Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to ITC-MOD-20050802-00430 for Modification on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                          Before the                              AUG — 2 2005
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554                   Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                   Qffice of Secretary

In the Matter of                                          )
Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC                  ) File No. ITC—MOD—
Application to Modify Regulatory Classification from      )
Dominant to Non—Dominant on the United States—Canada      )
Route                                                     )

                   Application to Modify Regulatory Classification from
              Dominant to Non—Dominant on the United States—Canada Route

       Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC ("MSV"), pursuant to Section 63.13 of the

Commission‘s Rules, hereby requests that the Commission modify its regulatory classification

from dominant to non—dominant on the United States—Canada route. 47 C.F.R. § 63.13. Because

BCE Inc. no longer indirectly holds more than 25 percent of the capital stock of MSV, MSV is

not affiliated with a carrier that the Commission deems to possess market power in Canada.

Accordingly, the Commission should re—classify MSV as a non—dominant carrier on the United

States—Canada route.


        In November 2001, the Commission approved the application of Motient Services Inc.

("‘Motient‘") and TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership ("TMI") to

consolidate their United States Mobile Satellite Service ("MSS") operations in the L—band into a

new company called Mobile Satellite Ventures LP ("MSV LP").‘ In addition to approving the

assignment of various space and earth station licenses to MSV, a wholly owned subsidiary of

MSV LP, the Commission also approved the assignment of three facilities—based and resale

‘ Motient Services Inc., et al., Order and Authorization, DA 01—2732, File No. SAT—ASG—
20010302—00017 et al. (November 21, 2001) ("MSY Assignment Order‘).

international Section 214 authorizations to MSV. In doing so, the Commission classified MSV

as a dominant carrier on the United States—Canada route because MSV would be affiliated with

BCE Inc. ("BCE"). BCE wholly owns or is affiliated with incumbent local exchange carriers in

Canada, including Bell Canada, that the Commission considers to possess sufficient market

power to have the ability to affect competition adversely in the United States

telecommunications market." Under the Commission‘s rules, two entities are "affiliated" with

each other if one of them directly or indirectly owns more than 25 percent of the capital stock of

the other, one entity controls the other, or the entities are parties to a contractual relation

affecting the provision or marketing of international basic telecommunications services in the

United States. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e). The Commission has found that an interest of greater

than 25 percent "represents a level of investment that allows a carrier to provide substantial

influence with regard to, and to reap substantial rewards from, anticompetitive conduct."*

Because TMI, a wholly owned subsidiary of BCE, would have a greater than 25 percent interest

in MSV LP, the Commission deemed MSV and BCE to be affiliated. Because MSV would be

* 1d.\f 27—30. The Section 214 authorizations assigned to MSV were: (i) ITC—95—196
(authorization to operate as an international resale carrier); (ii) ITC—95—280 (authorization to use
MSS for incidental transborder and international maritime communications); and (iii) ITC—214—
19951 122—00044 (authorization to use MSS for incidental transborder and international
aeronautical communications).
* See Public Notice, The International Bureau Revises and Reissues the Commission‘s List of
Foreign Telecommunications Carriers that Are Presumed to Possess Market Power
in Foreign Telecommunications Markets, DA 04—1584 (May 28, 2004); see also Bell Canada
Petition for Declaratory Ruling, Order, IB Docket No. 98—148, DA 01—1421, 16 FCC Red
 12465, 4 10 (2001) ("[WJe find that Bell Canada has the ability to discriminate against and
 among U.S. carriers seeking to terminate traffic in Canada by, for example, raising the price of,
 or withholding or degrading the quality of, terminating access in its region.").
* See Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market,
Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration, FCC 97—398, 12 FCC Red 23891, « 223
 (1997) ("Foreign Participation Order").

affiliated with a carrier that possesses market power in Canada, the Commission classified MSV

as a dominant carrier on the United States—Canada route. 47 C.F.R. § 63.10.


       Since November 2001, the direct interest of TMI in MSV LP has fallen below 25 percent

to a level of 21.8 percent, and thus so too has BCE‘s indirect interest in MSV LP and MSV. The

current ownership of MSV LP and MSV is listed in Exhibit A attached hereto. See Exhibit A.

BCE thus no longer holds a level of interest in MSV that the Commission deems to afford BCE

the ability to influence and benefit from anticompetitive conduct. See Foreign Participation

Order § 223. Moreover, BCE does not control MSV (or vice versa) and the parties do not have a

contractual relationship affecting the provision or marketing of international basic

telecommunications services in the United States. As a result, MSV is no longer affiliated with

BCE under the Commission‘s rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e). MSV accordingly respectfully

requests that the Commission modify MSV‘s regulatory classification from dominant to non—

dominant on the United States—Canada route.


       Because BCE no longer indirectly holds more than 25 percent of the capital stock of

MSV, MSV is not affiliated with a carrier that the Commission deems to possess market power

in Canada. Accordingly, MSV requests that the Commission modify MSV‘s regulatory

classification from dominant to non—dominant on the United States—Canada route.

                                           Verytruly yours,

                                             ennifer A. Manner
                                            Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
                                            MOBILE SATELLITE
                                            VENTURES SUBSIDIARY LLC
                                            10802 Park Ridge Boulevard
                                           Reston, Virginia 20191
                                           (703) 390—2700

                                            August 2, 2005

Bruce D. Jacobs
David S. Konczal
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
2300 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037—1128
(202) 663—8000

Counsel for Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC

                                          Exhibit A

         Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC ("MSV") is a U.S. limited liability company
that is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mobile Satellite Ventures LP ("MSV LP"), a U.S. limited
partnership. The general partner of MSV LP is Mobile Satellite Ventures GP Inc. ("MSV GP
Inc."). The equity ownership of MSV LP and the voting rights in MSV GP Inc. are as follows:

Motient Corporation and subsidiaries                           48.8%
300 Knightsbridge Parkway
Lincolnshire, IL 60609
(U.S. corporation)
MSV Investors, LLC                                              22.8%
c/o MSV Investor Holdings, Inc.
19 West 44"" Street
Suite 507
New York, NY 10036
(U.S. limited liability company)
TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership             21.8%
1601 Telesat Court
Gloucester, Ontario
Canada KIB 1B9
(Canadian Limited Partnership)
Funds affiliated with Columbia Capital, LLC                      5.17%
201 North Union Street
Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
(U.S. limited liability company)
Funds affiliated with Spectrum Equity Investors L.P.             0.9%
1 International Place
29°" Floor
Boston, MA 02110
(U.S. limited partnership)

Document Created: 2005-10-26 12:30:37
Document Modified: 2005-10-26 12:30:37

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