Attachment Amendment

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-20050315-00278 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                   KELLEY DRYE & WARREN uce                                              NUIWYIS MOY
                                               a Limmco Liamiuire partncnsii®

                                             1200 19T" STREET, N.W.

   new york, wy                                      suiTE 500                                                     racsimice
Tysons comner, va                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036                                               (202) ass—a702
   chicaso, iL                                             ——                                     
  stamromp, cr                                      (202) sss—2e00
  parsippany, NJ
                                                                                                          DiRECT LINE    (202) as5—9560

enusseus, eecoium                                                                                        EMAIL:

  arriiate orrices
   mumeai, intia

                                                   July 25, 2005                        JUL 2 5 2005
                                                                                Federal Communication,       ;
                                                                                        Office of sm;?;mmission
     By Hanp DELIVERY

     Marlene Dortch
     Federal Communications Commission
     The Portals
     445 12th Street, S.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20554

                     Re:    Amendment to Notification pursuant to Section 63.21(h) of the
                            Commission‘s Rules of Provision of International Service Through

                            Amendment to Notification pursuant to Section 63.24 (f) of the
                            Commission‘s Rules of a Pro Forma Transaction;

                            NuVox, Inc. — ITC—214—19990323—00165

     Attention: International Bureau

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

                     On March 15, 2005, NuVox, Inc. ("NuVox"), by its attorneys, hereby notified
     ("March 15, 2005 Notice")the Commission that its wholly—owned subsidiary, NuVox
     Communications, Inc. £/k/a NewSouth Holdings, Inc. ("NuVox Communications"), a Delaware
     corporation, has begun providing service under NuVox‘s 214 authorization referenced above
     (1TC—214—19990323—00165). For the Commission‘s convenience, NuVox has appended hereto a
     copy of the March 15, 2005 Notice.


Marlene Dortch
March 15, 2005
Page 2

                NuVox wishes to amend the March 15, 2005 Notice to include the correct
International 214 File Number of NewSouth Communications, Corp. It has come to our
attention that the incorrect number was given in the March 15, 2005 Notice. The correct number
should be ITC—214—19980310—00178, which was the number given by the Commission as a
replacement to NewSouth Communications Corp.‘s initial number, 98—206. Accordingly,
NuVox wishes to surrender the international Section 214 authorizations held by NuVox
Communications, Inc., the South Carolina corporation (ITC—214—19991119—00742), and
NewSouth Communications Corp., the Delaware corporation (ITC—214—19980310—00178). All
other information and requests for action contained in the previously filed March 15, 2005
Notice remain the same.

              Enclosed please find five (5) copies of this letter, a duplicate copy, and an extra
copy marked "KDW Stamp—In" to be date—stamped and returned to us in the envelope provided.
Should you have any questions with respectto this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the

                                                 Respectfully submitted,
                                                                  2bt [iarsloel«
                                                 Katherine E. Barker Marshall

ce:      Susan O‘Connell, 1B
         Jo Ann Ekblad, IB
         Teri Natoli, Wireline
         Riley Murphy, NuVox


                                        KELLEY DRYE & WARREN uur
                                                 a tomitco ciagitiye parthensine

                                               1200 9T STREET, N.w.

.     new york, ny                                     SuiTE 500                                     racsimice
    Tysons connen, va                         waASHINGTON, D.C. 20036                             t202) sss—or02
       cHicaso, i.                                                                    
      sTaMFORD, CT                                    (202) s55—2600

                                                                                              DIRECT LINE: (202) 955—9587

    smusseus, BELGILOM                                                                        EMAIL:

  arriciate orrices
Vakanta, iNDoNESiA
   TokYo, Jaran

                                                   March 15, 2005

         By HanD DELIVERY

         Marlene Dortch
         Federal Communications Commission
         The Portals
         445 12th Street, S.W.
‘        Washington, D.C. 20554

                          Re:    Notification pursuant to Section 63.21(h) of the Commission‘s Rules of
                                 Provision of International Service Through Subsidiaries;

                                 Notification pursuant to Section 63.24 (f) of the Commission‘s Rules of a
                                 Pro Forma Transaction;

                                 NuVox, Inc. —ITC—214—19990323—00165

        Attention: International Bureau

         Dear Ms. Dortch:

                      NuVox, Inc. ("NuVox"), by its attorneys, hereby notifies the Commission that its
         wholly—owned subsidiary, NuVox Communications, Inc. f/k/a NewSouth Holdings, Inc.
         ("NuVox Communications"), a Delaware corporation, has begun providing service under
        NuVox‘s 214 authorization referenced above (ITC—214—19990323—00165). For the
         Commission‘s convenience, NuVox has appended hereto Aftachment A which lists all the
         subsidiaries of Nuvox that currently are operating pursuant to its international 214 authorization,
         as permitted by Section 63.21(h) of the Commission‘s Rules.

        DCQO1/CONWM/230668. 1

                              KELLEY DRYE & WARREN ucp

Marlene Dortch
March 15, 2005
Page 2

               By way of background, as part of an internal corporate reorganization, two of
NuVox‘s subsidiaries, NuVox Communications, Inc., a South Carolina corporation, and
NewSouth Communications Corp., a Delaware corporation, were merged into NuVox
Communications as part of a reorganization that has been consummated. All of the customers
and operations of these two subsidiaries were transferred to NuVox Communications which now
provides telecommunications services to their former customers. NuVox notified the
Commission of the transfer of subscribers to NuVox Communications pursuant to 47 C.F.R.
Section 64.1120 in CC Docket No. 00—257 on October 28, 2004. NuVox hereby notifies the
Commission, pursuant to Section 63.24(f) of the Commission‘s Rules, of the pro forma transfer
of customers from NuVox Communications, Inc., the South Carolina corporation, and NewSouth
Communications Corp., the Delaware corporation, to NuVox Communications, Inc., the
Delaware corporation, f/k/a NewSouth Holdings, Inc. Each of these entities is a wholly owned
subsidiary of NuVox. Thus, because the transfer of customers is among affiliated companies
ultimately owned by the same parent, NuVox, the transfer is pro forma in nature.

               Since NuVox Communications, Inc., the South Carolina corporation (ITC—214—
19991119—00742), and NewSouth Communications Corp., the Delaware corporation (ITC—ASG—
19980929—00708), no longer exist, NuVox also notifies the Commission of the surrender of their
international Section 214 authorizations. Various other subsidiaries of NuVox listed on
Attachment A maintained their state authorizations and continue to operate as prior to the
reorganization. These subsidiaries that are not affected by the reorganization, together with
NuVox Communications, will all operate pursuant to Nuvox, Inc.‘s Section 214 authorization
referenced above.

               In accordance with Section 63.24(f) of the Commission‘s Rules, NuVox provides
the following information:

               (i)     The information requested in paragraphs (a) through (d) and (h) of§63.18
                      for the transferee/assignee:

               (a)    The address and telephone number of NuVox Communications, Inc. is:

                      Two North Main Street
                      Greenville, South Carolina 29601

               (b)    NuVox Communications is organized under the laws of Delaware.


                                  KELLEY DRYE & WARREN icp

.   Marlene Dortch
    March 15, 2005
    Page 3

                    (c)   Correspondence concerning this notice should be sent to counsel:

                          Melissa S. Conway
                          KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP
                          1200 19" Street, N.W., Suite 500
                          Washington, D.C. 20036

                    (d)   NuVox Communications has not previously received authority under
                          Section 214 to provide any type of international service.

                    (b)   NuVox Communications is a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of Gabriel
                          Communications Finance Company ("Gabriel"), a Delaware corporation,
                          located at Two North Main Street, Greenville, South Carolina 29601.
                          Gabriel is a holding company and a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of
                          NuVox, Inc., a privately—held Delaware corporation, located at Two North
                          Main Street, Greenville, South Carolina 29601. Through the operations of
                          its subsidiaries, NuVox, Inc. is a facilities—based integrated
                          communications provider of voice and data telecommunications services
                          to business customers.

                          The following entities hold 10% or more of the total outstanding stock of
                          NuVox, Inc.:

                          NSHLI. NSHI Ventures LLC ("Ventures") is a Delaware limited lability
                          company that holds 17.6 percent of the voting and equity interests in
                          NuVox. Ventures has no other business interests. Ventures‘ address is c/o
                          Kohiberg Kravis Roberts & Co. LP., 2800 Sand Hill Road, Suite 200
                          Menio Park, CA 94025. Ventures‘ managing member and 98 percent
                          owner is KKR 1996 Fund L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Fund
                          L.P."), located at 9 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019. This is an
                          investment fund with the two largest limited partnership interests of
                          approximately 13 percent each being held by two state retirement funds.
                          The sole general partner of Fund L.P. is KKR Associates 1996 L.P., a
                          Delaware limited partnership ("Associates L.P.") The sole general partner
                          of Associates L.P. is KKR 1996 GP LLC, a Delaware limited liability
                          company, whose managers are Henry R. Kravis and George R. Roberts.
                          The address of each of the above—mentioned individuals and entities other
                          than Ventures is 9 West 57" Street, New York, NY 10019, and the
                          principal business of each of the above—mentioned entities and individuals


                                 KELLEY DRYE & WARREN uce

.   Marlene Dortch
    March 15, 2005
    Page 4

                         is investment. No other partner, general or limited, holds a 10 percent or
                         greater interest in Fund L.P. All of the above entities are affiliated with
                         Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. (°KKR"), a private investment firm
                         that makes equity investments through various entities for itself and its
                         shareholders. For additional information about KKR, please see its
                         website at

                         Wachovia. Wachovia Corporation ("Wachovia"), a corporation
                         formed under the laws of the state of North Carolina, holds 11.6
                         percent of the voting and equity interests in NuVox. Wachovia is a
                         multi—bank holding company whose address is One Wachovia
                         Center, 301 South College Street, Charlotte, NC 28288—0732.
                         Wachovia holds these interests through eight (8) direct or indirect
                         subsidiaries, all of whom are owned and ultimately controlled by
                         Wachovia: Wachovia Capital Partners, Inc. (WCP") (4.62
                         percent); Wachovia Capital Investments, Inc. ("WCI") (.01
.                        percent); Wachovia Bank, National Association ("WBNA") (.56
                         percent); Wachovia Capital Partners 1998—11, LLC f/k/a First
                         Union Merchant Banking 1998—II, LLC ("WCP 1998") (.03
                         percent); Wachovia Capital Partners 1999—II, LLC f/k/a First
                         Union Merchant Banking 1999—II, LLC ("WCP 1999") (.07
                         percent); Wachovia Capital Partners 2001, LLC ("WCP 2001")
                         (.03 percent); Wachovia Capital Partners 2002, LLC ("WCP
                         2002") (.34 percent); and Wachovia Capital Partners 2003 ("WCP
                         2003") (5.88 percent). WCI is a Georgia corporation; WBNA is a
                         national banking association (U.S.); WCP is a Virginia
                         corporation; and WCP 2001, WCP 2002, WCP 2003, WCP 1998,
                         and WCP 1999 are all North Carolina limited liability companies.
                         The principal business of WBNA is banking; the principal business
                         of the remaining subsidiaries is investment. The address ofall
                         subsidiaries is the same as Wachovia. There are no 10 percent or
                         greater shareholders of Wachovia.

                         M/C Partners. M/C Venture Partners V, LP. ("MC Partners") is a Delaware
                         limited partnership. Its address is 75 State Street, Suite 2500, Boston, MA
                         02109. Two state retirement funds hold a 12.2 percent and 11.8 percent
                         interest respectively in MC Partners. MC Partners is controlled by its
                         general partner, M/C VP V, LL.C., a Massachusetts limited Hability
                         company located at the same address as MC Partners. The managers of MW/C


                                      KELLEY DRYE & WARREN ie

.   Marlene Dortch
    March 15, 2005
    Page 5

                            VP V, L.L.C. are James F. Wade, David D. Croll, Peter H.O. Claudy, John
                            W. Watkins, John Van Hooser, John P. Ward, and Matthew J. Rubins. MC
                            affiliates invested in NewSouth include Chestnut Venture Partners, L.P.
                            ("Chestnut") and M/C Venture Investors L.L.C., both located at the same
                            address as MC Partners. Chestnut is a Delaware limited partnership
                            controlled by its general partner, Chestnut Street Partners, Inc., whose
                            President and sole shareholder is David D. Croll. M/C Venture Investors is
                            controlled by its managers: James F. Wade, David D. Croll, Peter H.O.
                            Claudy, and Matthew J. Rubins. All of the above—mentioned individuals are
                            U.S. citizens. The principal business of each of the above—mentioned
                            individuals and entities is investment, and the address of each is 75 State
                            Street, Suite 2500, Baston, MA 02109. MC Partners and its affiliates hold
                            10.1 percent of the voting and equity interests in NuVox.

                            No other shareholders hold 10 percent or more of the voting and equity
                            interests in NuVox. There are no interlocking directorates with foreign
.                .          catier.

                            (i1)      A certification that the transfer of control or assignment was pro
                           \forma and that, together with all previous proforma transactions, does
                            not result in a change in the actual controlling party.

                            Please see Attachment B.
                  Enclosed please find five (5) copies of this letter, a duplicate copy, and an extra
    copy marked "KDW Stamp—In" to be date—stamped and returned to us in the envelope provided.
    Should you have any questions with respect to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the

                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                       Melissa S. Conway

    ce:      Susan O‘Connell, 1B
             Teri Natoli, Wireline
             Riley Murphy, NuVox


                                         Attachment A

    The following wholly—owned subsidiaries of NuVox, Inc. provide service pursuant to
                     NuVox, Inc.‘s international Section 214 authorization:

                            Company                             Place of Legal
NuVox Communications, Inc. fka NewSouth Holdings, Inc.          Delaware
NuVox Communications of Arkansas, Inc.                          Delaware
NuVox Communications ofHlinois, Inc.                            Delaware
NuVox Communications of Indiana, Inc.                           Delaware
NuVox Communications of Kansas, Inc.                            Delaware
NuVox Communications of Missouri, Inc.                          Delaware
NuVox Communications of Ohio, Inc.                              Delaware
NuVox Communication of Oklahoma, Inc.                           Delaware
NewSouth Communications of Virginia, Inc.                       Virginia



             The undersigned hereby certifies, with respect to the foregoing notification of the pro

     forma transfer of customers to NuVox Communications, Inc., that the transfer was pro forma as

     described in Section 63.24(a) of the Commission‘s Rules and thatthis transfer, together with all

     previous pro forma transactions, does not result in a change of the carrier‘s ultimate control.

                                           Riley M. Murphy
                                           Executive Vice Presi      , General Counsel
                                           & Secretary
                                           NuVox, Inc.
                                           Two North Main Street
                                           Greenville, SC 29601
.                                          864—672—5045

            Date: March 14, 2005


Document Created: 2005-07-26 13:02:05
Document Modified: 2005-07-26 13:02:05

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