
PETITION submitted by Mescalero Apache Telecommunications, Inc.

Petition to Deny Assignment Int. Section 214 Auth.


This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20120420-00105 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                    Before the
                        Federal Communications Commission
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                 )
 its wholly-owned subsidiary, PLATEAU )
and                                   ) ULS File Nos. 0005034870,
                                      ) 0005034877 and 0005063051;
                                      ) ITC-ASG-20120420-00105
CELLCO PARTNERSHIP d/b/a Verizon      )
   Wireless                           )

Applications for Consent to the Assignment
of Cellular, Personal Communications Service,
AWS-1 and related Point-to-Point Microwave
Licenses and International Section 214

To: The Commission

                                   PETITION TO DENY

       Mescalero Apache Telecommunications, Inc. ("MATI"), an enterprise of the

Mescalero Apache tribe of Native Americans, through counsel and pursuant to Section

309(d) of the Communications Act, hereby petitions the Commission to deny the above-

captioned applications for consent to the assignment of Cellular, PCS, AWS-1 and related

point-to-point microwave licenses (and related Section 214 authority) to Cellco Partnership

d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon") from E.N.M.R..Telephone Co-operative and Plateau

Communications Incorporated ("Plateau").


       MATI is a telecommunications provider operating on the Mescalero Apache

reservation, located in parts of Otero and Lincoln counties, New Mexico. MATI provides

local and long-distance land-line service, and high-speed Internet service, via copper wire

and fiber, on the reservation. In addition, through a lease arrangement with Commnet

Wireless, MATI shares revenue from roaming in the area of the reservation by customers

of Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Plateau. Of at least equal importance, through the

Connect America program and the Mobility Fund Phase I auction, MATI aspires to provide

wireless broadband service to the reservation and adjoining areas.

       The goals of the National Broadband Plan, including affordable universal access to

robust broadband service and a wireless public safety network, are high priorities for the

Mescalero Apache tribe and its members living and doing business on the reservation.

The Mescalero reservation covers a large territory — approximately 780 square miles — that

is very sparsely populated — roughly six people per square mile. Obviously, with such

distances to cover, residents of the reservation stand to benefit significantly when wireless

communications are available. However, cellular telephone service in many areas of the

reservation is impaired by both terrain (characterized by mountains, arroyos and forests)

and a lack of robust cellular infrastructure. Broadband wireless service, for all intents and

purposes, is non-existent.

       Existing wireless service from Verizon and other carriers covers no more than fifteen

to twenty percent of the roads on the reservation and, where service is "available," it is

extremely unreliable, i.e., dead spots, cut-offs, and slow or no Internet service are

prevalent. In fact, 3G service is available only in a handful of locations, including in the


vicinity of the tribal headquarters and the Inn of the Mountain Gods, an important tribal

enterprise (tourism is one of the tribe's principal sources of revenue). 3G service is so

sparse, guests at the Inn of the Mountain Gods who want to use their own personal

communications devices must retreat to the parking lots because direct reception is not

available in the resort buildings. Accordingly, residents of the reservation are seriously

inconvenienced in their daily lives and handicapped in the conduct of their businesses, and

compromised in their safety and security, by the lack of reliable wireless broadband

services enjoyed by residents of more affluent and more urbanized areas.

       Because of its presence on the reservation, MATI is in a position, through the

Mobility Fund Phase I auction and the Connect America program, to build out a wireless

service that far surpasses anything provided by Verizon, Plateau or any other carrier

currently operating in the area. Apart from MATI's interest as a prospective wireless

provider, MATI and the Mescalero Apache tribe have a keen interest in preventing an

accumulation of spectrum by a single party that would reduce existing competition and

pose additional barriers to entry by MATI or any other carrier that could potentially improve

upon the second-class service currently offered to residents of the reservation.


       As noted in the FCC's Public Notice concerning these applications, DA 12-734,

released May 9, 2012, in one of the affected counties (Lincoln), Verizon would hold, "post-

transaction," 145 MHz of spectrum, which exceeds the FCC's "spectrum screen," for this

area, which requires additional scrutiny of the applications. (This calculation of the amount


of Verizon's projected spectrum holdings takes into account acquisitions proposed in other

applications, which have been opposed in WT Docket No. 12-4, for reasons that apply

equally here.) Review of the FCC's "Spectrum Dashboard" shows that, together, Verizon

and Plateau hold licenses for 134 MHz in Otero County, and more in Lincoln County.

Regardless of what arbitrary "spectrum screen" is applied, (A) not all spectrum is created

equal (in both counties, Verizon would control 59 MHz of spectrum in the bands below 1

Ghz that, because of their signal propagation properties, can be most efficiently deployed;

(B) in areas such as the reservation that are characterized by high costs because of small,

widely-dispersed populations and terrain anomalies, the accumulation of any large block

of spectrum by a single carrier is a significant barrier to entry by potential new competitors.

       Verizon is by far the largest mobile service provider in the United States. If this

transaction is approved, smaller carriers and potential new entrants such as MATI could

be precluded from improving existing service or constructing new wireless networks and

from continuing to provide — or providing in the future — effective competition to a dominant


       The effects of this and other proposed Verizon acquisitions on competition are very

much a part of the FCC's "public interest" consideration. Consolidation of the facilities of

carriers who are already failing to provide high-quality service does not advance the public

interest of the people of the Mescalero Apache reservation. Their interest — and the

interests of other users of mobile services in the affected areas — will be best served by

preserving the opportunity of other operating carriers, and new entrants, to compete with



       The only statement in Verizon's applications that addresses the subject of

competition is the following: "As a result of this transaction, the number of operating

wireless providers will not be reduced, other than in the portion of Lincoln County where

Verizon Wireless currently operates and Otero County where Plateau offers only roaming

services." Exhibit 1, "Description of Transaction and Public Interest Statement," p. 3

(emphasis added). Those of course, are the counties in which MATI and residents of the

reservation have a direct interest and where existing service is substantially substandard.

       Verizon has already attempted to manipulate and suppress competition in the area

of the Mescalero Apache reservation, by filing — when the pleading cycle provided no

opportunity to respond — unsupported (and unsupportable) Reply Comments in response

to the FCC's Public Notice, DA -12-187, in AU Docket No. 12-25, requesting comment on

an updated list of census blocks potentially available in the Mobility Fund Phase I auction.

In those "Reply Comments," Verizon claimed for the first time, without substantiation, that

some 23,000 census blocks, including every census tract on the Mescalero Apache

reservation in Otero County, received at least 3G service and were, therefore, ineligible for

the Mobility Fund Phase I auction.

       Officials of MATI confirmed, independently, that none of the reservation census

tracts listed in the Verizon Reply Comments receives 3G or better service. Obviously the

Mobility Fund Phase I auction represents an opportunity for MATI and others to provide

competition to Verizon and equally obviously Verizon sought, with anti-competitive motives,

to foreclose that possibility. Recognizing the lack of any supporting evidence for Verizon's

allegations regarding availability of 3G service, the FCC — correctly — refused to remove



       Godfrey Enjady, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States,

hereby declares:

       1. I am General Manager of Mescalero Apache Telecom, Inc. ("MATI")

       2. I have read and am familiar with MATI's Petition to Deny the applications for FCC

consent to the assignment of certain assets of Plateau Communications Incorporated to

Verizon Wireless.

       3. The facts stated therein are true of my personal knowledge, except for those

facts which are supported by other sources, of which official notice may be taken, or where

stated to be on information and belief, and as to those facts I believe them to be true.

May 23, 2012

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
       I hereby certify that, this 23 rd day of May 2012, the attached Petition to Deny was
served on, by depositing a copy in the United States mail, First Class postage prepaid and
addressed to:

       Herman & Whiteaker, LLC
       Gregory W Whiteaker
       PO Box 341684
       Bethesda, MD 20827
             Counsel for the Assignor


      Attention: Sarah Trosch
      1300 I Street, NW - Suite 400 West
      Washington, DC 20005

and by e-mail on the persons/entities named in t e FCC's Public Notice dated May 9,
2012, concerning these applications.


any of those census blocks form the eligibility list. Notice and Filing Requirements and

Other Procedures for Auction 901, DA 12-641, released May 2, 2012, 1121.

      Against the obvious impairment of competition, Verizon offers no compelling reason

how the proposed assignments would serve the public interest. Verizon offers only that

customers acquired from Plateau will be transitioned to a new Verizon 3G network within

12-15 months and will at some point in the future have "access" to a 4G LTE service

offering. Exhibit 1, "Description of Transaction and Public Interest Statement," p. 1.

Proferring 3G service to Plateau's transitioning existing customers at some point in the

indeterminate future does not address or advance the interests of those, like the residents

of Mescalero Apache reservation, currently unable to receive reliable wireless service, of

any type, let alone broadband service.

       For the foregoing reasons, the applications should be denied.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                 MES ALERO APACHE
                                                         j UNICATIO S, INC.

                                                      -Ng!       cit
2700 Copper Creek Road
Oak Hill, VA 20171

May 23, 2012


Document Created: 2019-04-22 05:11:19
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 05:11:19

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