Attachment MegaGate 214 Interna

MegaGate 214 Interna

CONSUMMATION submitted by Cellular South, Inc.


This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20140618-00185 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                           Exhibit 1

                                    REQUEST FOR WAIVER

        Cellular South, Inc. (“Assignee”) respectfully requests a waiver of Section 63.24(e)(4) of
the Commission’s rules to allow for notification of consummation of the authorized assignment of
International Section 214 authorization from MegaGate Broadband, Inc. to Assignee later than 30
days after the authorized transaction was consummated, on October 1, 2014.
        An oversight in communication between Assignee’s Mississippi counsel handling the
transaction closing and federal regulatory counsel for Assignee is the reason for late filing of this
consummation notice.
         There was no opposition filed in connection with the assignment application and no harm
to the public interest will result from grant of the requested waiver. Counsel will make diligent
efforts to avoid any late filings of a similar nature in the future.

Document Created: 2014-11-12 12:30:55
Document Modified: 2014-11-12 12:30:55

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