Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20140717-00206 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                          KELLEY DRYE & WARREN                         LLP
                                                     A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP

                                         WASHINGTON HARBOUR, SUITE 400                                              FACSIMILE

 LOS ANGELES, CA                                    3050 K STREET, NW                                             (202) 342 - 8451

   CHICAGO, IL                                                                                         
                                                WASHINGTON, DC 20007

                                                         (202) 342-8400

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM                                                                                          DIRECT LINE: (202) 342-8540

                                                                                                         EMAIL: cyorkgitis@kelleydrye con


                                                           July 17, 2014

     Marlene Dortch
     Federal Communications Commission
     445-12th Street SW
     Washington, DC 20554

               Re:      Notification, pursuant to Section 63.24(f) of the Commission's Rules, of a
                        pro ,forma assignment of international Section 214 authority (File No. ITC-214-

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

              Hibernia NGS Limited l ("Hibernia NGS") and 'Hibernia Media, LLC 2 ("Hibernia Media"
     and together with Hibernia NGS hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Companies"), by
     their attorneys, hereby notify the Commission of a pro forma assignment ("Assignment")
     pursuant to Section 63.24(f) of the Commission's Rules. Notice regarding this assignment has
     not been provided previously to the Commission.

            As a result of internal business decisions, Hibernia NGS has assigned'its international
     Section 214 authority to its wholly-owned subsidiary, Hibernia Media. Prior to the Assignment,
     Hibernia NGS held domestic Section 214 authority and international Section 214 authority from
     the Commission. 3 Hibernia Media is a provider of private line services to media content service

               ERN: 0019564798
               FRN: 0018185348
               By notices dated January 15, 2014 and March 4, 2014, the Federal Communications Commission's
               International Bureau was notified or pro forma internal reorganizations which, among other changes,
               resulted in the transfer of control of Hibernia Group eh f, the holder of international Section 214 authority
               issued in File No. 1TC-214-20100303-00093 (issued October 25, 2010) to Hibernia NGS, then a newly
               formed entity. See Letter to Marlene H. Dortch, Federal Communications Commission from Edward A.
               Yorkgitis, Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, ITC-T/C-20140116-00012 (Jan. 15, 2014) and See Letter to

                                KELLEY DRYE & WARREN                   LLP

July 17, 2014
Ms. Marlene Dortch
Page Two

Description of Assignment

       Effective July 15, 2014, Hibernia NGS assigned its international Section 214 authority to
Hibernia Media. With this filing, therefore, the Companies notify the Commission that Hibernia
Media now holds the Section 214 authority previously held by Hibernia NGS. There has been
no change in ownership of either Hibernia NGS or Hibernia Media as a result of this assignment.
Accordingly, there has been no change in the ultimate control of the Section 214 authorizations
and operations.

       In accordance with Section 63.24(1)(2) of the Commission's Rules, the Companies
provide the information requested in paragraphs (a) through (d) and (h) of Section 63.18 of the
Commission's Rules,

(a)    Name, address and telephone number of the parties:

                        Hibernia NGS Limited
                        International Exchange Centre
                        Clonshaugh Industrial Estate
                        Dublin 17 Ireland
                        Tel: +353 1 8673600

                        Hibernia Media, LLC
                        25 De Forest Avenue, Suite 108
                        Summit, NJ 07901
                        Tel: (908) 516-4200

       Marlene H. Dortch, Federal Communications Commission from Edward A. Yorkgitis, Kelley Drye
       Warren LLP, ITC-ASG-20140304-00065 (Mar. 4, 2014). As a result of these transactions, Hibernia NGS
       became the holder of Hibernia Group ehf s international Section 214 authority issued in File No. ITC-214-
       20100303-00093 (issued October 25, 2010). Due to outstanding debts that until very recently were owed
       by Hibernia NGS and its subsidiary, Hibernia Atlantic U.S. LLC, the companies have been and still are
       listed on Red Light status at the Commission. As a consequence, the foregoing pro "'bona notices have
       been identified on the FCC's 113FS database as "blocked" but a check of the IBFS database immediately
       prior to filing this letter shows that the notices have been unblocked.

                             KELLEY DRYE & WARREN              LLP

July 17, 2014
Ms. Marlene Dortch
Page Three

(b)    Hibernia NGS is a company formed under the laws of the Republic of Ireland. Hibernia
       Media is a limited liability corporation formed under the laws of the State of Delaware.

(c)    Correspondence concerning this filing should be sent to:

                      Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr.
                      Denise N. Smith
                      Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
                      3050 K Street, N.W.
                      Washington, D.C. 20007
                      Tel: (202) 342-8400

(d)    Prior to the Assignment, Hibernia NOS held an international Section 214 license to
       provide global or limited global facilities-based and resale international
       telecommunications services, granted in File No. ITC-214-20100303-00093 on October
       25, 2010. Post-assignment, this authority is held by Hibernia Media.

(e)    Both before and after the assignment, the following individuals or entities held or currently
       hold a 10% or greater ownership interest in Hibernia NGS and Hibernia Media:

Columbia Ventures Corporation ("CVC"). CVC currently owns 83% of the issued and
outstanding equity of Hibernia NOS. CVC is a Washington state corporation. CVC owns and
operates a portfolio of telecommunications companies and a small number of manufacturing
businesses around the world. Mr. Kenneth D. Peterson, jr., a U.S. citizen, owns 100% of the
issued and outstanding equity of CVC. Mr. Peterson is Chief Executive Officer, Chairman and
Founder of CVC. The address of CVC and Mr. Peterson is 12503 SE Mill Plain Blvd., Suite
120, Vancouver, WA 98684.

Constellation Growth Capital, LIE. ("Constellation") Ands. CVC III Hibernia Blocker, Inc.
("CV Hibernia"), a Delaware corporation, currently owns 17% of the issued and outstanding
equity of Hibernia NGS. CV Hibernia is owned by the following three (3) Constellation funds:

       Constellation Venture Capital III (EF), LP. ("CVEF"), a Delaware limited partnership,
       owns 24% of the issued and outstanding equity of CV Ilibernia. The general partner of
       CVEF is Constellation Ventures Management Ill LLC ("CVManagement"), a Delaware
       limited liability company. Constellation, a Delaware limited liability company, holds a
       50% ownership interest in CVManagement. Constellation is wholly owned by

                              KELLEY DRYE & WARREN              LLP

July 17, 2014
Ms. Marlene Dortch
Page Four

       Highbridge Principal Strategies, LLC ("Highbridge"), a Delaware limited liability
       company. Highbridge is wholly owned by Highbridge Capital Management, LLC
       ("Highbridge Capital"), a Delaware limited liability company. Highbridge Capital is
       wholly owned by JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings, Inc. ("JPMorgan Asset"), a
       Delaware corporation and the holder of 99.8% of the limited partner ownership interests
       in CVEF. JPMorgan Asset is a wholly owned subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co.
       ("JPMorgan"), a Delaware corporation that is widely held.

•      Constellation Venture Capital III, L.P. ("CVCapital"), a Delaware limited partnership,
       owns 67% of the issued and outstanding equity of CV Hibernia. The general partner of
       CVCapital is CVManagement.

•      Constellation Venture Offshore III, L.P. ("CVOffshore"), a Cayman Islands limited
       partnership, owns 8% of the issued and outstanding equity of CV Hibernia. The general
       partner of CVOffshore is CVManagement.

Both before and after the assignment, no limited partner in CVEF, CVCapital, or CVOffshore
other than JPMorgan Asset held or currently holds a 10% or greater ownership interest in
Hibernia NGS or Hibernia Media under the FCC's ownership attribution rules.

The principal business of Constellation, CVCapital, CVManagement, CVOffshore, CVEF,
CVHibernia, Highbridge, Highbridge Capital, JPMorgan Asset, and JP Morgan in each case is
investment. The address of Constellation, CVCapital, CVManagement, CVOffshore, CVEF,
CVHibernia, Highbridge, Highbridge Capital, JPMorgan Asset, and JP Morgan is, in each case,
c/o Constellation Growth Capital LLC, 40 West 57 th Street, New York, New York, 10019.

Both before and after the assignment, in addition to the above-listed individuals and entities, with
respect to Hibernia Media, the following entity has held and continues to hold a 10% or greater
ownership interest:

                             KELLEY DRYE & WARREN             LLP

July 17, 2014
Ms. Marlene Dortch
Page Five

•      Hibernia NGS owns 100% of the issued and outstanding equity of Hibernia Media. As
       noted above, Hibernia NGS is a company formed in the Republic of Ireland, located at
       International Exchange Centre, Clonshaugh Industrial Estate, Dublin 17, Ireland. Hibernia
       NGS's principal business is that of a telecommunications licensee and holding company
       for its subsidiaries.

 Apart from those identified above, both before and after the assignment, no other individual or
entity held or currently holds a 10% or greater ownership interest in Hibernia NGS or Hibernia
Media under the FCC's ownership attribution rules.

Interlocking Directorates:

Each of the following individuals is an officer or director of Hibernia NGS and/or Hibernia
Media (as noted) as well as an officer or director of a foreign carrier as described below:

•       Bjarni Thorvardarson (Hibernia NGS, Hibernia Media): Hibernia Atlantic Cable
        System Limited, Hibernia Atlantic (UK) Limited, Hibernia Atlantic Communications
        (Canada) Company and Hibernia Atlantic (NI) Limited.

•       James Prenetta (Hibernia NGS, Hibernia Media): Hibernia Atlantic Cable System
        Limited, Hibernia Atlantic (UK) Limited, Hibernia Atlantic Communications (Canada)
        Company, and Hibernia Atlantic (NI) Limited)

•       Lloyd Jarkow (Hibernia NGS, Hibernia Media): Hibernia Atlantic Cable System
        Limited, Hibernia Atlantic (UK) Limited, Hibernia Atlantic Communications (Canada)
        Company, and Hibernia Atlantic (NI) Limited)

        Finally, pursuant to Section 63.24(f)(ii) of the Commission's Rules, the Companies
 provide certifications that the assignment was pro forma and that, together with all previous pro
forma transactions, it does not result in a change in the actual controlling party for the

                           KELLEY DRYE & WARREN             LLP

July 17, 2014
Ms. Marlene Dortch
Page Six

      Please contact the undersigned counsel if you have any questions regarding this matter.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                                dward A. Yorkgitis,
                                               Denise N. Smith
                                               Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
                                               3050 K Street, NW
                                               Suite 400
                                               Washington, D.C. 20007-5108

                                               Counsel for Hibernia NGS Limited and
                                               Hibernia Medici, LLC


    | : The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of Hibernia NGS Limited with respect to the

fofegoing: notification of a pro forma transaction, that the statements in the notification are true

and correct to the best of my belief and are made in good faith; that the transaction was pro

forma as described in Section 63.24(a) of the Commission‘s Rules; and that this transaction,

together with all previous pro forma transactions, did not result in a change in ultimate control.

                                         By:          (Zias>                           )
                                               Jan{es P. Prenetfa. J¥              /
                                               General Counsel
                                               Hibernia NGS Limited
                                               25 De Forest Avenue, Suite 108
                                               Summit, NJ 07901

Date: July 16, 2014


        The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of Hibernia Media LLC, with respect to the

foregoing notification of a pro forma transaction, that the statements in the notification are true

_and correct to the best of my belief and are made in good faith; that the transaction was pro

fdrma asdescribed in Section 63.24(a) of the Commission‘s Rules; and that this transaction,

together with all previous pro forma transactions, did not result in a change in ultimate control.

                                         on   Jamel’renelli
                                              Hibernia Media,

                                              25 De Forest Avenue, Suite 108
                                              Summit, NJ 07901

Date: July 16, 2014

Document Created: 2014-07-17 12:25:06
Document Modified: 2014-07-17 12:25:06

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