10 13 09 Eastern Kan

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Eastern Kansas Holdings, Inc.

10 13 09 Eastern Kansas App Supp


This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20050405-00140 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                  WoOoOps             AITKEN                              LINCOLN OFFICE
                                                                                                                  Sutre 500
                                                           Lo&    L       P                           301 SoutH 1378 Steeet
                                                                                               Lmcorn, NEBRASKA 68508—2578
                                                             SUITE 200                               TELEPHONE 402—437—8500
                                                     2154 WISCONSIN AVENUE, NW                             Fax 402—437—8558
                                                       WasHnGTon, D.C. 20007
                                                       TELEPHONE 202—944—9500
                                                                                                           OMAHA OFFICE
                                                          FAX 202—944—9501                                        Surre 525
                                                                                                       10250 Reaency Circrr
                                                          wow.woodsaitken.com                   OmaRA, NEBRASKA 681 14—3754
 THOMAS J. MOORMAN                                                                                   TELEPHONE 402—898—7400
                                                                                                           FAx 402—898—7401
 Direct Dial; 202—944—9502
 E—Mail: tmoorman@woodsaitken.com
 Admitted to practice only in the District of

                                                         October 13, 2009


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street SW, Room TW—B204
Washington, DC 20554

                      Re:         Supplement to Eastern Kansas Holdings, Inc., International Section 214 Assignment
                                  Application, Granted June 10, 2005 (ITC—AS$G—20050405—00140) Of Original Grant,
                                  File No. International 214 Authority — ITC—214—20000310—00140

Dear Ms. Dortch,

         Attached please find a supplement to the application noted above. Please direct any inquiries
concerning this matter to the undersigned.

                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                       Alagu?            Rtttttisy
                                                      Thomas J. Moorman


                              Supplement to Eastern Kansas Holdings, Inc.
                      International Section 214 Assignment Application
                    Granted June 10, 2005 (ITC—ASG—20050405—00140) of
       Original Grant, File No. International 214 Authority — ITC—214—20000310—00140

                                                    Page 1 of 2

         This supplement is being filed to correct certain ownership information regarding the
authorization holder, Eastern Kansas Holdings, Inc. (‘Eastern Kansas”).1

         After the grant of the initial assignment application to Eastern Kansas, the ultimate
owners of Eastern Kansas, American Broadband Communications, LLC ("American
Broadband") and Signal Equity Partners II, L.P. ("Signal") formed American Broadband
Acquisition Corporation ("ABAC") on June 9, 2005 and ABB Holdco, Inc. ("Holdco") on June
16,2005. American Broadband and Signal formed ABAC and Holdco in order to create the
corporate structure for the acquisition of Eastern Kansas and other planned acquisitions.

         Prior to the consummation of the transaction associated with Eastern Kansas, on June 17,
2005, Eastern Kansas became a wholly owned subsidiary of ABAC, a U.S. corporation
organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina. ABAC, in turn, is 100% owned by
ABB Holdco, Inc. ("Holdeo"), a U.S. corporation organized under the laws of the State of
Delaware. The 10% or greater shareholders of Holdco are American Broadband
Communications, LLC ("American Broadband") (49%) (a U.S. limited liability company
organized under the laws of the State of Delaware) and Signal Equity Partners II, LP. ("Signal")
(27%) (a U.S. limited partnership organized under the laws of the State of Delaware) 2

         As discussed below, the omission of not providing apro forma notification of the
corporate hierarchy of Eastern Kansas did not affect its reported ultimate ownership. Rather, the
introduction of Holdco and ABAC introduced two intermediate corporate entities that are
successive, wholly owned subsidiaries respectively of the ultimate owners of Eastern Kansas,
American Broadband and Signal. As such, Eastern Kansas submits that the transfer was pro
\forma in that it was part of a "transfer from a corporation to wholly—owned direct or indirect
 subsidiary thereof or vice versa. . . ." 47 C.F.R. §63.24(d) Note 2. Moreover, the omission of
the existence of Holdco and ABAC did not change the ultimate control of Eastern Kansas that
continued to reside in Signal as explained below

        As of June 11, 2007 and with respect to American Broadband, Patrick L. Eudy, a U.S.
citizen and telecommunications executive, is the only member of American Broadband with
successive multiplied interests of 10% or greater of the equity ownership in Eastern Kansas.

‘ As noted in the July 17, 2009 proforma assignment application, Eastern Kansas was merged into American
Broadband Acquisition Corporation on December 31, 2008.
* Signal also holds non—voting, preferred stock in Holdco.

                         Supplement to Eastern Kansas Holdings, Inc.
                     International Section 214 Assignment Application
                   Granted June 10, 2005 (ITC—ASG—20050405—00140) of
      Original Grant, File No. International 214 Authority — ITC—214—20000310—00140

                                           Page 2 of 2

        The only entity in Signal with successive multiplied interests of 10% or greater in Eastern
Kansas is Garden House, LLC (a U.S limited liability company organized under the laws of the
State of Delaware and whose principal business is investment), which owns a 58.9% limited
partnership in Signal. Garden House, LLC, in turn, is owned 95% by Eliot Nolen, a U.S. citizen
and investor. At the same time, however, Signal‘s operations are controlled by its General
Partner, Signal Equity Advisors, II, LLC ("SEA IF). SEA—II owns a 2.94 percent interest in
Signal. SEA—II owners of 10% or greater are each citizens of the United States and are Timothy
P. Bradley (22.3%); Alfred J. Puchala, Jr. (22.3%); Christopher Nolen (19.6%); Malcom C.
Nolen (19.6%) and Charles T. Lake II (11.2%).

       Finally, and with respect to Eastern Kansas, Signal seeks to update the ownership
percentage it has in Holdco. Signal notes that in the original application of Eastern Kansas it was
reported that Signal owned 51% of the ultimate ownership in Eastern Kansas. In fact, Signal‘s
interest was and is 27% as reported herein. However, Eastern Kansas and Signal respectfully
submit that the incorrectly stated percentage of Holdco that Signal owns was immaterial to the
ultimate control of Eastern Kansas as that control remained in Signal. Specifically, Signal
remained able to designate and has designated the majority of the Board of Directors of Holdco
which, in turn, allowed Signal to designate those individuals that oversaw the day—to—day
operations of Eastern Kansas.


       I, Greg Killpack, President of American Broadband Acquisition Corporation (the
"Company"), do hereby declare under penalties ofperjury that I have read the foregoing
supplement, andthe information contained therein regarding the Company and its affiliates is
true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belicf.

                                                            Date: 74

Document Created: 2009-10-13 16:28:07
Document Modified: 2009-10-13 16:28:07

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