Attachment Attachment 2

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20130522-00143 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                 Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of:

                                              No/ N2 N N N N No Nt Nt Nt Ne Ne N) N) N N N) Ned No/
Start Wireless Group, Inc.,
d/b/a Page Plus Cellular,

          and                                                                                         WC Docket No.

TracFone Wireless, Inc.

Application for Grant of Authority Pursuant
to Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended, and Section 63.04
of the Commission‘s Rules to Complete
an Assignment of Customer Base and
Related Assets of an Authorized Domestic
Section 214 Carrier



         Start Wireless Group, Inc., d/b/a Page Plus Cellular (hereinafter "Page Plus" or

Assignor), and TracFone Wireless, Inc., a subsidiary of América Movil S.A.B. de C.V.

(América Movil) (hereinafter "TracFone" or Assignee), together the Applicants, by and

through their respective attorneys, and pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications

Act of     1934, as amended (the "Act"), 47 U.S.C. §214, and Section 63.04 of the

Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.04, hereby request Commission approval of such

authority as may be necessary or required to complete a transaction whereby TracFone

will acquire from Page Plus its customer base and other assets associated with its

domestic and international telecommunications services operations, including its blanket

Section 214 authority to provide interstate telecommunications services. TracFone will

continue to provide service to the existing Page Plus customers in accordance with the

same rates, terms, and conditions in effect prior to TracFone‘s acquisition of assets.

Accordingly, this transaction will have no effect on the rates, terms, and conditions of

service provided to the customers of Page Plus.        Upon grant of this Application and

consummation of the proposed transaction, TracFone will relingquish the domestic Section 214

authority previously held by Page Plus and will provide service to the acquired customers

pursuant to its own domestic Section 214 authorization.


       Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined

processing pursuant to Section 63.03 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.03.

Specifically, this Application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section

63.03(b)(i) since both Applicants are non—facilities—based carriers. This Application also

qualifies   for streamlined processing pursuant to        Section 63.03(b)(2)(i)    of the

Commission‘s Rules for the following reasons. Immediately following the transaction,

Assignee (and its Affiliates) will have a market share in the interstate, interexchange

market of substantially less than ten percent (10%), and the Assignee (and its Affiliates)

will provide competitive telephone exchange services or exchange access services (if at

all) exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant local exchange carrier that is

not a party to the transaction. In addition, neither of the Applicants is dominant with

respect to any domestic service.


       A. Assignor:

        Start Wireless Group, Inc. is a privately—held corporation organized and doing

business under the laws of the State of Ohio, as "Page Plus Cellular."              Its principal

business is the sale of prepaid cellular phones and wireless telecommunications service

through the sale of prepaid airtime cards.         It is, therefore, a non—facilities—based

telecommunications     service   provider   that   resells     interstate   and     international

telecommunications service.      Page Plus thus holds blanket domestic Section 214

authority to provide resold interstate telecommunications services and also holds Section

214 authority to provide resold international telecommunications services.‘             By this

Application, Applicants seek authority to assign Page Plus‘s domestic blanket Section

214 authority to TracFone.       Applicants also seek authority to assign Page Plus‘s

international Section 214 authority to TracFone in a related electronic filing with the

International Bureau, to which this Application is attached.

       B. Assignee:

       TracFone Wireless, Inc. is incorporated under the laws of the state of Delaware,

and is headquartered in Miami, Florida.      TracFone resells domestic and international

prepaid wireless service and operates under the following brands: TracFone®, NET10®,

Straight Talk®, SafeLink Wireless®, SIMPLE Mobile®, and Telcel America®.                    Like

Page Plus, TracFone holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority to provide interstate

telecommunications services and international Section 214 authority."             TracFone is a

‘ See File No. ITC—214—20101215—00483, granted February 24, 2011.
* See File No. ITC—214—20030401—00162, granted April 25, 2003.

wholly—owned indirect subsidiary of América Movil, a sociedad anonima bursdtil de

capital variable organized under the laws of Mexico.      On April 29, 2013, Applicants

executed an Asset Purchase Agreement whereby TracFone will purchase Page Plus‘s

customer base and other assets associated with its domestic and international

telecommunications services operations, including its blanket Section 214 authorization

to provide interstate telecommunications services. Accordingly, TracFone will replace

Page Plus as the telecommunications service provider to Page Plus‘s customers.

       As an existing, authorized reseller of both domestic and international prepaid

wireless services, TracFone is qualified to provide service to Page Plus‘s customers.

After Commission approval of the instant Application and immediately upon

consummation of the transaction, Page Plus‘s current customers will be served by

TracFone, and Page Plus will cease to provide telecommunications services. Applicants

emphasize that following the consummation of the proposed transaction, Page Plus‘s

customers will continue to receive service under the same rates, terms, and conditions of

service as the services those customers currently receive. There will be no interruption or

disruption of service to customers, and the assignment of assets to TracFone will be

seamless and transparent to customers.


       The proposed transaction will serve the public interest by ensuring that Page

Plus‘s customers will continue to receive high—quality telecommunications service. The

assignment of Page Plus‘s assets in concert with the assignment of its customer base will

ensure that its customers receive uninterrupted telecommunications services. Given the

breadth of TracFone‘s existing, established prepaid wireless services, TracFone is

exceptionally well—qualified and prepared to replace Page Plus as the service provider of

the acquired customers.

       The proposed transaction will cause no confusion to Page Plus‘s existing

customers as the rates, terms, and conditions of service will not change as a result of the

acquisition by TracFone. There will be no interruption or disruption of service to

customers, and the assignment of assets to TracFone will be seamless and transparent to

customers in terms of the services they receive and the costs associated therewith.

Furthermore, consummation of the proposed transaction will enhance the ability of

TracFone to provide high—quality telecommunications services in the affected markets.

As a result, competition in the marketplace will be enhanced, thereby benefitting

consumers of prepaid wireless services — the fastest growing segment of the wireless

telecommunications service marketplace.


       Pursuant to the provisions of §63.04 of the Commission‘s Rules, Applicants
       hereby submit the following information:

Pursuant to §63.04(a)(1)—Name, address, and telephone number of each


Start Wireless Group, Inc.
d/b/a Page Plus Cellular
Attention: David Gall
Financial Officer
1615 Timberwolf Drive
Holland, Ohio 43528
(800) 550—2436 [ext. 362]


TracFone Wireless, Inc.
Attention: Richard B. Salzman
Secretary, Executive Vice President
and General Counsel
9700 NW 112" Avenue
Miami, Florida 33178
(305) 640—2054

Pursuant to §63.04(a)(2)—State of Incorporation:

Start Wireless Group, Inc. is incorporated and doing business under the laws of
the State of Ohio, as "Page Plus Cellular."


TracFone Wireless, Inc. is incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware.

Pursuant to §63.04(a)(3)—Correspondence concerning this Application
should be sent to:

Counsel for Assignor:
Robert E. Levine, Esq.
Law Offices of Robert E. Levine
1750 K Street, N.W.
Suite 350
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 775—6611

                With Copies to:

        David Gall
        Financial Officer
        Start Wireless Group, Inc.,
        d/b/a Page Plus Cellular
        1615 Timberwolf Drive
        Holland, OH 43528
        (800) 550—2436 [ext. 362)]


        Counsel for Assignee:
        Mitchell F. Brecher, Esq.
        Greenberg Traurig LLP
        2101 L St., N.W.
        Suite 1000
        Washington, DC 20037
        (202) 331—3152

                With copies to:

        TracFone Wireless, Inc.
        Attention: Richard B. Salzman
        Secretary, Executive Vice President
        and General Counsel
        9700 NW 112"" Avenue
        Miami, Florida 33178
        (305) 640—2054

        Pursuant to §63.04(a)(4)—Ownership Information

        The ownership of the respective Applicants will not be changed as a result of the

proposed acquisition of Page Plus‘s assets by TracFone. The ownership of the respective

parties is as follows:


        The following individuals hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct or indirect

ownership interest in Start Wireless Group, Inc. d/b/a Page Plus Cellular:

       Name:                   Abdul A. Yassine
        Address:               1615 Timberwolf Drive, Holland, OH 43528
        Citizenship:           U.S.
        Interest Held:         50%
        Principal Business:    Telecommunications.

       Name:                   Ghazi A. Yassine
        Address:               1615 Timberwolf Drive, Holland, OH 43528
       Citizenship:            U.S.
       Interest Held:          50%
       Principal Business:     Telecommunications.

No other person or entity owns or controls a 10% or greater attributable direct or indirect

ownership interest in Start Wireless Group, Inc. d/b/a Page Plus Cellular.


       The following individuals or entities hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct or

indirect ownership interest in TracFone Wireless, Inc.:

                Name:                       AMX USA Holding, S.A. de C.V.
                Address:                    Lago Zurich No. 245, Plaza Carso / Edificio
                                            Colonia Granada Ampliacion
                                            Mexico, D.F. 11529
                Citizenship:                Mexico
                Principal Business:         Holding company for telecommunications—
                                            related investments
                Percentage:                 98.2%"

                Name:                       Sercotel, S.A. de C.V
                Address:                    Lago Zurich No. 245, Plaza Carso / Edificio
                                            Colonia Granada Ampliacion
                                            Mexico, D.F. 11529
                Citizenship:                Mexico
                Principal Business:         Holding company for telecommunications—
                                            related investments
                Percentage:                 Sercotel directly owns 100% of AMX USA

3 F.J. Pollak, a U.S. citizen, holds the remaining 1.8% of TracFone‘s capital stock.

                Name:                      América Movil, S.A.B. de C.V.
                Address:                   Lago Zurich No. 245, Plaza Carso / Edificio
                                           Colonia Granada Ampliacion
                                           Mexico, D.F. 11529
                Citizenship:               Mexico
                Principal Business:        Holding company for telecommunications—
                                           related investments
                Percentage:               América Movil directly owns 100% of
                                           Based on the most recent publicly available
                                          information, approximately 21.24% of the
                                          equity (approximately 45.02% of the voting
                                          stock) of América Movil is owned directly or
                                          indirectly, including beneficially owned,
                                          through a trust for the benefit of Carlos Slim
                                          Helo and certain members of his family, all of
                                          whom are Mexican citizens. Other Mexican
                                          and foreign investors hold the remaining
                                          equity and voting stock of América Movil.*
                                          No public investor holds more than 10% of
                                          América Movil‘s capital stock.

* Inmobiliaria Carso, S.A. de C.V., (a non—public holding company wholly owned by the
Slim family and duly organized under Mexican laws) also owns shares of América Movil
that represent less than ten percent of the voting shares of América Movil. In addition,
Carlos Slim Helu and members of his family individually own shares of América Movil,
though none in his or her individual capacity owns more than ten percent of the voting
shares of América Movil. Collectively, members of the Slim family, the Slim family
trust, and Inmobiliaria Carso hold 42.27% of the equity and 65.50% of the voting stock in
América Movil.
        In addition, AT&T Inc. ("AT&T") (formerly known as SBC International, Inc.), a
widely and publicly held corporation incorporated under the laws of the state of
Delaware, holds approximately 9.11% of the equity (approximately 24.5% of the voting
stock) of América Movil through AA shares. Based on beneficial ownership reports filed
with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on March 1, 2011, AT&T
also owned approximately 752 million L shares. As of April 30, 2011, 38.7% of the
outstanding L shares of América Movil were represented by L Share ADSs, each
representing the right to receive 20 L shares, and 99.3% of the L Share ADSs were held
by registered holders with addresses in the United States. 33.7% of the A shares were
held in the form of A Share ADSs, each representing the right to receive 20 A shares, and
99.5% of the A Share ADSs were held by registered holders with addresses in the United

No other person or entity owns or controls a 10% or greater attributable direct or indirect

ownership interest in TracFone Wireless, Inc.

           Pursuant to §63.04(a)(5)—Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certification

           Applicants hereby certify that no Applicant or any party to this Application is

subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse

Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. 853a and 47 C.F.R. § 1.2001—1.2003.

           Pursuant to §63.04(a)(6)—Description of Transaction

           A description of the proposed transaction is set forth at Section III, supra.

           Pursuant to §63.04(a)(7)—Geographic Areas Served


           Page    Plus    holds    blanket    domestic     Section   214   authority   to   provide

telecommunications services throughout the United States.


           TracFone       holds    blanket    domestic    Section     214   authority   to   provide

telecommunications services throughout the United States.

           Pursuant to §63.04(a)(8)—Streamlined Processing

           The instant Application for Assignment of Domestic Section 214 Authority is

eligible     for   streamlined     processing    pursuant    to   Section   63.03(b)(1)(i)   of the

Commission‘s Rules because both applicants are non—facilities—based carriers.                     In

addition, pursuant to the provisions of Section 63.03(b)(2)(i) of the Commission‘s Rules

neither of the Applicants is dominant with respect to any domestic service. Furthermore,

pursuant to the provisions of Section 63.03(c) of the Commission‘s Rules, the

Commission thus far has not informed the Applicants that the application is not eligible


for streamlined processing.

       Pursuant to §63.04(a)(9)—Additional FCC Applications

       Contemporaneously herewith, the Applicants are           submitting through the

Commission‘s IBFS filing system (i.e., electronically) a separate Application for Consent

to the Assignment of International Section 214 authority from Page Plus to TracFone.

       Pursuant to §63.04(a)(10)—Special Consideration Requests

       Prompt completion of the transaction proposed is essential to ensure that

Applicants and the public relying on Applicants‘ services can obtain the benefits

described in the instant Application.

       Pursuant to §63.04(a)(11)—Waiver Requests

       No request for waiver is being made in conjunction with the instant Application

or the transaction proposed herein.

       Pursuant to §63.04(a)(12)—Public Interest Statement

       A description of how a grant of the instant Application will serve the public

interest, convenience and necessity, in accordance with the provisions of Section 214 of

the Communications Act of 1934;, as arnended,5 can be found at Section IV, supra.


       For the foregoing reasons, the Applicants respectfully submit that grant of the

instant Application would serve the public interest, convenience and necessity.

* See 47 U.S.C. §214.


               Respectfully submitted,
                   ...........       PPw
                       Robert E. Levine, Esq.
                       Law Offices of Robert E. Levine
                       1750 K Street, NW.
                       Suite 350
                       Washington, DC 20006
                       Tel: (202) 775—6611
                       (Counsel for Assignor)
               B                 /
                      MitchelTF. Brecheor, Esq.
                      Greenberg Traurig LLP
                      2101 L St., N.W.
                      Suite 1000
                      Washington. DC 20037
                      Tel: (202) 331—3152
                      Fax: (202) 261—0152
                       (Counsel for Assignee)
May 20, 2013



1, Abdul A. Yassine, hereby state as follows:

       1.         I am President of Start Wireless Group, Inc. d/b/a Page Plus Cellular.

       2.         I hereby certify, on behalf of Start Wireless Group, Inc.. d/b/a Page Plus

                  Cellular, that:

                  1 have reviewed and am familiar with the content of the foregoing
                  "Application for Consent to Assignment of Customer Base and Related
                  Assets of an Authorized Domestic Section 214 Carrier."                Other than
                  certain facts of which official notice can be taken, and those which are
                  supported by the "Declaration(s)" of another individual or individuals, the
                  facts contained therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
                  information, and belief.

       I hereby declare under penalty of perjury. that the foregoing is true and


                                                          BG   ul   M   uns Prrmmmmmemmmmmmemnitizess
                                                        ABI)U!::’X. YASSINE, President
                                                        START WIRELESS GROUP, INC.
                                                        d/b/a Page Plus Cellular

Dated this _11**_day of May. 2013.


I, Richard B. Salzman, hereby state as follows:

        1.        I am Secretary, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of
                  TracFone Wireless, Inc.

        2.        I hereby certify, on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc., that:

                  I have reviewed and am familiar with the content of the foregoing
                  "Application for Consent to Assignment of Customer Base and Related
                  Assets of an Authorized Domestic Section 214 Carrier."          Other than
                  certain facts of which official notice can be taken, and those which are
                  supported by the "Declaration(s)" of another individual or individuals, the
                  facts contained therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
                  information, and belief.

       I hereby declare under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and


                                                        RICHARD B. SALZMAN,
                                                        Secretary, Executive Vice
                                                        President and General Counsel
                                                        TRACFONE WIRELESS, INC.

Dated this [Zflc‘lay of May, 2013.


Document Created: 2013-05-22 14:01:01
Document Modified: 2013-05-22 14:01:01

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