Attachment 20170706164252-117.p





This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20080728-00348 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


OITC—ASG—20080725—00347                                                                     Access Integrated Networks, Inc.


Current Licensee:                                                                           Navigator Telecommunications LLC

From:                                                                                       Navigator Telecommunications LLC

To:                                                                                         Access Integrated Networks, Inc.

Application for consent to assign certain assets from Navigator Telecommunications LLC
(Navigator) to Access Integrated Networks, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications (Birch
Communications). Pursuant to an Asset Purchase Agreement, Birch Communications
will acquire Navigator‘s residential and business local and long distance customers in
Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts,
Mississippi, N. Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, S. Carolina, and Tennessee.
Navigator will continue to provid:      ices to its remaining customers pursuant to its
international section 214 authoriz;      ITC—214—19990216—00085. Birch
Communications will provide sen         to its newly acquired customers underits existing
international section 214 authoriz:      ITC—214—19970926—00584.

Access Integrated is wholly owne                                                       Access Investors, LLC, in which two individuals
hold equity and votinginterests 0|                                                     ast ten percent: Holcombe Green (62%) and R.
Kirby Godsey (33%).

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ITC—ASG—20080725—00348                                                                      Birch Telecom, Inc.


Current Licensee:                                                                           Navigator Telecommunications LLC

From:                                                                                       Navigator Telecommunications LLC

To:                                                                                         Birch Telecom, Inc.

Application for consent to assign certain assets from Navigator Telecommunications LLC
(Navigator) to Birch Telecom, Inc. (Birch). Pursuant to an Asset Purchase Agreement,
Birch will acquire Navigator‘s residential and business local and long distance customers
in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and
Wisconsin. Navigator will continue to provide services to its remaining customers
pursuant to its international section 214 authorization, ITC—214—19990216—00085. .
Birch will provide services to its newly acquired customers through its wholly—owned
subsidiaries (Birch Telecom of the Great Lakes, Inc., Birch Telecom of Kansas, Inc.,
Birch Telecom of Missouri, Inc., Birch Telecom of Oklahoma, Inc., and, Birch Telecom

of Texas Ltd, LLP) under its existing international section 214 authorization, ITC—214—
19990701—00441 (see Public Notice DA 07—5065, rel. Dec. 20, 2007).

Birch is wholly owned by Access Integrated Networks, Inc., which is wholly owned by
Access Investors, LLC, in which two individuals hold equity and voting interests of at
least ten percent: Holcombe Green (62%) and R. Kirby Godsey (33%).

Document Created: 2019-05-30 13:15:38
Document Modified: 2019-05-30 13:15:38

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