Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20130718-00190 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


Application of South Canaan Telephone Company
for Assignment of International Section 214 Authorization                                  Attachment 1
Section 214 Authority — ITC—214—20010719—00386

                                  Answer to Question 10 (page 1 of 2)

In Attachment 1, please respond to paragraphs (c) and (d) of Section 63.18 with respect to the assignor/transferor
and the assignee/transferee.

       Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.
§214, and Section 63.24 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.24, South Canaan Telephone
Company ("SCTC") and Stahlstown Ldco, Inc. (which will, as part of the underlying transaction,
be changing its name to South Canaan Long Distance Company ("SCLD®")) hereby request the
Commission‘s consent to the assignment of international Section 214 authority (ITC—214—
20010790—00386) from SCTC to SCLD as further explained herein.



                 Carolyn Copp
                 South Canaan Telephone Company
                 PO Box 160
                 2175 Easton Turnpike
                 South Canaan, PA 18459
                 Telephone: (570) 937—4114
                 Fax: (570) 937—4336


                James J. Kail
                President & CEO
                 Stahlstown Ldco, Inc.
                4157 Main Street
                Stahlstown, Pennsylvania 15687
                Telephone:     (724) 593—2411
                Facsimile:    (724) 593—2423

Application of South Canaan Telephone Company
for Assignment of International Section 214 Authorization                      Attachment 1
Section 214 Authority —ITC—214—20010719—00386

                                  Answer to Question 10 (page 2 of 2)

        Copies of all correspondence, notices, and inquiries should also be addressed to:

                 Counsel to South Canaan Telephone Company:

                 James C. Falvey, Esq.
                 Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC
                 1717 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
                 12th Floor
                 Washington, D.C. 20006
                 Telephone: (202) 659—6655
                 Facsimile: (202) 659—6699

                 Counsel to Stahlstown Ldco, Inc.:

                 Thomas J. Moorman
                 Woods & Aitken LLP
                 2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 200
                 Washington, DC 20007
                 Telephone:   (202) 944—9502
                 Facsimile:   (202) 944—9501


                 Donald J. Snyder, Jr.
                 McDonald, Snyder & Lightcap, P.C.
                 1004 Ligonier Street, 4"" Floor
                 P.O. Box 768
                 Latrobe, PA 15650
                 Telephone:     (724) 539—3511
                 Facsimile:     (724) 539—3527

        South Canaan Telephone Company holds an International Telecommunications
        Certification for global or limited global resale service, File No. ITC—214—20010719—
        00386. See Public Notice, DA 01—1946, released August 16, 2001.

Application of South Canaan Telephone Company
for Assignment of International Section 214 Authorization                                    Attachment 1
Section 214 Authority — ITC—214—20010719—00386

                                           Answer to Question 11

Does any entity, directly or indirectly, own at least ten (10) percent of the equity of the assignee/transferee as
determined by successive multiplication in the manner specified in the note to Section 63.18(h) of the rules?

If you answered "Yes" to this question, provide in Attachment 1, the name, address, citizenship, and principal
businesses of each person or entity that directly or indirectly owns at least ten (10) percent of the equity of the
assignee/transferee, and the percentage of equity owned by each of those persons or entities (to the nearest one

        As indicated above, the assignee will be Stahlstown Ldeo, Inc. ("SLDI") which, as part of
the underlying transaction, will change its name to South Canaan Long Distance Company
("SCLD"). SLDI (and thus post consummation, SCLD) is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Laurel
Highland Total Communications, Inc. ("LHTOC"). LHTOC is a holding company organized
under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and owns four (4) telecommunications
carriers operating in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. No shareholder owns Ten Percent
(10%) or more of the issued and outstanding stock ofLHTOC. Operational control of LHTOC
rests with its Board of Directors and its President and CEO. The individuals comprising the
Board of Directors and the President and CEO of LHTOC are as follows:

Name                       Title                     Occupation                Citizenship

Ralph Hunter               Chairman
                           of the Board             Retired                    USA

Morgan D. Withrow          Vice Chairman
                           of the Board             Retired                    USA

Connie B. Beam             Secretary
                           and Board Member          School Principal          USA

J. Harold Saylor           Board Member             Retired                    USA

John E. Shaffer           Board Member              Retired                    USA

James J. Kail             President and CEO         Telecommunications USA

The address for each of these individuals is: 4157 Main Street, P.O. Box 168, Stahlstown,
Pennsylvania 15687.

Application of South Canaan Telephone Company
for Assignment of International Section 214 Authorization                                       Attachment 1
Section 214 Authority —ITC—214—20010719—00386

                                            Answer to Question 13

Provide in Attachment 1 a narrative of the means by which the proposed assignment or transfer of control will take
place. In circumstances of a substantial assignment or transfer of control pursuant to Section 63.24(e), where the
assignor seeks authority to assign only a portion of its U.S. international assets and/or customer base, please specify
whether the assignor requests authority to continue to operate under any or all of its international Section 214 File
Nos. after consummation; and, if so, please specify in Attachment 1 each File No. it seeks to retain in its own name.

     Laurel Highland Total Communications, Inc. ("LHTOC") and South Canaan Telephone
Company ("SCTC") (as also the 100% owner of the current South Canaan Long Distance
Company ("SCLD"))‘ have entered into an agreement whereby:

e   SCTC and SCLD will sell all assets related to the provision of interexchange domestic and
    international resold long distance services to LHTOC;

e   As part of these sale of assets, LHTOC will direct such assets related to the provision of
    interexchange domestic and international resold long distance services to Stahlstown Ldco,
    Inc. ("SLDI"); and

e   As part of this same transaction and pursuant to the terms of the underlying agreement,
    SCTC and SCLD have agreed to allow SLDI to use the existing name of SCLD and thus
    SLDI will emerge from the consummation of the transaction using the name SCLD (the new
    SCLD) and SCTC and current SCLD will no longer provide international long distance
    services and thus cease their operations.

        SLDI was created by LHTOC under the corporate laws of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania for this transaction. Thus, upon consummation of the transaction, the former long
distance customers of the original SCLD will become customers of the new SCLD, receiving
service under the same rates, terms and conditions as are currently in force for LHTOC‘s other
long distance operations. Thus, there will be no lapse of service arising from the transaction as
described herein.

‘ The current SCLD, a wholly owned subsidiary of the current SCTC, operates under the
International Section 214 authorization of the current SCTC. See Letter to Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, from James C. Falvey, Counsel to South
Canaan Telephone Company and South Canaan Long Distance Company, Re: South Canaan
Telephone Company Notification Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §63.21(h), dated July 11, 2013.


Application of South Canaan Telephone Company
for Assignment of International Section 214 Authorization                                          Attachment 1
Section 214 Authority — ITC—214—20010719—00386

                                              Answer to Question 20

If the applicant desires streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the rules, provide in Attachment 1 a
statement of how the application qualifies for streamlined processing. (See Section 63.18(p).) Note that, if the
application is being filed in connection with a sale of assets or reorganization of a carrier or its parent pursuant to the
U.S. bankruptcy laws, the application may not be eligible for streamlined processing until final bankruptcy court
approval of the proposed sale or reorganization.

       This application qualifies for streamlined processing under Sections 63.12(a) and (b) of
the Commission‘s Rules.

         Neither South Canaan Telephone Company ("SCTC") nor its affiliated companies nor
Stahlstown Ldco, Inc. ("SLDI") (which, as part of the underlying transaction, will change its
name to South Canaan Long Distance Company ("SCLD")) nor any ofits affiliates is affiliated
with any foreign carrier in any destination market.

        Neither South Canaan Telephone Company nor its affiliated companies nor SLDI (which,
as part of the underlying transaction, will change its name to SCLD) nor any of its affiliates has
an affiliation with a dominant U.S. long distance carrier whose international switched or private
line services the applicants seek authority to resell.

         Rather, SCTC and Laurel Highland Total Communications, Inc. propose only to engage
in the proposed transaction referenced in the response to the Answer to Question 13 where the
assets applicable to the provision of international resale long distance service will ultimately be
assigned to SLDI (which, as part of the underlyingtransaction, will change its name to SCLD).
Thus, the international long distance service will continue to be provided by a non—dominant
carrier that resells the international switched services of one or more U.S. unaffiliated long
distance carriers.

Document Created: 2013-07-18 10:32:42
Document Modified: 2013-07-18 10:32:42

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