Attachment Notification

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20140408-00120 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


Jean L. Kiddoo
Brett P. Ferenchak

April 8, 2014


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Room TW-A325
Washington, DC 20554
Attn: International Bureau

Re: Notification Regarding Change in Corporate Form Resulting in Pro
    Forma Assignment of the International Section 214 Authorization of
    Onvoy, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Onvoy, LLC (“Assignee”), by undersigned counsel and pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §
63.24(f), notifies the Commission that, effective March 10, 2014, it converted to a
Minnesota limited liability company from a Minnesota corporation resulting in
the assignment of the International Section 214 Authorization of Onvoy, Inc.
(“Assignor”) (Assignee and Assignor together, the “Company”) to Assignee.1

                   Information Required by Section 63.24(f)(2)

As required by Section 63.24(f)(2), the Company provides the following
information required by 63.18(a) through (d) and (h):

Sections 63.18(a): Name, address and telephone number of the Company:

          Onvoy, LLC (Assignee)
          Onvoy, Inc. (Assignor)
          10300 6th Avenue North
          Plymouth, MN 55441
          Tel: 800-933-1224

        The Company notes that the conversion was completed by filing Articles of
Conversion and did not entail a merger or other transaction that extinguished the
existence of Assignor. As such, Assignee is the same entity as Assignor, except that it is
a limited liability company rather than a corporation.


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
April 8, 2014
Page 2

Sections 63.18(b): Organization of the Company:

          Assignor was a Minnesota corporation prior to its conversion. As a result
          of the conversion, Assignee is a Minnesota limited liability company

Section 63.18(c): Correspondence concerning this filing should be sent to the
Company’s counsel:

                 Jean L. Kiddoo
                 Brett P. Ferenchak
                 Bingham McCutchen LLP
                 2020 K Street, N.W.
                 Washington, DC 20006-1806
                 202-373-6000 (Tel)
                 202-373-6001 (Fax)

Section 63.18(d): The Company holds international Section 214 authority (1) to
provide global resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-19970722-00425
(old IB File No. ITC-97-452) and (2) to operate as a facilities-based carrier by
constructing and operating a fiber optic telecommunications facility between the
United States and Canada granted in IB File No. ITC-214-19971205-00766 (old
IB File No. ITC-97-769).2

Sections 63.18(h): See Attachment 1 for the ownership of the Company.

The Company certifies that the conversion was pro forma and that, together with
all previous pro forma transactions, did not result in a change in the actual
controlling party of the Company.

                               *       *      *      *

        The international Section 214 authorizations were originally granted to
Minnesota Independent Interexchange Corporation, which subsequently merged into its
parent company Onvoy, Inc. (f/k/a Minnesota Equal Access Network Services). See IB
File No. ITC-ASG-20070913-00379.


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
April 8, 2014
Page 3

This notification letter is being filed electronically via MyIBFS. Please direct any
questions to the undersigned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean L. Kiddoo
Brett P. Ferenchak

Counsel for the Company


                                          ATTACHMENT 1

Answer to Question 11 - Section 63.18(h) Ownership Information

          The following entities currently hold, directly or indirectly, a 10% or greater interest1 in

the Company (Onvoy, LLC) as calculated pursuant to the Commission ownership attribution

rules for international telecommunications carriers:

a)        Ownership of the Company

          The following entities hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, direct or indirect, interest in
          Onvoy, LLC:

                 Name:                   Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (“Holdings”)
                 Address:                400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                                         Louisville, CO 80027
                 Citizenship:            U.S.
                 Principal Business:     Holding Company
                 % Interest:             100% (directly in the Company)

                 Name:                   Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC (“CII”)
                 Address:                400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                                         Louisville, CO 80027
                 Citizenship:            U.S.
                 Principal Business:     Holding Company
                 % Interest:             100% (indirectly in the Company as the 100% owner of

b)        Ownership of CII:

          The following entities and individuals hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, direct or
          indirect, interest in Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC:

                 Name:                   Oak Investment Partners XII, Limited Partnership (“Oak
                                         Investment XII”)
                 Address:                525 University Avenue, Suite 1300
                                         Palo Alto, CA 94301
                 Citizenship:            U.S.
                 Principal Business:     Investments
                 % Interest:             15.06% (directly in CII)

        Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity and
voting interests.


                      Name:                 Oak Associates XII, LLC (“Oak Associates”)
                      Address:              525 University Avenue, Suite 1300
                                            Palo Alto, CA 94301
                      Citizenship:          U.S.
                      Principal Business:   Investments
                      % Interest:           15.06% (indirectly as general partner of Oak
                                            Investment XII)

                      The following individuals are the executive managing members of Oak
                      Associates, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through Oak

                                            Bandel L. Carano
                                            Edward F. Glassmeyer
                                            Ann H. Lamont
                                            Fredric W. Harman

                      To the Company’s knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or
                      indirectly, owns or controls a 10% or more interest in CII through Oak
                      Investments XII.

               Name:                 M/C Venture Partners VI, L.P. (”MCVP VI”)
               Address:              75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                     Boston, MA 02109
               Citizenship:          U.S.
               Principal Business:   Investments
               % Interest:           13.24% (directly in CII)

                      Name:                 M/C VP VI, L.P.
                      Address:              75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                            Boston, MA 02109
                      Citizenship:          U.S.
                      Principal Business:   Investment Management
                      % Interest:           13.24% (indirectly as the general partner of MCVP

                      Name:                 M/C Venture Partners, LLC
                      Address:              75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                            Boston, MA 02109
                      Citizenship:          U.S.
                      Principal Business:   Investment Management
                      % Interest:           13.24% (indirectly as the general partner of M/C
                                            VP VI, L.P.)

                                     Attachment 1 - Page 2

                       The following individuals are the managing members of M/C Venture
                       Partners, LLC, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through M/C
                       Venture Partners, LLC:

                                             James F. Wade
                                             David D. Croll
                                             Matthew J. Rubins
                                             John W. Watkins
                                             John Van Hooser

                       Mr. Wade and Mr. Croll are also two of the five managers of M/C Venture
                       Investors, L.L.C., which has a 0.42% direct interest in CII.

                       To the Company’s knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or
                       indirectly, owns or controls a 10% or more interest in CII through MVCP

               Name:                 Columbia Capital Equity Partners IV (QP), L.P.
                                     (“Columbia Capital IV”)
               Address:              201 N. Union Street, Suite 300
                                     Alexandria, VA 22314
               Citizenship:          U.S.
               Principal Business:   Investments
               % Interest:           12.07% (directly in CII)

                       Name:                 Columbia Capital IV, LLC
                       Address:              201 N. Union Street, Suite 300
                                             Alexandria, VA 22314
                       Citizenship:          U.S.
                       Principal Business:   Investment Management
                       % Interest:           13.65% (indirectly in CII as the general partner of
                                             (i) Columbia Capital Equity Partners IV, L.P. which
                                             is the general partner of both Columbia Capital IV
                                             and Columbia Capital Equity Partners IV (QPCO),
                                             L.P. (1.49% direct interest in CII) and (ii) of
                                             Columbia Capital Employee Investors IV, L.P.
                                             (0.09% direct interest in CII))

                       The following individuals are the managing members of Columbia Capital
                       IV, LLC, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through Columbia
                       Capital IV, LLC

                                             James B. Fleming, Jr.
                                             R. Philip Herget, III
                                             Harry F. Hopper III

                                     Attachment 1 - Page 3

                       These individuals also have indirect control of other entities that have, in
                       the aggregate, a 0.29% direct interest in CII.

                       To the Company’s knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or
                       indirectly, owns or controls a 10% or greater interest in CII through
                       Columbia Capital IV or Columbia Capital IV, LLC.

               Name:                  Charlesbank Equity Fund VI, Limited Partnership
                                      (“Charlesbank VI”)
               Address:               200 Clarendon, 5th Floor
                                      Boston, MA 02116
               Citizenship:           U.S.
               Principal Business:    Investment Management
               % Interest:            11.22% (directly in CII)

                       Name:                 Charlesbank Equity Fund VI GP, Limited
                                             Partnership (“Charlesbank VI GP”)
                       Address:              200 Clarendon, 5th Floor
                                             Boston, MA 02116
                       Citizenship:          U.S.
                       Principal Business:   Investment Management
                       % Interest:           13.06% (indirectly in CII as the general partner of
                                             the following funds that have direct ownership
                                             interests in CII (i) Charlesbank VI, (ii) CB Offshore
                                             Equity Fund VI, (iii) Charlesbank Equity
                                             Coinvestment Fund VI, LP, and (iv) Charlesbank
                                             Equity Coinvestment Partners, LP)

                               Name:                 Charlesbank Capital Partners, LLC
                               Address:              200 Clarendon, 5th Floor
                                                     Boston, MA 02116
                               Citizenship:          U.S.
                               Principal Business:   Investment Management
                               % Interest:           13.06% (indirectly in CII as the general
                                                     partner of Charlesbank VI GP)

                       Charlesbank Capital Partners, LLC is owned by its nine (9) managing
                       members who are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through
                       Charlesbank Capital Partners, LLC:

                                      Michael Eisenson
                                      Tim Palmer
                                      Kim Davis
                                      Mark Rosen
                                      Michael Choe
                                      Brandon White

                                      Attachment 1 - Page 4

                                     Jon Biotti
                                     Andrew Janower
                                     Michael Thonis

                      To the Company’s knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or
                      indirectly, owns or controls a 10% or greater interest in CII through
                      Charlesbank VI GP.

               Name:                 GTCR Fund X/A LP
               Address:              300 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 5600
                                     Chicago, IL 60654
               Citizenship:          U.S.
               Principal Business:   Investments
               % Interest:           11.08% (directly in CII)

                      Name:                 GTCR Partners X/A&C LP
                      Address:              300 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 5600
                                            Chicago, IL 60654
                      Citizenship:          U.S.
                      Principal Business:   Investments
                      % Interest:           14.46% (indirectly in CII as the general partner of
                                            (i) GTCR Fund X/A LP, and (ii) GTCR Fund X/C
                                            LP (3.38% direct interest in CII))

                      Name:                 GTCR Investment X LLC
                      Address:              300 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 5600
                                            Chicago, IL 60654
                      Citizenship:          U.S.
                      Principal Business:   Investments
                      % Interest:           14.56% (indirectly in CII as the general partner of
                                            (i) GTCR Partners X/A&C LP, and (ii) GTCR Co-
                                            Invest X LP (0.10% direct interest in CII))

                      The following individuals are members of the board of managers of
                      GTCR Investment X LLC, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached
                      through GTCR Investment X LLC:

                                     Mark M. Anderson
                                     Craig A. Bondy
                                     Philip A. Canfield
                                     David A. Donnini
                                     David S. Katz
                                     Constantine S. Mihas
                                     Collin E. Roche
                                     Sean L. Cunningham
                                     Aaron D. Cohen

                                     Attachment 1 - Page 5

                          To the Company’s knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or
                          indirectly, owns or controls a 10% or greater interest in CII through GTCR
                          Fund X/A LP, GTCR Partners X/A&C LP or GTCR Investment X LLC.

Answer to Question 12 - Section 63.18(h) Interlocking Directorates

          Except for its following subsidiaries and affiliates, which have substantially the same of-

ficers and directors as the Company, the Company does not have any interlocking directorates

with a foreign carrier: Zayo Group, LLC (“Zayo”), Zayo Group EU Limited (“Zayo-EU”),

AboveNet Canada Inc. (“ABN-Canada”), Zayo Group UK Limited (“Zayo-UK”), MFN Japan

KK (“ABN-Japan”) and Zayo Enterprise Networks, LLC (“ZEN”). Zayo, ABN-Canada and

ZEN are each a non-dominant foreign carrier in Canada. Zayo-EU is a non-dominant foreign

carrier in France, Germany and the Netherlands. Zayo-UK is a non-dominant foreign carrier in

Germany and the United Kingdom. ABN-Japan is a non-dominant foreign carrier in Japan. In

addition, the Company also holds a Reseller Registration in Canada and thus is a non-dominant

foreign carrier itself.

Answer to Question 13 - Description of Assignment

          Effective March 10, 2014, Assignor converted from a Minnesota corporation to a

Minnesota limited liability company resulting in the assignment of Assignor’s International

Section 214 Authorization to Assignee. The conversion was completed by filing an Articles of

Conversion and did not entail a merger or other transaction that extinguished the existence of

Assignor. As such, Assignee is the same entity as Assignor, except that it is a limited liability

company rather than a corporation.

                                        Attachment 1 - Page 6


        I, Scott Sawyer, state that I am General Counsel of Onvoy, LLC (the "Company") that I

am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of the Company; that the foregoing filing was

prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents are true and correctto the

best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

        I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

6 day of April, 2014.

                                                  Scott Sawyer
                                                  General Counsel
                                                  Onvoy, LLC


Document Created: 2014-04-08 12:15:13
Document Modified: 2014-04-08 12:15:13

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