Attachment Information

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20050804-00305 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                    555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
                                                                    Washington, D.C. 200041504
                                                                    Tel: (202) 637—2200 Fax: (202) 637—2201

                                                                    FIRM / AFFILIATE OFFICES
LATHAMsWATKINSu                                                     Boston           New York
                                                                    Brussels         Northern Virginia
                                      S“?A%fi p                      Chicago          Orange County
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   August 23, 2005                   gfi?i{j%fi                       Hong Kong        San Francisco
                                                 —                  London           Shanghal
                                              g ES g ; vE S         Los Angeltes     Silicon Valley
                                                                    Milan            Singapore
   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                            Moscow           Tokyo
   Secretary                                     AUG 2 3 2005       NewJersey        Washington, D.C.
   Federal Communications Commission .edere! Communteatio       .
   445 12" Street, SW                            Othce ofSecromey
   Washington, DC 20554

           Re:    Conmtel Telcom Assets LP, Comtel Virginia LLC, VarTec Telecom, Inc.,
                  Excel Telecommunications, Inc. and VarTec Solutions, Inc., Joint
                  International and Domestic Application for Consent to Transfer of Assets
                  and Assignment of Authorization

                  WC Docket No. 05—260; File Nos. ITC—ASG—20050804—00305; ITC—ASG—
                  20050804—00306; ITC—ASG—20050805—00307

                  Submission ofAdditional Information in Accordance with Section 1.65 ofthe
                  Commission‘s Rules

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

           On August 4, 2005, the Applicants filed the above captioned Joint International and
   Domestic Application for Authority pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934,
   as amended (the "Act"). Although the facts submitted in the Application remain true and
   correct, in order to update the record pursuant to Section 1.65 of the Commission‘s rules, Comtel
   Telcom Assets LP and Comtel Virginia LLC (collectively, "Comtel") provide the following

           Subsequent to the Applicants filing the above referenced Application, Mercantel
   Communications, L.P. ("Mercantel"), an affiliate of Comtel, submitted an application to provide
   international telecommunications services under Section 214 of the Act, which is currently
   pending.‘ Mercantel currently has no telecommunications services customers.

         As explained in Mercantel‘s application, Mercantel is 2% owned by its general partner,
   Mercomm Management LLC ("Mercomm"), a Texas limited liability company, which in turn is
   85% owned by Comtel Investments LLC ("Comtel Investments"), a Delaware limited liability

   \ Streamlined International Section 214 Application Acceptedfor Fiiling, Public Notice, File No.
     ITC—214—20050809—00311 (rel. Aug. 12, 2005)


     August 22, 2005
     Page 2

     company. In addition to its indirect interest in Mercantel, Comtel Investments also holds a direct
     83.3% limited partnership interest in Mercantel. Comtel Investments is 100% owned by Sowood
     Commodity Partners Fund III LP ("Sowood Fund IMI"), a Delaware limited partnership. Thus,
     Mercantel and Comtel are affiliates due to Sowood Fund III‘s substantial indirect equity interests
     in each company.2

               If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (202) 637—2200.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                              _ i)A
                                                      ffrey A. Marks
                                                    Jessica W. Hafer*

                                                    Counselfor Comtel Telcom Assets LP and Comtel
                                                    Virginia LLC

                                                    *Licensed to Practice Law in Maryland only

     ce:       Jodi Cooper, International Bureau
               Renee Crittendon, Wireline Competition Bureau
               Tracey Wilson Parker, Wireline Competition Bureau

     2 Despite their similar names, Comtel Investments does not have an ownership interest in


Document Created: 2019-04-15 01:42:57
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 01:42:57

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