Attachment 20170831120021-160.p





This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20060411-00305 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Mmnmtz Levim                                                                           Wepegtee96st00
                                                                                                202—434—7400 fax
Angela F. Collins | 202 434 7394 |                                

                                                            April 11, 2006

                                                                Pro Forma              TC—ASG—20060411—00305
   Ms. Sumita Mukhoty                                           Broadwing Communications, LLG
   International Bureau
   Federal Cormmunications Commission
   445 12th Street, SW
   Washington, DC20554

            Re:     Broadwing/Focal Internal Corporate Restructuring

   Dear Ms. Mukhoty:

            Per our conversation, this letter providesinformation regarding the internal corporate
  restructuring that took place between Broadwing Communications, LLC ("Broadwing") (FRN:
   0008599706) and Focal Communications Corporation ("Focal") (FRN: 0003772365).

            Broadwing is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Broadwing Communications Corporation
   ("BCC"), which was formerly known as Corvis Corporation. Focal was a holding company for
  many operating subsidiaries that were authorized to provide local, domestic long distance, and
  domestic international services." With respect to international services, a wholly—owned indirect
   subsidiary of Focal, Focal Telecommunications Corporation ("Focal Telecormmunications")
   (FRN: 0010712909), was authorized to provide resold and facilities—based international services.
  Focal Telecommunications was a wholly—ownedsubsidiary of Focal Financial Services, Inc.,
  which in turn was a wholly—owned direct subsidiary of Focal. More information regarding the
  organizational structure of Broadwing and Focal can be found in the attached organizational

          On April 23, 2004, the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") approved the
  transfer of control of the international 214 license held by Focal Telecommunications to BCC
  (File No. ITC—T/C—20040317—00121). After the close of that transaction, Focal, and its wholly—
  owned indirect subsidiary Focal Telecommunications, became wholly—owned subsidiaries of

  i        Focal‘s domestic operating companies were: Focal Telecommunications Corporation, Focal
  Communications Corporation of California, Focal Communications Corporation of Connecticut, Focal
  Communications Corporation of Florida, Focal Communications Corporation of Georgia, Focal Communications
  Corporation of Illinois, Focal Communications Corporation of Massachusetts, Focal Communications Corporation
  of Michigan, Focal Communications Corporation of the Mid—Atlantic, Focal Communications Corporation of
  Minnesota, Focal Communications Corporation of New Jersey, Focal Communications Corporation of New York,
  Focal Communications Corporation of Ohio, Focal Communications Corporation of Pennsylvania, Focal
  Communications Corporation of Texas, Focal Communications Corporation of Virginia, and Focal Communications
  Corporation of Washington.

                          Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.



BCC, with separate international 214 authorizations held by Broadwing*‘ and Focal

      Beginning in April 2005, Broadwing undertook an internal corporate restructuring
whereby the operating authority, customers, and assets of each of the Focal operating entities
indicated in footnote one (1) would be transferred to Broadwing. This transaction was pro forma
anddid not result in any change in the actual controlling party of the operating entities holding
FCC licenses. The transaction occurred in a piecemeal fashion, with the customers and assets of
each operating entity being transferred to Broadwing at varying times. All aspects of the
transaction were completed by August 30, 2005."" As a result of the transaction, all of Focal‘s
former operating entities now offer services under the Broadwing name, and all of the Focal
operating entities listed in footnote one (1) were dissolved via corporate action.

         Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information.

                                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                                               Angela F. Collins

                                                               Counsel for Broadwing Communications,


+       Broadwing was formerly known as CIII Communications Operations, LLC (see File No. ITC—214—
¥       Attached to this letter are the slamming notifications filed by Broadwing regarding the transfer of
customers from the Focal operating entities to Broadwing.

    Attachment 1
Organizational Charts

(This chart reflects the relevant entities for the purpose of this transaction.)

              Broadwing Communications Corporation
                    ({/k/a Corvis Corporation)

      Broadwing                               Focal Communications
 Communications, LLC                               Corporation
                                            Focal Financial Services, Inc.

                                             Focal Telecommunications

                                               Focal Communications
                                            Corporationof: CA, CT, DC,
                                             FL, GA, IL, MA, MI, MN,
                                           Mid—Atlantic, NJ, NY, OH, PA,
                                                    TX, VA, WA

(This chart reflects the relevant entities for the purpose of this transaction.)

                 Broadwing Communications Corporation
                       ({/k/a/ Corvis Corporation)

                     Broadwing Communications, LLC

    Attachment 2
Slamming Notifications

MINTZ I_zEV_,[N                     Washington                                                           701
                                                                                                         P Pennsylvania
                                                                                                             ashi  f en Avenue, NW.
                                                                                                           ashingion,   D.C.. 20004
Commn FERRIS                        ;’”"; a                                 CEIVED                       202 434 7300
GLOVSKY ANnD maad                                               REC                                      k.
  e                                   ew     York                                        =1              202 434 7400fax

     T    at=
                                    Sns      Angeles
                                                                          APR — 5 2005          x

                                                                                                         Angela F. Collins
                                                           Federal Communications Commission
                                                                 ..       Office of Secratary  
                                                                      *                                  Direct dial 202 434 7394

                                                                          April 5, 2005


Marlene H. Dortch                                                                    ANAL
Secretary                                              m   t   (ECopY omiGIN
Federal Communications Cfommzmsa 6
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

         Re:     CC Docket No. 00—257 — Focal Communications Corporation of Georgia,
                 Focal Communications Corporation of Florida, and Broadwing
                 Communications, LLC Notification Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 64.1120

Dear Secretary Dortch:

         Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 64.1120(e)(1), Focal Communications Corporation of Georgia
("Focal—GA"), Focal Communications Corporation of Florida ("Focal—FL"), and Broadwing
Communications, LLC ("Broadwing") hereby notify the Commission of the pending transfer of
the assets and customers of Focal—GA and Focal—FL to Broadwing.

        Parties to the Transaction: Focal—GAand Focai—FL currently are wholly—owned
indirect subsidiaries of Broadwing, which was formerty known as Corvis Corporation. Focal—
GA and Focal—FL are subsidiaries of Focal Communications Corporation, also a wholly—owned
subsidiary of Broadwing. The Commission previously approved the transfer of control of Focal
Communications Corporation to Broadwing." ‘The pending transaction is an internal corporate
restructuring that does not result in a change of ultimate ownership or control.*"

         Types of Telecommunications Services Provided to Affected Subscribers: The
telecommunications services being provided to subscribers in Georgia and Florida include local,
long distance, and international voice and data services.

        Planned Date of Transfer: Subscribers in Georgia and Florida will be transferred no
later than the end of May 2005.

V        Transfer of the domestic 214 authorizations was approved on May 2, 2004 and transfer of the international
214 authorization was approved April 23, 2004.
¥        47 C.F.R. § 63.03(d).
                                                                                                    No. of Copies rec‘  '
                                                                                                    [ afRoples ree __O+4
WDC 362630v1


Page 2

        Certification of Compliance: Broadwing hereby certifies compliance with the
requirement to provide advanced subscriber notice in accordance with 47 C.F.R. § 64.1120(e)(3),
with the obligations specified in that notice, and with the other statutory and Commission
requirements that apply to this streamlined process.

       Copy of Notice Sent to Affected Subscribers: A copy of the notice to be sent to
Georgia and Florida subscribers is attached hereto. These subscribers will receive the notice on
or about April 7, 2005.

         An original and five (5) copies of this letter are enclosed. Please date stamp the
additional copy and return it to the waiting messenger. If you have any questions, please contact
the undersigned.

                                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                                  (bagts blint
                                                   Angela F. Collins
                                                   Counsel for Broadwing Communications, LLC


ge:      John Gockley, Broadwing

WDC 362630v1

Focal Communications Corporation of Georgia, Focal Communications Corporation of Florida, and Broadwing
Communications, LLC

                               Attachment 1

WDC 362630v1

Focal Communications Corporation of Georgia, Focal Communications Corporation of Florida, and Broadwing
Communications, LLC


         I, John C. Gockley, Vice President and Associate General Counsel of Broadwing

Communications, LLC, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the statements in the

foregoing filing are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

 hk                                                          g¢ _A
Dated:                                                       " tA      L   at    Z//
                                                             Ufi        C        4
                                                         John C. Gockley                    )
                                                          VP and Associate General Couhsel
                                                          Broadwing Communications, LLC

WDC 362630v 1

Focal Communications Corporation of Georgia, Focal Communications Corporation of Florida, and Broadwing
Communications, LLC

                          Attachment 2
                         Customer Notice

WDC 362630v1

                                            ras>        *—» FOC&AAL
April 2, 2005

Dear Valued Customer,

       We are pleased to inform you of somme exciting c       inges at Focal Communications.
Last September, Focal Communications was acquired |            Corvis Corporation (now known
as Broadwing Corporation}.        Broadwing Corporatic          is the parent company of
telecommunications services provider Broadwing C              imunications, LLC. Broadwing
Communications is a full—service, facilities—based provide    If data, voice and video services
for enterprises, carriers and government groups. Bi           dwing‘s focus is providing an
innovative communications solutions with unparalleled f«      is and speed.

       So what does this mean for you?

        As the next logical step in the acquisition proces:   "ocal is combining its operations
with its sister company, Broadwing Communications.            i a result, the services that you
currently receive from Focal will soon be provided by         roadwing. This transfer will be
completed and your services and billing will be provid          under the Broadwing name no
later than the end of May, 2005.

        We are confident that this combination will           ly strengthen the quality and
availability of service options that you receive from Fo«      today. Please be assured that
Broadwing has taken measures to ensure that this cha          e will occur smoothly and there
will be no interruption to the services you currently rec     ‘e. in fact, you should notice no
change at all since your service will continue to be prc      led over the same network and
facilities as today. You will not be charged any fees as :    asult of this transaction, and you
will receive service under the Broadwing name basec           n substantially the same rates,
terms, and conditions under which you currently rece          a service. Notice of any future
changes in the rates, terms, and conditions of your se        ices will be provided to you as
required under applicable law. There will be no chai          s with respect to any of your
preferred carrier freezes.

       We recognize that you have the right to change providers, subject to the terms and
conditions of any term agreements. We hope, however, that you choose to remain a
Broadwing customer and continue to enjoy the same high—quality telecommunications
services you currently receive from us. If you have questions about this notice, please call
your account representative or Focal‘s customer toll—free number at 1—888—362—2522.

       We appreciate your business.


Robert J. Walentynowicz Jr.
Vice President Network Services

     WDC 352387v1

Mmmtz LEvin                           #"
                                      ¥n    bt              .               .                Sa Srctais Arol
                                                                                                    ennsyivania   Avenge,   KK
                                      [Vamgkes                                               Washingion, D.C. 20004
COHN FERRKS                           fasiw
                                      Na: York
                                                                                             202 434 7300
                           ;      |                                                           202 434 7400 fax
GL( JVSKY AND                           Fraufor d                                  
PoreEo rpc
                                 g    . 08 An gele®

                                       [) :)C KETFIL:COPY:           C MPL                   Angela F. Collins
                                                                                             Direct dial 202 434 7394

                                                           May 2% , 2 )0:

By HAND                                                                         RECEIVED

Marlene |I. Dortch                                                              MAY 2 7 2005
Secretary                                                                                              .
Federal Communications Com ni;ision                    .         .       J ederal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                                                              Office of Secrt tory
Washington, DC 20554

         Re:      CC Do cngo 0( —2:57 ; Focal Comtr imic itions Corporatio a and
                        Wfi@,mim rmne itions, LLC Noi ifi ation, Pursuant to 4"" C.F.R. §

Dear Secretary Dortch:

       Piuirsuant to 47 C.F.F.. § 64.112( (e)(1), Focal Coi an unications Corpor: tien of New York
("Focal—NY"), Focal Coramun‘ caions | Jorporatiot 0 N :sw Jersey ("Focal—NJ‘), Focal
Communications Corporation of P‘enns AIvania ("Focal—I A‘ ), Focal Communications
Corporation of the Mid—Atlentis (‘Foca —Mid A lantic"), Communicatio is Corporatior. of
Virginia ("Focal—VA"), Focal Coraimun cations Corporaio: of Massachusetts (“I‘ocal—MA"),
and Broadwing Communicatio1s, LLC ("Broad wing‘") b sreby notify the Comnission ofthe
pending transfer of the assets a 1d custoners of ‘ocal—N" ", Focal—NJ, Focal—PA, Focal—Mid
Atlantic, Focal—VA, and Focal— MA to FE roadwing.

       Parties to the Transaction: Focal—NY, Focal—NJ, Focal—PA, Focal—Mid Atlantic, Focal—
VA, and Focal—MA cutrently are wholly—owned indirect subsidiaries of Broadwing, which was
formerly known as Corvis Corporation. Focal—NY, Focal—NJ, Focal—PA, Focal—Mid Atlantic,
Focal—VA, and Focal—MA are subsidiaries of Focal Communications Corporation, also a wholly—
owned subsidiary of Broadwing. The Commissionprekusly approved the transfer of control of
Focal Communications Corporation to Broadwing." The pending transaction is an mternal
corporate restructuring that does not result in a change of ultimate ownership or control."‘

&        Transfer of the domestic 214 authorizations was approved on May 2, 2004 and transfer of the international
214 authorization was approved April 23, 2004.
*        47 C.F.R. § 63.03(d).

WDC 365541vl


. Page 2

           Types of TelecommunicationsServices Provided to Affected Subscribes: Tlie
  telecommunications services being provided to subscribers in New York, Nev: Jersey,
  Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware, Virginia, and Massiachusett: include
  local, long distance, and international voice and data services.

           Planned Date of Transfer: Subscribers in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvsni:,
  Maxyland District of Columbia, Delaware, Virginia, and Massachusetts will e transf st »d no
  later than June 30, 2005.

        Certification of Compliance: Broadwinghereby certifies compliance with the
 requirement to provide advanced subscriber notice in accordance with 47 C.F.R. § 64.1120(e)(3),
 with the obligations specified in that notice, and with the other statutory and Commissio1
 requirements that apply to this streamlined process.

           Copy of Notice Sent to Affected Subscribers: A copy of the notice to be sent! to New
 York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, ‘Delaware, Virginia and
 Massachusetts subscribers is attached hereto. The notice was sent on May 27. 2005.

           An original and five(5) copies of this letter are enclosed. Please date stamp the
 additional copy and return it to the waiting messenger. If you have any questions, pleise contact
 the undersigned.

                                                    FRespectfully submitted,

                                                     (lugle bitng
                                                    Angela F. Collins
                                                    Counsel for Broadwing Communication s, LLC


 cc:       John Gockley, Broadwing

 WDC 365541 v1

  Focal Communications and Broadwing Communications. LLC
                              Attachment 1
WDC 365541v1

            Focal Communications and Broadwing Communications LLC

                    I, John C. Gockley, Vice President and Associate General Counsel of Broadwing

            Communications, LLC, hereby certify under penalty of perjfury that the statements in the

            foregoing filing are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

            4i k.                                                     $Cmd
                                                                    JobA C. Gockley
                                                                    VP and Associate General Counse]
                                                                    Broadwing Communications, LLC


.. Focal Communications and Broadwing Communications LLC

                       _    Attachment :
                           Customer Notice

WDC 365541v1

                                                                 5y.. «i . f

         May 27, 2005

         Dear V;alued Custorner,

               We are pleased to ir fo      m yc u of some exe ting :       inge: a: Focal Communications.
         Last September, Focal C orim       unic; tions was a qtirod         C in is Corpor ition (noaw known
         as Broacdwing Corporition)            Broadwing Corg or ith          i: ths parent coripany of
         telscommunications services          provider Broadwing C          iur ur ications, LLC. DBroacwing
         Communications is ia fulk se rvi   :e, fe cilities—hased| p 0 id   If la a, voice and vide j services
         for enterprises, camriers and govamment (reurps. B                 dving‘s focus is previding an
         innovative communicatio is so utior s with ung ar allole 1 f       is an d sipeed.

                 So what does this near for y ou?

                As the next logica step in th s acquisiti n pr oc ss:       ‘ocal is combir iny its operations
         with its sister company, Broa Iwing Commut ications;.              ie result, the service that you
         currently receive from Fpcial will s3on be provide d by            ‘oid virg. This transter will be
         completed and your senices and oilling viill be gro /d              uider the Breadwing name no
        . later than the end of June , 20C 5.

                We are confiden: tha: this; combinution w                   ly sreigthen the qtality and
         availability of service opt ors hat y ou recaeiv: on "ol            tc1¢gy. Please be iassiured that
         Broadwing has taken me asuras to ensurethat this che               e vil occur sniouthly and there
         will be no interruption to this s ervicss you curentiy |ec         e. In fact, you should notice no
         change at all since your service w II contirue to ke orc           lecl cver the siime 1e work and
         facilities as today. You w II not be crarged ansfsesis ;           isiIt of this transict or , and you
         will receive service under the BEroidwing nem :s Davec             n susiantially the same rates,
         terms, and conditions uider whicy you curently r:o                 > uelvice. Notize o‘ iny future
         changes in the rates, terms., ind conditions of ycur s             ces will be provided 0 you as
         required under applicable lavr. Thare will bs 10 ciai              s w th respec: t> an; of your
         preferred carrier freezes.

                We recognize that you have the right to change providers, subject to the terms and
         conditions of any term agreements. We hope, however, that you choose to remain a
         Broadwing customer and continue to enjoy the same high—quality telecommunications
         services you currently receive from us. If you have questions about this notice, please call
         your account representative or Focal‘s customer toll—free number at 1—888—362—2522.

                We appreciate your business.


         Robert J, Walentynowicz Jr.
         Vice President Network Services


      Mmtz LEvin |
                                                                                                            701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.

                                                                     pgog [cu                               miaii m ©

      CoHNFE       &,
             RRK |12e                     I        Brites

                                                                                                            Wd.f/)lf{ql:?[, D C. 20004

                                                                                                            202 434 7400fax
      GLOVSKY anp

                                              ’l   Stamford                                        

      PorEO Pc                                | $ss                     5
      6           >                                Los Angeles           Hour    2   71105

                                                                 sederal Communic    is Commi                dAngals F. Cniiins
                                                                         3           stiry                     e en
                                                                                                             Direct dial 202 434 7394

                                                                        July 3(      :005

          By HaANDp

          Marlene H. Dortch                                                     od   B msC‘goy OnIAlis
          Secretary                                                              4   +
          Federal Communications Commission
          445 12th Street, SW
          Washington, DC 20554

                  Re:      CC Docket No. 00—257 — Focal Commu                        cations Corporation and
                           Broadwing Communications, LLC Ne                          ication Pursuant to 47 C.EF.R. §

          Dear Secretary Dortch:

                  Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 64.1120(e)(1), Focal C¢                    nunications Corporation of California
          {"Focal—CA"), Focal Communications Corporation of €                        necticut ("Focal—CT"), Focal
          Communications Corporation of Illinois ("Focal—IL"), 1                     al Communications Corporation of
          Michigan ("Focal—MI"), Focal Communications Corpor                         on of Minnesota ("Focal—MN"), Focal
          Communications Corporation of Ohio ("Focal—OH"), F_—                       i1 Communications Corporation of
          Texas ("Focal—TX"), Focal Communications Corporatic                        of Washington ("Focal—WA"), and
          Broadwing Communications, LLC ("Broadwing") here                           notify the Commission of the pending
          transfer of the assets and customers of Focal—CA, Focal                    T, Focal—IL, Focal—MI, Focal—MN,
          Focal—OH, Focal—TX, and Focal—WA to Broadwing.

                 Parties to the Transaction: Focal—CA, Focal—CT, Focal—IL, Focal—MI, Focal—MN,
          Focal—OH, Focal—TX, and Focal—WA currently are wholly—owned indirect subsidiaries of
          Broadwing, which was formerly known as Corvis Corporation. Focal—CA, Focal—CT, Focal—IL,
          Focal—MI, Focal—MN, Focal—OH, Focal—TX, and Focal—WA are subsidiaries of Focal
          Communications Corporation, also a wholly—owned subsidiary of Broadwing. The Commission
          previously approved the transfer of control of Focal Communications Corporation to
          Broadwing." The pending transaction is an 1nternal corporate restructuring that does not result
          in a change of ultimate ownership or control."‘

          Y       Transfer of the domestic 214 authorizations was approved on May 2, 2004 and transfer of the international
          214 authorization was approved April 23, 2004.
          4       47 C.F.R. § 63.03(d).                                                         H§ et 6:
                                                                                                             atiss reo;_OQcbQ‘..‘_M_w
          wWDC 372421 vi                                                                        MTrmmmmenamnnitnstinnmmatizniiny.,



Page 2

         Types of Telecommunications Services Provided to Affected Subscribers: The
telecommunications services being provided to subscribers in California, Connecticut, Illinois,
Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Texas, and Washington include local, long distance, and
international voice and data services.

         Planned Date of Transfer: Subscribers in California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana,
Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Texas, and Washington will be transferred no later than August 30,

       Certification of Compliance: Broadwing hereby certifies compliance with the
requirement to provide advanced subscriber notice in accordance with 47 C.F.R. § 64.1120(e)(3),
with the obligations specified in that notice, and with the other statutory and Commission
requirements that apply to this streamlined process.

        Copy of Notice Sent to Affected Subscribers: A copy of the notice to be sent to
California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Texas, and Washington
subscribers is attached hereto. The notice was sent to subscribers in California, HIlinois, Indiana,
Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Texas, and Washington on July 20, 2005, and to subscribers in
Connecticut on July 28, 2005.

         An original and five (5) copies of this letter are enclosed. Please date stamp the
additional copy and return it to the waiting messenger. If you have any questions, please contact
the undersigned.

                                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                                                      4 1.   35   C

                                                   Angela F. Collins
                                                   Counsel for Broadwing Communications, LLC


cc:      John Gockley, Broadwing

wWDC 372421v1

Focal Communications and Broadwing Communications, LLC
                            Attachment 1
WDC 37242 1v1

Focal Communications and Broadwing Communications LLC

         1, John C. Gockley, Vice President and Associate General Counsel of Broadwing

Communications, LLC, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the statements in the

foregoing filing are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated:        f                                              *     09    e     A2

Pn                                                         4 :          __*peel{ .
                                                        John C. Gockley —
                                                        VP and Associate General Counsel
                                                        Broadwing Communications, LLC

Focal Communications and Broadwing Communications LLC
                        Attachment 2
                       Customer Notice
WDC 37242 1v1

July 14, 2005

Dear Valued Customer,

       We are pleased to inform y      of some exciting changes at Focal Communications.
Last September, Focal was acqu         d by Corvis Corporation {now known as Broadwing
Corporation). Broadwing Corpor:        n is the parent company of telecommunications
services provider Broadwing Com        imications, LLC. Broadwing Communications is a full—
service, facilities—based provider o   ata, voice and video services for enterprises, carriers
and government groups. Broadw          |‘s focus is providing an innovative communications
solutions with unparalleled focus a    speed.                                         '

       So what does this mean for      u?

       As the next step in the acqu    tion process, Focal is combining its operations with its
sister company, Broadwing Comi         rications. As a result, the services that you currently
receive from Focal will soon be pr     ided by Broadwing. This transfer will be finished and
your services and billing will be pr   ded under the Broadwing name no laterthan the end
of August, 2005.

       We are confident that this c    abination will strengthen the quality and availability of
service options that you receive frc    Focal today. Please be assured that Broadwing has
taken measures to ensure that t        ; change will occur smoothly and there will be no
interruption to the services you cul   ntly receive. You should notice no change at all since
your service will continue to be pro   led over the same network and facilities as today. You
will not be charged any fees as a      sult of this merger, and you will receive service under
the Broadwing name based on su         tantially the samerates, terms, and conditions under
which you currently receive servic     Notice of any future changes in the rates, terms, and
conditions of your services will be    wvided to you as required under applicable law. There
will be no changes with respect to :   y of your preferredcarrier freezes.

       We recognize that you have 1e right to change providers, subject to the terms and
conditions of any term agreemen        We hope, however, that you choose to remain a
Broadwing customer and continue to enjoy the same high—quality telecormmunications
services you currently receive from us. If you have questions about this notice, please call
your account representative or Focal‘s customer toll—free number at 1—888—362—2522. We
appreciate your business.


Robert J. Walentynowicz Jr.
Vice President Network Services

Document Created: 2019-05-24 05:49:05
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 05:49:05

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