directorates: Z. Roland Croes, a Director of TA Resources, is also a

   Director of Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba (SETAR) N.V., which is authorized to

   provide telecommunications services to the public in Aruba.

   (7) Certification Requested by Section 63.18(i)

             TA Resources certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(i), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(i), that it is

   affiliated with Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba (SETAR) N.V., which is authorized to

   provide telecommunications services to the public in Aruba.

   (8) Certification Requested by Section 63.18(j)

             Based on its understanding that the certification requested by 47 C.F.R. Sect. § 63.18(j)

   refers only to applications to land or operate a submarine cable connecting the United States to a

   foreign country, and because this application seeks to renew the cable landing license for a cable

   connecting only U.S. points, TA Resources certifies that it does not seek to land or operate a

   submarine cable connecting the United States to any country for which any of the statements


listed in 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(j) (1)-(4) is true. If TA Resources is mistaken in its understanding of

the scope of this certification, it will amend this certification to any extent that may be necessary

to reflect that different scope.

(9)     Certification requested in Section 63.18(n)

        TA Resources certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(n), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(n), that it has not

agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to

any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end

of the route and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

(10)    Certification requested by Section 63.18(o)

        TA Resources certifies pursuant to sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission’s

rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001-1.2003, that it is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to

Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.



       I am authorized to enter this certification on behalf of Servicio di Telecomunicacion di

Aruba (SETAR) N.V.

       All of the information contained in this application and Appendix A is true and correct to

the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated: March 06, 2019                                      z.
                                                            ervic' o di Te comunicacion di
                                                           Aruba SETA ) N.V.
                                                           Seroe Bl�c- 29-A
                                                           Oranjestad, Aruba
                                                           Tel: +297 (525) 1000



ATOC (Atlantic Teleconnection Operating Company Limited) is a 100% indirectly owned

subsidiary of GTT (Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Ltd). GTT provides wireless and wireline

telecommunications to the nation of Guyana.

INFORMATION REQUIRED BY 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18

(1)    Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

       The name, address and telephone number of the applicant:

       Atlantic Teleconnection Operating Company Limited
       Commerce House, Wickhams Cay 1, POB 3140, Road Town
       Tortola, British Virgin Islands

(2)    Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

       The Government, State, or Territory under the laws of which each corporate or

partnership applicant is organized:

       British Virgin Islands

(3)    Information requested by Section 63.10(a):

       The name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer and any other

contact point, such as legal counsel, to whom correspondence concerning the application is to be


       Christopher Pepper
       c/o ATOC
       500 Cummings Center, Suite 2450
       Beverly, MA 01915
       (561) 414-5543

       With a copy to:

       ATN International, Inc.

      Attn: Mary Mabey, General Counsel
      500 Cummings Center, Suite 2450
      Beverly, MA 01915
      (978) 619-1300

(4)   Information requested by Section 63.18(e)(3)

             A statement as to whether the applicant has previously received authority under

      Section 214 of the Act and, if so, a general description of the categories of facilities and

      services authorized:

       ATOC Affiliates That                                         Type of Section 214
                                     IBFS File No.
       Hold 214 Authorizations                                      Authorization
       Choice Communications,        ITC-214-19971201-00749         global resale international
       LLC                                                          telecommunications services
       Choice Communications,        ITC-214-20021219-00604         global facilities-based and
       LLC                                                          global resale international
                                                                    telecommunications services
       Commnet Wireless, LLC         ITC-214-20081113-00496         global facilities-based and
                                                                    global resale international
                                                                    telecommunications services
       EssexTel, Inc.                ITC-214-20110303-00065         global facilities-based and
                                                                    global resale international
                                                                    telecommunications services
       SAL Spectrum, LLC             ITC-214-20091123-00501         global facilities-based and
                                                                    global resale international
                                                                    telecommunications services
       DTR Holdings, LLC             ITC-214-19990330-00206         global facilities-based and
                                                                    global resale international
                                                                    telecommunications services
       Vitelcom Cellular, Inc.       ITC-214-19930312-00048         switched resale international
       d/b/a Innovative Wireless                                    telecommunications services
       Vitelcom Cellular, Inc.       ITC-214-19990330-00207         global facilities-based and
       d/b/a Innovative Wireless                                    global resale international
                                                                    telecommunications services
       Innovative Long               N/A                            blanket domestic Section 214
       Distance, Inc.                                               authority
                                                                    under 47 C.F.R. § 63.01
       Virgin Islands Telephone      N/A                            blanket domestic Section 214
       Corporation d/b/a                                            authority
       Innovative Telephone                                         under 47 C.F.R. § 63.01


(5)        Certification and Information requested by Section 63.18(e)(3)

           A description of the facilities for which the applicant seeks authorization:

           ATOC requests Section 214 authority to construct, own, and operate capacity in the

Americas I Cable System and to exercise all other authority granted to the Joint Applicants in

American Telephone and Telegraph Co. et al., 8 FCC Rcd. 5287 (1993), and subsequent orders.

           ATOC certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3), that it will

comply with the terms and conditions contained in Sections 63.21 and 63.22 of the

Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.21 & 63.22.

(6)        Information Requested by Section 63.18(h)

              Each person or entity that directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the equity of the


    Name                 Address                  Citizenship   Principal                 Percentage of
                                                  or Country    Business                  Equity Held
    Atlantic             Commerce House,          British       Telecom                   100% of
    Teleconnection       Wickhams Cay 1,          Virgin                                  ATOC
    Holdings             POB 3140, Road           Islands
    Company Limited      Town, Tortola,
    (“ATHC”)             British Virgin
                         Islands, VG111TBC
    GTT International 79 Brickdam                 Barbados      Telecom                   100% of
    Service SRL       Georgetown,                                                         ATHC
    (“GTT SRL”)       Guyana

    Guyana               79 Brickdam              Guyana        Telecom                   100% of
    Telephone and        Georgetown,                                                      GTT SRL
    Telegraph Ltd        Guyana

    Hong Kong            Room 2801A, Lippo        Hong Kong Telecom                       20% of GTT
    Golden Telecom       Centre, Tower 1, 89
    Company Limited      Queensway, Hong
    (“HKGT”)*            Kong


    ATN                   500 Cummings            USA           Telecom                   80% of GTT
    International, Inc.   Center, Suite 2450,
    (“ATNI”)              Beverly, MA 01915
    Cornelius B. Prior P.O. Box 12030             USA           Retired                   27.4% of
    Jr.                St. Thomas,                                                        ATNI
                       U.S. Virgin Islands
*ATOC was informed by representatives of HKGT in May 2018 that HKGT is 100% owned by Datang
Telecom International Technology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (“DTIT”) and that DTIT is indirectly
controlled, but not wholly owned, by China Academy of Telecommunications Technology. ATOC does
not have any additional information about HKGT’s ultimate ownership.

Except as stated above, no other person or entity holds a 10% or greater ownership or voting

interest in ATOC.

          Interlocking directorates: See below.

      Director or Officer       Role w ATOC               Role w Other Foreign Carrier
                                                          Director, Guyana Telephone & Telegraph
      Brad Martin               Director & CEO            Company, Ltd. (“GTT”)
                                                          Vice President, One Communications, Ltd.
                                Director & Assistant      Director & Secretary, GTT
      Mary Mabey
                                                          Director, GTT
      John Audet                Director

      Justin Nedd               CFO & Treasurer           President & CEO, GTT
                                Vice President & Asst. Vice President & Asst Treasurer, GTT
      Domenic Micale
                                Vice President& Asst.     Vice President & Asst Treasurer, GTT
      Michele Satrowsky

(7) Certification Requested by Section 63.18(i)

          ATOC certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(i), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(i), that it is affiliated with

the following foreign carriers:

                                                        Countries in which carrier is authorized
    Name of the affiliated carrier
                                                        to provide telecommunications services to


                                                    the public
    Bermuda Digital Communications Ltd.             Bermuda
    Cable Co. Ltd.                                  Bermuda
    Cedar Cable Ltd.                                Bermuda
    Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Ltd.             Guyana
    One Communications Ltd.                         Bermuda
    WestTel Limited, d/b/a Logic                    Cayman Islands

(8) Certification Requested by Section 63.18(j)

         Based on its understanding that the certification requested by 47 C.F.R. Sect. § 63.18(j)

refers only to applications to land or operate a submarine cable connecting the United States to a

foreign country, and because this application seeks to renew the cable landing license for a cable

connecting only U.S. points, ATOC certifies that it does not seek to land or operate a submarine

cable connecting the United States to any country for which any of the statements listed in 47

C.F.R. § 63.18(j) (1)-(4) is true. If ATOC is mistaken in its understanding of the scope of this

certification, it will amend this certification to any extent that may be necessary to reflect that

different scope.

(9)      Certification requested in Section 63.18(n)

         ATOC certifies pursuant to Section 63.18(n), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(n), that it has not agreed

to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any

U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of

the route and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

(10)     Certification requested by Section 63.18(o)

         ATOC certifies pursuant to sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission’s rules, 47

C.F.R. §§ 1.2001-1.2003, that it is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section

5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.



       I am authorized to enter this certification on behalf of Atlantic Teleconnection Operating

Company Limited.

       All of the information contained in this application and Appendix B is true and correct to

the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated: February 5, 2019                                      Christopher Pepper
                                                             c/o ATOC
                                                             500 Cummings Center, Suite 2450
                                                             Beverly, MA 01915
                                                             (561) 414-5543


                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that the foregoing application and attachments were served on the

following by first—class mail on March 6, 2019:

U.S. Coordinator, EB/CIP
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520—5818

Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th St., NW and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20230

Defense Information Systems Agency
6910 Cooper Avenue
Fort Meade, MD 20755—7088                                         [/J W (Q/

                                                                        Gabrielle Whitehall

Document Created: 2019-03-06 16:18:33
Document Modified: 2019-03-06 16:18:33

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