Notification filed August 26, 2013, of the pro forma assignment of international section 214 authorization, ITC-214-19960718-00323 (Old File No. ITC-96-406), from Globalcom, Inc. (Globalcom) to First Communications, Inc. (FCL), effective July 31, 2013. I
Filing: ITC | International Telecommunications |
Filing: ASG | Assignment |
Last Action | Consummated |
Last Action Date | 2013-09-19 |
Status | Action Complete |
Status Date | 2013-09-19 |
Date Filed | 2013-08-26 |
Date Granted | 2013-09-04 |
Adopted Date | 2013-09-18 |
Released Date | 2013-09-18 |
Action Taken Public Notice | 2013-09-19 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
Delegated Authority # | 13-1924 |
Streamlined Application | P |
First Communications, LLC
3340 West Market Street
Akron, OH 44333- USAContact
Patrick D. Crocker
Crocker & Crocker, P.C.
The Kalamazoo Building
107 W. Michigan Ave., 4th Floor
Kalamazoo, MI 49007 USA
3340 West Market Street, Akron, OH 44333 USA
The Kalamazoo Building, 107 W. Michigan Ave., 4th Floor, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 USA
Globalcom, Inc.
200 E. Randolph St.
Floor 23
Chicago, IL 60601 USA
First Communications, LLC
3340 West Market Street
Akron, OH 44333- USA
200 E. Randolph St., Floor 23, Chicago, IL 60601 USA,
LLC, 3340 West Market Street, Akron, OH 44333 USA,