Attachment Surrender


LETTER submitted by Jennifer A. Manner

Surrender Letted dtd 9.22.08


This document pretains to ITC-MOD-20050802-00430 for Modification on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                            senndlei A Marnei

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Mobile Satellite Ventures LP
                                                                                            Vice Presigent
                                                                                            Regulatory Affairs

                                                                                            PrHONE: 705 396—2736
                                                                                            FAX:    T93 390—2770
                                                                                            FEMAL: pmanneréemsvip Com

                                                 September 22, 2008           F".ED/ACCEPTED

      Via Hand Delivery                                                            SEP 2 2 2008
       Marlene H. Dortch                                                   Fede'a'oc,‘,’,‘:e"g;"g:rsrons
       Federal Communications Commission
       445 12th Street, S.W.
       Washington, D.C. 20554

                                 Re:     Surrender of International 214 Authorizations
                                         File Nos. ITC—214—19951122—00044; ITC—MOD—20050802—

          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                   At the request of FCC staff, Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC ("MSV") hereby
          files this letter formally surrendering the international 214 authority associated with file no. ITC—
          214—19951122—00044. MSV understands that this authorization is linked in the FCC‘s IBFS
          database with ITC—MOD—20050802—00430 and accordingly that authorization must also be
          surrendered in order to effectuate the database clean—up of MSV‘s international 214
          authorizations. In granting the application associated with file no. ITC—MOD—20050802—00430,
          the FCC reclassified MSV as a non—dominant international carrier on the U.S.—Canada route. See
          Public Notice, Report No. TEL—00970, DA No. 05—3129 (December 1, 2005). MSV does not
          seek to change that classification and has been informed that the surrender of ITC—MOD—
          20050802—00430 will have no impact on that classification. With that understanding, MSV
          surrenders ITC—MOD—20050802—00430 and requests that the FCC update its IBFS database

                 Please contact the undersigned with any questions.

                                                            e President, Regulatory Affairs
                                                         MOBILE SATELLITE VENTURES
                                                                SUBSIDIARY LLC
                                                         10802 Parkridge Boulevard
                                                         Reston, Virginia 20191
                                                         (703) 390—2700
          ce:     David Krech

Document Created: 2008-09-25 11:20:29
Document Modified: 2008-09-25 11:20:29

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