Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20131029-00290 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                   Attachment 1

        This notice is being filed to report the pro forma assignment in two steps of an
International Section 214 Authorization for Global Resale within the Northeast Louisiana
Telephone Company ("NELA") family of entities during 2003 and 2004. The International
Section 214 Authorization involved is File No. ITC—214—19991029—00671, which was granted to
Northeast Telecom, Inc. ("NTT") on November 26, 1999,

       In November 2003, an internal corporate reorganization was undertaken during which
NTI, a wholly—owned subsidiary of NELA, was split into two entities: (1) Northeast Long
Distance, LLC ("NLD"), which retained the regulated domestic and international toll resale
operations formerly provided by NTI; and (2) Northeast Telephone Services, Inc. ("NTSI"),
which retained the Internet access and other non—regulated services formerly provided by NTI
Both NLD and NTSI remained wholly—owned subsidiaries of NELA, and there were no changes
in NELA‘s ownership and control. NTI‘s subject International Section 214 authorization went to
NLD which took over the international toll resale operations. As indicated by the attached
Louisiana Public Service Commission ("LPSC") Certificate of Authority to Operate for NLD,
the LPSC treated the NLD portion of the NTI reorganization as a name change.

       In 2004, a second reorganization took place wherein HNG, Holdings, LLC ("HNG"), a
wholly—owned subsidiary of NELA which at the time had no assets or operations, was transferred
to the NELA stockholders and was transformed into a holding company that was owned by the
NELA stockholders according to the same percentages that they had previously owned NELA‘s
stock and that directly held 100 percent of NELA‘s stock. Shortly thereafter, NLD was
transferred by NELA to HNG, and became a wholly—owned subsidiary of HNG. The attached
organizational chart shows the current structure of the HNG—NELA organization. The positions
of HNG, NELA, NLD and NTSI have not changed since the 2004 reorganization.

       Throughout the period from 1999 to the present, the controlling stockholder of first
NELA (1999 to 2004) and then HNG (2004 to the present) has been Mr. Rector Hopgood, a
United States citizen, who has continuously held a 50 percent voting and equity interest in the
ultimate parent company.        William Michael George, a United States citizen and the
organization‘s second largest stockholder, has held voting and equity interests in the approximate
20—to—25 percent range in the ultimate parent company throughout the period.

         At the time of the 2003 and 2004 reorganizations, the HNG—NELA management did not
realize that a notice ofpro forma assignment or transfer of control was required with respect to
the International Section 214 Authorization. The splitting of NTI into the regulated NLD toll
service provider and the non—regulated NTSI service provider, and the treatment of the NTI—NLD
portion of the reorganization by the LPSC as a name change was confusing. This confusion was
exacerbated by the differences in the Commission‘s Section 214 requirements — namely, the
absence of any requirement to report pro forma ownership and organizational changes regarding
Domestic Section 214 Authorizations to the Commission‘s Wireline Competition Bureau vis—a—
vis the requirement to report pro forma ownership and organizational changes regarding
International Section 214 Authorizations to the International Bureau. In 2003 and 2004 (and
continuing to the present), NELA‘s local exchange service, exchange access and affiliated

domestic toll resale businesses dwarfed its affiliated international toll resale operations.
Unfortunately, at the times of the 2003 and 2004 reorganization, NELA and its consultants
focused upon the FCC domestic wireline requirements affecting the predominant part of the
business, and did not notice that the FCC international requirements were different.

       The HNG—NELA organization made no attempt to hide from the Commission the fact
that NLD has been providing its international toll resale services since late 2003. For calendar
years 2004 and thereafter, the organization‘s annual Section 43.61 international traffic reports
were filed by and in the name of NLD. For calendar year 2003 and prior years, these Section
43.61 reports were filed by and in the name of NTL

        The HNG—NELA organization is now fully aware that notices of pro forma changes in
the ownership or control of the holder of its International Section 214 Authorization should be
filed with the International Bureau within 30 days after such changes. It asks the International
Bureau to accept this filing in order to report the 2003—2004 changes, and provide the
Commission with an accurate picture of its ownership and organizational structure.

Northeast Louisiana Telephone Company and Affiliates; Corporate Organization .

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                                                                                                                                                          Page 1

Document Created: 2013-10-29 18:21:47
Document Modified: 2013-10-29 18:21:47

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