11 17 14 Consummatio

NOTICE submitted by Block Line Systems, LLC

11 17 14 Consummation Notice


This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20140714-00212 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


LINCOLN OFFICE                                                                                           DENVER OFFICE
SutTE 500                                                                                                          SuitE 525
301 SoutH 1378 STREET                                                                              8055 EAST TUFTS AVENUE
LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 68§508—2578                                                                DENVER, COLORADO 80237—2835
TELEPHONE 402—437—8500                                                                             TELEPHONE 303—606—6700
FaAX 402437—8558                                                                                          FAXx 303—606—6701

                                                  THOMAS J. MOORMAN
                                                DIRECT: (202) 944—9502                              WASHINGTON OFFICE
SutTE 525                                                                                                         SutTeE 310
10250 Reaency CIRCLE
                                      EMAIL: TMOORMAN@WOODSAITKEN.COM
                                                                                              5151 WISCONSIN AvVENUE, N.W.
OMAHA, NEBRASKA 681 14—3754                    WWW.WOODSAITKEN.COM
                                                                                              WaAsHINGTON, D.C. 20016—4124
                                                                                                   TELEPHONE 202—944—9500
FaAx 402—898—7401                                                                                        FAx 202—944—9501
                                     PLEASE RESPOND TO WASHINGTON ADDRESS

                                               November 17, 2014

    Via IBFS and ECFS

    Marlene H. Dortch
    Federal Communications Commission
    445 12" Street, SW, A—325
    Washington, DC 20554

              Re:      Notice of Consummation
                       File No. ITC—214—20000301———00170 and ITC—ASG—20140714—00197,
                       File No. ITC—214—20060228———00127 and ITC—ASG—20140714—00212,
                       File No. ITC—214—20070511———00186 and ITC—ASG—20140714—00213,
                       WC Docket No. 14—106

    Dear Ms. Dortch:

             Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §63.24(e)(4), this notice is to inform the Commission that, on
   November 14, 2014, the consummation occurred of the assignments from Line Systems, Inc.
   ("LST"), Magellan Hill Technologies, LLC ("MHT") and Infinite Communications, LLC ("IC")
   of the referenced international Section 214 authorizations to Block Line Systems, LLC (the
   "Assignee"), as was approved on August 15, 2014 as noted in the Commission‘s Public Notice,
   Report No. TEL—01687, DA No. 14—1212, released August 21, 2014 at 3—4.

           LSI‘s international Section 214 authority was granted under File No. ITC—214—20000301—
   ——00170 and the assignment was granted under ITC—ASG—20140714—00197. MHT‘s
   international Section 214 authority was granted under File No. ITC—214—20060228———00127 and
   the assignment was granted under ITC—ASG—20140714—00212. IC‘s international Section 214
   authority was granted under File No. ITC—214—20070511———00186 and the assignment was
   granted under ITC—ASG—20140714—00213.

          In addition, the assignment of the assets related to the operations of the entities noted in
   the domestic Section 214 application that was granted on August 25, 2014 (see Public Notice,
   WC Docket Nos. 14—103; 14—106, DA 14—1225, released August 25, 2014) in WC Docket No.
   14—106 was also consummated on November 14, 2014.

Marlene H. Dortch
Secretary                    —
Federal Communications Commission
November 17, 2014
Page 2

      Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional information.


                                                   L/E g/f/’//f;/@f/éf:ngzz
                                                  Thomas J /Moorman
                                                  Attorney for the Assignee

co:   M. Charles, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Completion Bureau (via email)
      D. Johnson, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Completion Bureau (via email)
      D. Krech, Policy Division, International Bureau (via email)
      J. Bird, Office of General Counsel (via email)
      S. Augustino, Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

Document Created: 2014-11-17 15:48:27
Document Modified: 2014-11-17 15:48:27

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