Notifcation of pro forma transfer of control and name change of Section 214 authorization holder; late-filed with a request for waiver.
Filing: ITC | International Telecommunications |
Filing: ASG | Assignment |
Last Action | Withdrawn |
Last Action Date | 2009-09-02 |
Status | Action Complete |
Status Date | 2009-09-02 |
Date Filed | 2009-08-25 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
Streamlined Application | P |
Telecom North America Inc.
2654 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway
Suite B5-143
Henderson, NV 890522858 USAContact
Robert J. Keller
Law Offices of Robert J. Keller, P.C.
P.O. Box 33428
Washington, DC 20033-0428 USA
2654 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Henderson, NV 89052 USA
Washington, DC 20033-0428 USA
Telecom North America Inc.
2654 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway
Suite B5-143
Henderson, NV 890522858 USA
Telecom North America, Inc.
2654 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway
Suite B5−143
Henderson, NV 89052- USA
2654 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Henderson, NV 89052 USA,
Inc., 2654 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Henderson, NV 89052 USA,