2014-11-18 to FCC re

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Westel, LLC

Amendment to Application


This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20140811-00241 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


           HAWLEY                                                       ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS

           TROXELL                                                       Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley LLP
                                                                                  877 Main Street, Suite 1000
                                                                                               P.O0. Box 1617
                                                                                     Boise, Idaho 83701—1617
DIRECT DIAL: 208.388.4837
DIRECT FAaX: 208.954.5934

                                         November 18, 2014

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

         Re:       Westel, LLC and WestCom, LLC Joint Application for Consent to Assign
                   Customer Base and Assets; WC Docket No. 14—188; File No. ITC— ASG—

Dear Marlene,

        On behalf of Westel, LLC and WestCom, LLC (together "Applicants") enclosed herewith
for filing is an amendment to Applicant‘s Joint Application; WC Docket No. 14—188; File No.
ITC— ASG—20140811—00241.

       At the request of Commission staff, Applicants are hereby amending information
required by Sections 63.04(a)(4) and 63.18(h) (Questions 11 and 12 of the IBFS Main Form) by
providing a revised Section E to the Joint Application.

          Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.


                                               HAWLEY TR              LL ENNIS & HAWLEY LLP

                                               Justin T.    Cranney

Coe:      Jodie May (via email)
          Sumita Mukhoty (via email)


Amendment to Section E

       E.     Ten Percent or Greater Interest Holders / Interlocking Directorates (Answer
to IBFS Main Form Question 11 and 12)

1.     Westel, LLC. The following entity controls or owns ten percent (10%) or more of
       Westel, LLC:

       A.     Involta, LLC, an Iowa limited liability company ("Involta"), owns one hundred
              percent (100%) of the equity of Westel, LLC. Involta‘s mailing address is P.O.
              Box 1986, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406. Involta‘s principal business is data centers.

II.    Involta. The following three entities hold ten percent (10%) or greater direct equity and
       voting interest in Involta, LLC:

       A.     M/C Partners VII, L.P. ("MC VII"), a Delaware limited partnership, owns twenty
            _ seven percent (27%) of the equity in Involta. MC VII‘s mailing address is M/C
              Partners, c/o Edward Keefe, CFO, 75 State Street, Suite 2500, Boston, MA
              02109. MC VII‘s principal business is as an investment fund.

       B.     GTB Capital Partners II LP ("GTB"), a Delaware limited partnership, owns
              fifteen percent (15%) of the equity in Involta. GTB‘s mailing address is Morgan
              Stanley Alternative Investment Partners, c/o Stephanie Girshovich, 100 Front
              Street, 4th Floor, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. GTB‘s principal business is as
              an investment fund.

       C.   _ Technology Resources Company ("TRC"), an Iowa corporation, which is not
              publicly traded or widely held, owns twelve percent (12%) of the equity in
              Involta. TRC‘s mailing address is Involta, LLC, c/o Jeff Quint, CFO, P.O. Box
              1986, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406.       TRC‘s principal business is an investment in

IIL.   MC VIL The following entities control or own ten percent (10%) or more of MC VII:

       A.     MC VII is controlled by its general partner, M/CP VII, L.P., a Delaware limited
              partnership ("MC VII LP"). M/CP VII LP‘s address is, c/o M/C Partners,
              Edward Keefe, CFO, 75 State Street, Suite 2500, Boston, MA 02109 and its
              primary business is serving as a general partner.

              MC VII has limited partners, but none are reportable under Section 63.18(h) of
              the Commission‘s rules. No limited partner controls MC VII or holds an interest
              in MC VII greater than 37%

       B.     MC VII LP is controlled by its general partner, M/CP VII GP, L.P., a Delaware
              limited partnership ("MC VII GP"). MC VII GP‘s address is, c/o M/C Partners,
              Edward Keefe, CFO, 75 State Street, Suite 2500, Boston, MA 02109 and its
              primary business is serving as a general partner.


Amendment to Section E

             MC VII LP has limited partners, but none are reportable under Section 63.18(h)
             of the Commission‘s rules. No limited partner controls MC VII LP or holds an
             interest in MC VII LP greater than 37%

             MC VII GP is controlled by its general partner, M/CP VII, LLC, a Delaware
             limited liability company ("MC VII LLC"). MC VII LLC‘s address is, c/o M/C
             Partners, Edward Keefe, CFO, 75 State Street, Suite 2500, Boston, MA 02109 and
             its primary business is serving as a general partner.

             MC VII GP has limited partners, but none are reportable under Section 63.18(h3
             of the Commission‘s rules. No limited partner controls MC VII GP or holds an
             interest in MC VII GP greater than 37%

             MC VII LLC has member/membership interest holders, but none are reportable
             under Section 63.18(h) of the Commission‘s rules. No member nor membership
             interest holder controls MC VII LLC or holds an interest in MC VII LLC greater
           _ than 37%.

IV.   GTB. The following entities control or own ten percent (10%) or more of GTB:

             GTB is controlled by its general partner, GTB Capital Partners II GP, LP, a
             Delaware limited partnership. ("GTB II GP"). GTB II GP‘s address is c/o
             Stephanie Girshovich, Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners, 100 Front
             Street, 4th Floor, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 and its primary business is
             serving as a general partner.

             GTB has only one limited partner is reportable under Section 63.18(h) of the
           . Commission‘s rules. Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association, a
             California public pension fund ("PPF") holds a more than 98% interest in GTB.
             PPF‘s address for this holding is c/o Stephanie Girshovich, Morgan Stanley
             Alternative Investment Partners, 100 Front Street, 4th Floor, West Conshohocken,
             PA 19428 and its primary business is a retirement association.

              1.     PPF. PPF is an independent Los Angeles county agency and as such,
             P       there are no reportable owners under Section 63.18(h) of the
                     Commission‘s rules. No person controls PPF or holds an interest in PPF
                     greater than 50% for purposes of control or 66% for purposes of
                     calculating indirect ownership in Westel, LLC

             GTB II GP is controlled by its general partner — Morgan Stanley Alternative
             Investments, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("GTB II LLC") and an
             indirect subsidiary of Morgan StanlEy (NYSE: MS). GTB II LLC‘s address is c/o
             Stephanie Girshovich, Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners, 100 Front
             Street, 4th Floor, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 and its primary business is
             serving as a general partner.

             GTB II GP currently has one limited partner, Morgan Stanley AIP Funding Inc., a
             Delaware corporation ("AIP Funding") and an indirect subsidiary of Morgan


Amendment to Section E

              Stanley (NYSE: MS). No limited partner controls GTB II GP or holds an interest
              in GTB II GP greater than 50% for purposes of control or 66% for purposes of
              calculating indirect ownership in Westel, LLC.

       C.     GTB II LLC has member/membership interest holders, but none are reportable
              under Section 63.18(h) of the Commission‘s rules. No member nor membership
              interest holder controls GTB II LLC or holds an interest in GTB II LLC greater
              than 50% for purposes of control or 66% for purposes of calculating indirect
              ownership in Westel, LLC.

V.     TRC. TRC has shareholders, but none is reportable under Section 63.18(h) of the
       Commission‘s rules. No shareholder of TRC holds or controls more than 38% of the stock
       of TRC.

       Other than the foregoing, following the transition, no other person or entity (including
any limited partner) will directly or indirectly own or control ten percent (10%) or more (in the
aggregate) of the equity or voting interest of Westel, LLC.                                     i


Document Created: 2014-11-18 16:43:59
Document Modified: 2014-11-18 16:43:59

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