
LETTER submitted by St. John Cooperative Telephone & Telegraph Co

Supplemental letter


This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20141030-00284 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                    Law Office of
                                 Richard A. Finnigan
  Richard A. Finnigan            2112 Black Lake Blyd. SW                      Candace Shofstall
     (360) 956—7001            Olympia, Washington 98512                        Legal Assistant
rickfinn@localaccess.com                                                        (360) 753—7012

                                       November 12, 2014


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12th Street, S.W.
Room TW—A325
Washington, D.C. 20554

        Re:      File No. ITC—A§SG—20141030—00284 — St. John Cooperative Telephone &
                 Telegraph Company

To Whom it May Concern:

        Pursuant to inquiries from Federal Communication Commission Staff, this letter will
serve to file supplemental information in the above referenced matter, First, the effective date
for the pro forma transfer of control was August 11, 2014. That is the date that Coin Telecom,
Inc. ("Coin Telecom") was merged into St. John Cooperative Telephone & Telegraph Company
("St. John").

       Second, there is no parent company for St. John. Coin Telecom was a wholly owned
subsidiary of St. John. St. John has no parent company. There is no person that has a five
percent or greater interest in St. John.

        Thank you for your attention to this matter.

                                              Richard A. Finnigan

ce: Client (via e—mail)

Document Created: 2014-11-12 08:24:59
Document Modified: 2014-11-12 08:24:59

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