Attachment Assignment

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20100416-00163 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      Before the
                             Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                   No/ Ne ht Nt Nt Nt Nes Nes Nene! Nene! Neue! Nes Neue! Nn Ned Nes Nes Nut! Nes N
In the Matter of

RCN Corporation
                                                                                                                                      WC Docket No. 10—
Yankee Cable Acquisition, LLC
Yankee Metro Parent, Inc.

Notice of Pro Forma Transactions and
Application for Consent to Transfer
Control of Entities Holding International
Authorizations and Blanket Domestic
Authorizations Pursuant to Section 214 of
the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended


         RCN Corporation ("RCN"), Yankee Cable Acquisition, LLC ("Yankee Cable") and

Yankee Metro Parent, Inc. ("Yankee Metro") {collectively, "Applicants"), through their

undersigned counsel and pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as

amended, 47 U.S.C. §214 (the "Act‘), and Sections 63.03, 63.04 and 63.24(e) of the

Commission‘s Rules, 47 CFR §§ 63.03, 63.04, 63.24(e), hereby respectfully request the authority


necessary to consummate a transaction whereby Yankee Cable and Yankee Metro! will acquire

control of RCN and its subsidiaries ("Transaction").2

         The Applicants respectfully request streamlined treatment of this Application pursuant to

Sections 63.03 and 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.03 and 63.12. This

Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2)(i) of the

Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.03(b)(2)(i), because: (1) after the proposed transaction is

consummated, Yankee Cable and Yankee Metro (including any affiliates, as that term is defined

in Section 3(1) of the Act) will have a market share of less than 10 percent of the interstate,

interexchange market, and will provide competitive services exclusively in areas served by a

dominant local carrier not a party to the transaction, and (2) neither the Applicants nor any of

their affiliates are regulated as dominant with respect to any service.

         This Application is also eligible for streamlined processing with respect to the

international section 214 authorizations pursuant to Section 63.12(c) of the Commission‘s Rules

because: (1) after consummation of the proposed transaction, Yankee Metro and Yankee Cable

will not be affiliated with any foreign carriers, (2) Yankee Metro and Yankee Cable are not

affiliated with any dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private line services

1        As described in more detail in this Application, Yankee Cable is majority—owned by ABRY Partners VI,
L.P. Yankee Metro is majority—owned by ABRY Partners VI, L.P. and ABRY Senior Equity III, L.P.

2        The RCN subsidiaries who hold Section 214 authorizations that will be included in this transaction are:
RCN Telecom Services, Inc., RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia, Inc., RCN—BecoCom, Inc., RCN Telecom
Services of Illinois, LLC, RCN New York Communications, LLC, RCN Telecom Services of Massachusetts, Inc.,
RCN Telecom Services of Washington, D.C., Inc., NEON Optica, Inc., and Starpower Communications LLC
(collectively, the "RCN Operating Subsidiaries"). As described in more detail in this Application, prior to the close
of the Transaction the following subsidiaries, which are not currently providing any telecommunications services,
will be liquidated and their authorizations cancelled: RCN Telecom Services of Massachusetts, Inc., and RCN
Telecom Services of Washington, D.C., Inc. In addition, RCN Telecom Services, Inc. will be merged into newly
formed RCN Telecom Services (Lehigh) LLC, RCN—BecoCom, Inc., will be merged into newly formed RCN—
BecoCom LLC, and RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia, Inc., will be merged into newly formed RCN Telecom
Services of Philadelphia LLC. Also, RCN Telecom Services, Inc. will assign one of its redundant international
Section 214 authorizations to RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia LLC, and another one to newly formed RCN
Telecom Services of New York, LP along with its New York operating assets.


their subsidiaries will seek authority to resell, and (3) none of the other provisions contained in

Section 63.12(c) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12, apply.


          RCN Corporation, Yankee Cable, and Yankee Metro (along with Yankee Metro Merger

Sub, Inc.) entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger ("Merger Agreement") on March 5,

2010, for Yankee Cable and Yankee Metro to acquire control of RCN and the RCN Operating

Subsidiaries. Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, the Transaction will be accomplished through

a series of steps, including the following preliminary pro forma intracorporate actions that are

being completed to allocate certain assets to appropriate RCN Corporation subsidiaries in a tax—

efficient manner.

Pro Forma Assignments

     1.   RCN Telecom Services, Inc. will assign one of its international Section 214
          authorizations for global facilities—based and resale services, along with its New York
          operating assets, to newly formed RCN Telecom Services of New York, LP. Affected
          customers will be notified of this pro forma carrier change. A sample of the form of
          notice that will be provided to applicable affected customers is provided in Exhibit A.

     2. RCN Telecom Services, Inc. will assign another one ofits international Section 214
        authorizations for global facilities—based and resale services to newly formed RCN
        Telecom Services of Philadelphia LLC.

Pro Forma Mergers

     3.   RCN Telecom Services, Inc., will be merged into RCN Telecom Services (Lehigh) LLC,
          a newly formed Delaware limited liability company.

     4. RCN—BecoCom, Inc., will be merged into RCN—BecoCom LLC, a newly formed
        Delaware limited liability company.

     5. RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia, Inc., will be merged into RCN Telecom Services
        of Philadelphia LLC, a newly formed Delaware limited liability company.

     Affected customers will be notified of these pro forma carrier changes. A sample of the form
     of notice that will be provided to applicable affected customers is provided in Exhibit B.


Pro Forma Transfers of Control

    The following subsidiaries of RCN will be become direct subsidiaries of a newly formed
    subsidiary of RCN, RCN Telecom Services, LLC ("RCN TS")

          RCN Telecom Services (Lehigh) LLC
          RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia LLC
          RCN—BecoCom LLC
          RCN Telecom Services of Illinois, LLC
          Starpower Communications, LLC

In addition, RCN TS will become the general partner of RCN Telecom Services of New York,
LP. The limited partner of RCN Telecom Services of New York, LLP is RCN NY LLC 1, a
Delaware limited liability company, which is in turn a direct subsidiary of RCN TS.


     1.   RCN Telecom Services of Massachusetts, Inc. will be dissolved

    2.    RCN Telecom Services of Washington, D.C., Inc. will be dissolved.

    Neither of these companies has customers, therefore no customer notices will be required.

          Shortly after these pro forma changes are completed, control of all of the RCN Operating

Subsidiaries under Yankee Cable will be transferred to ABRY Partners VI, L.P., a Delaware

limited partnership, and control of all Operating Subsidiaries under Yankee Metro will be

transferred to ABRY Partners VI, LP. and ABRY Senior Equity III, L.P., a Delaware limited

partnership. Specifically, following completion of the pre—acquisition intracorporate pro forma

reorganization described above, Yankee Cable will indirectly purchase from RCN all of its

ownership interests in RCN TS, thereby gaining control of RCN Telecom Services (Lehigh) LLC,

RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia LLC, RCN—BecoCom LLC, RCN Telecom Services of

Ilinois, LLC, RCN Telecom Services of New York, LP, and Starpower Communications, LLC.

Yankee Metro will purchase the stock of RCN Corporation through the merger of Yankee Metro

Merger Sub, Inc., a subsidiary of Yankee Metro created specifically for the purposes of this

transaction, with and into RCN Corporation, with RCN Corporation surviving.


         Accordingly, Applicants request authority, as needed, for the transactions noted above,

including (1) the intracorporate pro forma assignments, mergers, and transfers of control of the

RCN Operating Subsidiaries described above; (2) the surrender of authority and discontinuances

by RCN Telecom Services of Massachusetts, Inc. and RCN Telecom Services of Washington,

D.C. (which do not provide telecommunications services); and (3) the transfers of control of the

remaining RCN Operating Subsidiaries to either Yankee Metro or Yankee Cable as described


         For the Commission‘s reference, applications for the transfer of control of the various

wireless licenses held or for which applications are pending by the RCN Operating Subsidiaries

are being filed with the Commission concurrently herewith. Further, during the pendency of

these transfer of control applications, RCN operating subsidiaries may file additional

applications for new FCC authorizations, and the Applicants therefore request that the grant of

authority for the transfer of control to Yankee Metro or Yankee Cable includes consent to the

transfer of control as appropriate of any such subsidiary as may file such application(s) for new

authorizations. For the Commission‘s convenience, illustrative pre— and post—Transaction

organization charts are provided as Exhibit C hereto.3

         Immediately following the Transaction, the surviving RCN Operating Subsidiaries will

continue to provide service to existing customers at the same rates, terms and conditions as

currently provided. In addition, the surviving RCN Operating Subsidiaries will continue to be

operated by highly experienced, well—qualified management, operational and technical personnel

as described in Section II below.

3         RCN is also filing applications and notices for such approvals as are required by state regulatory agencies
and local franchise authorities for the pro forma transactions and transfer of control transactions described herein.



         Petitioners submit that the Transaction described herein will serve the public interest.

The transfer of control to Yankee Cable and Yankee Metro will allow all the RCN Operating

Subsidiaries to strengthen their ability to compete and to offer enhanced telecommunications

services within the areas they operate. Following the proposed Transaction, the RCN Operating

Subsidiaries will have the financial support of Yankee Cable (and its majority—owner ABRY

Partners VI, L.P.), Yankee Metro (and its majority—owners ABRY Partners VI., L.P. and ABRY

Senior Equity III, L.P.). The RCN Operating Subsidiaries, Yankee Metro, and their ultimate

owner, ABRY, and will continue to deliver advanced telecommunications services. Also, the

RCN Operating Subsidiaries will have access to the experience of ABRY and its management

team to complement the existing highly experienced, well—qualified management, operational

and technical personnel that Yankee Cable and Yankee Metro intend to maintain following

consummation of this Transaction. Such financial and managerial support should strengthen the

ability of the RCN Operating Subsidiaries to compete.

         In addition, the intracorporate pro forma transactions occurring as a result of this

Transaction will be virtually transparent to customers as there will be no change in their services.

The only perceptible change will be, in some cases, the formal corporate name of the company

providing the affected customers‘ telecommunications services, and that change will be

minimized since the RCN Operating Subsidiaries, upon closing, will continue to use the same

branding on materials distributed to customers, including bills, as is currently used. Applicants

emphasize that the proposed Transaction will be seamless and virtually transparent to customers,

and in no event will it result in the discontinuance, reduction, loss, or impairment of service to

customers. Therefore, the intracorporate assignments will not result in customer confusion.


Moreover, following the proposed Transaction the RCN Operating Subsidiaries will provide

high—quality communications services to customers without interruption and without change in

rates, terms or conditions.

         In sum, the proposed Transaction should strengthen the ability of the RCN Operating

Subsidiaries to compete and to offer enhanced telecommunications services within their business

areas. Also, the proposed Transaction will be virtually transparent to existing customers of the

RCN Operating Subsidiaries and will not result in a change to the rates, terms and conditions of

service as currently provided.


         In support of this Application, the Applicants submit the following information pursuant

to Section 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s Rules, including the information requested in Section


         A.     Answer to Question 10 — Section 63.18(a)—(d)

(a)(b) Description of Parties

         Transferor — RCN Corporation (FRN: 0011432986)

         RCN Corporation is a publicly traded Delaware corporation with its principal offices

located at 196 Van Buren Street, Suite 300, Herndon, VA 20170. RCN Corporation is one of

the largest facilities—based competitive providers of bundled phone, cable and high speed Internet

services delivered over its own fiber—optic local network to consumers in the most densely

populated markets in the United States. RCN Corporation has several subsidiaries authorized by

the FCC to provide domestic and international telecommunications services. Some of these

subsidiaries also are authorized by state PUCs to provide local telecommunications services in


Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New

Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia.

         Transferees — Yankee Cable Acquisition, LLC (FRN: 0019668706) and
         Yankee Metro Parent, Inc. (FRN: 0019668805)

         Yankee Cable, a Delaware limited liability company, is an indirect subsidiary of Yankee

Cable Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. Yankee Metro, a Delaware

corporation, is a direct subsidiary of Yankee Metro Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability

company. The address for Yankee Cable, Yankee Metro, Yankee Cable Partners, LLC, and

Yankee Metro Partners, LLC is c/o ABRY Partners, LLC, 111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor,

Boston, Massachusetts 02199 and the phone number is 617—859—2959.

         Yankee Cable Partners, LLC will be majority—owned by ABRY Partners VI, L.P., a

Delaware limited partnership. Yankee Metro Partners, LLC will be majority—owned by ABRY

Partners VI, L.P. and ABRY Senior Equity III, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. The address

for ABRY Partners VI, L.P. and ABRY Senior Equity III, L.P. is c/o ABRY Partners, LLC, 111

Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02199 and the phone number is 617—859—

2959. No other entities will hold a 10 percent or greater ownership interest in either Yankee

Cable Partners, LLC or Yankee Metro Partners, LLC.

         ABRY Partners VI, L.P. and ABRY Senior Equity III, L.P. are private equity funds

which primarily make privately negotiated equity investments in the media, telecommunications,

and information industries. ABRY Partners VI, L.P. or other commonly controlled funds

(collectively, "ABRY") own cable, telecommunications, and interconnected VoIP providers in

the United States. ABRY and its management team are therefore experienced investors in

communications service providers. Yankee Cable and Yankee Metro intend to maintain the

management personnel of RCN following consummation of this Transaction.


         ABRY Partners VI, L.P. will hold all voting interests in each of Yankee Cable Partners,

LLC and Yankee Metro Partners, LLC. The sole general partner of ABRY Partners VI, L.P. is

ABRY VI Capital Partners, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. The sole general partner of

ABRY VI Capital Partners, L.P. is ABRY VI Capital Investors, LLC, a Delaware limited

liability company. The sole owner of ABRY VI Capital Investors, LLC is Royce Yudkoff, a

citizen of the United States.

(c)      Contacts:

         For the purposes of this Application, questions or any correspondence, orders, or other

materials should be directed to the following contacts:

For RCN:

         Jean L. Kiddoo
         Danielle C. Burt
         Bingham McCutchen LLP
         2020 K Street, NW.
         Washington, DC 20006—1806
         Tel:    (202) 373—6000
         Fax: (202) 373—6001

With a copy to:

         Joseph Kahl
         Sr. Director, Regulatory and External Affairs
         RCN Corporation
         196 Van Buren Street, Suite 300
         Herndon, VA 20170
         Tel: (610) 438—0119
         Fax: (7O3) 434—8184


For Yankee Cable and Yankee Metro:

         John T. Nakahata
         Jonathan B. Mirsky
         Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
         1200 18th Street, NW., Suite 1200
         Washington, DC 20036
         Tel: (202) 730—1300

(d)      Licensees

         The following RCN Operating Subsidiaries have the same contact information as RCN

Corporation, and hold blanket authorizations under Section 214 of the Act to provide domestic

telecommunications services, and where a file number is indicated, international Section 214

authority to provide global resale and facilities—based telecommunications services (where the

licensee will change following the pro forma intracorporate transactions taking place prior to the

transfer of control to Yankee Cable or Yankee Metro, the post—Transaction licensee is also

indicated below):

Pre—Transaction —— RCN Telecom Services, Inc. (FRN: 0003252426)
Post—Transaction —— RCN Telecom Services (Lehigh) LLC (FRN: 0019653450)
File Nos. ITC—214—19961004—00490
               ITC—214—19970707—00379 [To Be Assigned to RCN Telecom Services of
                                      Philadelphia, LLC]
               ITC—214—19970707—00384 [To Be Assigned to RCN Telecom Services of New
                                      York LP]

Pre—Transaction —— RCN—BecoCom, Inc.(FRN: 0003734993)
Post—Transaction —— RCN—BecoCom LLC (FRN: 0019653476)
File No. ITC—214—19971027—00661

Pre—and Post—Transaction —— RCN Telecom Services of Illinois, LLC
FRN: 0008314908
File No. ITC—214—19980731—00532


Pre— and Post—Transaction —— RCN New York Communications, LLC
FRN: 00062544403
File No. ITC—214—20001128—00698

Pre— and Post— Transaction —— Starpower Communications, LLC
FRN: 0003735016
File No. ITC—214—19980116—00024

Pre—Transaction —— RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia, Inc. (FRN: 0003735008)
Post—Transaction —— RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia LLC (FRN: 0019653443)
File No. ITC—214—19970707—00379 [Post Pro Forma Assignment from RCN Telecom Services,

Post—Transaction —— RCN Telecom Services of New York, LP
FRN: 0019653401
File No. ITC—214—19970707—00384 [Post Pro Forma Assignment from RCN Telecom Services,

Pre—Transaction —— RCN Telecom Services of Massachusetts, Inc.
FRN: 0003734969 [company to be liquidated]

Pre—Transaction —— RCN Telecom Services of Washington, D.C., Inc.
FRN: 0012316493 [company to be liquidated]

Pre— and Post Transaction —— NEON Optica, Inc.
FRN: 0005052741
Domestic 214 Only

(h)      (Answer to Questions 11 & 12) The following entitles own directly or indirectly 10% or
         more of RCN Corporation (transferor) and Yankee Cable and Yankee Metro (transferees):

         RCN Corporation — Existing Ownership

         No entity holds a ten percent (10%) or greater direct or indirect interest in RCN

         RCN Operating Subsidiaries under Yankee Cable Partners, LLC following the
         transfer of control

         Post—Transaction, RCN Telecom Services (Lehigh) LLC, RCN Telecom Services of
         Philadelphia LLC, RCN—BecoCom LLC, RCN Telecom Services of Illinois, LLC, and
         Starpower Communications, LLC will be wholly—owned by RCN Telecom Services, LLC,
         a Delaware limited liability company. RCN Telecom Services, LLC will also be the
         general partner of RCN Telecom Services of New York, LP, and own 100% of RCN
         Telecom Services of New York, LP‘s limited partner, RCN NY LLC 1.


        RCN Telecom Services, LLC will be wholly owned by Yankee Cable Acquisition, LLC,
        a Delaware limited liability company, which is a transferee. The principal place of
        business for RCN Telecom Services, LLC is 196 Van Buren Street, Suite 300, Herndon,
        VA 20170.

        The transferee Yankee Cable Acquisition, LLC will be wholly—owned by Yankee Cable
        Parent, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. Yankee Cable Parent, LLC will be
        wholly—owned by Yankee Cable Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.
        Yankee Cable Partners, LLC will be majority—owned by ABRY Partners VI, L.P., a
        Delaware limited partnership.

        ABRY Partners VI, L.P. will hold all voting interests in each of Yankee Cable Partners,
        LLC. The sole general partner of ABRY Partners VI, L.P. is ABRY VI Capital Partners,
        L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. The sole general partner of ABRY VI Capital
        Partners, L.P. is ABRY VI Capital Investors, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.
        The sole owner of ABRY VI Capital Investors, LLC is Royce Yudkoff, a citizen of the
        United States.

        No other entities will hold a 10 percent or greater ownership interest in Yankee Cable
        Acquisition, LLC.

        The principal place of business for Yankee Cable Acquisition, LLC, Yankee Cable Parent,
        LLC, Yankee Cable Partners, LLC, ABRY Partners VI, L.P., ABRY VI Capital Partners,
        L.P., ABRY VI Capital Investors, LLC, and Royce Yudkoff will be c/o ABRY Partners,
        LLC, 111 Huntington Avenue, 30‘ Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02199.

        RCN Operating Subsidiaries under Yankee Metro Parent, Inc.

        Post—Transaction, the following RCN Operating Subsidiaries will have common
        ownership under Yankee Metro Parent, Inc.: NEON Optica, Inc. and RCN New York
        Communications, LLC.

        NEON Optica, Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of NEON Communications, Inc., a
        Delaware corporation, which in turn is a wholly—owned subsidiary of NEON
        Communications Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation. NEON Communications Group,
        Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of RCN Corporation. RCN New York
        Communications, LLC is also a wholly—owned subsidiary of RCN Corporation.

        RCN Corporation is a Delaware corporation. RCN Corporation‘s sole owner will be
        Yankee Metro Parent, Inc., a Delaware corporation, which is the transferee.

        The transferee, Yankee Metro Parent, Inc., is wholly—owned by Yankee Metro Partners,
        LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. Yankee Metro Partners, LLC will be
        majority—owned by ABRY Partners VI, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, and ABRY
        Senior Equity III, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership.


         ABRY Partners VI, L.P, will hold all voting interests in Yankee Metro Partners, LLC.
         The sole general partner of ABRY Partners VI, L.P. is ABRY VI Capital Partners, L.P., a
         Delaware limited partnership. The sole general partner of ABRY VI Capital Partners,
         L.P. is ABRY VI Capital Investors, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The sole
         owner of ABRY VI Capital Investors, LLC is Royce Yudkoff, a citizen of the United

         No other entities will hold a 10 percent or greater ownership interest in Yankee Metro
         Partners, LLC.

         The principal place of business for NEON Communications, Inc., NEON
         Communications Group, Inc., RCN Corporation, Yankee Metro Parent, Inc., Yankee
         Metro Partners, LLC, ABRY Partners VI, L.P., ABRY Senior Equity III, L.P., ABRY VI
         Capital Partners, L.P., ABRY VI Capital Investors, LLC, and Royce Yudkoff is c/o
         ABRY Partners, LLC, 111 Huntington Avenue, 30° Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02199.

(i)      (Answer to Question 14) Applicants certify that, following consummation of the proposed
         Transaction, none of the Applicants or RCN Operating Subsidiaries will be foreign carriers,
         or affiliated with any foreign carrier.

O        (Answer to Question 15)        Applicants certify that they do not seek to provide
         international telecommunications services to any destination country where:

         (1)     An Applicant is a foreign carrier in that country; or
         (2)     An Applicant controls a foreign carrier in that country; or
         (3)     Any entity that owns more than 25 percent of an Applicant, or that
         controls an Applicant, controls a foreign carrier in that country; or
         (4)     Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own, in the
                 aggregate more than 25 percent of an Applicant and are parties to, or the
                 beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing or
                 international basic telecommunications services in the United States.

(k)      Not applicable.

(1)      Not applicable.

(m)      Not applicable.

(n)      Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept special concessions directly or
         indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the
         foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter
         into such agreements in the future.

(0)      Applicants certify, pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s
         Rules, that they are not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of
         the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.


(P)      The Applicants request streamlined processing of this Application pursuant to
         Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12. This Application qualifies
         for streamlined treatment because (i) after consummation, none of the RCN Operating
         Subsidiaries will be affiliated with any foreign carrier, (ii) the RCN Operating
         Subsidiaries are not affiliated with any dominant U.S. carrier whose international
         switched or private line services they seek authority to resell, nor will the RCN Operating
         Subsidiaries be so affiliated after consummation, and (iii) none of the other scenarios
         outlined in Section 63.12 (c) of the Commission‘s Rules apply.


         In accordance with the requirements of Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, the

additional information required for the domestic section 214 transfer of control application is

provided in Exhibit D.


v.        CONCLUSION

          For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully request the Commission grant all

authority necessary for the Transaction described herein.

Respectfully submitted,

  J     l\_—:
John T. Nakahata                                        ean L. Kiddoo
Jonathan B. Mirsky                                     Danielle Burt
Wiltshire & Grannis LLP                                Bingham McCutchen LLP
1200 18th Street, N.W., Suite 1200                     2020 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036                                   Washington, DC 20006—1806
Tel: (202) 730—1300                                    Tel: (202) 373—6000
Fax: (202) 730—1301                                    Fax: (202) 373—6001
Email:                  Email:                   

Counsel for Yankee Cable Acquisition,                  Counsel for RCN Corporation
LLC and Yankee Metro Parent, Inc.

Dated: March 18, 2010



       I, Peter D. Aquino, state that I am President and Chief Executive Officer of RCN

Corporation and its operating subsidiaries; that I am authorized to make this Verification on

behalf of RCN Corporation and its operating subsidiaries; that the foregoing filing was prepared

under my direction and supervision; and that the statements in the foregoing document are true

and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

       I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

& day of March, 2010.

                                                    Pm      é:?fl) Aquino
                                             Title:            sident & Chief Executive Officer
                                             Company:        RCN Corporation


         I, Robert Maclunis, hereby declare that:

         (1)    My title is Partner with ABRY Partners, LLC;

         (2)    I am authorized by ABRY Partners VI, L.P. to make this declaration on

behalf of both Yankee Cable Acquisition, LLC and Yankee Metro Parent, Inc;

         (3)    The statements in the foregoing application relating to Yankee Cable

Acquisition, LLC and Yankee Metro Parent, Inc. and their parents and subsidiaries

affiliates are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

         I declare under penalty of perfury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed

this 18th day of March, 2010.

                                                        Et I{——
                                                      Robert Macinnis V
                                                      ABRY Partners, LLC


                      LIST OF EXHIBITS

      EXHIBIT A   Form of Customer Notice

      EXHIBIT B   Form of Customer Notice

      EXHIBIT C   Pre and Post—Transaction Corporate Structure

      EXHIBIT D   Domestic Section 214 Transfer of Control Information


                    EXHIBIT A

               Form of Customer Notice


                                    RCN Telecom Services
                       Form of Customer Notice of Pro Forma Assignment

         The following form of notice will be provided to RCN Telecom Services, Inc.‘s
telecommunications customers to notify them that their carrier will be RCN Telecom Services of
New York, LP following the pro forma intracompany Transaction described above:

         To our valued customers:

         We wanted to take this opportunity to advise you of an internal corporate change in your
         RCN service. Specifically, on or about [INSERT DATE], RCN Telecom Services, Inc.
         will assign its New York operations to its affiliate, RCN Telecom Services of New York,
         LP. As a result your telecommunications services will be provided by RCN Telecom
         Services of New York, LP. Your services and the associated pricing and terms and
         conditions of service will not change as a result of this internal corporate reorganization.
         There will not be any charge associated with this change and any preferred carrier freeze
         you have will remain in place. You will continue to receive a bill from RCN and we will
         continue to resolve any issues you may have with your account or service using the same
         customer service number: 800—746—4726.

         We recognize that you always have a choice in telecommunications carriers, subject to
         restrictions in your contract or service order, and we appreciate your business. RCN
         Telecom Services of New York, LP looks forward to continuing to provide you with the
         same great RCN service you are accustomed to receiving.


                     EXHIBIT B

               Form of Customer Notice


                                       RCN BecoCom
                         Form of Customer Notice of Pro Forma Merger

       The following form of notice will be provided to RCN BecoCom, Inc.‘s
telecommunications customers to notify them that their carrier will be RCN BecoCom LLC
following the pro forma intracompany Transaction described above:

         To our valued customers:

         We wanted to take this opportunity to advise you of an internal corporate change in your
         RCN service. Specifically, on or about [INSERT DATE], RCN BecoCom, Inc. will
         merge with its affiliate, RCN BecoCom LLC. As a result, your telecommunications
         services will be provided by RCN BecoCom LLC. Your services and the associated
         pricing and terms and conditions of service will not change as a result of this internal
         corporate reorganization. There will not be any charge associated with this change and
         any preferred carrier freeze you have will remain in place. You will continue to receive a
         bill from RCN and we will continue to resolve any issues you may have with your
         account or service using the same customer service number: 800—746—4726.

         We recognize that you always have a choice in telecommunications carriers, subject to
         restrictions in your contract or service order, and we appreciate your business. RCN
         BecoCom LLC looks forward to continuing to provide you with the same great RCN
         service you are accustomed to receiving.


                            RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia
                         Form of Customer Notice of Pro Forma Merger

        The following form of notice will be provided to RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia,
Inc.‘s telecommunications customers to notify then that their carrier will be RCN Telecom
Services of Philadelphia LLC following the pro forma intracompany Transaction described

         To our valued customers:

         We wanted to take this opportunity to advise you of an internal corporate change in your
         RCN service. Specifically, on or about [INSERT DATE], RCN Telecom Services of
         Philadelphia, Inc. will merge with its affiliate, RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia
         LLC. As a result, your telecommunications will be provided by RCN Telecom Services
         of Philadelphia LLC. Your services and the associated pricing and terms and conditions
         of service will not change as a result of this internal corporate reorganization. There will
         not be any charge associated with this change and any preferred carrier freeze you have
         will remain in place. You will continue to receive a bill from RCN and we will continue
         to resolve any issues you may have with your account or service using the same customer
         service number: 800—746—4726.

         We recognize that you always have a choice in telecommunications carriers, subject to
         restrictions in your contract or service order, and we appreciate your business. RCN
         Telecom Services of Philadelphia LLC looks forward to continuing to provide you with
         the same great RCN service you are accustomed to receiving.


                                RCN Telecom Services
                     Form of Customer Notice of Pro Forma Merger

         The following form of notice will be provided to RCN Telecom Services, Inc.‘s
telecommunications customers to notify then that their carrier will be RCN Telecom
Services (Lehigh), LLC following the pro forma intracompany Transaction described

         To our valued customers:

         We wanted to take this opportunity to advise you of an internal corporate change
         in your RCN service. Specifically, on or about [INSERT DATE], RCN Telecom
         Services, Inc. will merge with its affiliate RCN Telecom Services (Lehigh), LLC.
         As a result, your telecommunications services will be provided by RCN Telecom
         Services (Lehigh), LLC. Your services and the associated pricing and terms and
         conditions of service will not change as a result of this internal corporate
         reorganization. There will not be any charge associated with this change and any
         preferred carrier freeze you have will remain in place. You will continue to
         receive a bill from RCN and we will continue to resolve any issues you may have
         with your account or service using the same customer service number: 800—746—

         We recognize that you always have a choice in telecommunications carriers,
         subject to restrictions in your contract or service order, and we appreciate your
         business. RCN Telecom Services (Lehigh), LLC looks forward to continuing to
         provide you with the same great RCN service you are accustomed to receiving.


                               EXHIBIT C

               Pre and Post—Transaction Corporate Structure


                           Pre—Transaction Corporate Structure of Licensees

                                                    RCN Corporation


              100%                     100%,                                                                                    RCN Internet
                                                                                 RCN Telecom Services, Inc.                     Services, Inc.
                                    RCN Telecom                                                                      3.6%
NEON Communications Group, Inc.
                                     Services of                                                                     voting                 96.4%
                                     Ilinois, LLC                                                          100%                             voting

                                                                                                                                RCN Telecom
                                                                100%                                   RCN New York

                100%                       100%
                                                                                                                                 Services of
                                                              RCN Telecom                            Communications,
                                   RCN Cable TV of                                                                            Washington, D.C.,
  NEON Communications, Inc.                                    Services of                                 LLC
                                    Chicago, Inc.                                                                                    Inc.
                100%                                               Inc.              100%
                                                              100%                     RCN Telecom
       NEON Optica, Inc.
                                                                                         Services of                             Starpower
                                                                                      Philadelphia, Inc.                      Communications,

                             Post—Transaction Corporate Structure of Licensees

         ABRY Senior Equity HII, LP.                                           ABRY Partners VI, LP.

                                                                                                              100% voting
                                                              100% voting
                     Yankee Metro Partners, LLC
                                                                                                  Yankee Cable Partners, LLC

                        Yankee Metro Parent, Inc.                                                  Yankee Cable Parent, LLC

                            RCN Corporation
                                                                                                  Yankee Cable Acquisition LLC

           100%                                     100%
NEON Communications Group, Inc.                   RCN New York
                                               Communications, LLC
                                                                                                  RCN Telecom Services, LLC


   NEON Communications, Inc.                                                                                                         RCN NY LLC 1

                 100%                                                                                                                         Limited
                                           0                                                                                 General          Partner
       NEON Optica, Inc.               100%                                                                                  Partner
                                       RCN Telecom                     100%          100%              100%         100%
                                        Services of                                                                                    RCN Telecom
                                        Illinois, LLC                                                                                   Services of
                                                                                                                                       New York, LP
                            100%        /                                                         _ RCN Telecom
                                                           Starpower            RCN Telecom
                                                                                                     Services of             RCN
                              RCN Cable TV of           Communications,            Services
                                                                                                    Philadelphia,          BecoCom
                                Chicago, Inc.                LLC                 (Lehigh) LLC
                                                                                                         LLC                 LLC

                                     EXHIBIT D


         In accordance with the requirements of Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s

Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.04, the Applicants provide the following information in support of

its request.

63.04(a)(6):    Description of the Transaction

         The proposed Transaction is described in Section II of the Application.

63.04(a)(7):    Description of Geographic Service Area and Services in Each Area

         Various RCN Operating Subsidiaries are authorized by the FCC and state PUC‘s

to provide local, long distance and international telecommunications services in

Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Ilinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,

New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island (local only),

Vermont and Virginia. ABRY‘s affiliate Grande Communications Networks, Inc.

provides telecommunications services in Arkansas, California (on an interstate, wholesale

basis only), Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma, and Texas, primarily for ISPs and other carriers

on a wholesale basis. Grande Communications Networks, Inc. provides residential and

business customers in Texas with local and long distance telephony services.

63.04(a)(8):    Presumption of Non—Dominance and Qualification for Streamlining

         This Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section

63.03(b)(2)(i) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.03(b)(2), because (1) after the

proposed transaction is consummated, Yankee Cable and Yankee Metro (including any

affiliates, as that term is defined in Section 3(1) of the Act) will have a market share of

less than 10 percent of the interstate, interexchange market, and will provide competitive


services exclusively in areas served by a dominant local carrier not a party to the

transaction, and (2) neither the Applicants nor any of their affiliates are regulated as

dominant with respect to any service.

63.04(a)(9):     Other Pending Commission Applications Concerning the Proposed

         The Commission applications related to the Transaction are identified on pages 3—5

of this narrative.

63.04(a)(10): Special Considerations

         The Applicants do not request special consideration because no parties to this

transaction are facing imminent business failure.

63.04(a)(11);: Waiver Requests (If Any)


63.04(a)(12); Public Interest Statement

         The proposed transaction is in the public, interest for the reasons detailed in

Section II of the Application.


Document Created: 2010-04-16 16:53:09
Document Modified: 2010-04-16 16:53:09

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