Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20111216-00381 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                    ATTACHMENT 1

Answer to Question 10

Section 63.18(c): Name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer and
any other contact point, such as legal counsel, to whom correspondence concerning the
application is to be addressed.

      David Fox, President
      Westphalia Communications, Inc.
      13750 S. Sedona Parkway
      Suite 1
      Lansing, MI 48906
      (989) 587-5000

      David Fox, President
      Westphalia Broadband, Inc.
      13750 S. Sedona Parkway
      Suite 1
      Lansing, MI 48906
       (989) 587-5000

      Ronald W. Bloomberg, Attorney
      Michael C. Rampe, Attorney
      Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, PLC
      One Michigan, Suite 900
      Lansing, MI 48933
      (517) 487-2070

Answer to Question 11

As indicated in the chart below, both the assignor Westphalia Communications, Inc. (WCI) and
assignee Westphalia Broadband, Inc. (WBI) are affiliates; each is the wholly-owned subsidiary
of Clinton County Telephone Company, which is, in turn, the wholly-owned subsidiary of Great
Lakes Comnet, Inc.

                              Great Lakes
                              Comnet, Inc

     Comlink, LLC         1515 Turf Lane, LLC        Clinton County
                                                   Telephone Company

                              Westphalia              Westphalia              Westphalia
                          Telephone Company        Communications,          Broadband, Inc.
                                                     Incorporated               (WBI)

The chart on the next page shows the name, address, citizenship, and principal business of each
person or entity that directly or indirectly owns at least ten (10) person of the equity of the
assignor and assignee.

        Name and Address             Percent Equity               Principal Business                Citizenship
                                     (Nearest 10%)
Ace Telephone Company of                  29%         Local exchange service, toll service,        Michigan
Michigan, Inc (ATCM), 5351 N. M-                      broadband Internet service, and video        Corporation
37, Mesick, MI 49668.                                 service. ATCM has a wholly-owned             United States
                                                      subsidiary, Allendale Telephone
                                                      Company, a Michigan corporation which
                                                      provides local exchange, toll, broadband
                                                      Internet and video services in Michigan.
                                                      Allendale Telephone Company, in turn,
                                                      has a wholly-owned subsidiary, Drenthe
                                                      Telephone Company, a Michigan
                                                      corporation which also provides local
                                                      exchange, toll, broadband Internet, and
                                                      video services in Michigan.

ATCM is the wholly-owned                29% (by       ATA owns and manages ATCM, as well           Minnesota
subsidiary of Ace Telephone          attribution as   as ATA's own rural telecommunications        Corporation
Association (ATA), a Minnesota       100% owner       operations in Iowa and Minnesota. ATA        United States
member-owned cooperative whose        of ATCM)        also wholly owns and operates Ace Link
address is 207 E. Cedar Street,                       Telecommunications, Inc., a Minnesota
Houston, Minnesota, 55943-8713.                       company that provides competitive local
                                                      exchange and domestic toll services in
                                                      Caledonia, Minnesota.
Bloomingdale Communications, Inc.        13%          Toll service provider.                       Michigan
(BCI), 101 W. Kalamazoo Street,                                                                    Corporation
Bloomingdale, MI 49026                                                                             United States

BCI is the wholly-owned subsidiary      13% (by       An incumbent local exchange carrier that     Michigan
of      Bloomingdale     Telephone   attribution as   provides local exchange, toll, broadband     Corporation
Company.       101 W. Kalamazoo      100% owner       Internet, and video services in Michigan.    United States
Street, Bloomingdale, MI 49026          of BCI)       BTC also has a wholly-owned subsidiary,
                                                      Southwest Michigan Communications,
                                                      Inc, which is a Michigan corporation that
                                                      operates as a competitive local exchange
                                                      carrier and competitive access provider in
                                                      Southwest Michigan.

Great Lakes Comnet, Inc.               100% (by       Tandem switching, long-haul Internet         Michigan
1515 Turf Lane                       attribution as   connectivity, video and other transport,     Corporation
Suite 100                              owner of       toll resale, SS7 and point-to-point          United States
                                        Clinton       services.
East Lansing, MI 48823                  County
Clinton County Telephone Company         100%.        Holding Company                              Michigan
13750 S. Sedona Parkway                                                                            Corporation
Suite 1                                                                                            United States
Lansing, MI 48906
(989) 587-5000

Each remaining owner of Great Lakes Comnet owns less than a 10% equity interest in Great
Lakes Comnet.

Answer to Question 13

        The assignment is to take place as the result of a merger of Westphalia Communications,
Inc. (WCI) and Westphalia Broadband, Inc. (WBI). WCI and WBI are affiliates; each is the
wholly-owned subsidiary of Clinton County Telephone Company (CCTC), which is, in turn, the
wholly owned subsidiary of Great Lakes Comnet, Inc. WCI is scheduled to merge into WBI,
with WBI being the surviving entity, on December 31, 2011. There will be no change in the
actual controlling entity with respect to the services and lines at issue as a result of the merger
because both companies are the wholly-owned subsidiaries of the same parent company (CCTC).
The merger is therefore a “pro forma” transaction because the assignment will not result in a
change in the actual controlling a party. No prior approval is required for pro forma transactions
under 47 CFR 63.03(d) or 63.24(d).


Document Created: 2011-12-16 18:17:47
Document Modified: 2011-12-16 18:17:47

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