Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20101227-00493 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                             LAWLER, METZGER, KEENEY & LOGAN, LLC

                                                2001 K STREET, NW
                                                    SUITE 802
                                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006
CHARLES W. LOGAN                                                                         PHONE (202) 777—7724                                                              FACSIMILE (202) 777—7763

                                            December 27, 2010


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

                   Re:      Comcast Phone I, LLC
                           Notification pursuant to Sections 63.24(f) and 63.21(h)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Pursuant to section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and sections
63.24(f) and 63.21(h) of the Commission‘s rules," Comcast Phone II, LLC ("Comcast Phone II")
hereby notifies the Commission that, effective December 1, 2010: (1) Comcast Phone II‘s direct,
wholly—owned subsidiary, Comecast Phone of New York, LLC ("Comcast Phone of NY"), has
assigned its international section 214 authorization, ITC—214—20040116—00017," on a pro forma basis
to Comcast Phone II; and (2) the wholly—owned subsidiaries of Comcast Phone II listed on Appendix
A will operate pursuant to the international section 214 authorization held by Comcast Phone II as a
result of the pro forma assignment.

         Please note this pro forma assignment and notification is necessitated because, earlier this
year, as part of an internal examination of a proposed internal corporate restructuring, Comcast
Phone II became aware that it was erroneously relying on the international section 214 authorization
of its sister company, Comecast Phone, LLC, ITC—214—19970801—00449, to provide international
services. Both Comcast Phone, LLC and Comeast Phone II are direct, wholly—owned subsidiaries of
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC. An organizational chart is attached as Appendix A.

1       47 C.F.R. §§ 63.24(f) & 63.21(b).
2       This authorization was originally granted to Carmel Telephone Services, Inc., and was assigned to Comcast
Phone of New York, LLC in 2006. See IBFS File No. ITC—ASG—20051216—00530.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
December 27, 2010
Page 2

       Pursuant to section 63.24(f)(2)(ii) of the Commission‘s rules," attached is a certification that
the assignment is pro forma and does not result in any change in the ownership or control of
Comcast Phone II, the actual controlling party. The assignment of an international section 214
authorization from a wholly—owned direct subsidiary to its parent corporation qualifies as a
presumptively proforma assignment under the Commission‘s rules.*

        In accordance with Section 63.24(f) of the Commission‘s rules, Comecast Phone II provides
the following information requested by paragraphs (a) through (d) and (h) of section 63.18 of the
Commission‘s rules:

    (a) The address and telephone number of the assignee is:

                Comecast Phone II, LLC
                One Comcast Center
                1701 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
                Philadelphia, PA 19103
                (215) 286—5286

    (b) Comcast Phone II, LLC is a United States limited liability company organized under the laws
        of Delaware.

    (c) Correspondence concerning this notice should be sent to:

                Andrew D. Fisher
                Senior Counsel
                Comecast Cable Communications, LLC
                One Comecast Center, 50th Floor
                Philadelphia, PA 19103
                (215) 286—3039

        with a copy to:

                Charles W. Logan
                Lawler, Metzger, Keeney & Logan, LLC
                2001 K Street, NW., Suite 802
                Washington, DC 20006
                (202) 777—7700
                 Counsel to Comeast Phone II, LLC

3       47 C.F.R. § 63.24(D(2)(ii).
4       47 C.F.R. § 63.24(d), Note 2.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
December 27, 2010
Page 3

    (d) Comecast Phone II and its wholly owned subsidiaries provide domestic communications
        services pursuant to the blanket domestic section 214 authority provided by Section 63.01 of
        the Commission‘s rules." Comcast Phone II has not previously held an international section
        214 authorization.

    (h) Comcast Corporation, through wholly—owned intermediate subsidiaries, owns 100 percent of
        Comcast Phone II. Comeast Corporation is a United States corporation organized under the
        laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with a principal place of business at One
        Comcast Center, 1701 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103 and
        has a principal business of providing video, voice and data services through its operating
        subsidiaries. Please note that Mr. Brian L. Roberts, Comcast Corporation‘s Chairman and
        Chief Executive Officer, is the beneficial owner of stock that represents 33 1/3 percent of the
        combined voting power of the two classes of Comeast Corporation‘s voting common stock.
        Mr. Roberts is a United States citizen and his address is One Comcast Center, 1701 John F.
        Kennedy Boulevard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103. Mr. Roberts‘ stock interest is held
        through his control of BRCC Holdings LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and
        certain trusts. Comcast Corporation is a publicly traded corporation whose stock is widely
        held by members of the public. Based on information available through the Securities and
        Exchange Commission and other publicly—available information, no other individual or entity
        beneficially owns directly or indirectly a 10 percent or greater equity or voting interest in
        Comcast Corporation.

        No other person or entity other than Comcast Corporation and its wholly—owned intermediate
        subsidiaries and, by virtue of his holdings in Comcast Corporation, Mr. Roberts, owns a 10
        percent or greater direct or indirect interest in Comcast Phone II.

        Comecast Phone, II has no interlocking directorates with any foreign carrier.

        In addition, pursuant to section 63.21(h) of the Commission‘s rules," effective December 1,
2010, the wholly—owned subsidiaries of Comcast Phone II listed on Appendix B provide
international service under authority of the international section 214 authorization ITC—214—
20040116—00017 held by Comcast Phone II.

        Please contact the undersigned counsel if you have any questions regarding this matter.

                                      Respectfully submitted

                                      Is/ Charles W. Logan
                                      Charles W. Logan
                                      Counselfor Comeast Phone II, LLC

Attachments (3)

        47 C.F.R. § 63.01(a).
        47 C.F.R. § 63.21(b).

                            APPENDIX A

                              Comcast Corporation


                      Comcast Cable Communications, LLC

                     100%                                         100%

    Comcast Phone, LLC (DE)                      Comcast Phone II, LLC (DE)


   Subsidiaries operating in the
 following states: CA, CO, CT, FL,
GA, ID, IL, IA, LA, ME, MA, MN, MT,            Subsidiaries listed in Appendix B
 NE, NV, NH, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR,

                                         APPENDIX B

As of December 1, 2010, the following wholly—owned subsidiaries of Comeast Phone II, LLC
provide international services pursuant to the international Section 214 authorization recently
assigned to Comeast Phone II, LLC, File No. ITC—214—20040116—00017:

Comcast Phone of Alabama, LLC                     Delaware
Comcast Phone of Arkansas, LLC                    Delaware
Comcast Phone of Arizona, LLC                     Delaware
Comcast Phone of Central Indiana, LLC             Delaware
Comcast Phone of Delaware, LLC                    Delaware
Comcast Phone of D.C., LLC                        Delaware
Comcast Phone of Kansas, LLC                      Delaware
Comecast Phone of Kentucky, LLC                   Delaware
Comcast Phone of Mississippi, LLC                 Delaware
Comcast Phone of Missouri, LLC                    Delaware
Comcast Phone of New Jersey, LLC                  Delaware
Comcast Phone of New Mexico, LLC                  Delaware
Comcast Phone of New York, LLC                    Delaware
Comcast Phone ofNorthern Maryland, Inc.           Maryland
Comcast Phone of South Carolina, Inc.             South Carolina
Comcast Phone of Tennessee, LLC                   Delaware
Comcast Phone of Wisconsin, LLC                   Delaware


       The undersigned hereby certifies that the assignment of the international Section 214
authorization ITC—214—20040116—0017 from Comcast Phone of New York, LLC to Comcast
Phone II, LLC was pro forma as described in section 63.24 of the Federal Communications
Commission‘s rules and, together with all previous pro forma transactions, does not result in a
change in the actual controlling party.

                                      By:     /s/ Brian A. Rankin
                                              Brian A. Rankin
                                              Vice President, Deputy General Counsel
                                              Chief Regulatory Counsel
                                              Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
                                              One Comcast Center, 50th Floor
                                              Philadelphia, PA 19103
                                              (215) 286—7325

Dated: December 27, 2010

Document Created: 2010-12-27 15:51:20
Document Modified: 2010-12-27 15:51:20

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