Attachment Notice

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-INTR2019-03349 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


Catherine Wang
Brett Ferenchak
Patricia Cave

September 23, 2019


Marlene Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
Attn: International Bureau

Re:       Notification Regarding Changes in Corporate Form Resulting in (1) the Pro
          Forma Assignment of the International Section 214 Authorizations of NTS
          Communications, Inc. and XFone USA, Inc. and (2) the Pro Forma Transfer
          of Control of NTS Communications, LLC and XFone USA, LLC

Dear Secretary Dortch:

NTS Communications, LLC (formerly known as NTS Communications, Inc.) (“NTS-Comm”) and
XFone USA, LLC (formerly known as XFone USA, Inc.) (“XFone”, together with NTS-Comm the
“Licensees”), pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(f), notify the Commission that, effective August
29, 2019, (1) NTS-Comm converted from a Texas corporation to a Delaware limited liability
company, (2) XFone converted from a Mississippi corporation to a Mississippi limited liability
company and (3) NTS Clarity, LLC (formerly known as NTS, Inc.) (“NTS Parent”), the parent
company of Licensees, converted from a Nevada corporation to a Delaware limited liability
company (the “Conversions”). The Conversions resulted respectively in (1) the pro forma
assignment of the international Section 214 authorization of NTS Communications, Inc. to NTS
Communications, LLC, (2) the pro forma assignment of the international Section 214
authorization of XFone USA, Inc. to XFone USA, LLC and (3) the pro forma transfer of control
of Licensees from NTS, Inc. to NTS Clarity, LLC (collectively, the “Pro Forma Changes”).

                                               Morgan, Lewis & Bockius      LLP

                                               1111 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
                                               Washington, DC 20004-2541          +1.202.739.3000
                                               United States                      +1.202.739.3001

Marlene Dortch, Secretary
September 23, 2019
Page 2

                     Information Required by Section 63.24(f)(2)

As required by Section 63.24(f)(2), the Licensees provide the following information required
by 63.18(a) through (d) and (h):

Sections 63.18(a): Name, address and telephone number of the Licensees:

       NTS Communications, LLC
       XFone USA, LLC
       912 South Main Street, Suite 106
       Sikeston, MO 63801

Sections 63.18(b): Organization of the Licensees:

       NTS-Comm is a Delaware limited liability company.

       XFone is a Mississippi limited liability company.

Section 63.18(c): Correspondence concerning this filing should be sent to the Parties’

               Catherine Wang
               Brett P. Ferenchak
               Patricia Cave
               Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
               1111 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
               Washington, DC 20004
               202-739-3000 (Tel)
               202-739-3001 (Fax)

Section 63.18(d): The Licensees hold the following international Section 214 authorizations:

       NTS-Comm holds international Section 214 authority to provide global or limited global
       facilities-based and resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-19971024-00657.

       XFone holds international Section 214 authority to provide global or limited global
       facilities-based and resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-20040706-00251.

       NTS-Comm and XFone also are authorized to provide interstate service by virtue of
       blanket domestic Section 214 authority. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

Sections 63.18(h): See Attachment 1 for the ownership of the Licensees. See Attachment
2 for the current corporate structure of the Licensees.

Marlene Dortch, Secretary
September 23, 2019
Page 3

Licensees certify that Conversions and resulting Pro Forma Changes were pro forma and that,
together with all previous pro forma transactions, did not result in a change in the actual
controlling party of the Licensees or their international Section 214 authorizations.

                                    *       *        *       *

This notification letter is being filed electronically via MyIBFS. Please direct any questions to
the undersigned.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Patricia Cave

Catherine Wang
Brett P. Ferenchak
Patricia Cave

Counsel for the Licensees

                                          ATTACHMENT 1

Answer to Question 11 - Section 63.18(h) Ownership Information

       The following entities currently hold, directly or indirectly, a 10% or greater interest 1 in

Licensees, as calculated pursuant to the Commission ownership attribution rules for international

telecommunications carriers:

               Name:                   NTS Clarity, LLC (“NTS Parent”)
               Address:                912 South Main Street, Suite 106
                                       Sikeston, MO 63801
               Citizenship:            U.S. (Delaware)
               Principal Business:     Holding Company
               % Interest:             100% (directly in Licensees)

               Name:                   Clarity Telecom, LLC (“Clarity”)
               Address:                912 South Main Street, Suite 106
                                       Sikeston, MO 63801
               Citizenship:            U.S. (Delaware)
               Principal Business:     Telecommunications
               % Interest:             100% (indirectly as the direct, 100% owner of NTS Parent)

               Name:                   Clarity Telecom Holdings, LLC (“Clarity Holdings”)
               Address:                912 South Main Street, Suite 106
                                       Sikeston, MO 63801
               Citizenship:            U.S. (Delaware)
               Principal Business:     Holding Company
               % Interest:             100% (indirectly as the direct, 100% owner of Clarity)

       The following entities and individuals currently hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, direct or
       indirect, interest in Clarity Holdings:

               Name:                   Python Intermediate II, LLC (“Python”)
               Address:                One Stamford Plaza
                                       263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                                       Stamford, CT 06901
               Citizenship:            U.S. (Delaware)
               Principal Business:     Holding Company
               Interest Held:          100% (directly in Clarity Holdings with a greater than 70%
                                       direct membership interest in Clarity Holdings and indirectly
                                       in Clarity Holdings as the sole owner of two Delaware entities
                                       that directly own the remaining membership interests in
                                       Clarity Holdings: (i) Python Intermediate III, Inc., a Delaware
                                       corporation that has greater than 10% direct ownership in

    Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity and voting

                               Clarity Holdings and (ii) Python Intermediate IV, LLC, a
                               Delaware limited liability that has less than 10% direct
                               ownership of Clarity Holdings)

The following entity directly, wholly owns Python:
        Name:                  Python Intermediate I, LLC (“Python Intermediate I”)
        Address:               One Stamford Plaza
                               263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                               Stamford, CT 06901
        Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
        Principal Business:    Holding Company
        Interest Held:         100% (directly in Python)
The following entity directly, wholly owns Python Intermediate I:
        Name:                  Python Holdings, L.P. (“Python Holdings”)
        Address:               One Stamford Plaza
                               263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                               Stamford, CT 06901
        Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
        Principal Business:    Holding Company
        Interest Held:         100% (directly in Python Intermediate I, indirectly in Python)
The following entities directly or indirectly, wholly own or control Python Holdings:

        Name:                  Python Holdings GP, LLC (“Python GP”)
        Address:               One Stamford Plaza
                               263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                               Stamford, CT 06901
        Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
        Principal Business:    Holding Company
        Interest Held:         100% (as the general partner of Python Holdings)

        Name:                  Pamlico Python Aggregator LLC (“Pamlico Aggregator”)
        Address:               150 N. College Street
                               Suite 2400
                               Charlotte, NC 28202
        Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
        Principal Business:    Investment Activities
        Interest Held:         100% ((i) directly, as approximately 43.6% limited partner in
                               Python Holdings and (ii) indirectly, as a 50% member of Python

                                Attachment 1 - Page 2

       Name:                  OHCP Python Aggregator, L.P. (“OHCP Aggregator”)
       Address:               One Stamford Plaza
                              263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                              Stamford, CT 06901
       Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
       Principal Business:    Investment Activities
       Interest Held:         100% ((i) directly, as approximately 45.8% limited partner in
                              Python Holdings and (ii) indirectly, as a 50% member of Python

       No other person or entity holds a 10% or greater limited partner or other equity
       interest in Python Holdings.

The following entities indirectly, own or control a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in
Python Holdings through OHCP Aggregator:

       Name:                  Oak Hill Capital Partners IV (Onshore), L.P.
                              (“OHCP IV Onshore”)
       Address:               One Stamford Plaza
                              263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                              Stamford, CT 06901
       Citizenship:           Cayman Islands
       Principal Business:    Investment Activities
       Interest Held:         100% (as a 60.1% limited partner in OHCP Aggregator)

               Name:                  Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
               Address:               277 East Town Street
                                      Columbus, OH 43215
               Citizenship:           U.S. (Ohio)
               Principal Business:    Statutorily-created pension plan
               Interest Held:         15.7% (indirectly, as a 15.7% limited partner in OHCP
                                      IV Onshore)

               Name:                  FW Oak Hill Limited IV, L.P. (“FW Limited IV”)
               Address:               201 Main Street, Suite 3100
                                      Fort Worth, TX 76102
               Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
               Principal Business:    Investment Activities
               Interest Held:         12.5% (indirectly, as a 12.5% limited partner in OHCP
                                      IV Onshore)

                      Name:                  RMB Holdings, LLC (“RMB Holdings”)
                      Address:               201 Main Street, Suite 3100
                                             Fort Worth, TX 76102
                      Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                      Principal Business:    Investment Activities
                      Interest Held:         12.5% (indirectly, as a 76.3% limited partner
                                             in FW Limited IV)

                               Attachment 1 - Page 3

                       RMB Holdings is controlled by Robert M. Bass and Anne T.
                       Bass, U.S. citizens, as co-Trustees of the Live Oak Trust, a
                       Texas trust that directly wholly owns RMB Holdings.

                No other limited partner of FW Limited IV indirectly owns or controls
                a 10% or greater interest in OHCP Aggregator.

                The sole general partner of FW Limited IV is FW Oak Hill Limited
                Genpar IV, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The sole
                member of FW Oak Hill Limited Genpar IV, LLC is FW GP Holdco,
                LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The sole member of FW GP
                Holdco, LLC is Jay H. Hebert, a U.S. citizen. The address for each of
                these entities and Mr. Hebert is 201 Main Street, Suite 3100, Fort
                Worth, TX 76102.

        No other limited partner in OHCP IV Onshore owns or controls a ten percent
        (10%) or greater interest in OHCP Aggregator.

Name:                  Oak Hill Capital Partners IV (Offshore), L.P.
                       (“OHCP IV Offshore”)
Address:               One Stamford Plaza
                       263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                       Stamford, CT 06901
Citizenship:           Cayman Islands
Principal Business:    Investment Activities
Interest Held:         20.7% (as a 20.7% limited partner in OHCP Aggregator)

        No limited partner in OHCP IV Onshore owns or controls a ten percent (10%)
        or greater interest in OHCP Aggregator.

Name:                  OHCP GenPar IV, L.P. (“GenPar IV”)
Address:               One Stamford Plaza
                       263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                       Stamford, CT 06901
Citizenship:           Cayman Islands
Principal Business:    Investment Activities
Interest Held:         100% (directly as the general partner of OHCP Aggregator
                       and indirectly as the general partner of (i) OHCP IV Onshore,
                       (ii) OHCP IV Offshore, and (iii) three other investment funds
                       that individually hold less than 10% of the limited partnership
                       interests in OHCP Aggregator but collectively hold
                       approximately 19.2% of the limited partnership interests in
                       OHCP Aggregator)

        Name:                  OHCP Principal Investors IV, L.P. (“PI IV”)
        Address:               One Stamford Plaza
                               263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                               Stamford, CT 06901
        Citizenship:           Cayman Islands

                        Attachment 1 - Page 4

                       Principal Business:     Investment Activities
                       Interest Held:          100% (as 93.9% limited partner in GenPar IV)

                               The following individuals, each of whom is a U.S. citizen, are the only
                               limited partners in PI IV with a 10% or greater interest in PI IV: J.
                               Taylor Crandall (through the J. Taylor Crandall Revocable Trust) and
                               Tyler J. Wolfram.

                       Name:                   OHCP MGP IV, Ltd. (“MGP IV”)
                       Address:                One Stamford Plaza
                                               263 Tresser Blvd., 15th floor
                                               Stamford, CT 06901
                       Citizenship:            Cayman Islands
                       Principal Business:     Investment Activities
                       Interest Held:          100% (as the general partner (less than 1% equity) of
                                               GenPar IV and PI IV)

                           The shares in MGP IV are distributed equally (100 shares each) among
                           thirteen individuals, each of whom is a U.S. citizen: J. Taylor Crandall,
                           Steven B. Gruber, Tyler J. Wolfram, Scott A. Baker, Brian N. Cherry,
                           Benjamin Diesbach, Stratton R. Heath, III, Scott B. Kauffman, Kevin M.
                           Mailender, John R. Monsky, William J. Pade, Steven G. Puccinelli, and David
                           S. Scott. None of these individuals has a 10% or greater interest in OHCP

       The equity in OHCP IV Onshore, OHCP IV Offshore, and the other related funds (collectively,

the “Oak Hill IV Funds”) whose general partner is GenPar IV is held through passive limited partnership

interests held by numerous, primarily U.S.-based investors, including individuals, trusts, institutions

and business entities. Except for the limited partners in OHCP IV Onshore listed above, no limited

partner of the Oak Hill IV Funds owns or controls a ten percent (10%) or greater direct or indirect

interest in OHCP Aggregator through their investments in one or more of these funds.

       To the Licensees’ knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly, owns or controls

a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in Python through OHCP Aggregator.

                                        Attachment 1 - Page 5

        The following entities indirectly, own or control a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in

Python Holdings through Pamlico Aggregator:

                Name:                     Pamlico Capital IV, L.P. (“PC IV LP”)
                                          150 N. College Street
                                          Suite 2400
                                          Charlotte, NC 28202
                Citizenship:              U.S. (Delaware)
                Principal Business:       Investments
                Interest Held:            100% (as a 98.4% member of Pamlico Aggregator)

                         Name:                     Pamlico Capital GP IV, LLC (“PC IV GP”)
                                                   150 N. College Street
                                                   Suite 2400
                                                   Charlotte, NC 28202
                         Citizenship:              U.S. (Delaware)
                         Principal Business:       Investments
                         Interest Held:            100% (as the general partner of (i) PC IV LP
                                                   (approximately 3.8% equity) and (ii) another limited
                                                   partnership that is the only other member of Pamlico
                                                   Aggregator and does not hold a 10% or greater
                                                   membership interest in Pamlico Aggregator)

                                  The following members of PC IV GP each hold or control between ten
                                  and twenty percent of the membership interests in PC IV GP: Scott B.
                                  Perper, L. Watts Hamrick III, Frederick W. Eubank II, Arthur C. Roselle,
                                  Scott R. Stevens, and Walker C. Simmons.2 Each of these individuals
                                  is a U.S. citizen with a principal place of business at the same location
                                  as PC IV GP.

                         Name:                     HarbourVest Partners, LLC
                         Address:                  One Financial Center, 44th Floor
                                                   Boston, MA 02111
                         Citizenship:              U.S. (Delaware)
                         Principal Business:       Investment Company
                         % Interest:               17.1% (indirectly, as the controlling or managing entity
                                                   of multiple funds or entities that directly or indirectly
                                                   interests in PV IC LP but that do not individually directly
                                                   or indirectly, hold or control a 10% or greater limited
                                                   partner interest in PC IV LP)

                                          A majority of the ownership of HarbourVest Partners, LLC is
                                          held by 27 individuals (19 managing directors and eight former

    These individuals also directly or indirect, own or control interests in an entity that directly owns less
    than 5% of Python Holdings.

                                           Attachment 1 - Page 6

                                        managing directors), none of which individually owns or control
                                        10% or more of PC IV LP.

                       No other limited partner in PC IV LP owns or controls a ten percent (10%) or
                       greater interest in Python Holdings through PC IV LP.

       To Licensee’s knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly, owns or controls a

10% or greater interest in Licensees.

Answer to Question 12 - Section 63.18(h) Interlocking Directorates

       Licensees do not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

Answer to Question 13 - Description of Conversions and Pro Forma Change

       In connection with the NTS Transaction described in File Nos. IB File Nos. ITC-T/C-20190128-

00006 and ITC-T/C-20190128-00007, effective August 29, 2019, (1) NTS-Comm converted from a

Texas corporation to a Delaware limited liability company, (2) XFone converted from a Mississippi

corporation to a Mississippi limited liability company and (3) NTS Parent converted from a Nevada

corporation to a Delaware limited liability company (the “Conversions”).3 The Conversions resulted

respectively in (1) the pro forma assignment of the international Section 214 authorization of NTS

Communications, Inc. to NTS Communications, LLC, (2) the pro forma assignment of the international

Section 214 authorization of XFone USA, Inc. to XFone USA, LLC and (3) the pro forma transfer of

control of Licensees from NTS, Inc. to NTS Clarity, LLC (collectively, the “Pro Forma Changes”).

       Charts depicting the current corporate organizational structure of the Licensees are attached

hereto as Attachment 2.

        The Conversions were merely a change in corporate form and did not entail a merger or other
transaction that extinguished the existence of the Licensees or NTS Parent.

                                        Attachment 1 - Page 7

               ATTACHMENT 2

Corporate Organizational Structure of Licensees

            Current Corporate Ownership Structure of the Parties
                                                See Page 2 for Ownership of
                                                   Python Holdings, L.P.

                                                   Python Holdings, L.P.
                                                    (“Python Holdings”)

                                               Python Intermediate I, LLC

                                                Python Intermediate II, LLC

                                                                    100% through direct
                                                                    and indirect ownership

                                               Clarity Telecom Holdings, LLC
                                                     (“Clarity Holdings”)

                                                    Clarity Telecom, LLC

                                                      NTS Clarity, LLC
                                                       (“NTS Parent”)

                 NTS Communications, LLC                                                XFone USA, LLC
                      (“NTS-Comm”)                                                            (“XFone”)
                        (Delaware)                                                           (Mississippi)

                                                                                                             All ownership/control percentages are 100%,
PRIDE Network, LLC                   NTS Telephone Company, LLC                                              unless noted.
     (“PRIDE”)                               (“NTS-Tel”)
    (Delaware)                                 (Texas)

                                                  Attachment 2 - Page 1

               Current Corporate Ownership Structure of Python Holdings

               See Page 3 for Ownership of                                              See Page 4 for Ownership of
                   OHCP Aggregator                                                          Pamlico Aggregator

             OHCP Python Aggregator, L.P.                                              Pamlico Python Aggregator, LLC
                       (“OHCP Aggregator”)                                                  (“Pamlico Aggregator”)
                           (Delaware)                                                            (Delaware)

                                             50%                                 50%

                                                      Python Holdings GP, LLC
                                                             (“Python GP”)
             Limited Partner,                                                                            Limited Partner,
              Approx. 45.8%                                                                              Approx. 43.6%
                                                   General Partner

  Other Entities or Individuals None of
Which Individually Has a 10% or Greater
 Ownership Interest in Python Holdings

  Limited Partners,
 collectively, 10.6%

                                                         Python Holdings, L.P.
                                                           (“Python Holdings”)
                                                                                               All ownership/control percentages are 100%,
                                                                                               unless noted.

                                                        Attachment 2 - Page 2

                                                             Corporate Ownership Structure of OHCP Aggregator
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Robert M. Bass and
                                                                         13 Equal Shareholders                                                                                                     Anne T. Bass
                                                                              (U.S. Citizens)                                                                                                       (U.S. Citizens)
              See Attachment 1 for Information
            Regarding the Limited Partners of PI IV                      See Attachment 1 for List
                                                                                                                                                              Jay H. Hebert
                                                                                                                                                               (U.S. Citizen)                      Live Oak Trust
                                                                          OHCP MGP IV, Ltd.                                                                                                            (Texas)
                                                                                                                   Other Limited Partners –                              100%
                                                                            (Cayman Islands)
                                                                                                                  None individually holds 10%                                                                  100%
              OHCP Principal Investors IV, L.P.                              General Partner                        or more of GenPar IV
                         (“PI IV”)                                                                                                                             FW Oak Hill                       RMB Holdings, LLC
                       (Cayman Islands)                                                                           Limited Partners                       Limited Genpar IV, LLC                      (Delaware)
               Limited Partner                                                                                    Collectively,                                  (Delaware)
                                                                         OHCP GenPar IV, L.P.                     Approx. 6.1%                                                                      Limited Partner
               Approx. 93.9%
                                                                            (“GenPar IV”)                                                                     General Partner                       Approx. 76.3%
                                                                             (Cayman Islands)

                                                                                                                                                               FW Oak Hill                 Ohio Public Employees
                                                                                                                                                             Limited IV, L.P.4              Retirement System
                                                                                                                                                                 (Delaware)                           (Ohio)
                                          General Partner        General Partner              General Partner
                                                                                                                                                               Limited Partner                    Limited Partner
                                                                                                                                                               Approx. 12.5%                      Approx. 15.7%
                                                                            General Partner

                                             Oak Hill Capital Partners IV                                       Oak Hill Capital Partners IV
Three Other Oak Hill Funds1                       (Offshore), L.P.2                                                  (Onshore), L.P.3
      (Cayman Islands)                                (Cayman Islands)                                               (Cayman Islands)

                                                       Limited Partner                                                 Limited Partner
                                                       Approx. 20.7%                                                   Approx. 60.1%
        Limited Partners
         Approx. 19.2 %

                                                                                                                                         3Except as indicated, no limited partner of Oak Hill
     1 Each  of these limited partner has less than a 10%
                                                                                                                                         Capital Partners IV (Onshore), L.P. has an indirect
     limited partnership interest in OHCP Aggregator.
                                                                                                                                         10% interest in OHCP Aggregator.
                                                                  OHCP Python Aggregator, L.P.
     2 No limited partner of Oak Hill Capital Partners IV                 (“OHCP Aggregator”)                                            4Except as indicated, no limited partner of FW Oak
     (Offshore), L.P. has an indirect 10% interest in OHCP                    (Delaware)                                                 Hill Limited IV, L.P. has an indirect 10% interest in
                                                                                                                                         OHCP Aggregator.

                                                                                                            Attachment 2 - Page 3

                        Corporate Ownership Structure of Pamlico Aggregator

                                                    See Attachment 1 for Ownership
                                                             of PC GP IV

                                                      Pamlico Capital GP IV, LLC
                                                              (“PC GP IV”)

                                                                       General Partner
                                                                       <5% Equity
                                                                                         HarbourVest Partners, LLC2

                                                                                          Indirectly controls
                                                                                          approx. 17.1%

                                                       Pamlico Capital IV, L.P.1
                                                                (“PC IV”)                  2HarbourVest Partners, LLC directly or indirectly
1 Individually, each limited partner of PC IV has              (Delaware)                  controls multiple limited partners in PC IV that
less than a 10% interest in PC IV.                                                         collectively have a 17.1% interest in PC IV.
                                                     Approx. 93.7%

                                                    Pamlico Python Aggregator, LLC
                                                          (“Pamlico Aggregator”)

                                                         Attachment 2 - Page 4


           I, J. Keith Davidson, hereby declare that I am the Chief Financial Officer of NTS Clarity,

    LLC, NTS Communications, LLC and XFone USA, LLC (collectively, the "Company"‘); that I am

    authorized to make this Verification on behalf of the Company; that the foregoing filing was

    prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents with respect to the Company

    are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

           I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this
!        day of September, 2019.

                                                 NTS Clarity, LLC
                                                 NTS Communications, LLC
                                                 XFone USA, LLC

Document Created: 2019-09-23 10:42:10
Document Modified: 2019-09-23 10:42:10

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