Notification filed January 19, 2018, of the pro forma assignment of international section 214 authorization, ITC-214-19970922-00577, held by Manawa Telecom, Inc. (MTI) to Manawa Telephone Company, Inc. (MTC), effective January 1, 2018. MTI and MTC were b
Filing: ITC | International Telecommunications |
Filing: ASG | Assignment |
Last Action | Consummated |
Last Action Date | 2018-02-15 |
Status | Action Complete |
Status Date | 2018-02-15 |
Date Filed | 2018-01-19 |
Date Granted | 2018-02-13 |
Adopted Date | 2018-02-14 |
Released Date | 2018-02-14 |
Action Taken Public Notice | 2018-02-15 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
Delegated Authority # | 18-150 |
Streamlined Application | P |
Manawa Telephone Company, Inc.
440 East Grand Avenue
P.O. Box 8045
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 544958045 USAContact
Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP
1200 Nineteenth St., N.W.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036 USA
440 East Grand Avenue, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495 USA
Washington, DC 20036 USA
Manawa Telecom, Inc.
131 Second Street
P.O. Box 130
Manawa, WI 54949-0130 USA
Manawa Telephone Company, Inc.
440 East Grand Avenue
P.O. Box 8045
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 544958045 USA
131 Second Street, Manawa, WI 54949-0130 USA,
Inc., 440 East Grand Avenue, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495 USA,