Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20110204-00042 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                       Attachment 1
                                                                      FCC Form 214
                                                                         Page 1 of 3


  Information for 214 Holder/Assignor

     •   Contact Information for 214 Holder/Assignor:

            Company Contact
            Brent Groome
            Horry Telephone Long Distance
            3480 Highway 701 North
            Conway, SC 29526
            Tel. 843-365-2151

            Legal Counsel
            Donald L. Herman, Jr.
            Bennet & Bennet, PLLC
            4350 East West Highway, Suite 201
            Bethesda, MD 21029
            Tel. 202-371-1500

     •   Horry Telephone Long Distance, FRN: 0020569851, was a domestic corporation
         organized under the laws of the State of South Carolina.

     •   Horry Telephone Long Distance has not previously received any Section 214
         authority other than the 214 that is the subject of this application.

  Information for Assignee

     •   Contact Information for Assignee:

            Company Contact
            Brent Groome
            Horry Telephone Long Distance
            3480 Highway 701 North
            Conway, SC 29526
            Tel. 843-365-2151

            Legal Counsel
            Donald L. Herman, Jr.
            Bennet & Bennet, PLLC
            4350 East West Highway, Suite 201
            Bethesda, MD 21029
            Tel. 202-371-1500

                                                                                      Attachment 1
                                                                                     FCC Form 214
                                                                                        Page 2 of 3

       •   Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc., FRN: 0001886944, the parent company of Horry
           Telephone Long Distance, is a domestic corporation organized under the laws of the
           State of Indiana.

       •   Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc. has not previously received any Section 214
           authority other than the 214 that is the subject of this application and that is issued in
           the name of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Horry Telephone Long Distance .


Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc. is a member-owned telephone cooperative. None of the
company’s customer/members holds an ownership interest of 10% or greater in the company.
The company is governed by a Board of Directors pursuant to periodic elections. The following
are the current officer and directors of Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc. All officers and
directors are citizens of the United States

   Aubrey Elliott   Director                          Erol Summerall   Director/Officer
   P.O. Box 1820                                      P.O. Box 1820
   Conway, SC 29528                                   Conway, SC 29528

   Betty Jordan     Director/ Officer                 James Clarkson   Director
   P.O. Box 1820                                      P.O. Box 1820
   Conway, SC 29528                                   Conway, SC 29528

   Charles Whaley   Director                          Michael Hagg     Officer
   P.O. Box 1820                                      P.O. Box 1820
   Conway, SC 29528                                   Conway, SC 29528

   Cynthia Cannon   Director/Officer                  Russell Grainger Director
   P.O. Box 1820                                      P.O. Box 1820
   Conway, SC 29528                                   Conway, SC 29528

   Edwin Graham     Director/Officer                  Theron Bellamy   Director
   P.O. Box 1820                                      P.O. Box 1820
   Conway, SC 29528                                   Conway, SC 29528

                                                                                      Attachment 1
                                                                                     FCC Form 214
                                                                                        Page 3 of 3

The present filing is a notification of pro forma assignment of the International Section 214
authorization held by Horry Telephone Long Distance (“HTLD”) to its parent company Horry
Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (“HTCI”). Effective January 1, 2011 all assets held by the wholly
owned subsidiaries of HTCI were transferred to HTCI and the subsidiaries were dissolved.

Section 63.24(d) of the Commission’s Rules provides, in relevant part, as follows:

       Transfers of control or assignments that do not result in a change in the
       actual controlling party are considered non-substantial or pro forma. . . .
       The types of transactions listed in Note 2 to this paragraph (d) shall be
       considered presumptively pro forma and prior approval from the
       Commission need not be sought.

47 C.F.R. § 63.24(d). As indicated in Note 2 that accompanies that paragraph, an “[a]ssignment or
transfer from a corporation to a wholly owned direct or indirect subsidiary thereof or vice versa”
is presumptively pro forma and prior approval need not be sought.

HTCI requests a waiver of the Section 63.24(f)(2) of the Commission’s rules that requires a post
consummation notification of a pro forma assignment to be filed within 30 days after the
transaction is completed. The International 214 authorization that is the subject of this application
was granted nearly 20 years ago and apparently was never entered into the Commission’s IBFS
system until several days ago, after HTCI’s representatives contacted the Commission’s technical
staff about the matter. The delay in identifying the proper file number for the International 214
authorization (which was not linked to the FRN numbers of HTLD, HTCI or any affiliate) and in
getting the authorization entered into the IBFS system so this application could be filed justifies a
waiver from strict application of the 30-day requirement in this instance.

Document Created: 2011-02-04 15:50:15
Document Modified: 2011-02-04 15:50:15

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