Attachment Pro Forma Notice

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-INTR2019-02015 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.



        Lingo Management, LLC (“Lingo”) and Fusion Cloud Services, LLC (f/k/a Birch
Communications, LLC) (“Fusion”) (Lingo and Fusion collectively, the “Parties”) hereby notify
the Federal Communications Commission (the “Commission”) of the pro forma transfer of
certain customers served by Fusion to Lingo (the “Transaction”).


      Lingo is a Georgia limited liability company with a principal office at 5607 Glenridge
Drive NE, Suite 300, Atlanta, GA 30342. Lingo is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lingo
Communications, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company, and an indirect subsidiary of GG
Telecom Investors, LLC (“GGTI”), a Georgia limited liability company. GGTI is owned by
Holcombe T. Green, Jr. (67.5%) and R. Kirby Godsey (32.5%).

        Lingo is a holding company and does not provide telecommunications services. Lingo’s
subsidiaries, as described in Exhibit 1, collectively are competitive local exchange carriers that
offer, or are certified to offer, competitive local exchange, intrastate toll, intrastate
interexchange, interstate interexchange, or international services to residential and business
customers in 50 states and the District of Columbia.

        Fusion is a Georgia limited liability company with a principal office at 320 Interstate
North Parkway SE, Atlanta, GA 30339. Fusion is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of
Fusion Connect, Inc. (f/k/a/ Fusion Telecommunications International, Inc.) (“Fusion Connect”),
which is a publicly traded Delaware corporation (OTC: FSNN) with headquarters located at 420
Lexington Avenue, Suite 1718, New York, New York 10170. Fusion Connect and its
subsidiaries, as described in Exhibit 2, collectively are competitive local exchange carriers or
interexchange carriers that offer, or are certified to offer, competitive local exchange, intrastate
toll, intrastate interexchange, interstate interexchange, or international services to business
customers in 50 states and the District of Columbia.

         BCHI Holdings, LLC (“BHold”), a Georgia limited liability company, holds
approximately 60% of Fusion Connect. Mr. Green and Mr. Godsey, through GGTI, hold 72.2%
of the membership interests of BHold, and the remaining 27.8% of BHold is held by various
trusts (for which Mr. Green and Mr. Godsey serve as trustees) and by several family members of
Mr. Green and Mr. Godsey.

        The ultimate control of both Lingo and Fusion is held by Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S.
citizen, and R. Kirby Godsey, also a U.S. citizen (Mr. Green and Mr. Godsey collectively, the


       Pursuant to the terms of an Asset Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement”) dated as of
February 1, 2019, by and between Fusion and Lingo, Lingo acquired certain Fusion customers

receiving telecommunications services from Fusion, and certain historical records associated
with those customers (the “Acquired Customers”), in the states set forth in Exhibit 3 hereto. The
chart in Exhibit 3 reflects the Lingo operating subsidiary that provides service to the Acquired
Customers in each state. The Transaction was consummated April 26, 2019.

        This Transaction involved the pro forma assignment of customers between two affiliated
entities. The Acquired Customers received written notice of the transfer of their account to
Lingo via First Class United States mail as required by the requirements of Commission Rule
64.1120(e). The Acquired Customers will continue to receive the same services that they
previously received without any immediate changes to their service offerings or rates. The
ownership structure of Lingo and Fusion is not affected by the Transaction. The assets do not
include the Commission authority held by Fusion as Fusion will continue to provide services to
other customers not involved in the Transaction.1

        The Transaction is in the public interest because it advances economic efficiency by
enabling Lingo to expand its own business and achieve economies of scale. These benefits are
expected to strengthen Lingo’s ability to expand its offerings and services to a broader customer
base, and will enable Lingo to strengthen its competitive position to the benefit of consumers and
the telecommunications marketplace.

        Furthermore, the Transaction was conducted in a manner that had no adverse effect on
the Acquired Customers. Lingo will continue to provide the Acquired Customers with the same
service quality they have come to expect and all billing will be handled by Lingo using the Lingo
name. The Acquired Customers will continue to receive the same services that they previously
received without any immediate changes to their service offerings, rates, or terms and conditions.


Response to IBFS Form Question 10

         Correspondence concerning this pro forma notification should be sent to:

    For Fusion Cloud Services, LLC                           For Lingo Management, LLC
    Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr.                                 Chérie R. Kiser
    Winafred R. Brantl                                       Angela F. Collins
    Kelley Drye & Warren LLP                                 Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
    3050 K Street, NW, Suite 400                             1990 K Street, NW, Suite 950
    Washington, DC 20007                                     Washington, DC 20006
    202-342-8400                                             202-862-8900                                               

      The international Section 214 authorizations held by the Parties are set forth in Exhibit 1
and Exhibit 2.
          Fusion holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority by operation of law and provides international
services, operating pursuant to the international Section 214 authority held by its parent, Fusion Connect.


Response to IBFS Form Question 11

        As of April 26, 2019, the following entities and individuals hold a ten percent (10%) or
greater direct or indirect ownership interest in Lingo:

   Lingo Communications, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company, holds 100% of the
    interests of Lingo. Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, is the Manager of Lingo
    Communications, LLC. The business address for Lingo Communications, LLC is 3060
    Peachtree St., NW, Suite 1065, Atlanta, GA 30305. Lingo Communications, LLC is a
    holding company and offers no services.

   GG Telecom Investors, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company, holds 100% of the
    interests of Lingo Communications, LLC. Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, is the
    Manager of GG Telecom Investors, LLC. The business address for GG Telecom Investors,
    LLC is 3060 Peachtree St., NW, Suite 1065, Atlanta, GA 30305. GG Telecom Investors,
    LLC is a holding company and offers no services.

   Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, holds 67.5% of the membership interests of GG
    Telecom Investors, LLC. R. Kirby Godsey, a U.S. citizen, holds 32.5% of the membership
    interests of GG Telecom Investors, LLC. The business address for Mr. Green and Mr. Godsey
    is 3060 Peachtree St., NW, Suite 1065, Atlanta, GA 30305. No other person or entity holds a
    ten percent (10%) or greater direct or indirect equity or voting interest in GG Telecom
    Investors, LLC.

        Other than as stated herein, no other entity or individual owns a ten percent (10%) or
greater direct or indirect equity or voting interest in Lingo.

       Lingo also holds 100% of the interests in the following entities that provide
telecommunications services:

       o   Lingo Communications of Virginia, Inc.
       o   Lingo Communications of the Northeast, LLC
       o   Lingo Telecom of the South, LLC
       o   Lingo Telecom of the Great Lakes, LLC
       o   Lingo Telecom of the West, LLC
       o   Lingo Communications Midwest, LLC
       o   Lingo Communications South, LLC
       o   Lingo Communications North, LLC
       o   Matrix Telecom, LLC
       o   Matrix Telecom of Virginia, LLC
       o   Vancouver Telephone Company Limited (Canada) (“VTC”)

         GGTI also holds 100% of the interests of Tempo Telecom, LLC, a prepaid wireless
carrier that operates throughout the United States.


      GGTI also holds 100% of the interests of Lingo Communications of Kentucky, LLC, a
competitive local exchange and interexchange carrier operating in Kentucky.

       Mr. Green and Mr. Godsey, through GGTI, also hold interests in BCHI Holdings, LLC
(“BHold”), a Georgia limited liability company. GGTI holds 72.2% of the membership interests
of BHold, and the remaining 27.8% of BHold is held by various trusts (for which Mr. Green and
Mr. Godsey serve as trustees) and by several family members of Mr. Green and Mr. Godsey.
BHold holds approximately 60% of Fusion Connect. Fusion Connect is the ultimate corporate
parent of Fusion, and also is the ultimate corporate parent of the following seven (7) entities that
provide telecommunications services:

       o Fusion, LLC (f/k/a Network Billing Systems, LLC) is a New Jersey limited liability
         company and is authorized to provide interstate and international telecommunications
         services, and also holds authority to offer intrastate telecommunications services in 47

       o Fusion Communications, LLC (f/k/a Cbeyond Communications, LLC), Fusion
         Telecom of Missouri, LLC (f/k/a Birch Telecom of Missouri, LLC), Fusion Telecom
         of Kansas, LLC (f/k/a Birch Telecom of Kansas, LLC), Fusion Telecom of Texas Ltd
         LLP (f/k/a Birch Telecom of Texas Ltd LLP), and Fusion Telecom of Oklahoma,
         LLC (f/k/a Birch Telecom of Oklahoma, LLC) are competitive local exchange
         carriers that offer, or are certified to offer, competitive local exchange, intrastate toll,
         intrastate interexchange, interstate interexchange, or international services to business
         customers throughout the United States.

       o Primus Management ULC (“Primus”) is an unlimited liability company formed under
         the laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada that is authorized to provide
         competitive local exchange, long distance, and Internet access services in Canada.

Response to IBFS Form Question 12

        VTC, a British Columbia company that is authorized to provide telecommunications and
Internet access services in Canada as a non-dominant provider, is an indirect, wholly-owned
subsidiary of Lingo. As a result of the membership interests held by Mr. Green and Mr. Godsey
in BHold, Lingo also is affiliated with Primus, a company that is authorized to provide local
exchange, long distance, and Internet access services in Canada as a non-dominant provider.

Response to IBFS Form Question 13

       See explanation in Section II above.


                              EXHIBIT 1

        Lingo Management, LLC (“Lingo”) is registered with the Commission under FCC Filer
ID 831674 and holds international Section 214 authority under IB File No. ITC-214-20160630-
00180, but does not provide any services. The following wholly-owned subsidiaries of Lingo
hold authority to provide interstate telecommunications services and operate pursuant to the
international Section 214 authorization held by Lingo:

Entity                                              FCC Filer ID
Lingo Telecom of the Great Lakes, LLC               826636
Lingo Telecom of the South, LLC                     820616
Lingo Telecom of the West, LLC                      827985
Lingo Communications South, LLC                     808443
Lingo Communications North, LLC                     815082
Lingo Communications Midwest, LLC                   815376
Lingo Communications of the Northeast, LLC          828483
Lingo Communications of Virginia, Inc.              828502

        Matrix Telecom, LLC and Matrix Telecom of Virginia, LLC also are wholly-owned
subsidiaries of Lingo and hold authority to provide interstate and international
telecommunications services in FCC Filer ID 802572 and IB File Nos. ITC-214-19900713-
00004 (Old File No. ITC-90-152), ITC-214-19930330-00053 (Old File No. ITC-93-145), ITC-
214-19940830-00266 (Old File No. 94-478), ITC-214-19970415-00212 (Old File No. ITC-97-
227), ITC-214-19980507-00300 (Old File No. ITC-98-349), and ITC-214-19980915-00644.

        In addition, the following affiliates of Lingo are registered with the Commission and hold
international Section 214 authority:

(1)   Lingo Communications of Kentucky, LLC: FCC Filer ID 829851; IB File No. ITC-214-

(2)    Tempo Telecom, LLC: FCC Filer ID 829777; IB File No. ITC-214-20130411-00107.


                             EXHIBIT 2

       Fusion Connect, Inc. (formerly known as Fusion Telecommunications International, Inc.)
(“Fusion Connect”) is authorized to provide interstate and international telecommunications
services under FCC Filer ID 825160 and IB File No. ITC-214-19971001-00592. The following
wholly-owned subsidiaries of Fusion Connect hold authority to provide interstate
telecommunications services and operate pursuant to the international Section 214 authorization
held by Fusion Connect:

Entity                                                                          FCC Filer ID
Fusion Cloud Services, LLC (f/k/a Birch Communications, LLC)                    815113
Fusion Communications, LLC (f/k/a Cbeyond Communications, LLC)                  820930
Fusion Telecom of Oklahoma, LLC (f/k/a Birch Telecom of Oklahoma, LLC)          820061
Fusion Telecom of Missouri, LLC (f/k/a Birch Telecom of Missouri, LLC)          819422
Fusion Telecom of Kansas, LLC (f/k/a Birch Telecom of Kansas, LLC)              807993
Fusion Telecom of Texas Ltd, LLP (f/k/a Birch Telecom of Texas Ltd, LLP)        819948
Fusion, LLC (f/k/a Network Billing Systems, LLC)                                819926


                       EXHIBIT 3

     State                 Lingo Entity Operating in State

     Alabama               Lingo Telecom of the South, LLC
     Arkansas              Lingo Communications Midwest, LLC
     Connecticut           Lingo Communications of the Northeast, LLC
     Delaware              Lingo Communications of the Northeast, LLC
     Florida               Lingo Telecom of the South, LLC
     Georgia               Lingo Telecom of the South, LLC
     Idaho                 Lingo Communications North, LLC
     Illinois              Lingo Telecom of the Great Lakes, LLC
     Iowa                  Lingo Communications North, LLC
     Kansas                Lingo Communications Midwest, LLC
     Kentucky              Lingo Telecom of the South, LLC
     Maine                 Lingo Communications of the Northeast, LLC
     Michigan              Lingo Telecom of the Great Lakes, LLC
     Missouri              Lingo Communications Midwest, LLC
     Montana               Lingo Communications North, LLC
     Nevada                Lingo Telecom of the West, LLC
     New Mexico            Lingo Communications North, LLC
     North Carolina        Lingo Telecom of the South, LLC
     North Dakota          Lingo Communications North, LLC
     Oregon                Lingo Communications North, LLC
     South Dakota          Lingo Communications North, LLC
     Tennessee             Lingo Telecom of the South, LLC
     Texas                 Lingo Communications South, LLC
     Utah                  Lingo Communications North, LLC
     Washington            Lingo Communications North, LLC
     Wisconsin             Lingo Telecom of the Great Lakes, LLC
     Wyoming               Lingo Communications North, LLC


Document Created: 2019-05-28 11:10:48
Document Modified: 2019-05-28 11:10:48

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