Attachment 20170706164737-410.p





This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20080728-00348 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


 «P .0.’ ew                                                                                               Received & Inspected
 . .Q. : —                  August 13, 2008
T, & @ >&
3                           Via Overnight Delivery
                                                                                is ps
                                                                                                               AUG 14 2008

       4 6Emt wA            |                                                    AUGa ¥2uo 2003
                                                                                             ann              FCC Mail | Room

                            Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, FCC Secretary
         4                  Federal Communications Commission                        Policy Diwision
2000 Mailiand Camer Phay:   9300 East Hampton Drive                             international Bureau
Suite 300                   Capitol Heights, MD 20743
Maitland, FL 32751          Attn: International Bureau

P.O. Drawer 200             RE:     ITC—ASG—20080728—00348 — In the Matter of the Joint Application 0:          ess
Winter Park. FL             Integrated Networks, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications, Birch Telecom,                and
      {LCCs                 Navigator Telecommunications, LLC for Authority pursuant to Section 21—             the
32790—0200                  Communications Act of 1934, as Amended to Transfer Certain Custome                   an
Tel:    407—740—8575        Authorized Domestic and International Carrier
Fax:    —407—740—0613       Dear Ms. Dortch:                       20.                          .        o      )                              5
                            The original and one (1) copy of this letter is submitted at the request of the     ~ of
                            the International Bureau to correct a certain omission in the above rei             zsed
                            application that was filed on July 28, 2008 by Birch Telecom Inc. and N             itor
                            Telecommunications, LLC and to amend the application accordingly.

                            The following omission occurred:

                                     1) On Page 2 in Paragraph 2, the first sentence reads "Applicar            ave
                                        entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement whereby the                    rch
                                        subsidiaries will general acquire Navigator‘s residential and           ess
                                        local and long distance customers in tem states...". In the 1i           of
                                          states, one state, Montana, was omitted, thereby listing only nin     tes.
                                          We request to amend the application to include the following c        ted
                                          statement: "Applicants have entered into an Asset Purchase Ag         ent
                                          whereby the Birch subsidiaries will general acquire Na                or‘s
                                          residential and business local and long distance customers in te      tes,
                                          Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Montana,               10,
                                          Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin."

                            Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by returning, file—stamped, the extra     : of
                            this cover letter in the self—addressed, stamped envelope enclosed for this purpu_.

                            Any questions you may have regarding this transaction should be directed to my
                            attention at (407) 740—3006 or via email to


                                  C +T
                            Carey Roesel        '         .

                            ce:      Sharyl Fowler, Birch
                                     David Stotelmyer, Navigator

                            file:    AIN—FCC        214
                            tms:     FCCx0802

Document Created: 2019-05-27 23:52:14
Document Modified: 2019-05-27 23:52:14

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