
SUPPLEMENT submitted by Knology of Kansas, Inc.

Supplement to Application


This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20100820-00339 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                   Before the
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of

                                       Nee Newme! Sewme‘ Newmet) Duge! Pugme" PSewms) Pomar! Suuwr! Suwn! Sewr! Pmmr Somet! Suws! Sewr! Sras)
 The World Company
 and WorldNet, L.L.C.
                                                                                                                                                WC Docket No. 10—170
                                                                                                                                                IB File No. ITC—ASG—20100820—00339
 Knology of Kansas, Inc.

 Application for Consent to Assign
 Assets Pursuant to Section 214
. of the Communications Act of 1934,
 As Amended, to
 Knology of Kansas, Inc.

                           SUPPLEMENT TO APPLICATION

           On August 23, 2010, The World Company ("World") and WorldNet, L.L.C.

  ("WorldNet") (World and WorldNet together, "Sunflower" or "Assignors") and Knology

 of Kansas, Inc. ("Knology of Kansas" or "Assignee" and together with Sunflower,

 "Applicants") filed an application requesting authority to assign certain

 telecommunication service assets and customer contracts from Sunflower to Knology of

 Kansas (the "Application"). Pursuant to Staff request, the Applicants hereby clarify afid

 supplement their Application with the following information:

           (1} The Applicants clarify that the following Knology Companies provide

 competitive local exchange telecommunications ("CLEC") services in the following



Globe Telecommunications, Inc. — Georgia
Knology of Alabama, Inc. — Alabama
Knology of Florida, Inc.— Florida
Knology of Georgia, Inc. — Georgia
Knology of South Carolina, Inc. — South Caroling
Knology of South Dakota, Inc. — Minnesota and Iowa
Knology of Tennessee, Inc. — Tennessee
Knology of the Plains, Inc. —— South Dakota, Minnesota and lowa
Knology of the Black Hills, LLC — South Dakota
Wiregrass Telecommunications, Inc. — Alabama

No other Knology Companies provide CLEC services in any other state.

        (2) The Applications request that the Commission replace section (h) on p. 10 of

the Application with the following section (h):

        Enology, Inc., a Delaware holding company, owns 100% interest in Knology of
        Kansas. Knology, Inc. is a widely—held public corporation, located at 1241 0.G.
        Skinner Drive, West Point, Georgia 31833.

        The following three (3) persons or investment entities collectively own 13.1% of
        the equity of Knology, Inc.: The Burton Partnership (QP), Limited Partnership
        (9.7%), The Burton Partnership, Limited Partnership (3.2%); and Donald W.
        Burton (.2%). No other person or entity or investment group owns 10% or more
        of the voting or equity interests of Knology, Inc. pursuant to the Commission‘s
        attribution rules.

        Both The Burton Partnership (QP), Limited Partnership and The Burton
        Partnership, Limited Partnership (together, the "Burton Partnerships") are
        Delaware partnerships located at 565 Pine Drive, Jackson, Wyoming 83001—4643.
        The principal business of the Burton Partnerships is investment. Mr. Burton is the
        sole general partner of the Burton Partnerships. Mr. Burton is a United States
       —citizen and resides at 614 West Bay Street, Tampa, Florida 33606. His principal
        business is investment.

        Knology, Inc. has no other affiliates that offer domestic telecommunications services
         other than the affiliates listed in the Knology organizational chart provided in
        Exhibit B.

        There are no interlocking directorates with any foreign carrier.

        {3) The Applicants confirm that both World and WorldNet operate under the name

"Sunflower Broadband." WorldNet provides competitive telecommunications services in

_ BCOCONWM/425941.1                             2

Kansas under the name "Sunflower Broadband." World uses the name "Sunflower

Broadband" when providing cable and Internet services to customers in Kansas.

        (4) The Applicants confirm that the assets to be assigned pursuant to the Agreement

are assets from both World and WorldNet. Both World and WorldNet currently hold assets

related to the provision oftelecommunications services that will be assigned to Knology of

Kansas pursuant to the Agreement.

        (5) The Applicants confirm that WorldNet will cease operations as a

telecommunications carrier post—close, and thus, will surrender its international Section 214

license referenced in the Application.

        The Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest, convenience, and

necessity would be furthered by grant of this Application.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Edward A. Yorkiti
                                              Melissa Conway
                                              KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP
                                              3050 K Street NW, Suite 400
                                              Washington, D.C. 20007
                                              Tel: (202) 342—8552
                                              Fax: (202) 342—8451

Dated: September 1, 2010

DCO1/CONWM/425941.1                           3

                              Your submission has been accepted

                                  —|_ECFS Filing Receipt — Confirmation number: 201091522600 |——
                                                          Name    Subject
                                                                   Application filed for the assignment of
                                                           104170 assets from The World Company and
                                                                  WorldNet, LLC to Knology of Kansas,
                                                                  Inc. .

                                   —|    Contact Info I
                                                 Name of Filer: Knology of Kansas, The World Company,
                                                                and WorldNet, L.L.C.
                                        Attorney/Author Name: Melissa Conway
                                    Lawfirm Name (required Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
                                          if represented by

                                                Address For: Law Firm
                                              Address Line 1: 3050 K Street NW
                                              Address Line 2: Suite 400
                                                          City: washington
                                                          State: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
                                                            Zip: 20007

                                               Type of Filing: SUPPLEMENT
                                                File Number: IB File No. ITC—ASG—20100820—00339
                                   —|    Document({s)
                                    File Name              Custom Description                  Size
                                     Knology.pdf                                                139 KB

                                   —|    Disclaimer
                                   This confirmation verifies that ECFS has received and
                                   accepted your filing. However, your filing will be rejected
                                   by ECFS if it contains macros, passwords, rediining, read—
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                                   use the link below to check on the status of your filing:
                                   For any problems please contact the Help Desk at 202—

http://fjallfoss. 1dy7Oabnzx4c1o45kx8kdx51q                              9/1/2010

Document Created: 2019-04-22 16:23:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 16:23:11

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